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Question concerning the affection of our companions, same base class, 2 sides


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So i have a sentinel and a guardian, the Sentinal affection companion is totally maxed, the quests done and they give me already the 10 presence per for the republic Jedi Knight class. One is Light V and the other is dark side. I did the Dark side lately on purpose to see what difference will exist with the new stories coming.


I guess that now i have to complete also the Guardian companion's affection ?


The fact that the achievement is legacy and general -i mean not per character-- i just wonder if Bioware considere that we need to complete it for the Jedit Knight Class or for the Sentinel and the Guardian ?


Thank you

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The bonus affection is per companion, so repeating the same base class will have no effect.


The bonus i agree but now that we know that the affection will have some impact on their damage and the way they may act (beside from now as it affects only the crafting) i am still wondering

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The only effect I think affection has on each individual character involves the companion's crafting skill for THAT character..


I believe Presence is what affects overall companion health and damage, and the bonuses for that are legacy wide as you unlock each companion in your legacy tab.

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