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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level synch = Revival of SWTOR


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7.) People who lack motivation to get better should either get motivated and adapt or step aside and do something more relevant to their skill sets. Trying to hide behind a alleged lack of capacity to do so is a poor excuse in an easy game.


Wow what an arrogant statement. Key word you seem to miss in all of that is it's a game, many people paly this for enjoyment and quite casually at that. No one should feel forced to HAVE to "get better" to enjoy the product they pay for.


Whilst this might be your motivation and maybe you are the sort of person who needs to succeed and "get better" at games like this to feel like they are succeeding at life you really shouldn't put such arrogant views on to other people.


It is for that initial reason ( individual's definition of what they find "fun" ) that the best solution to level sync was always to make it optional in terms of the community as a whole.


I've always held this view even though I am personally in favour of having sync and as limiting factor of non synced was to scale down/remove rewards to still keep a nice carrot on the stick for synced content and the benefits it brings to the group aspect of the game. Rewards need not be necessarily be considered part of having "fun" for the most part.

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Wow what an arrogant statement. Key word you seem to miss in all of that is it's a game, many people paly this for enjoyment and quite casually at that. No one should feel forced to HAVE to "get better" to enjoy the product they pay for.


Whilst this might be your motivation and maybe you are the sort of person who needs to succeed and "get better" at games like this to feel like they are succeeding at life you really shouldn't put such arrogant views on to other people.


It is for that initial reason ( individual's definition of what they find "fun" ) that the best solution to level sync was always to make it optional in terms of the community as a whole.


I've always held this view even though I am personally in favour of having sync and as limiting factor of non synced was to scale down/remove rewards to still keep a nice carrot on the stick for synced content and the benefits it brings to the group aspect of the game. Rewards need not be necessarily be considered part of having "fun" for the most part.


It all comes down to his eager assumption that anyone who disagrees with him or has a different experience of the game or enjoys the game differently, must be "bad" at the game.


You're never going to get past that with him, which is why I gave up trying to get through.

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Wow what an arrogant statement. Key word you seem to miss in all of that is it's a game, many people paly this for enjoyment and quite casually at that. No one should feel forced to HAVE to "get better" to enjoy the product they pay for.

By this logic, wouldn't that mean that every single game should have a 'god mode' option? If no one should have to 'get better' to enjoy the product they pay for, wouldn't that completely invalidate any and all challenge / difficulty in games?


I'm just trying to figure out what your limiting principle is here for how you'd be able to draw a line between "well of course level 8 is harder than level 1, that's how the game works" vs "L2Play newb".

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Wow what an arrogant statement. Key word you seem to miss in all of that is it's a game, many people paly this for enjoyment and quite casually at that. No one should feel forced to HAVE to "get better" to enjoy the product they pay for.


Whilst this might be your motivation and maybe you are the sort of person who needs to succeed and "get better" at games like this to feel like they are succeeding at life you really shouldn't put such arrogant views on to other people.


It is for that initial reason ( individual's definition of what they find "fun" ) that the best solution to level sync was always to make it optional in terms of the community as a whole.


I've always held this view even though I am personally in favour of having sync and as limiting factor of non synced was to scale down/remove rewards to still keep a nice carrot on the stick for synced content and the benefits it brings to the group aspect of the game. Rewards need not be necessarily be considered part of having "fun" for the most part.


No one is forced to do anything in this game. But there should be consequences for playing poorly in an MMO or any game for that matter. It should motivate you to do better so you can get the rewards for playing good. And it's not like this game is hard in the first place to learn and master.


It all comes down to his eager assumption that anyone who disagrees with him or has a different experience of the game or enjoys the game differently, must be "bad" at the game.


You're never going to get past that with him, which is why I gave up trying to get through.


Just like you gave up on understanding how you can easily speed past mobs on your speeder when level sync comes out, right?

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By this logic, wouldn't that mean that every single game should have a 'god mode' option? If no one should have to 'get better' to enjoy the product they pay for, wouldn't that completely invalidate any and all challenge / difficulty in games?


I'm just trying to figure out what your limiting principle is here for how you'd be able to draw a line between "well of course level 8 is harder than level 1, that's how the game works" vs "L2Play newb".


There's nothing wrong with expecting players to understand what their primary stat is for each class, what each of their powers does, what order they're generally best used in, etc.


What is ridiculous, whoever, is someone who reads a post that says "I'd rather not have to fight through or evade the same area-trash mobs yet again just to get this entirely unrelated content done today, it's tedious"... and immediately jumps to the unfounded conclusion that the poster who wrote that comment doesn't know how to play their class or how to avoid mobs while on a speeder.


It gets old fast when players say "this is a nuisance" or "this will make X content more tedious", and the same person keeps reading that as "this is too hard" or "I don't know what I'm doing". It goes past obtuseness, to a rather transparent need to browbeat other players for imaginary faults, thinly veiled in the "willingness to help".


And heaven forbid anyone actually refuse that person's thinly-veiled "help", well, then, they're just a "bad on purpose". :rolleyes:

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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All hail Reno_Tarshil! If we all aspire to become like him, perhaps we can all get rewarded with a sweetie! :rolleyes:


*Smh, facepalm*


There's just no getting through to you, heaven help us if any of the devs are even remotely like you; I'm actually not jealous, I just don't like being forced out of a game on the say-so of arrogant elitists like you.


Congratulations. Changing what I said in my Quote in a drastic over the top exaggerating fashion proves you can't handle basic discussions with differing opinions.

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There's nothing wrong with expecting players to understand what their primary stat is for each class, what each of their powers does, what order they're generally best used in, etc.


What is ridiculous, whoever, is someone who reads a post that says "I'd rather not have to fight through or evade the same area-trash mobs yet again just to get this entirely unrelated content done today, it's tedious"... and immediately jumps to the unfounded conclusion that the poster who wrote that comment doesn't know how to play their class or how to avoid mobs while on a speeder.


It gets old fast when players say "this is a nuisance" or "this will make X content more tedious", and the same person keeps reading that as "this is too hard" or "I don't know what I'm doing". It goes past obtuseness, to a rather transparent need to browbeat other players for imaginary faults, thinly veiled in the "willingness to help".


Unwillingness to accept easy solutions to your issues is your problem, not level syncs.

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Whether or not any individual feels bad for the players who can't solo H2+s, the issue remains as to whether or not the game will be financially successful if it leaves those players 'feeling punished' under the new system. That being said, anyone who claims to know the answer to that question at this stage is kidding themselves


If only Eric showed us what the sync does to a 60 on Oricon, if we're still 60; I can survive, just.



Sorry mate, but it's absolutely doable - before SoR I was solo-ing Oricon's H2+ without BiS gear (I just used the Ultimate Comm gear still in their 'factory presets', never swapped out any Mods to do any min-maxing of the stats, never had any set bonuses). I don't claim to know how many players are able to solo it vs how many cannot, but I do know he's not lying when he says it's possible.


If we get synced to 55, GUARANTEED we won't have the old ultimate 180 stats; ideally, whatever level we're synced down to, our stats and comp stats should be the BiS purples for that synced level, lavishly generous synced stats.


It's possible, BARELY possible, if you just stick to the sentinel/marauder champ and his bonus chum of similar weaponry/abilities. That's what I've done with 172s at 60. But then, I never tried it before 3.0 because I never had a hope in hell of even getting basics, let alone ultimates.


Highly dubious at best, outright lies at worst.

Even if they did do it, those players would be the exception not the rule, so how's about you get off your high horse and cease looking down everyone else.


I know my skill rotation, I know how to play my toon, I've spent 3 years doing so. To insinuate thats its just me being "bad" is ludicrous.


That's it exactly, I don't pretend to know how easy everything is for them; but I do know that because it's sooooooo easy for them, it is sheer unmitigated arrogance for them to suggest it should be easy for us mere mortals. No-one's best efforts are good enough for people like Reno, whatever we do; he would continue to raise the bar so high, that everyone dies of heart attacks. But, don't worry now; our Lord is happy, so we should be. :p


Though seriously, I respect his right to hold whatever opinion he fancies; but heaven help ANYONE if his grand designs came to pass, all protests would be squashed as well I'd bet.


To be fair, 55's could, but depending on class, spec and gear level, it was either obnoxiously hard and required Heroic Moment ability spam or it was a cakewalk if you interrupted the right things.


Wasn't 55 Oricon also pre 3.0 where interrupt cooldowns went through the roof too? Certain tanks had like... 4-6 sec interrupts when specced for it back in the day.



It was also only CERTAIN Commanders you can solo, with being infinitely easier than others due to perma-CC on some. Bleh, I don't want to try level-synched Oricon again >_<


If it were up to Reno & Co, EVERY enemy EVERYWHERE would be a NiM 16m boss with a planet-wide aggro range, and aoe hard-stun terminating series of shots. And anyone who couldn't beat it (NO-one could) needs to L2P, apparently. :rolleyes:


Well, not exactly; but he's dead against making anything easier for anyone, because he doesn't want anything easier for himself. If people are playing a game, they should be tortured and suffering; they have no right to enjoy themselves in any way whatsoever outside of a gaming deity's vastly inflated view, and need constant reminding of how worthless they are. Sure sounds like a fun gaming experience to me...:rolleyes:


I've never been able to try soloing the Oricon H2+ at 55, because I' was always way above 55 when I arrived to do the story, having done Makeb, Cz-198 etc. If BW:A gives us and our comps lavish sync stats (like, us and our comps are powerful enough for a group of two or three players), then it should be, hopefully, doable for all 8 champs there, and for all heroics everywhere else.

Edited by sentientomega
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If only Eric showed us what the sync does to a 60 on Oricon, if we're still 60; I can survive, just.


If we get synced to 55, GUARANTEED we won't have the old ultimate 180 stats; ideally, whatever level we're synced down to, our stats and comp stats should be the BiS purples for that synced level, lavishly generous synced stats.


It's possible, BARELY possible, if you just stick to the sentinel/marauder champ and his bonus chum of similar weaponry/abilities. That's what I've done with 172s at 60. But then, I never tried it before 3.0 because I never had a hope in hell of even getting basics, let alone ultimates.


That's it exactly, I don't pretend to know how easy everything is for them; but I do know that because it's sooooooo easy for them, it is sheer unmitigated arrogance for them to suggest it should be easy for us mere mortals. No-one's best efforts are good enough for people like Reno, whatever we do; he would continue to raise the bar so high, that everyone dies of heart attacks. But, don't worry now; our Lord is happy, so we should be. :p


If it were up to Reno & Co, EVERY enemy EVERYWHERE would be a NiM 16m boss with a planet-wide aggro range, and aoe hard-stun terminating series of shots. And anyone who couldn't beat it (NO-one could) needs to L2P, apparently. :rolleyes:


Well, not exactly; but he's dead against making anything easier for anyone, because he doesn't want anything easier for himself. If people are playing a game, they should be tortured and suffering; they have no right to enjoy themselves in any way whatsoever outside of a gaming deity's vastly inflated view, and need constant reminding of how worthless they are. Sure sounds like a fun gaming experience to me...:rolleyes:


I've never been able to try soloing the Oricon H2+ at 55, because I' was always way above 55 when I arrived to do the story, having done Makeb, Cz-198 etc. If BW:A gives us and our comps lavish sync stats (like, us and our comps are powerful enough for a group of two or three players), then it should be, hopefully, doable for all 8 champs there, and for all heroics everywhere else.


1.) You'll be 55 since that Zone is for 55 Players.


2.) Fortunately for you, you don't need 180 stats for Oricon. What you will have is all the benefits of being Level 65 at level 55.


3.) It's funny that you're getting upset at me wanting players to get better at the game for their own benefit.


4.) Again with the 16m Nonsense. We are talking about Heroics, chillax and follow along. Or is that just as difficult for you?


5.) False, I'm not against anything. I'm not even against the Optional being a thing. I'm expressing my opinion about how easy this game is and that people should learn to be better at it because "Anything is possible with the Force." -Force-Ghost Revan (Shadow of Revan)


6.) Luckily for you, you'll be able to get your chance to in a week. :)

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Okay, so there is disagreement over how to describe the level of skill required to solo [Heroic 2+] Missions at par level - and, this being the internet, the discussion over that disagreement has of course boiled down to the two most extreme possibilities: 'good enough = only those with exceptionally godlike skill can pull it off' and 'good enough = any drooling idiot who can tie their own shoes should be able to do this'.


For the sake of argument, let's play this out with the 'exceptionally skilled' definition. Even if that is the case, the post-level sync scenario is going to be:

  • There are a select number of missions available throughout this game which are designed to be done with a group of two-to-four players working together. If a player is exceptionally skilled, then they can complete these missions by themselves instead.


What is so terrible about that game design? Yes, there are certainly players who prefer soloing to grouping. But I don't think there are so many people who are that opposed to grouping that this setup will actively drive players away in droves just because they won't be able to solo the Heroic missions that they used to be able to over-level anymore.


And again, that is with positing the 'extremely skilled' definition - if the reality is even remotely closer to "There are a select number of missions available throughout this game which are designed to be done with a group of two-to-four players working together. If a player is marginally skilled, then they can complete these missions by themselves instead" then that seems like it would cut down even further on the number of players who would leave over it.

Edited by DarthDymond
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1.) You'll be 55 since that Zone is for 55 Players.

Doubt it. It seems like the level sync takes you to the max level where you'd still receive XP. I believe Oricon still gives "green" XP to level 59 players at least. Even if the sync takes you to the max level where you'd get "yellow" XP, that'd still be level 57 at least.


EDIT: It's not conclusive or anything, but for what it's worth Dromund Kaas is a "level 10-16" planet, and in the livestream demo the level sync took Eric's character to level 18 on that planet.

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Doubt it. It seems like the level sync takes you to the max level where you'd still receive XP. I believe Oricon still gives "green" XP to level 59 players at least. Even if the sync takes you to the max level where you'd get "yellow" XP, that'd still be level 57 at least.


A fair possibility, I believe it to be Level 55 Instead because that's what the intended level for the zone was.

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What is so terrible about that game design? Yes, there are certainly players who prefer soloing to grouping. But I don't think there are so many people who are that opposed to grouping that this setup will actively drive players away in droves just because they won't be able to solo the Heroic missions that they used to be able to over-level anymore.


Well, skill vs NPC's is usually hard to define as far as 1 player vs 1 or more mob goes.



For Heroics, it's not so much a case of skill, as some classes have an infinitely easier time than others due to certain tools at their disposal. See Assassin/Shadow and their ability to cc humanoid mobs (from stealth mind you), of which almost every Heroic is comprised of, so they can skip 3/4 of it... while say a Commando like my main has to fight several dozen mobs to get to the same point.


At launch, at level stealth classes were the only ones who could solo Heroic 4's and did so for cash. They had to outright move certain mobs around Heroic's closer to clickies to prevent them from doing so as easily, it was so bad.



It can get VERY class-by-class basis, with who can abuse what trick. I can't play stealth classes anymore because it just feels dirty in PvE and PvP.

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Okay, so there is disagreement over how to describe the level of skill required to solo [Heroic 2+] Missions at par level - and, this being the internet, the discussion over that disagreement has of course boiled down to the two most extreme possibilities: 'good enough = only those with exceptionally godlike skill can pull it off' and 'good enough = any drooling idiot who can tie their own shoes should be able to do this'.


For the sake of argument, let's play this out with the 'exceptionally skilled' definition. Even if that is the case, the post-level sync scenario is going to be:

  • There are a select number of missions available throughout this game which are designed to be done with a group of two-to-four players working together. If a player is exceptionally skilled, then they can complete these missions by themselves instead.


What is so terrible about that game design? Yes, there are certainly players who prefer soloing to grouping. But I don't think there are so many people who are that opposed to grouping that this setup will actively drive players away in droves just because they won't be able to solo the Heroic missions that they used to be able to over-level anymore.


And again, that is with positing the 'extremely skilled' definition - if the reality is even remotely closer to "There are a select number of missions available throughout this game which are designed to be done with a group of two-to-four players working together. If a player is marginally skilled, then they can complete these missions by themselves instead" then that seems like it would cut down even further on the number of players who would leave over it.


Well, not to sound conceited, but I know if it's the marginally skilled way, come 4.0; and whatever character and with whatever dps spec I use, I should be home.


I'm not opposed to grouping if I know I can just about solo whatever it is; see, I feel heroic 2+s are something I, personally, SHOULD be able to solo without being life-support-machine-dependent upon help every single time I come to do them. Ideally, every single heroic should be soloable with any combination of char/comp roles, even dps/dps (At Ilum and for the Area 2+ on Belsavis' Section X, I soloed these at 55 with such a squishy-pair combo, back before 3.0), with even the weakest-parsing dps spec. Are they Pyro/plasmatech and Ruffian/Lethality? I'm not sure, except from the dulfy guides I read some months ago.


Anyway, I'd rather marginally skilled be the focus reference; rather than exceptionally skilled, it means that people can group if they want to, and not get trolled/fgriefed by 99% of PUGs with a repair bill accumulation fetish that they are hell-bent on imposing on everyone else.


Wishful thinking, maybe; but that "This mission may require a small group." notification as seen here: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/swtor-heroic-mission-terminal.jpg


That MAY, or may not be more for the benefit of newer players, rather than those of us who've been there and done that. I just wish Eric showed us the sync implications for Oricon, so I'd have all the info I need on soloability; because that's where the real crunch test is, not an under-20 planet.


Doubt it. It seems like the level sync takes you to the max level where you'd still receive XP. I believe Oricon still gives "green" XP to level 59 players at least. Even if the sync takes you to the max level where you'd get "yellow" XP, that'd still be level 57 at least.


EDIT: It's not conclusive or anything, but for what it's worth Dromund Kaas is a "level 10-16" planet, and in the livestream demo the level sync took Eric's character to level 18 on that planet.


Technically, you can still gain XP from a green mission and green mobs if you're 6 levels above (61 for Oricon, it would be for instance), at 7 the mission goes grey, and it's variable when mobs go grey; staying above the content when levelling by 4-6 levels was a real saving grace for me when levelling up when comms were scarce, thus gear, especially ear/implants. I think that mobs go grey closer to your level difference earlier on, whereas level 50s are still green to 60s. Not 100% sure, but I think 49s are grey if you're 59.


Failing them syncing us above max level, I'd suggest BW:A consider my Mandatory Sync Level Range Options idea as found in my signature, which would set a below and above max range of level options (absolutely no higher than 6 levels above the max planet level range, and only that high for planets covering 1 or 2 levels, like Quesh, the 50s, 55s, etc, it'd be a a lower range, like 4-5 above max for large-level-range planets, covering 3+ levels), but keep PvP-flaggeds at the same level. You'd arrive on a world synced at the standard BW:A-set synced level, and, if not PvP-flagged, you can pick from a range of levels to be re-synced to. If you become flagged while there, you automatically become synced to the BW:A standard synced level (if the blog prevails, the max level for a planet).

Edited by sentientomega
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By this logic, wouldn't that mean that every single game should have a 'god mode' option? If no one should have to 'get better' to enjoy the product they pay for, wouldn't that completely invalidate any and all challenge / difficulty in games?


And I am inclined to say YES to that. I freely admit that I cheat with all my single player off-line games. At least at the beginning. I get better those things no problem, but I get better at my terms. Or to chime in to the general question: I should get better at any game, but not if it's forced. Unfortunately real life forces me already a lot so I don't need that in games.

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You're not actually on any sort of moral high ground, here.


I don't consider myself to be one. I just don't go around bragging that I ignore people just because they don't agree with me. Second off, I don't attack people as well unless I am. I don't call people noobs for not liking what I don't and try to be logical.

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I can't understand to point of rage. I read countless post everyday. Curse this, curse that...

I rarely see lvl 60 peoples in old planets. They all hang out fleet or guild ship. I never see real both high and low lvl action PVP on PVP planets. Also, it's just fair to balance levels in PVP planets. Also it will prevent heroic farming to gain money.

If your point is " I want to 1shot on low planets, i don't want to fight low lvl losesrs as equal" It was wrong from the start. Most of players want LVLSYNC from beginning to prevent overlevelling that causes to game look like easy and dumbed.

Now you will fight with the limitations as it should be. Don't fret... Grow up...

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Second off, I don't attack people as well unless I am. I don't call people noobs for not liking what I don't and try to be logical.


^ Well that's a complete utter fabrication and quite possibly an outright lie. Anyone can read your post history to confirm. But keep telling yourself that...

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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I never see real both high and low lvl action PVP on PVP planets. Also, it's just fair to balance levels in PVP planets. Also it will prevent heroic farming to gain money.


Now you will fight with the limitations as it should be. Don't fret... Grow up...


Two points: Yes I understand the appeal of level synch for PVP servers. It will create at least some sort of balance and fairness even though high level players will still be very powerful suppossedly. But I wonder why that should also apply to PVE servers. I decided for PVE because I really don't like PVP. So I really don't care about PVP issues as a matter of fact.


Secondly, whats with that "as it should be" attitude that a lot of people exhibit? Where does it say how you should play a game? And if we are at this point: Why is your "should be" more valuable than my "should be"? Even if I agree that level synch is the way it "should be", I firmly believe that Bioware is then 4 years to late. In law I would speak of a protection of legitimate expectations or even a frustration of contract. Maybe I could accept level synch if they where to institute it for 4.0, which seems more like a SWTOR 2.0. But not suddenly for every part of the game...

But alas my frustration is not so much with you or the pro team, but rather with Bioware for telling its players casually in a stream and then go on vaccation. :D

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Secondly, whats with that "as it should be" attitude that a lot of people exhibit? Where does it say how you should play a game? And if we are at this point: Why is your "should be" more valuable than my "should be"? Even if I agree that level synch is the way it "should be", I firmly believe that Bioware is then 4 years to late. In law I would speak of a protection of legitimate expectations or even a frustration of contract. Maybe I could accept level synch if they where to institute it for 4.0, which seems more like a SWTOR 2.0. But not suddenly for every part of the game...

But alas my frustration is not so much with you or the pro team, but rather with Bioware for telling its players casually in a stream and then go on vaccation. :D


I'm pretty sure there is a document from times of initial development, with notes on game design, which states exactly how it should and should not be played. Most likely it got changed overtime, as it should have, but it's still there. The simple presence of game rules supports that assumption. Denying that fact is denying Bioware basic level of competence. And in the end of the day, game should be played the way THEY see it, and no other way around. Sometimes it aligns with our desires, sometimes it doesn't. If we don't like it, we can quit. Simple as that.

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1.) You'll be 55 since that Zone is for 55 Players.


2.) Fortunately for you, you don't need 180 stats for Oricon. What you will have is all the benefits of being Level 65 at level 55.


3.) It's funny that you're getting upset at me wanting players to get better at the game for their own benefit.


4.) Again with the 16m Nonsense. We are talking about Heroics, chillax and follow along. Or is that just as difficult for you?


5.) False, I'm not against anything. I'm not even against the Optional being a thing. I'm expressing my opinion about how easy this game is and that people should learn to be better at it because "Anything is possible with the Force." -Force-Ghost Revan (Shadow of Revan)


6.) Luckily for you, you'll be able to get your chance to in a week. :)



People play games for different reasons. You obviously do it to challenge yourself/be challenged and overcome difficult obstacles, because that gives you a sense of pride or a similar sensation.

But you really need to understand that other people like other things and you can't force them to like what you like. It's really as simple as that.


No matter how hard a coach would try, I would not be a good pole vault jumper. That's because 1) I am physically unable to do it and 2) I have no interested in doing it. Now matter how many time he would shout; YOU CAN GET BETTER AT THIS! No. No I can't.


This system is truly ruining certain content for some players. Literally.

I'll take myself as an example; Back when it was released I tried Oricon. I died. Oh man, I died SO MANY times. But I made it through the story with a lot of anger, a lot of irritation and being forced to look for help from other people. After I did that, I never visited the planet again for a LONG time (because the experience to me was THAT bad). In fact, I only tried it again after finishing the post Revan emperor storyline stuff. Now it was doable and an okay experience. I cannot imagine myself visiting that place ever again if I'm synced down to lvl 55, so basically I have that content taken away from me because the way I would have to play to actually make it doable for me would mean I don't actually enjoy what I'm doing. And why would I play a game doing something I don't enjoy?


Some people want an easy experience. Some people want to relax and have fun playing a game, not be challenged everywhere they go with their character. Some people are just not as good as others at games, but they still enjoy it and so they overlevel content so it isn't so challenging for them anymore.


Yes there's the 'bad' reasons for people not wanting to be level synced, like wanting to gank lowbies on a pvp server or farming world bosses solo, and while I don't agree with those things; if that's how they enjoy the game then let them. There are always ways that the game could avoid other players being the victim of people with 'bad' intentions, but right now people who don't want forced level sync because of valid reasons are the ones who are getting screwed over.

Edited by Tahra
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People play games for different reasons. You obviously do it to challenge yourself/be challenged and overcome difficult obstacles, because that gives you a sense of pride or a similar sensation.

But you really need to understand that other people like other things and you can't force them to like what you like. It's really as simple as that.


No matter how hard a coach would try, I would not be a good pole vault jumper. That's because 1) I am physically unable to do it and 2) I have no interested in doing it. Now matter how many time he would shout; YOU CAN GET BETTER AT THIS! No. No I can't.


This system is truly ruining certain content for some players. Literally.

I'll take myself as an example; Back when it was released I tried Oricon. I died. Oh man, I died SO MANY times. But I made it through the story with a lot of anger, a lot of irritation and being forced to look for help from other people. After I did that, I never visited the planet again for a LONG time (because the experience to me was THAT bad). In fact, I only tried it again after finishing the post Revan emperor storyline stuff. Now it was doable and an okay experience. I cannot imagine myself visiting that place ever again if I'm synced down to lvl 55, so basically I have that content taken away from me because the way I would have to play to actually make it doable for me would mean I don't actually enjoy what I'm doing. And why would I play a game doing something I don't enjoy?


Some people want an easy experience. Some people want to relax and have fun playing a game, not be challenged everywhere they go with their character. Some people are just not as good as others at games, but they still enjoy it and so they overlevel content so it isn't so challenging for them anymore.


Yes there's the 'bad' reasons for people not wanting to be level synced, like wanting to gank lowbies on a pvp server or farming world bosses solo, and while I don't agree with those things; if that's how they enjoy the game then let them. There are always ways that the game could avoid other players being the victim of people with 'bad' intentions, but right now people who don't want forced level sync because of valid reasons are the ones who are getting screwed over.


I have nothing against how a person plays this game because I have no control over it. All I can do is point out my past experiences in regards to content in question and provide my opinion and possible tips if asked on how to better my fellow players on content I find easy that they seem to struggle on.


Their choice not get to get better for w/e reason doesn't really matter to me in the grand scheme of things, since it's not that big a deal.


While this discussion has been fun and entertaining, it ultimately doesn't matter because what does matter is Mandatory Level Sync is most likely coming regardless about how anyone feels about it. Will it become optional? Maybe but don't bet on it till you see proof.

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I'm pretty sure there is a document from times of initial development, with notes on game design, which states exactly how it should and should not be played. Most likely it got changed overtime, as it should have, but it's still there. The simple presence of game rules supports that assumption. Denying that fact is denying Bioware basic level of competence. And in the end of the day, game should be played the way THEY see it, and no other way around. Sometimes it aligns with our desires, sometimes it doesn't. If we don't like it, we can quit. Simple as that.


Yes, there is always an intended way of how game should be played by developers. However, if lot of players do things differently, devs forcing the players to change their way of playing is not always correct. Sometimes its those dev mistakes that make a game enjoyable. I know numerous cases where devs attempting to change the way people play has only accelerated a games path to oblivion.

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I'm pretty sure there is a document from times of initial development, with notes on game design, which states exactly how it should and should not be played. Most likely it got changed overtime, as it should have, but it's still there. The simple presence of game rules supports that assumption. Denying that fact is denying Bioware basic level of competence. And in the end of the day, game should be played the way THEY see it, and no other way around. Sometimes it aligns with our desires, sometimes it doesn't. If we don't like it, we can quit. Simple as that.


Actually, there was significant shift somewhere in SWTORs development, and KOTFE is more aligned to their INITIAL idea of the game, before it stared shifting to "it must be like WoW or else" attitude.

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