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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cartel Market Changes Coming in Fallen Empire!


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Two items per pack, only one actually related to the Cartel Market. Ohh man, that is a BIG change. Funny part is, people who fall for this pack-farming nonsense still will, and BW will make tons more money XD


Letting yourself be controlled by videogame gambling (or ANY gambling) is always a recipe for disaster. They're exchanging the default gambling noose for a noose with glass shards on it. But you (whoever's farming these packs) are still the one who put it on, and you're still the one who can take it off. I don't want to hear complaints about how BW is "forcing" you to spend more money on these packs, but I know I will. I'll shake my head, but I'll move on with life... and I won't be able to say the same for you.

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If the amount of stuff I get from packs is going down from like 5 to 2 (at least the regular XP boosts and certs had some use), the price of each pack had better be reduced as well. I'm frankly not pleased about how this is looking, as it'll be such a gamble to purchase one of the item packs (armor, weapons, etc.) and hope that I get the one thing I want out of the thousand that are in it (Like seriously, ***?).


Also, why on earth would you want to remove stuff from the reputation vendors that some of us put so much money into leveling? That's just a huge slap in the face. Not pleased with these changes one bit.


If i'm reading Tait's post correctly with only 2 items per pack we will be getting less bang for our buck. Instead of a possible combination of a mount + armour / weapon / decoration and such plus the rubbish, we now get 1 item plus a companion gift.


That's not more bang for my buck in my opinion, but an ever greater chance to get complete rubbish per hypercrate.


Happy to wait and see when it does go live ( and to be corrected on how I am interpreting the post ), but i'm not seeing any real benefit to those that purchase the packs / crates.

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If i'm reading Tait's post correctly with only 2 items per pack we will be getting less bang for our buck. Instead of a possible combination of a mount + armour / weapon / decoration and such plus the rubbish, we now get 1 item plus a companion gift.


That's not more bang for my buck in my opinion, but an ever greater chance to get complete rubbish per hypercrate.


Happy to wait and see when it does go live ( and to be corrected on how I am interpreting the post ), but i'm not seeing any real benefit to those that purchase the packs / crates.

As far as i can remember didn't we always just get 1 items of interest?

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As far as i can remember didn't we always just get 1 items of interest?

No, with the current setup four out of the five Packs in each Shipment have two "Rare" items. Only one Pack per Shipment - which is priced cheaper than the rest - has a single Rare item.

If i'm reading Tait's post correctly with only 2 items per pack we will be getting less bang for our buck. Instead of a possible combination of a mount + armour / weapon / decoration and such plus the rubbish, we now get 1 item plus a companion gift.


That's not more bang for my buck in my opinion, but an ever greater chance to get complete rubbish per hypercrate.


Happy to wait and see when it does go live ( and to be corrected on how I am interpreting the post ), but i'm not seeing any real benefit to those that purchase the packs / crates.

Well, the big question mark at the moment is that we don't know just what the "buck" part of that equation is yet. If the new 2-item Packs are the same price as the current 6-Item Packs, then yeah - I agree this is gonna be a bit of a price gouge. If they're priced a little cheaper, it might work out better overall.

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Can we please get a list of items you are removing from the Cartel Rep. Vendors so we can buy them before you stuff them in packs (forcing us to buy them once again.) I'm not 1oo% sure which items were going to lose, of course another player could list items they think will be left. Needless to say I'm not happy with this move and think they should be left on the vendor or as someone else suggested maybe add to the packs and vendors.


As other have said, what happen to cartel certificates? I like getting these from the pack I buy with credits so I can get the decorations. Will all new emote, title, and dye be put in these new bronze, silver, gold packs? We won't see them in the normal shipment packs? The how it sounds to me.


How many items will be in each pack? Will all decorations listed as gold (already embargo and new) be put into one huge pack or will they be divided into separate group packs? If so then our odd of getting any one item are going to be ridiculous rare, only get worse with each new pack.



Overall I'm not happy with these change, ok I like the filter features but beside that it feels like you taking away things and making us have to buy more packs (grand, gold etc) or wait hope for a directed buy to get the items.

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Without rep and certificates, I can't see myself ever buying another pack. I don't gamble, I buy large number of packs that ensures over time I max out rep and get the premium items that go on that vendor. Without this, I don't see myself spending the coins on a pack again.
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We will occasionally bring pack highly sought after pack items,


I think I found a punny typo. :p


Otherwise, good stuff! The bronze-silver-gold is especially useful. It took me far too long to lock down the difference between super rare and ultra rare.

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What will happen to the current packs/hypercrates we have stored in our banks? Will they be converted to this new, unattractive method of packs, or will I still have them in the state I purchased them in?


I would like this answer too, I think they have to stay the same. After all you bought them when you were given six items, so changing them after the purchase I assume it would be risky. Still it'd be nice to get an answer.

Edited by SithEmpress
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What about the prices ? You reduce the number of objects per pack, do you also reduce the price of the pack ? Idem for hyper pack


Also what about certifications ? Only available in old packs ? How will it work for decoration with certifications ?


thank you for an answer Tait !


I'm also curious about the prices, right now you pay 250 cartel coins for one pack you get 5 things. 2 actual items, and 3 misc things (jawa junk, Cartel rep, companion gear). Since that is going away, and we are now only getting 1 actual item and one crafting thing or companion gift, are you going to lower the cost of the packs? Because honestly I'm not going to pay 250 cartel coins for a RNG pack of one piece of junk and the chance to get one item that MIGHT be a gold level item. To me this sounds like a huge rippoff.


I have to agree with you, if they keep the current prices, you can say good bye to my spending any money for Cartel Credits for the purpose of purchasing any Cartel Packs or Hyper-Crates, that will be a deal breaker for me.

Edited by ObiLanJinn
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So did I read this right? 2 items per crate now, 1 an armor/mount/decoration, the other a gift? And it's using a pool of every released armor, ever? Do they really think people are going to buy into that?


And taking out reputation vendor items after people spent real money to max out that reputation is a despicable action. This developer team is so out of touch with reality on so many levels it's mind boggling.

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def what I wanted to see, you keep not caring at all about PVP, havent been touched for 2+ years. No new maps, no new ideas, no new concepts.


Just new season rewards that are usually between ugly-not liked.

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So if I wanted to get Legend with one of the previous shipments and there was no packs on the GTN it's impossible?

And it's also impossible to get more Jawa Junk?


And if we can't get more CM Certs, then what happens to the Decoration vendors that only take CM Certs? And the Ulgo Crown and other items only available with CM Certs?

I feel like they've only half explained these changes.

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What about knowing how many pieces of set you have unlocked? I bought stuff with the first pack and unlocked some of the pieces and I have no idea what pieces I am missing if any of them, you usually only find out by buying the pieces and waiting until you see the set unlocked message?
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If I understand this correctly, a person can now purchase an armor-only pack, etc?


If so, that's the single most fantastic change to the piss-poor cartel market ever. And, as someone who loathes cash shops, that's high-praise.

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If I understand this correctly, a person can now purchase an armor-only pack, etc?


If so, that's the single most fantastic change to the piss-poor cartel market ever. And, as someone who loathes cash shops, that's high-praise.


I'm not sure that you understand what's happening here... They're making it so every pack's items are all shared in crates for each category (weapons, armor, etc.), and that means that if you want a certain set and missed out when the pack was available, you have to gamble on getting it amongst every other armor set that's ever been on the CM and in every pack since CM launched. You know how absurd that sounds?

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What about knowing how many pieces of set you have unlocked? I bought stuff with the first pack and unlocked some of the pieces and I have no idea what pieces I am missing if any of them, you usually only find out by buying the pieces and waiting until you see the set unlocked message?


If you saw closely in the stream (was hard to, as it only appeared for a moment), just like a set bonus on armor, you will be able to see what pieces you're missing, both on your equipped character and from the Collections window.

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I feel like they've only half explained these changes.


Yeah, that happens a lot. I wish the devs would respond a little quicker. It's like they post something in the morning and don't bother checking for comments until days later.

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Enough with the *********** packs already. Just let us purchase the items we want directly from the market. :mad:


Oh, and would it kill you to sort the items in collections alphabetically by name? Search is good, but it's better to have everything in a predictable order.

Edited by GoldenHornet
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