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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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Marr is a force ghost. He is dead and giving him gifts and making conversation choices meant nothing and was a waste of time and gifts.


Should be concerned about the state the game is in with 4.0 and the direction it now takes rather than a character in the narrative. :rolleyes:


Different people have different concerns, while you might find that lvl sync (for example) bothers you more, I'm more bothered by this. This thread is to express a desire to save Darth Marr, and discuss possibilities and theories to do that. If you're bothered by other problems, there are plenty of threads to do it, but to come here and tell me what I *should* care about isn't the answer. If other things bother me, I go to one of the threads that talk about it.

Sorry to hear that your experience isn't what you hoped either. :/

Edited by Lunafox
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Marr is a force ghost. He is dead and giving him gifts and making conversation choices meant nothing and was a waste of time and gifts.


Should be concerned about the state the game is in with 4.0 and the direction it now takes rather than a character in the narrative. :rolleyes:


That actually might NOT be a force ghost.


Yes, for all intents and purposes, it looks JUST like one... However, he could easily replicate it such a look using a hard to master force technique: Force Phantom


The key requisites for the ability (other than knowledge of how to use it):


- Immense force of will (check)

- Incredible amount of force power (check)


Other than that, the rest goes part and parcel with knowledge of the ability. If Marr indeed knows this ability, he very well could be imprisoned, or playing dead. However, I am unsure if Bioware was aware of such an ability or willing to use it in such a case... :(

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That actually might NOT be a force ghost.


Yes, for all intents and purposes, it looks JUST like one... However, he could easily replicate it such a look using a hard to master force technique: Force Phantom


The key requisites for the ability (other than knowledge of how to use it):


- Immense force of will (check)

- Incredible amount of force power (check)


Other than that, the rest goes part and parcel with knowledge of the ability. If Marr indeed knows this ability, he very well could be imprisoned, or playing dead. However, I am unsure if Bioware was aware of such an ability or willing to use it in such a case... :(


That could be possible. I really do hope so.

It's possible this was planned. Yea, at first they say he died.. Or did he...? We will find out, on the next chapter of, KNIGHTS OF THE FALLEN EMPIRE!!!


But seriously, i will be damn happy to find out that Marr did not actually die even tho it seemed so, but got badly wounded and he has been recovering his strength patiently. 2 possibilities; he is hiding somewhere far away, since he is weakened so in this state he must stay out of harms away, but still alive. Or he is frozen in carbonite but still able to communicate with Satele. Like Valkorion communicates to you while you were frozen.

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At the moment i don't remember where i found this but, there are supposed to be hidden achievements, like getting Lana and/or Marr etc influence to certain level.


And getting influence level to 50 fast is going to cost a lot of creds so anyone with enough credits to test it, please do it. :D


And btw,

Marr likes Weapon and Military Gear gifts, Favorites Trophy gifts and Loves Technology gifts.


I got Darth Marr up to Influence level 15... he still died.

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Marr is a force ghost. He is dead and giving him gifts and making conversation choices meant nothing and was a waste of time and gifts.


Should be concerned about the state the game is in with 4.0 and the direction it now takes rather than a character in the narrative.



That actually might NOT be a force ghost.


Yes, for all intents and purposes, it looks JUST like one... However, he could easily replicate it such a look using a hard to master force technique: Force Phantom


The key requisites for the ability (other than knowledge of how to use it):


- Immense force of will (check)

- Incredible amount of force power (check)


Other than that, the rest goes part and parcel with knowledge of the ability. If Marr indeed knows this ability, he very well could be imprisoned, or playing dead. However, I am unsure if Bioware was aware of such an ability or willing to use it in such a case...


Liqour, just read my huuuge post and Im pretty sure you will start to think "umm, maybe hes not dead." I presented a few ways he could have survived, I can present more if you want.


Silenceo 100% agreed. Also, Bioware has to know about all the force powers and such. In order to make them ingame they had to check which exist and which dont. Which could be made and such.


Now I can not say for sure how Marr survived that blast. But I have theories, arguments and I have sources that can back them up. I mentioned this before so Im just gonna copy paste it.


Btw Im suprised no one has commented on that I said I believe our player will die and come back to life.


"If Darth Marr predicts his own death then he would be ready for it. He would know what would happen, who would kill him and such. He wasnt ready for what happened in the throne room, since he hadnt even realised who Valkorion was. So that could not be his true death.


Also Marr could have used Force Barrier to defend himself against the biggest blows of Valkorions lightning attack. But some still hit him since his armor was literally smoking and you could see some electricity moving around on/in him.


Darth Marr´s armor could have been made of a material that was resistant to electrical currents. So his armor would get hit and electrocuted. But it would not harm Darth Marr. So only the blast himself pushed him away, knocked him down and knocked him out.


“Darth Plagueis also implied that the users' abilities with Force Lightning would grow even stronger when subjected to their own attack.“

Couldnt that mean that Darth Marr would be able to resist Force Lightning and have built of a sort of biological defense to it? That hes less susceptible to being attacked by Force Lightning. Since Darth Marr is one of the Sith who can use Force Lightning. Over Darth Marr´s years he has very likely been attacked by Force Lightning before. So maybe after all this time hes built up a sort of resistance to being attacked by it.





“Due to the fact that Force lightning was, at its core, simply electricity generated by the dark side, it could be grounded with any material that was resistant to electrical currents.“"

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1) Moments after Marr is blasted with lightning, we see Valkorian do the exact same thing to Arkann, yet he gets back up and walks away from it.


2) Marr has an influence meter and gets "approval" or "disapproval" messages during conversations. Why would BW bother with that if Marr was going to be just killed off so early in the story anyway? Why bother making Marr a companion at all? They could have had him just run around the ship with you as an NPC, fighting alongside you, like we've already done in game with other characters before.

To be fair, I think Valkorian was holding back with his son because he didn't actually want to kill him.


As for allowing us to gain approval with Marr, it might be nothing more than to prove No Companion Is Safe in KotFE. So we don't assume any of the other new folks are off the hit list just because we've spent time gaining influence with them.


Or (and I really, really hope I'm wrong here) maybe there was a way to save Marr early on in development and then for whatever reasons they decided against it later, but the companion mechanics for him were never removed.

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To be fair, I think Valkorian was holding back with his son because he didn't actually want to kill him.


As for allowing us to gain approval with Marr, it might be nothing more than to prove No Companion Is Safe in KotFE. So we don't assume any of the other new folks are off the hit list just because we've spent time gaining influence with them.


Or (and I really, really hope I'm wrong here) maybe there was a way to save Marr early on in development and then for whatever reasons they decided against it later, but the companion mechanics for him were never removed.


Im not so sure Valkorion was holding back on Arcann. After all hes now manipulating us to create the Alliance and stop Arcann. Arcann killed Thexan, I doubt Valkorion approved of that.



Ok I will admit that it could, be possible that letting us gain influence with Marr and then taking him away as a companion can serve as a message that no companion is safe from death. (And I said taking him away as a companion because the simple fact is, we do NOT know 100% for sure if Marr is dead or alive. We can debate it until were blue in the face. But no one can go right out and say with 100% certainty that Marr is alive or dead.)


But I still think that if Marr is gone for real now it would just be a waste of time to have a influence meter on someone you have around 3 conversations with. You dont even get to go into the galaxy with him like all other companions.


This made me think of something, Mass Effect 3. For those who have played it, on Mars Ashley/Kaiden gets injured. Then is stuck in the hospital forever. Its not until like two thirds of the game later we get to have her as a real companion again. So, maybe they are doing the same thing with Darth Marr.

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Im not so sure Valkorion was holding back on Arcann. After all hes now manipulating us to create the Alliance and stop Arcann. Arcann killed Thexan, I doubt Valkorion approved of that.


Wow, I had a totally different interpretation of that event. I assumed Arcann killing Thexan was the first thing either of the brothers had done their entire lives that merited Valkorion's attention. Pitting your twin sons against each other and only recognizing one after he slays the other? Such a extreme, evil emperor thing to do. :)


Regarding Marr, I wonder if it's possible to gain influence with his spirit if he's dead? Not really sure what purpose that would serve, but if the player finds Satele at some point, it seems likely that we'll have at least one conversation with Marr as well. Also, between the two of them is quite a bit of Force knowledge. I wonder if they'll end up figuring out how to remove Valkorion without killing the player.

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Regarding Marr, I wonder if it's possible to gain influence with his spirit if he's dead? Not really sure what purpose that would serve, but if the player finds Satele at some point, it seems likely that we'll have at least one conversation with Marr as well. Also, between the two of them is quite a bit of Force knowledge. I wonder if they'll end up figuring out how to remove Valkorion without killing the player.


Well Im still hoping that Marr is alive and that we will at some point have him as a companion again, and then the influence thing will be explained. Because we will have need of it later.


Also that is one reason why I think Darth Marr´s part of the story is NOT over. Just what you said. He could know how to get Valkorion out of our heads. But also, as Ive stated before he would be an extremely powerful ally. A true experienced leader and military strategist. Think of all the resources, contacts and allies he could bring from the Empire. The player we play as ingame doesnt have any real command experience. Story wise there is a lot that can still involve Darth Marr. Things he could know about Valkorion, ways he could help defend the Empire from Arcaan. Even a way to get Valkorion out of our heads. I think some people are underestimating how much Darth Marr could offer to the story. Hes a powerful Sith with much more knowledge and experience than our players. He knows more about the force then our character does. It is actually very likely that we need him to get Valkorion out of our heads. It is a matter of the force. Darth Marr was there when it happened. It is logical to assume that we will need the help of powerful force users to first get Valkorion out of our heads and then keep him from jumping into someone else. Right now the only powerful force users we have seen to chapter 9 is Satele, Lana and Darth Marr. And Im talking really powerful, not just every member of the Sith or Jedi Order.


But back to topic. After watching the throne room scene several times. Watching Valkorions lightning attacks hit first Darth Marr then Arcann. It is easy to see both attacks are just as big and just as strong. Arcann got up and walked away. So that just proves that Darth Marr isnt dead, if Arcann survived it so did Marr. Also, if you pay attention you will notice Darth Marr´s body is removed when Vaylin orders the guards to clear the room. Which could be that Vaylin has Marr put in carbonite or in prison. If Marr had died why bother remove his corpse for added privacy? Marr could still be conscious but just to weak and/or injured to move or do anything. Or he could be unconscious, but his subconscious could still listen to conversation. It is actually a medical fact that people in a coma can still hear things around them and remember them once out of the coma.

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This is a wild theory and I don't know if anybody mentioned something similar but, what if he pulled a Revan on us? I mean, what if "his light side" died and turned into a Force Ghost but his dark side remained within his body and probably got carbonized? Though he may not be as powerful as Revan, he totally knows the concept is possible.

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This is a wild theory and I don't know if anybody mentioned something similar but, what if he pulled a Revan on us? I mean, what if "his light side" died and turned into a Force Ghost but his dark side remained within his body and probably got carbonized? Though he may not be as powerful as Revan, he totally knows the concept is possible.


Most of this is just theories based of the few facts we have. But that could be possible. But at the same time there is 1 problem with that theory. That happened to Revan because he had one of both, a light side and a dark side. He was first a Jedi 300 years ago ingame, then turned into a Sith. Then after that landed in the middle and became both at the same time. While Marr is a full fledged Sith. Sure it is possible, Marr is powerful, maybe not as powerful as Revan. But it could be possible for him to do it.


But Im mostly trying to argue and prove that Darth Marr is alive. Because arguing that he could come back to life is, well probably trickier. So far I think Im doing good. I have presented a number of reasons and ways Darth Marr could be alive. Ive explained and backed up with proof how we see him as a force ghost does not have to mean that hes dead. Honestly I think its quite impossible to deny all the points and arguments Ive made to prove that Darth Marr is alive.

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I always figured there was one other thing I wanted resolved... the Lord Scourge thing. KotFe & Jedi Knight & Sith Warrior minor spoilage.



Darth Marr knew what the emperor was up to as did Lord Scourge. Lord Scourge however, kept running away to find powerful people to prod into killing the emperor for him. Eventually he turned traitor and settled on an obscure jedi (yeah i play sith mostly.. does it show?) Anyway, I always wanted some sort of a showdown (even a minor telling off with stern looks?) between the current ... err.. ex-Wrath and the previous ex-Wrath.


With Darth Marr showing how you could build an alliance to take on the emperor rather than run away and hide behind jedi skirts.... I always kind of wanted him to take Lord Scourge apart for treason and cowardice. Lord scourge can't be allowed to disappear into the ether while all this is happening, especially seeing as how Darth Marr has died establishing the truth (although I'm not convinced we know what that truth is yet), which at least he was able to let others know through the force.


And what the hell is with Jedi Queen hiding up in the hills with Darth SpookMarr watching everyone else doing the heavy lifting? I realise there are similarities between the original story and where this is going, but I don't want Marr to waft in and out... I want him bossing people around and getting all serious with his gorgeous deep voice. I'll even put up with his Americanisms plopped on top of a more cultured English style accent, without complaining!


And we all know this conflict is ultimately going to succeed for the most part as bad guys always build their reactors close to the air vents on their space stations..... this whole being dead thing... is just a minor setback!! Yes, if that other company could redux a dead guy, so can BW.


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But at the same time there is 1 problem with that theory. That happened to Revan because he had one of both, a light side and a dark side. He was first a Jedi 300 years ago ingame, then turned into a Sith. Then after that landed in the middle and became both at the same time. While Marr is a full fledged Sith. Sure it is possible, Marr is powerful, maybe not as powerful as Revan. But it could be possible for him to do it.

According to the Wookieepedia, 'Marr's history was shrouded in secrecy: anyone who possessed knowledge of his past refused to reveal anything they knew after the Sith Lord came to power'. He ascended to the Dark Council in his early twenties though, so that doesn't leave a lot of time to go off and become a Jedi master first.


Still, there must be something odd in his past if no one will talk about it. This is yet another reason why I hope Marr sticks around. I guess saying someone's past is 'shrouded in secrecy' is an easy out story-wise, but I'm still hoping we get to find out more eventually.


Also, thanks for the discussion folks! It's nice to see some other players who also enjoy the character. :)

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According to the Wookieepedia, 'Marr's history was shrouded in secrecy: anyone who possessed knowledge of his past refused to reveal anything they knew after the Sith Lord came to power'. He ascended to the Dark Council in his early twenties though, so that doesn't leave a lot of time to go off and become a Jedi master first.


Still, there must be something odd in his past if no one will talk about it. This is yet another reason why I hope Marr sticks around. I guess saying someone's past is 'shrouded in secrecy' is an easy out story-wise, but I'm still hoping we get to find out more eventually.


Also, thanks for the discussion folks! It's nice to see some other players who also enjoy the character. :)


Okay you could be right about that. Many Sith start out as Jedi. Considering a typical Jedi starts his/hers training around the age 10 it could be possible that Marr was a Jedi for a little while. Now we have no proof but maybe Marr was once a Jedi, possibly with a different name back then. It is logical that he wouldnt want any Sith today to know of his past. He wouldnt want to be considered weak or sympathetic to Jedi or such.


But also maybe he just had a bad past, rough childhood. Or maybe he just witnessed or experienced something horrible, dramatic or something that really effected him. But yeah this is just speculation.


MissyMI I definitely also hope Marr sticks around and that hes alive. I can give you several dussin reasons why, but my main one will do. Hes my favorite Star Wars character ever! Plus we know so little about him. I think its time we got to fill in the gaps. I seriously doubt hes going to ingame sit down and talk about his past and open up to us. But I dont know, maybe there will be missions with Marr (aka he needs to be alive, which he is) that resemble his past. After each mission he tells us a little about that time period. Or something like that.


But I did rewatch the Throne Room scene from FE. And after watching the throne room scene several times. Watching Valkorions lightning attacks hit first Darth Marr then Arcann. It is easy to see both attacks are just as big and just as strong. Arcann got up and walked away. So that just proves that Darth Marr isnt dead, if Arcann survived it so did Marr. Also, if you pay attention you will notice Darth Marr´s body is removed when Vaylin orders the guards to clear the room. Which could be that Vaylin has Marr put in carbonite or in prison. If Marr had died why bother remove his corpse for added privacy? Marr could still be conscious but just to weak and/or injured to move or do anything. Or he could be unconscious, but his subconscious could still listen to conversation. It is actually a medical fact that people in a coma can still hear things around them and remember them once out of the coma.


So yes, point is I think hes very much still alive.

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In case anyone jumps to this page without realizing. :)


But I did rewatch the Throne Room scene from FE. And after watching the throne room scene several times. Watching Valkorions lightning attacks hit first Darth Marr then Arcann. It is easy to see both attacks are just as big and just as strong. Arcann got up and walked away. So that just proves that Darth Marr isnt dead, if Arcann survived it so did Marr.

Still not quite with you regarding the lightning theory. Though the attacks did look quite similar, isn't it possible that Arcann is simply more powerful than Marr by that point and can survive it?


I would be totally on board if we hadn't seen Marr's spirit talking to Satele. I guess it could be some kind of force communication that looks a great deal like a ghost, but the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. After getting my hopes up that we could save him when that Unmarred achievement was discovered (and then removed), I'm reluctant to get re-invested without more concrete information. :)


The other nail in the coffin for me (no pun intended!) is the way Marr speaks to Satele. He just sounds so incredibly calm and a bit remorseful, especially in the 'Even when my life depended on it, I did not see him properly until it was too late' line. He was such a strong dark side presence in the Empire, I figured he'd be haunting Zakuul's throne room seeking vengeance, not speaking to his former enemy like they were drinking tea together or something.


I don't know. :( Every time I see his name in the Contact list, it bums me out. Kind of wish they'd just remove the 'dead' names if they really are gone forever.

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Most of this is just theories based of the few facts we have. But that could be possible. But at the same time there is 1 problem with that theory. That happened to Revan because he had one of both, a light side and a dark side. He was first a Jedi 300 years ago ingame, then turned into a Sith. Then after that landed in the middle and became both at the same time. While Marr is a full fledged Sith. Sure it is possible, Marr is powerful, maybe not as powerful as Revan. But it could be possible for him to do it.


The Marr force ghost we see seems to be pretty light side to me. He expressed concern that so many people would die fighting Arcann, I doubt a dark side Marr would care that much.

Personally I think Marr will help out the alliance in fute but whether that is as a force ghost or in person I don't know.

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In case anyone jumps to this page without realizing. :)



Still not quite with you regarding the lightning theory. Though the attacks did look quite similar, isn't it possible that Arcann is simply more powerful than Marr by that point and can survive it?


I would be totally on board if we hadn't seen Marr's spirit talking to Satele. I guess it could be some kind of force communication that looks a great deal like a ghost, but the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. After getting my hopes up that we could save him when that Unmarred achievement was discovered (and then removed), I'm reluctant to get re-invested without more concrete information. :)


The other nail in the coffin for me (no pun intended!) is the way Marr speaks to Satele. He just sounds so incredibly calm and a bit remorseful, especially in the 'Even when my life depended on it, I did not see him properly until it was too late' line. He was such a strong dark side presence in the Empire, I figured he'd be haunting Zakuul's throne room seeking vengeance, not speaking to his former enemy like they were drinking tea together or something.


I don't know. :( Every time I see his name in the Contact list, it bums me out. Kind of wish they'd just remove the 'dead' names if they really are gone forever.


The Marr force ghost we see seems to be pretty light side to me. He expressed concern that so many people would die fighting Arcann, I doubt a dark side Marr would care that much.

Personally I think Marr will help out the alliance in fute but whether that is as a force ghost or in person I don't know.




It is possible that Arcann could be more powerful then Marr, he was after all trained by Valkorion.


But one thing that bothers me and that keeps me thinking that the ghost of Marr we see isnt Marr. Its like Infidelious said, its so light side looking. Plus I cant recall anywhere, not in any movie or on wookieepedia any Sith that appear as light side looking ghosts. Yes Anakin did in Star Wars 6, but that was once he was redeemed and once again light side. If his ghost was red as in Sith looking that could explain it more. But its blue, as a Jedi. Darth Marr is a true believer in the Sith code. So A, why would he appear as a Jedi force ghost? And B, why would he show so much concern at the end of chapter 9. He is a Sith after all. It seems to much good guy ish for him to worry about loss of lives. Im not saying hes 100% evil, not all sith are, look at Lana. But it just seems like someone who believes in the Sith code fully and even is a member of the dark council, a ruthless warrior. I dont know just wouldnt care that much. Sith typically have little concern of others lives.


Also that line, "Even when my life depended on it, I did not see him properly until it was too late". That can refer to life and death. But it could also refer to his way of life, his daily life. He doesnt elaborate that he means his true death. Yes it sure sounds like he means life and death in that way. But the simplest conclusion isnt always the right one.

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But its blue, as a Jedi. Darth Marr is a true believer in the Sith code. So A, why would he appear as a Jedi force ghost? And B, why would he show so much concern at the end of chapter 9. He is a Sith after all. It seems to much good guy ish for him to worry about loss of lives.

I looked up a couple of the videos for the Inquisitor story because there are plenty of Sith spirits there and they appear the same color as Marr's ghost. For example: Darth Andru


I think they only look red when possessing someone, like during Ziost.


As for Marr's spirit seeming more 'light side', I agree with you both and also find it odd. But this is a man who's creed was 'Life is the enemy, death is our solace'. Maybe his perspective has changed now that he's not personally responsible for the fate of the Empire?

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I looked up a couple of the videos for the Inquisitor story because there are plenty of Sith spirits there and they appear the same color as Marr's ghost. For example: Darth Andru


I think they only look red when possessing someone, like during Ziost.


As for Marr's spirit seeming more 'light side', I agree with you both and also find it odd. But this is a man who's creed was 'Life is the enemy, death is our solace'. Maybe his perspective has changed now that he's not personally responsible for the fate of the Empire?


Yes I also noticed that so that he looks blue, that is resolved.


But that doesnt explain the rest. They are on Odessen, if Marr died he died on Zakuul. So how can his ghost travel/move so far? While all other dead Sith are like, bound to their tombs. Because he could be alive and just using the force to create an illusion of himself to Satele.


So, I suppose the real question here is, if Marr´s body is not on Odessen then how is his spirit there with Satele? I doubt Vaylin had Marr´s body dumped on the same planet the Alliance base is on. And why does his personality seem to change? Answer, imposter, possibly Valkorion himself. It just seems like Darth Marr has changed. I know he and Satele have grown well, a mini friendship I guess you can call it. And if hes dead I suppose that could have changed him a little to. But in the end of Chapter 9 he seems to care for the loss of life. And he still seems so calm and collected for someone who is a true believer in the Sith Code. And for someone who has no emotions left. Even in FE story when you chose to warn everyone on the ship, when you pick the light side option to abandon ship it sais "Darth Marr disapproves". So one moment he doesnt like that people on the ship survived, that we warned them. But later hes like, concerned that many are apparently going to die, judging from what he said.


Or hes alive, using the force to project an image of himself as stated before. And his near death encounter with Valkorion changed him a bit. So he actually cares for life at least a little now.

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I'd say he is dead, but that there is a way to save him that nobody has found yet. If this is the case, I'd say one prerequisite is max influence with him, and other than that it probably requires making very specific choices throughout chapter 1. Might also be class or morality dependent,...
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