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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

petition to keep levels how they should be


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You do realize you will have a the full compliment of your capped toons abilities and your companions abilities right?


I solo'ed Oricon H2 at level on my Shadow tank. Whatever the changes are there, you should still have a big advantage. And btw, the closer you get to cap, the harder it will be in any event because the mobs have more abilities and mechanics.


Exactly. Just look at say, unranked mid bracket WZs, where a lvl 30 has the same stats as a lvl 59. Yet one on one or 4 on 4 the lvl 59 will pwn a lvl 30. Sure the lvl 59 player can't one shot kill the lvl 30, he does have to make an effort, and at times an exceptional lvl 30 player might even win... but in the wider range of average players higher lvl abilities, more utilities, and higher ranks of like abilities, still outperforms the lower ones.


You still get the immersion of being a Jedi Master/Darth and whatever their equivalents are for the non force users... But no longer is a lvl 12 Marauder with 2 lightsabers going to be able to get beat down in a duel by a lvl 60 anything in its underwear.

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I hated this crap in GW2. It was awful, and made farming mats efficiently nigh impossible.


I don't understand why Bioware looks at other mmos and takes only the bad ideas.


Did you have any faith they would actually take something good? This game is known as TorTanic for a reason in most circles.


That being said - Bioware won't let their panties be ruffled here. Go to the other sites and run it there. I mean, Blizzard looks at MMO-Champion.com... Bioware must be intelligent enough to look at othe... oh wait.

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Definitely not signed. I actually will be able to group with my lowbie friends on my higher level alts without taking away the gameplay experience from them.

Because you're way more powerful then they are. How's that a good experience?

Instead of needing 2 attacks you'll need 4 maybe.

This is an unneeded and horrible change.


And I'll never understand why people are responding to a petition they don't agree with. What do you think your reply is going to accomplish?

Do you respond to everything in life you don't agree with?

Edited by Geeorgedk
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I solo'ed Oricon H2 at level on my Shadow tank. Whatever the changes are there, you should still have a big advantage. And btw, the closer you get to cap, the harder it will be in any event because the mobs have more abilities and mechanics.


Please don't tell me you used a dps comp...:rolleyes:


An idea, instead of the one below, would be to lower the HP of all heroic mobs by 15, 20, and 25% for strong, elite, and champion difficulty enemies respectively.


Truth, and most of them won't quit even though they are acting like they are taking a stand.


I should say I only conditionally signed, said condition being they add an option to re-scale back, and that I'm amending, with a recommendation that only subs to get the option to do that.

Edited by sentientomega
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