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Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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I see many other upsides... like being able to play with friends and family that are lower level, making it easier for dev's to add content to older planets with out causing chaos for players trying to level characters, making it fun and challenging to actually explore all areas of a planet, preventing older planets from becoming dead zones, etc...


I have played MMO's with level sync before and I thought I would hate it too but it turned out to be a very good design decision.


I agree with Blue on helping people out is the best part of level-sync. That is the only valid benefit I'm seeing to level sync, BUT feel thats going to be ad-hoc at best and likely not used by many players. I'd like to see it optional just for that reason.

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I see many other upsides... like being able to play with friends and family that are lower level, making it easier for dev's to add content to older planets with out causing chaos for players trying to level characters, making it fun and challenging to actually explore all areas of a planet, preventing older planets from becoming dead zones, etc...


I have played MMO's with level sync before and I thought I would hate it too but it turned out to be a very good design decision.


As somebody else alredy pointed out that these situations (playing with lower level family/friends) are most likely not the key group they were making that for... I highly doubt that most people play that way. Hence an option would have solved that. Further, exploring all areas of a planet is also possible now. Without the then added hassle of being attacked/dismounted by NPCs.


The old planets will still be dead zones as they can and will not reflect the story of KOTFE. They will remain frozen in time. And the chances to revitalise them is about 50/50. Literally the same as now... :D

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No, thats a designers problem to deal with and down leveling everyone wont change that. Gamers tend to not rise to the occasion. Telling them to get better just doesn't happen in a large enough number. You might want that to happen, reality proves otherwise.


Never hurts to try.

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By this logic, wouldn't that mean that every single game should have a 'god mode' option? If no one should have to 'get better' to enjoy the product they pay for, wouldn't that completely invalidate any and all challenge / difficulty in games?


I'm just trying to figure out what your limiting principle is here for how you'd be able to draw a line between "well of course level 8 is harder than level 1, that's how the game works" vs "L2Play newb".


We are't talking every game though, just this one. This was a feature that was already part of the game and for whatever reason bw are changing it and i doubt it's to force people to get better at the game. Regardless of what i think of level sync and how i personally am looking forward to it, it can't be denied others enjoyed and got fun from how it was thus comproise would have been nice. So no challenge shouldnt be removed but choice should be offered and caarrots for taking up tbe challenge given.


Personally i think open world sync is going to be a huge hinderance than any sort of gain especially since we don't have to run in to heroics anymore tc.

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No one is forced to do anything in this game. But there should be consequences for playing poorly in an MMO or any game for that matter. It should motivate you to do better so you can get the rewards for playing good. And it's not like this game is hard in the first place to learn and master.


People are being forced to level sync when before they weren't.

Simpy removing god mode rewards would have accomplished you're next point and opional sync could still leave fun factor for any who wanted to experience it that way.

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People are being forced to level sync when before they weren't.

Simpy removing god mode rewards would have accomplished you're next point and opional sync could still leave fun factor for any who wanted to experience it that way.


MMOs change. They want people to use Level Sync. This is coming regardless of how much optional is being shouted.


Either get used to it or move on to something else and stop giving money. That's the simple reality of the situation.

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Never hurts to try.


Agreed. Why do you think I stick to wanting optional. One way is to one sided. Optional, everyone can get a play style they want. You want to be down leveled. Have at it. You want it all the time. Never click it off. You want something more in between or not at all. You got that optional too.


Never hurts to try.

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MMOs change. They want people to use Level Sync. This is coming regardless of how much optional is being shouted.


Either get used to it or move on to something else and stop giving money. That's the simple reality of the situation.


that's the same bright attitude that blizzard entertainment had with WOW. look where that got them, they lost 6 million subs in 6 months. the difference between WOW and SWTOR is WOW could afford to lose that many and still recover, SWTOR cant afford to lose 1/3 of its player base.


SWTOR isn't really a sand box game, when you aren't running FP/ ops or pvping there really isn't much to do except loiter in fleet. the older zones gave some people like me something to do by getting achivements, see older content that proved difficult while lvling to get into a group.


solo play does have its benefits such as convenience, lvl sync take this away. good luck getting that voss rep now, the weekly will prove difficult to get done with lvl sync.


oh and your comment about people leaving, "people are," I know, I am one of them, my sub runs out in November.

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Agreed. Why do you think I stick to wanting optional. One way is to one sided. Optional, everyone can get a play style they want. You want to be down leveled. Have at it. You want it all the time. Never click it off. You want something more in between or not at all. You got that optional too.


Never hurts to try.


Go for it. I have no problem with Optional at all. I'm just not expecting this close to launch.

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Agreed. Why do you think I stick to wanting optional. One way is to one sided. Optional, everyone can get a play style they want. You want to be down leveled. Have at it. You want it all the time. Never click it off. You want something more in between or not at all. You got that optional too.


Never hurts to try.


Completely agree. It really is just this simple.

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that's the same bright attitude that blizzard entertainment had with WOW. look where that got them, they lost 6 million subs in 6 months. the difference between WOW and SWTOR is WOW could afford to lose that many and still recover, SWTOR cant afford to lose 1/3 of its player base.


SWTOR isn't really a sand box game, when you aren't running FP/ ops or pvping there really isn't much to do except loiter in fleet. the older zones gave some people like me something to do by getting achivements, see older content that proved difficult while lvling to get into a group.


solo play does have its benefits such as convenience, lvl sync take this away. good luck getting that voss rep now, the weekly will prove difficult to get done with lvl sync.


oh and your comment about people leaving, "people are," I know, I am one of them, my sub runs out in November.


If that's what happens, that's what happens. It could very well end up being great for the game instead.

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that's the same bright attitude that blizzard entertainment had with WOW. look where that got them, they lost 6 million subs in 6 months. the difference between WOW and SWTOR is WOW could afford to lose that many and still recover, SWTOR cant afford to lose 1/3 of its player base.


Erm, it got them 11 million subscribers in the first place. Warlords wasn't their first expansion.


solo play does have its benefits such as convenience, lvl sync take this away. good luck getting that voss rep now, the weekly will prove difficult to get done with lvl sync.


You can get Voss rep without the weekly.


oh and your comment about people leaving, "people are," I know, I am one of them, my sub runs out in November.


Good luck in your future gaming endeavors!

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Go for it. I have no problem with Optional at all. I'm just not expecting this close to launch.


Me neither really. This close to launch and BW will barely open their mouth about some rather hot topics. It's bring more negative than they realized it would but I hope it bites BW in the rear like the change of direction blizzard did after 8 years of gaming. No flying and another uninteresting expansion hit blizzard really hard. Change like that has repercussions and I'd be OK if BW and SWTOR suffered a similar fate.


Maybe then BW will learn as blizzard is having too and some changes just to claim change isn't worth it. After all, SWTOR has been nothing but called a wow clone. Maybe it needs to lose 6 mill subs in 6 months. Oh wait, it can't.

Edited by Quraswren
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Me neither really. This close to launch and BW will barely open their mouth about some rather hot topics. It's bring more negative than they realized it would but I hope it bites BW in the rear like the change of direction blizzard did after 8 years of gaming. No flying and another uninteresting expansion hit blizzard really hard. Change like that has repercussions and I'd be OK if BW and SWTOR suffered a similar fate.


Maybe then BW will learn as blizzard is having too and some changes just to claim change isn't worth it. After all, SWTOR has been nothing but called a wow clone. Maybe it needs to lose 6 mill subs in 6 months. Oh wait, it can't.


"With the Force, I can do anything!" -Ashara Zavros(Random Combat Line)

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MMOs change. They want people to use Level Sync. This is coming regardless of how much optional is being shouted.


Either get used to it or move on to something else and stop giving money. That's the simple reality of the situation.


And people are annoyed about it and want to discuss and debate as they do most topics on this forum. Such things can often lead to change.


These discussions/arguments/debates happen regardless of what you might think about it so either get used to it or go peddle your "this is happening so get over it" crap somewhere else.

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And people are annoyed about it and want to discuss and debate as they do most topics on this forum. Such things can often lead to change.


These discussions/arguments/debates happen regardless of what you might think about it so either get used to it or go peddle your "this is happening so get over it" crap somewhere else.


Go for it, I'm not trying to stop anyone from discussing or debating it at all. I'm just stating my observation and opinion regarding Mandatory Sync coming regardless of what's being said here and offering the realistic solution to the issue for those who do not want Mandatory Level Sync.

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Me neither really. This close to launch and BW will barely open their mouth about some rather hot topics. It's bring more negative than they realized it would but I hope it bites BW in the rear like the change of direction blizzard did after 8 years of gaming. No flying and another uninteresting expansion hit blizzard really hard. Change like that has repercussions and I'd be OK if BW and SWTOR suffered a similar fate.


Maybe then BW will learn as blizzard is having too and some changes just to claim change isn't worth it. After all, SWTOR has been nothing but called a wow clone. Maybe it needs to lose 6 mill subs in 6 months. Oh wait, it can't.


WoW is hit because NOT wanting to change. As Blizzard said themselves "any change must be slow". Well there is something as TOO slow lol.


Trying to adhere to 15 years old principles with modern design doesnt mix well.


SWTOR isnt "being called" WoW clone, SWTOR is wow clone, and changes that make wows mistakes right are the way to go, because, as you said it yourself, following wow isnt particularly healthy.


WoW doesnt have level sync or anything remotely similar, in fact what YOU advise is what actually made wow lose 6+ m subs.

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WoW is hit because NOT wanting to change. As Blizzard said themselves "any change must be slow". Well there is something as TOO slow lol.


Trying to adhere to 15 years old principles with modern design doesnt mix well.


SWTOR isnt "being called" WoW clone, SWTOR is wow clone, and changes that make wows mistakes right are the way to go, because, as you said it yourself, following wow isnt particularly healthy.


WoW doesn't have level sync or anything remotely similar, in fact what YOU advise is what actually made wow lose 6+ m subs.

That because wow understand gamers like what they have and don't care to see it taken away. Soemthing BW has yet to learn. Change to fast like what SWTOR is doing isn't a solid move after 4 years. Solid staple game mechanics and features you can or choose not to participate in were amazing. They had raids and dungeons and had them in nearly every expansion.


Guess what happened when they start changing those things? Started to change core gaming experiences? They dropped subs. Guess what happened when they made an expansion without dungeons? They lost subs. Guess what happened when their story changed so drastically? They lost subs and when they relied on raiding to much at the expense of a staple wow game feature like new dungeons, they lost subs.


But after all that, even blizzard isn't stupid enough to down level everyone in a forced mechanic making the whole point of level less interesting. So what optional content did they create to bring back really old stuff? They have time walking (there version of down leveling of dungeon content) and in wow that didn't lose subs as it was optional not forced but guess what. Even that wasn't received well. Old content is old. Redoing it back on level is a limited time interest. SWTOR forcing everyone to down level all the time doesn't scream out successful just because they changed. Hell, if anything they didn't change enough given what I hear so it makes a forced change a bit pointless when we could have something a bit more optional and accomplish the same minimal effect a forced one does.


SWTOR and down leveling everyone in a game based on leveling up is a mistake at the core of leveling up in a 4 year old game. SWTOR leaving out new PVP and new FP and new OPS in an expansion is an expansion missing part of what makes expansions interesting. The down leveling is just added suckage on top of that. While I have no doubt the story will be good. That will be done and consumed so fast it will make BW's head spin.


Following wow exactly isn't a way to go but you'd be stupid to not look at what they do at times. It's not the biggest MMO is history for nothing and it's easy enough to see why they didn't down level everyone in the game. There just not that stupid to make that kind of weak change as SWTOR did to the base game to accomplish so little.

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That because wow understand gamers like what they have and don't care to see it taken away. Soemthing BW has yet to learn. Change to fast like what SWTOR is doing isn't a solid move after 4 years. Solid staple game mechanics and features you can or choose not to participate in were amazing. They had raids and dungeons and had them in nearly every expansion.


Guess what happened when they start changing those things? Started to change core gaming experiences? They dropped subs. Guess what happened when they made an expansion without dungeons? They lost subs. Guess what happened when their story changed so drastically? They lost subs and when they relied on raiding to much at the expense of a staple wow game feature like new dungeons, they lost subs.


But after all that, even blizzard isn't stupid enough to down level everyone in a forced mechanic making the whole point of level less interesting. So what optional content did they create to bring back really old stuff? They have time walking (there version of down leveling of dungeon content) and in wow that didn't lose subs as it was optional not forced but guess what. Even that wasn't received well. Old content is old. Redoing it back on level is a limited time interest. SWTOR forcing everyone to down level all the time doesn't scream out successful just because they changed. Hell, if anything they didn't change enough given what I hear so it makes a forced change a bit pointless when we could have something a bit more optional and accomplish the same minimal effect a forced one does.


SWTOR and down leveling everyone in a game based on leveling up is a mistake at the core of leveling up in a 4 year old game. SWTOR leaving out new PVP and new FP and new OPS in an expansion is an expansion missing part of what makes expansions interesting. The down leveling is just added suckage on top of that. While I have no doubt the story will be good. That will be done and consumed so fast it will make BW's head spin.


Following wow exactly isn't a way to go but you'd be stupid to not look at what they do at times. It's not the biggest MMO is history for nothing and it's easy enough to see why they didn't down level everyone in the game. There just not that stupid to make that kind of weak change as SWTOR did to the base game to accomplish so little.


Yeah, because losing 6+m subs in 3 months is the way to go....And guess what...they had dungeons and raids, gear grinds and everything.


Once you figure out raids and gear grinds dont keep people around (they never did really) any more youll get to move beyond 2005.


Its 2015 now.


"Solid staple game mechanics and features" made vast majority opt out of SWTOR rofl. Youre quite right about that. You can always choose not to play at all and that was preferred choice for SWTOR players since launch.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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I have some news for you all that may alter the tenor of the Oricon H2+ debate, I just had another look at this: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/19256422


And it shows all the available weekly heroics, there is NO, I repeat, NO listing for Oricon's H2+. So, what is happening to it? Is is being downgraded to full-solo, is it being nerfed in difficulty as an H2+, is it being kept as a daily, or what?


Also, while Ilum was mentioned, the Cz-198, Section X and Black Hole ones also aren't listed.

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No, thats a designers problem to deal with and down leveling everyone wont change that. Gamers tend to not rise to the occasion. Telling them to get better just doesn't happen in a large enough number. You might want that to happen, reality proves otherwise.


There's also the erroneous assumption that some make, that finding something tedious or a waste of time or an imposed grind / time-sink... is the same as being "unable" to do.

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There's also the erroneous assumption that some make, that finding something tedious or a waste of time or an imposed grind / time-sink... is the same as being "unable" to do.


"Don't worry you can achieve your hopes and dreams if you just Bo-Lieve!" -Bo Dallas (Random Wrestling Promo)

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