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Randomly changing stats


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Quick question for you all. I was in warzone and came out and now my characters health points and crit rating have changed. This happened before but after logging out and back in all stats returned to normal. Just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else?



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Of course. You are bolstered when you do that so that you have a fighting chance even though technically you may be at a lower level than other players in the same space. It's not random at all. Working as intended. Edited by MSchuyler
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Quick question for you all. I was in warzone and came out and now my characters health points and crit rating have changed. This happened before but after logging out and back in all stats returned to normal. Just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else?




It's Bolster, which (in theory, at times not so much) levels the field, so higher levels can play with lower ones (supposedly) on even ground. All normal. :D

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So my health would actually decrease? I do change armor when I do PvP and that armor does have different stats. So ok if that is all it is thanks for the input :)
Well, yes. Because the warzone "bolster" temporarily increased your stats.


Guess it's a half-empty, half-full kind of thing :)


But really, the "proper" way to look at it is that you have your normal stats, then your stats get "bolstered" (increased) when you do warzones. Also happens in some other content like Kuat Drive Yards, Makeb (have to click the GSi terminal near shuttles/taxis), SoR solo-mode flashpoints, Gree event (I think, though it was somewhat bugged the time I did it at L55).


BTW, with KotFE release Oct 27, a bunch more flashpoints are also going to get bolstered.

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That sounds odd. "Normal" is the non-bolstered stats. Maybe we aren't understanding what happened to you. But what we were thinking is this:


A) you have your stats

B) you enter a warzone and they are bolstered to higher stats

C) you leave warzone and stats return to (A)


Now if you are talking a small stat change, it could be another thing: you had one or more class buffs on and they timed out and you didn't re-apply. If you don't know what class buffs are, let us know. But again, these are small buffs, like +5% endurance.


But if it is something else happening, I'm at a loss to explain.

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That sounds odd. "Normal" is the non-bolstered stats. Maybe we aren't understanding what happened to you. But what we were thinking is this:


A) you have your stats

B) you enter a warzone and they are bolstered to higher stats

C) you leave warzone and stats return to (A)


Now if you are talking a small stat change, it could be another thing: you had one or more class buffs on and they timed out and you didn't re-apply. If you don't know what class buffs are, let us know. But again, these are small buffs, like +5% endurance.


But if it is something else happening, I'm at a loss to explain.


I probably didn't explain it clearly so my bad on that. Let me try to be more clear. Before I went into the Warzone my health was 49339 when I left it dropped to 47365, I didn't check what it was when I was in their so not sure what stats were. Also my crit rating went from 21.01% before I entered down to 19.73% after I left. I actually submitted a ticket in game regarding it and waiting for their reply but thought i would see if anyone else had this issue.



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Interesting... I am new to SWTOR so some of the game mechanics I am not aware of would that cause a drop in hit points?


All your gear has Durability which decreases on most defeats and getting hit in combat. If you don't repair it the gear 'breaks' and won't give you stats until you repair it. That could be why you had a temporary stat decrease I guess.

Edited by MFollin
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All your gear has Durability which decreases on most defeats and getting hit in combat. If you don't repair it the gear 'breaks' and won't give you stats until you repair it. That could be why you had a temporary stat decrease I guess.


But there is no need to repair armor in PvP so I doubt that is the issue.


Perhaps the OP had some kind of stim active that expired when the warzone was over. I am highly sceptical about this random stat changing. I would guess that it has something to do with the bolster (49K HP does not sound like a good bolster at all in a warzone, remember to only use 162 gear if you do not got PvP gear, there is a thread about that in the PvP forum, the link is further down in my post).


PvE can break armor but not during warzones, imagine someone dying 20 times every warzone that could get real expensive :tran_wink:


My advice to the OP is to read up on how bolster works in PvP, the stats change during warzones if the character enters with PvE gear unless it is pure PvP gear suited for the level.


I guess that all that we know now will be outdated when the new expansion hits, read up and learn what you can soon we all have to change gear and read up on how bolster works after the expansion launch.

Edited by Icestar
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But there is no need to repair armor in PvP so I doubt that is the issue.


Perhaps the OP had some kind of stim active that expired when the warzone was over. I am highly sceptical about this random stat changing. I would guess that it has something to do with the bolster (49K HP does not sound like a good bolster at all in a warzone, remember to only use 162 gear if you do not got PvP gear, there is a thread about that in the PvP forum, the link is further down in my post).


PvE can break armor but not during warzones, imagine someone dying 20 times every warzone that could get real expensive :tran_wink:


My advice to the OP is to read up on how bolster works in PvP, the stats change during warzones if the character enters with PvE gear unless it is pure PvP gear suited for the level.


I guess that all that we know now will be outdated when the new expansion hits, read up and learn what you can soon we all have to change gear and read up on how bolster works after the expansion launch.


Well several factors could play in I guess. If he did some PvE while queued for PvP, gear breaks before queue pops but without him noticing it. He enters Warzone, completes it and notices lower stats?

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Well several factors could play in I guess. If he did some PvE while queued for PvP, gear breaks before queue pops but without him noticing it. He enters Warzone, completes it and notices lower stats?


I think there could be a number of reasons that could have caused this change.


The best thing the OP can do is to check the stats again and get back to us here if they change once more for some reason. I think it was probably something easy to explain like a buff, bolster thingy or perhaps even a gear change that caused the change in stats.

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  • 9 months later...

I am having the same issue. Some info first. I play the game in PVE mode, not PVP. I have not changed gear or weapons, and I constantly repair my gear to keep it in top shape.


2 days ago, I added augmentation slots to my armor and lightsabers (no augments yet). At the time my health was just above 40k. I noticed later that evening while playing that my health was listed at 39k. Yesterday when I played my health was just above 36k and today it now lists it at 34k. Why would my health be dropping while I have not changed gear and I have not made any changes since adding the MK9 augmentation slots to my gear?

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I am having the same issue. Some info first. I play the game in PVE mode, not PVP. I have not changed gear or weapons, and I constantly repair my gear to keep it in top shape.


2 days ago, I added augmentation slots to my armor and lightsabers (no augments yet). At the time my health was just above 40k. I noticed later that evening while playing that my health was listed at 39k. Yesterday when I played my health was just above 36k and today it now lists it at 34k. Why would my health be dropping while I have not changed gear and I have not made any changes since adding the MK9 augmentation slots to my gear?


Level sync perhaps?

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Now if you are talking a small stat change, it could be another thing: you had one or more class buffs on and they timed out and you didn't re-apply. If you don't know what class buffs are, let us know. But again, these are small buffs, like +5% endurance.


That happened to me yesterday. First I didn't figure out why my crit chance is so low (~24% instead of 29% what I expected from amount of crit rating in my gear). Then I remembered that I don't have smuggler/agent buff on Red Eclipse.

Edited by Halinalle
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