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Level-Sync is a GOOD thing


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I'd be much more at ease if it was the Oricon H2+ could be livestream-proven-soloable, and I mean by the most casual of casual players. Ye blue-blooded gamer gods who can solo faceroll 16m NiM at or level while somersaulting and juggling, please stop insisting that because it's easy for you, it can't possibly not be that way for anyone else. And, before you say "L2P noob", this is supposed to be a game, not a second job, it's therefore supposed to be fun.


If all the H2+s are casual-easy soloable, I'll be more at ease, enough to be in support of the changes 100%.


Somewhat connected to the above, a guide to detail what the scaled-down levels (18 on DK, for instance) would be helpful, so we can have some idea of what we can expect, especially to the under-60 planets.


Thank you OP, for writing this. It's very true.


Just to add on, making the Level-sync optional would actually HARM OWPvP, as people who had level-sync on to do the heroic 2+'s would get murdered by gankers without level-sync every time. Personally I'd like to avoid hurting OWPvP anymore than it has been hurt.


Very simple solution, tie the down-scaler with being flagged, so that it's arbitrary when flagged for PvP, which means it'll probably be non-negotiable for PvP servers.

Edited by sentientomega
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When an area has bolster, everyone is bolstered to the "same level" and it is not optional. There is no situation where someone is bolstered and someone is not bolstered. Even characters that do not need bolster are bolstered.

Is the GSI bolster for Makeb always on now?

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Thank you OP, for writing this. It's very true.


Just to add on, making the Level-sync optional would actually HARM OWPvP, as people who had level-sync on to do the heroic 2+'s would get murdered by gankers without level-sync every time. Personally I'd like to avoid hurting OWPvP anymore than it has been hurt.


This is the reason why I proposed that it would be better to do forced level sycing in the heroic areas only. I think this method is a good compromise.

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OP preaches again as a Biodrone.


Show me the many requests on the forums pre-KotFE requesting mandatory scaling. Don't bring me "mentoring," bring me mandatory scaling on low level planets. You did say it had been requested over and over.


Or maybe you're an idiot who eats up recycled bullsh content and calls it "new."


Anytime you remove an option, you remove content.


AKA, you disagree with him, and therefore he is wrong and an idiot. Great job, you must excel at debates. (sarcasm if you couldn't get it.)

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Personally I just think it's going to be inconvenient. I'm done with the low level game pretty much. I've played since launch, I have all the advanced classes to 60. When I go to a low level planet it's nice to have the trash mobs ignore me as I travel around. I've been there, killed them. I don't have any desire to do it again.


All the level sync is doing is wasting my time, making my game play more tedious.

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I have wanted something like this since launch. I love just about everything about it. Being the top of the planet level requirements with all abilities, utilities and high-end gear... You can still faceroll just about everything on the planet. Add in many opportunities to rake in comms...



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It's a good thing for anyone coming to the game.


Since it's evidently a substitute for new content, much like old ops being raised to 65 are, it's a meh for us already here. But hey, we're a bit masochistic aint we. I know BW hits me like this but it loves me! :p

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I disagree. Nothing will ever stop ganking. Level scaling sure as hell isn't That doesn't need to be forced on everyone in some piss poor attempt in stopping something that cant be stopped.




You trying to tell me my Sith Lord, chair holder on the dark council is somehow even remotely close to the acolyte right outside? That some terrible design alone before I ever even add a RP factor to it.




Mandatory was a screw up. Something that should have been optional from design day one got turned into a forced leveling down of everyone in the game because they wanted to make 4 year old content something some new gamer wants to look at. Sorry but thats not enough reason to force this on everyone.


No, it won't stop ganking, but it will give the victim of ganking the ability to defend himself to where he has a chance.


I personally think this is a good change.

Edited by Cordarn
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disagree. Nothing will ever stop ganking. Level scaling sure as hell isn't That doesn't need to be forced on everyone in some piss poor attempt in stopping something that cant be stopped.

Nope, nothing will; however, this allows the victim of ganking (like on tatooine) to defend himself to the point of where he has a chance.


I think that people are underestimating how strong that they will be when their 60 or 65 gets synced down. They will have all of their abilities, utilities and very good armor. Most players leveling up on that planet won't put up enough of a fight in PVP. As far as PVE goes, synced players will still roll over just about everything on the planet.

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You trying to tell me my Sith Lord, chair holder on the dark council is somehow even remotely close to the acolyte right outside? That some terrible design alone before I ever even add a RP factor to it.

No. What we are telling you is that when you level up your Sith Lord and let's say you are currently at level 47 and visit Corellia you are in danger when Rebel thugs or Padawans attack you but when you go back to Alderaan you one-shoot Jedi Masters. How is that a street thug is far superior than a Jedi Master? That some terrible design alone before we even add a RP factor to it. On top of if we actually add RP factor then it makes even less sense because Jedi Masters that you one-shoot are claimed in lore "to be one of the greatest knights the Republic sent to defend bla bla".


So far what level syncs haters produced from themselves can be summed up as "I don't like it. Take it away" or twisting the facts and other users' posts while all the objective advantages and facts (since it worked in other games) are completely ignored by people like you.

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Can you repost your TLDR, I'm too lazy to click the spoiler link :p


Seriously tho, I'm really looking forward to level-sync. Sure, it'll be bumpy for a few weeks while they iron out the creases, but in the end it will bring us all back playing the same game, together again.


I'm personally looking forward to the implications for World-PvP, where everyone can participate, regardless of level! :D

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now if only they buff all the planetary mobs by 20%.....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Hmmmm. Well, since most of the mobs in this game can be one-shot even with average gear at-level without a sync factor involved ... not a bad idea for some mobs, actually. I'd leave the champs and WBs alone, but maybe trash mobs could use a helping hand.


From the day I created most new characters, even using crappy loot gear, and not even using buffs or even worrying about rotations, my characters one-shot trash mobs all the way through the stories.


From your smilies, I gather that was a sarcastic post. But the neat part is you actually post a good point, regardless. :)

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Hmmmm. Well, since most of the mobs in this game can be one-shot even with average gear at-level without a sync factor involved ... not a bad idea for some mobs, actually. I'd leave the champs and WBs alone, but maybe trash mobs could use a helping hand.


From the day I created most new characters, even using crappy loot gear, and not even using buffs or even worrying about rotations, my characters one-shot trash mobs all the way through the stories.


From your smilies, I gather that was a sarcastic post. But the neat part is you actually post a good point, regardless. :)


BW:A deliberately lowered mob HP for 3.0, to make it EASIER for players to level. It is not a good point, you really want to add insult to injury, since we already have compulsory down-scaling on the way? I also believe that you are exaggerating player power in at at-level content...

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BW:A deliberately lowered mob HP for 3.0, to make it EASIER for players to level. It is not a good point, you really want to add insult to injury, since we already have compulsory down-scaling on the way? I also believe that you are exaggerating player power in at at-level content...


Not really. After leveling 16 characters to 60 (Yes, I am a casual player. i am not like the rest of you guys and have the max 22 characters per server all max leveled) I think I am able to form enough of an observation that simply pressing "1" and watching the mob die in 2 hits constitutes for easy killing, and this is wearing green crap gear from missions. But hey, there are times when i am in a hurry, so I press "2", maybe "3" and "4" and the mob just dies in one hit. I keep my AoE for any class on "7", "8" and "9", so if I feel like watching everything in an area die in 2 presses of an AoE, that's where I go.


Bear in mind I am ONLY referring to trash mobs, not elites/champions. Silvers are kind of neutral. At least they take a few hits also to down. But I have always found "normal" mobs in this game to be just fodder for target practice.

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But I have always found "normal" mobs in this game to be just fodder for target practice.


It's the least those mobs could do for us, going down like flies in a flash. Having all mobs as max level 16m NiM ops bosses with aoe channeled terminate moves is not my idea of fun...


And it's a very slippery slope, making mobs harder to kill.

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It's the least those mobs could do for us, going down like flies in a flash. Having all mobs as max level 16m NiM ops bosses with aoe channeled terminate moves is not my idea of fun...


And it's a very slippery slope, making mobs harder to kill.


Well I just said it sounded like a neat idea. It doesn't bother me, either way. just saw a comment in the thread and tossed in my two credits about it. So don't worry, I am not going to start some forum movement to make mobs harder to kill :)


Not going to be like the sync threads and start flipping out because others have a different opinion. (Translation: I respect your opinion) :)

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