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Please...About Darth Marr (There might be KotFe Spoilers here be careful...)


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I did the story on one toon, and have 12 more to get from 60-65 that just take one gf op run. why would i do the story again. choices dont really matter...when you choose to stop continuing the story matters.


To be sure I'm understanding: Your solution is to not finish the story and, thereby, keep Darth Marr?

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you are correct. nothing really changes after your first playthrew, so why bother completing it again if you want to keep marr or even hk


Ahh alright, now I see. Well I dont want him to just be your companion. I would like Darth Marr alive and I dont know, in command of his own ships again. Like it was before the FE story. It just seems weird to run around with Marr as a companion in the galaxy knowing that hes suppose to die, almost die, or die and come back to life.


Games have done some really stupid things because of fan complaints. (i.e. Removing Teras Kasi.) Still, I think keeping Marr alive would be the smart thing to do for the fan base. Or making him live again.


I've always favored the brain, as opposed to the cliche bludgeoning until they stop moving. I willingly and readily admit that not all video game warriors are that cliche, but a lot of games tend to go with it because it's easy.


I'd imagine Marr could pick up essence transfer post-mortem, if nothing else. (Zash manged it and she's an idiot!) I don't imagine that they start off the afterlife knowing how to be Force ghosts, so there must be a learning curve. It's not unreasonable to assume that, if there is a body available, he could figure it out. He's not stupid. And, I never said it had to be his plan from the beginning. Maybe someone else thinks to use a clone of him to gain a foothold....


Put him in a healthy body and let him have a drink or three with my Inquisitor. Sorry, Lana, I'm trading up! ;)


Good, in this case, is relative. He has a warrior's code of honor, and I can respect that. I noticed more than a bit of rage in the Makeb storyline, for instance, when he was talking of soldiers sacrificed for potentially nothing. He is not wasteful, unlike some. Pragmatic? Yes. Deliberately and thoughtlessly extravagant in his plans? No. He is Dark, but not a monster. By Sith standards, that's a good man - or a 'good guy,' if you will.


Not sure who Teras Kasi is, but yeah some stupid choices have been made. But indeed, Marr being alive or alive again would be the smart one.


If my main could become Darth Marr´s apprentice I sure as hell would. My main character is mini Marr hehe. Ive always thought of Marr as just being the purest Sith ever. He does what Sith should do, use the force/dark side to defend the Empire.


Well Im not all "rahh, for Sparta" warrior type lols. I also prefer brain, a mix of brain and muscle is what my characters go for. Not just pure strength but wisdom, honor, dignity and such. The warrior code of honor, like you described Marr, thats how my main is. My main is like Marr 2.0. In every decision after Marr dies, or doesnt die Im like "what would Marr do?".


Yeah, by Sith standards hes a good guy. And how you just described him, like another reason why I and probably many others love his character.



But anyways, lets just sum up what we have cleared up.


*It is possible that if Marr is dead that it truly is his spirit that we see later. His personality as a spirit may seem odd and more well, good guy like. But death is a traumatic experience, it is possible that it changed him a bit.


*But it is also possible that the blue spirit we see of Marr is a force projection Marr makes of himself to contact Satele and speak with her. Or it could be a holocall, we just dont see the device.


*If Darth Marr is dead then it is also possible for his spirit to show up far from his body. In Inq story a dead sith can leave his tomb, all it takes is power, which he mentions. So it is possible that Marr could travel to another planet in his spirit form.


*It is possible, but perhaps more unlikely Marr survived Valkorions lightning. Unlikely because he, as others have said, was already dying and weakened.


Now there are still a lot of maybes left.

Did Darth Marr have some clone? Maybe.

Did he know transfer essence to move himself into that clone? Maybe.

Could Marr be alive somehow but still in carbonite? Maybe.

Could Marr be alive somehow and not be in any prison or in carbonite? Maybe.

Could Valkorion or Vaylin have healed Marr for some future plans? Maybe.


The only question I can say yes to is. Can Darth Marr come back to life if he is dead? Yes. There are plenty of ways that could happen.

Edited by AkeroStar
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If we want to go waaaaaaay out there with theories about how to potentially get Darth Marr back... well, as the Outlander you've got

an entity who understands the secret of transcending death riding shotgun in your brain, so there's that.



Perhaps a massively ill-advised Dark Side choice (exercising Force abilities no mortal was meant to wield) is in order?

Edited by Nocturnalchemy
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Ok. So let's look at this from another perspective. Who are we dealing with here, BW. What have they shown a propensity to do and do well? Tell stories. What is a cornerstone of those tales, what makes them compelling? Emotional investment and the twist and turns therein.


So... given that, I don't think Marrs is dead. Folks, we aren't at the end of the tale, we are at the beginning. That scene with Satele? It could be a force projection as he is trapped somewhere else. Hec, it could be an actual holo-communicator. We don't know. The significant part is Marr is talking to her as an ally and not a foe. And most importantly, we are dealing with BW here. Pulling hearts strings and bringing Marr back is probably the hook near the end of these first 16 chapters. But, it may cost us.


Beyond that? You can bank on losing one or two other popular NPCs. The determining factor will be the choices you make now. In fact, the choices you make now, maybe determine if your character sees Marr again. So... be careful.


So remember this post in Chapter 16. Marr is alive. I'm convinced of it. In the meantime, remember, we are just getting started.

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Ok. So let's look at this from another perspective. Who are we dealing with here, BW. What have they shown a propensity to do and do well? Tell stories. What is a cornerstone of those tales, what makes them compelling? Emotional investment and the twist and turns therein.


So... given that, I don't think Marrs is dead. Folks, we aren't at the end of the tale, we are at the beginning. That scene with Satele? It could be a force projection as he is trapped somewhere else. Hec, it could be an actual holo-communicator. We don't know. The significant part is Marr is talking to her as an ally and not a foe. And most importantly, we are dealing with BW here. Pulling hearts strings and bringing Marr back is probably the hook near the end of these first 16 chapters. But, it may cost us.


Beyond that? You can bank on losing one or two other popular NPCs. The determining factor will be the choices you make now. In fact, the choices you make now, maybe determine if your character sees Marr again. So... be careful.


So remember this post in Chapter 16. Marr is alive. I'm convinced of it. In the meantime, remember, we are just getting started.


Very much agreed Rafaman. This is just the beginning, and BW loves toying with us. The question we still ask ourselves if Marr is dead or alive is one thing that will keep us playing the story. But he is alive. Like Rafaman said and Im sure some of you have experienced in other BW games, they love to make us think a character is dead. Then suddenly he/she is alive again. They make us think the character is dead so we will be like "Revenge! Memorial!" anything so we want to continue the story. Then we might get hints like "gasp, he/she is not dead, I can rescue and/or save him/her". Characters as big and epic as Marr rarely die for real in any BW game. Thats what keeps us playing.


If we knew for a fact we would see Darth Marr again that would make us jump up and down and we couldnt wait to play the next chapters. So if we actually twist and turn what we have seen so far of Marr in FE story it actually hints that he is alive. Since one scene, like Marr and Satele by a fire is interpreted in 10 different ways. "Hes really dead." "No its just a holocall". "No, hes using the force to project an image of himself." etc. All that draws us in, so we buy the game, we make a subscription and buy the expansions. If everyone knew "FE story, means death of characters, yay so fun, not" then no one will play FE. And BW is a lot about making money. If no one likes FE story BW will get less money. Admit it, no one likes a game where beloved characters die. There are 0 successful games like that.

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(snipped that part because I am now determined to ignore that "solution")


Not sure who Teras Kasi is, but yeah some stupid choices have been made. But indeed, Marr being alive or alive again would be the smart one.


Teras Kasi was a martial art designed to allow regular folks to take down Jedi.


If my main could become Darth Marr´s apprentice I sure as hell would. My main character is mini Marr hehe. Ive always thought of Marr as just being the purest Sith ever. He does what Sith should do, use the force/dark side to defend the Empire.


Well Im not all "rahh, for Sparta" warrior type lols. I also prefer brain, a mix of brain and muscle is what my characters go for. Not just pure strength but wisdom, honor, dignity and such. The warrior code of honor, like you described Marr, thats how my main is. My main is like Marr 2.0. In every decision after Marr dies, or doesnt die Im like "what would Marr do?".


Yeah, by Sith standards hes a good guy. And how you just described him, like another reason why I and probably many others love his character.


I love talking to like minded people. :D



One example I forgot to mention - he approves of "Ramming Speed!" That is a vicious "I'll take them down with me" and "I'll sacrifice myself for the Empire," all in one. Which just about sums up Marr.



But anyways, lets just sum up what we have cleared up.


(snipped for brevity)


The only question I can say yes to is. Can Darth Marr come back to life if he is dead? Yes. There are plenty of ways that could happen.


Good summary! Nocturnalchemy had a good point under the spoiler tag, too. And your conversation with Rafaman also has some good points. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if and or when they've decided that we've suffered enough.


Meanwhile, I'm going to just sit here and pray to the dev gods that they give us back our Marr.

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Teras Kasi was a martial art designed to allow regular folks to take down Jedi.




I love talking to like minded people. :D



One example I forgot to mention - he approves of "Ramming Speed!" That is a vicious "I'll take them down with me" and "I'll sacrifice myself for the Empire," all in one. Which just about sums up Marr.





Good summary! Nocturnalchemy had a good point under the spoiler tag, too. And your conversation with Rafaman also has some good points. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if and or when they've decided that we've suffered enough.


Meanwhile, I'm going to just sit here and pray to the dev gods that they give us back our Marr.



I enjoy talking to open minded people as well. Close minded people seem to have no imagination or creativity.

And yeah I kinda liked that he approved that "Ramming Speed!" choice, lols. Its exactly what you said. If hes going down hes taking all his enemies down with him. For The Empire!


We all have good points that are pro and con Marr being alive. But yup we can speculate and discuss this for weeks. But the only thing that will give us a real answer is to play the rest of the story in...January. Buhu so long until then. Dx


Bioware your making us wait for the next chapters. You better not be having us wait for something we will hate. Like Darth Marr being dead for real, or if hes dead for real that hes dead not coming back to life.



After KotFE concludes we can move onto "Shadow of Marr"


That would actually be a good idea. Explore the past of Sith we know so little about, like Darth Marr.

Edited by AkeroStar
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So remember this post in Chapter 16. Marr is alive. I'm convinced of it. In the meantime, remember, we are just getting started.

I'm not convinced Marr is alive, but it was incredibly mean of BW to add him as a companion for 5 minutes only to kill him off while our character stands around helplessly watching. So I'm really hoping he can be brought back somehow or there is a way to prevent his death folks just haven't found yet.


And as awful as it sounds, if that involves sacrificing another companion (for example, as a body to possess) I would probably do it. Stranger things have happened. (Like how we even get off Marr's ship alive for example. Didn't it explode??)


Anyone else holding off on the expansion story with certain characters until we know for certain about Marr's fate? I went ahead with my Agent, but just can't bring myself to progress with my Inquisitor yet. Partly because of Marr and partly because I don't want to lose my current companions.

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Very much agreed Rafaman. This is just the beginning, and BW loves toying with us. The question we still ask ourselves if Marr is dead or alive is one thing that will keep us playing the story. But he is alive. Like Rafaman said and Im sure some of you have experienced in other BW games, they love to make us think a character is dead. Then suddenly he/she is alive again. They make us think the character is dead so we will be like "Revenge! Memorial!" anything so we want to continue the story. Then we might get hints like "gasp, he/she is not dead, I can rescue and/or save him/her". Characters as big and epic as Marr rarely die for real in any BW game. Thats what keeps us playing.


If we knew for a fact we would see Darth Marr again that would make us jump up and down and we couldnt wait to play the next chapters. So if we actually twist and turn what we have seen so far of Marr in FE story it actually hints that he is alive. Since one scene, like Marr and Satele by a fire is interpreted in 10 different ways. "Hes really dead." "No its just a holocall". "No, hes using the force to project an image of himself." etc. All that draws us in, so we buy the game, we make a subscription and buy the expansions. If everyone knew "FE story, means death of characters, yay so fun, not" then no one will play FE. And BW is a lot about making money. If no one likes FE story BW will get less money. Admit it, no one likes a game where beloved characters die. There are 0 successful games like that.


I'm with you and Rafa and many others. Wondering about Marr, is good suspense. That said, I do hope that at some point, we'll get our man back :D I'm having a hard time with them adding him to the list, if they were just going to burn him off. He deserves better than that. And like someone else said, if I could be Marr's apprentice, I'd be there, sign me up lol. I like the idea of romancing him too! (that voice...*swoon*)


So, bring on the Shadow of Marr and let's get him put back together again, but hopefully not to fade away like Revan...though I'm not 100% sure he's completely gone either lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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I'm not convinced Marr is alive, but it was incredibly mean of BW to add him as a companion for 5 minutes only to kill him off while our character stands around helplessly watching. So I'm really hoping he can be brought back somehow or there is a way to prevent his death folks just haven't found yet.


And as awful as it sounds, if that involves sacrificing another companion (for example, as a body to possess) I would probably do it. Stranger things have happened. (Like how we even get off Marr's ship alive for example. Didn't it explode??)


Anyone else holding off on the expansion story with certain characters until we know for certain about Marr's fate? I went ahead with my Agent, but just can't bring myself to progress with my Inquisitor yet. Partly because of Marr and partly because I don't want to lose my current companions.



It was mean and pointless. The only reason I can see of adding Marr as a companion then killing him of is to, like someone else said, make a point that no companion is safe from death no matter what.


Just standing there like an idiot in the throne room while Marr fights and speaks his mind, stands up to Valkorion once and for all. And were just like "hmm, lalala, Arcann cool cybernetics". That is one reason I will...maybe never play FE again. If I know that it ends up with Marr being dead, all my previous companions just sort of vanishing, more dead companions. I dont like seeing a good character and companion die the 1st time. I sure as heck dont like it the second time.


But I agree Id happily sacrifice some other companion to bring back Marr if it comes to it. Koth is annoying to my main Sith. Though I have made some light side options because Im like "ugh, the galaxy is at stake, this is not the time time worry about his disrespect to a Sith Lord or that he wants me to waste precious time to save civilians instead of saving soldiers." etc. So not the time to be a jerk sith lol. Senya shes...creppy. I cant imagine anyone falling in love and having kids with Valkorion Im like whaaaa :0. Id happily sacrifice Koth, reminds me of Carth from KOTOR, so judgy and moral.


And yes I guess you can say Im holding of playing FE with my Jedi alt, Im tempted and curios to see if the story is different with my Jedi then with my Sith. But...I dont wanna watch Marr and HK die again. Dx And I dont want to get a message from Kira like "your gone" or something. And that all my previous companions take ages to see again, if I get to see them at all again.


I'm with you and Rafa and many others. Wondering about Marr, is good suspense. That said, I do hope that at some point, we'll get our man back :D I'm having a hard time with them adding him to the list, if they were just going to burn him off. He deserves better than that. And like someone else said, if I could be Marr's apprentice, I'd be there, sign me up lol. I like the idea of romancing him too! (that voice...*swoon*)


So, bring on the Shadow of Marr and let's get him put back together again, but hopefully not to fade away like Revan...though I'm not 100% sure he's completely gone either lol.


Romance Marr...ugh no. Thats a creepy thought lol. He is described as emotionless to. Not 100% since he obviously shows rage and concern for his people. And the dark side is all about passion, drawing on your hate and anger and such. But any romantic emotions have not been seen or found yet.


Shadow of Marr I still think it sounds epic. A way to explore the mysterious past of our secretive and favorite Sith Lord. :)

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The existence of the datamined 'unmarred' achievement proves without a doubt that letting Darth Marr survive was on the table at one point.


So they'd already made Darth Marr into a full companion, had an idea in mind of how he was going to be saved, (the datamined text for the achievement suggests the player does so, after getting high influence with him)... why then waste this effort, *and* disappoint a bunch of players, by letting Darth Marr die so early?


I can think of a few reasons


1. They couldn't make it work with the rest of the story. Marr is too significant a character, so having him maybe alive means either the story will branch too much, or he'll end up taking a backseat role, which won't make players happy either. So they delayed it.


2. The option of letting players save Darth Marr would have been pointless, because everyone would just pick it. However if KOTFE is seriously going towards 'your actions will have more impact', then they can make it a more meaningful and divisive choice by making the consequences of saving him quite high. But that would branch the story too much this early in KOTFE, so we're back to #1


3. They want to create suspense by using a NPC that a lot of players are emotionally invested in, BUT is not an existing class companion (because that would put too much focus on one of the 8 storylines). Not scrubbing out the unmarred achievement was the only mistake.


If they can explain how Marr can go from being a force-ghost-like-thing back to being alive, and offer that choice later in kotfe, they'd really solve all three problems. #3 because most players won't expect it (force ghost = dead, so surprise!). #2 because the further you get into kotfe, the more attached you are going to be to your alliance, to the new kotfe characters, so we can start talking about what would be a meaningful sacrifice in order to save Marr. And #1 because now the storylines won't have to diverge - players who save Marr get a living Marr who can still play a significant role in the story, and players who don't save Marr get a ghostly Marr who can still give advise and play a significant role in the story.


In fact, I think establishing Marr and Satele as being on good terms and working together, may be setting the player up to pick one of them later on. That lets the players make a big decision that will affect the fate of two MAJOR characters. However the story won't need to diverse much, because now that they are 'on the same side', they essentially fullfill the same role: the older wiser force-user who can advise you, command an army, etc. (And maybe the one you don't save, hangs around as a force ghost and occasionally appears to say something wise).

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The existence of the datamined 'unmarred' achievement proves without a doubt that letting Darth Marr survive was on the table at one point.


So they'd already made Darth Marr into a full companion, had an idea in mind of how he was going to be saved, (the datamined text for the achievement suggests the player does so, after getting high influence with him)... why then waste this effort, *and* disappoint a bunch of players, by letting Darth Marr die so early?


I can think of a few reasons


1. They couldn't make it work with the rest of the story. Marr is too significant a character, so having him maybe alive means either the story will branch too much, or he'll end up taking a backseat role, which won't make players happy either. So they delayed it.


2. The option of letting players save Darth Marr would have been pointless, because everyone would just pick it. However if KOTFE is seriously going towards 'your actions will have more impact', then they can make it a more meaningful and divisive choice by making the consequences of saving him quite high. But that would branch the story too much this early in KOTFE, so we're back to #1


3. They want to create suspense by using a NPC that a lot of players are emotionally invested in, BUT is not an existing class companion (because that would put too much focus on one of the 8 storylines). Not scrubbing out the unmarred achievement was the only mistake.


If they can explain how Marr can go from being a force-ghost-like-thing back to being alive, and offer that choice later in kotfe, they'd really solve all three problems. #3 because most players won't expect it (force ghost = dead, so surprise!). #2 because the further you get into kotfe, the more attached you are going to be to your alliance, to the new kotfe characters, so we can start talking about what would be a meaningful sacrifice in order to save Marr. And #1 because now the storylines won't have to diverge - players who save Marr get a living Marr who can still play a significant role in the story, and players who don't save Marr get a ghostly Marr who can still give advise and play a significant role in the story.


In fact, I think establishing Marr and Satele as being on good terms and working together, may be setting the player up to pick one of them later on. That lets the players make a big decision that will affect the fate of two MAJOR characters. However the story won't need to diverse much, because now that they are 'on the same side', they essentially fullfill the same role: the older wiser force-user who can advise you, command an army, etc. (And maybe the one you don't save, hangs around as a force ghost and occasionally appears to say something wise).


I like that, all of if. Your right that it would be pointless to let players choose to save Darth Marr because of course everyone would do it. It would be a way better and more interesting turn of events if saving Marr has some sort of consequences. Say its some choice in chapter X or later that is like in order to bring Darth Marr back to life, Satele has to be sacrificed. That would also be a heck of a plot twist. The consqeuences can go from some of the Republic leaving the alliance, to missing some achievement. I imagine many who play as Jedi would find it a difficult choice. But, Ive played Jedi and Sith class stories, I would still save Marr in a heartbeat. Marr fights all the time, for the Empire. What has Satele done the last 5 years? Well from the looks of it camping in the woods.


So for the sake of argument that Marr is dead now. Lets say in chapter X or later it comes to a choice to bring Darth Marr back to life. But you have to sacrifice Satele or one of your companions. And that choice will have drastic consequences that effect the entire FE storyline. Hmm, it actually sounds possible that is what is going to happen in the future of FE story. Bioware loves its mega important choices with drastic consequences to them.


Plus BW has in some games got that the player can save one companion by another dying. Like in Dragon Age Origins, at the end. You can not execute Loghain, but then Alistair leaves. And even later you can save Alistair from killing the Archdemon, but then you or Riordan die. But you dont die if you performed a dark ritual to save your life. So yeah the point, BW likes messing with us emotionally and getting us pulled in. "I can save this companion! But then that one dies...omg" kind of.

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Someone encountered a glitch that made him a permanent comp. There is no direct explanation as of now, but is anyone knows more, I would appreciate it.




We have heard of a way to make him a permanent companion. But thats just an exploit. I can say I dont want Marr to just be alive because of a glitch or exploit. I want him to be alive because thats how it is in the story.

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We have heard of a way to make him a permanent companion. But thats just an exploit. I can say I dont want Marr to just be alive because of a glitch or exploit. I want him to be alive because thats how it is in the story.



He's a Dead Force Spirit. So unless he follows me around as a useless Force Ghost, I don't want him. xD


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I had always hoped that my Inquisitor would get to spend more time with Marr.



So of course I was very excited to fight by his side in chapter 1. And then I kind of didn't even feel like playing after he died. I mean, what's the point of a story when your favorite character is no longer in it?


Interest was renewed when I saw the scene with Satele talking to a projection of him. It looks like he still has a part to play!


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I seem to remember seeing his ghost talking to (I think) Satele, at a camp site? Almost as if they were lovers (now that would be a plot twist).


So he's dead. The question is, like so many Sith, can he come back to life, or can we have his ghost as a companion?

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He's a Dead Force Spirit. So unless he follows me around as a useless Force Ghost, I don't want him. xD



I had always hoped that my Inquisitor would get to spend more time with Marr.



So of course I was very excited to fight by his side in chapter 1. And then I kind of didn't even feel like playing after he died. I mean, what's the point of a story when your favorite character is no longer in it?


Interest was renewed when I saw the scene with Satele talking to a projection of him. It looks like he still has a part to play!



I seem to remember seeing his ghost talking to (I think) Satele, at a camp site? Almost as if they were lovers (now that would be a plot twist).


So he's dead. The question is, like so many Sith, can he come back to life, or can we have his ghost as a companion?



I still say he could be alive. But if hes not then I say it is very likely and entierly possible that he could come back to life. Sith have done it before. For crying out loud we have someone inside our minds that is a master at cheating death. Who sais Valkorion wont give us some insight in the matter of bringing Darth Marr back to life. Though I still like the idea of some ritual where you have to choose to save Darth Marr or do something else. And saving Darth Marr will have some drastic consequences. I think that might happen in chapter X or later, its entirely possible. There is so much we dont know about Darth Marr, so yes I agree Rekia, he still has a part to play.

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I still say he could be alive. But if hes not then I say it is very likely and entierly possible that he could come back to life. Sith have done it before. For crying out loud we have someone inside our minds that is a master at cheating death. Who sais Valkorion wont give us some insight in the matter of bringing Darth Marr back to life. Though I still like the idea of some ritual where you have to choose to save Darth Marr or do something else. And saving Darth Marr will have some drastic consequences. I think that might happen in chapter X or later, its entirely possible. There is so much we dont know about Darth Marr, so yes I agree Rekia, he still has a part to play.


*Willingly trades half of her companions, Satele, and the population of Zakuul*

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