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KotFE Betrayal - Spoilers!


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So, some time back we were told that we were going to be betrayed by a member of our crew, having finally (today!) finished playing through all the class stories, I've decided to try and hazard a guess as to who betrays whom:



Jedi Knight:


Two possibilities here: Rusk or Scourge. Rusk is a by-the-book crazy who's all about proper procedure, whereas Scourge is a 350 year old Sith.




Again, two possibilities: Iresso with a holocron stuck in his head, or Zenith the mass murdering terrorist.




Only one real possibility I think - Vik, always out to make a fast buck. Though I suppose M1-4X could be reprogrammed again.




No strong suspects here, though I can see Akaavi, Guss or Risha betraying you. Akaavi as some of her clan may server Zakuul, Guss because he's a bitfishy or Risha because... Well, she's Risha.




I don't actually see Quinn betraying us again, and that just leaves Broonmark the crazy Talz as my sole suspect.




I can see either Xalek, Khem or Revel turning on us. Xalek, as that's what Sith do. Khem, as that's what he's promised to do since we met him, or Revel, as he's a half crazed pirate.


Bounty Hunter:


I like Skadge, but he is a two-bit criminal, so he's got to go on the list, but really my money is on Gault. He's been conning people and betraying them for decades.




The toughest of the lot. Everyone has motive to betray you! Kaliyo, as that's what she does. Lokin as he's manipulative old so-and-so. Temple, as she was loyal to the Chiss. Scorpio as she was basically slaved to you. And Vector, as he's bug brained...



That's assuming of course that there's not a massive cop out, and it turns out that its the ships droid.


Anyone want to argue their case?

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I remember hearing something like this, though I don't recall when or where.

On that note, however... Did they ever say it had to be your companions? Your crew doesn't necessarily mean people on your ship.


Aye, I can't recall exactly where it said that, but I figured it'd make for a good speculation thread. As for mot necessarily being a companion who betrays... I don't see it. They have to make it personal, and a companion stabbing you in the back is definitely that. In fact, apart from characters from the Agent story (And core characters like Satele/Theron Shan), I don't think any really stood out enough to be worth aggrandising like that.

Edited by Gonalius
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Idk. On my knight,

I was betrayed once by a twi'lek. Maybe she sold me out again, despite my affection with her.


My hunter?

She got married on Alderran. Maybe her husband decided to off her.


Warrior? Way too many people I pissed off there. :)


I mean, each story has plenty of "personal" choices you'd have made. Albiet, not likely what they meant, but very possible.


We can only wait and see what they mean.

Edited by JWagner
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Regarding the sith warrior



Vette is fiercely loyal and calls my sw her surrogate big sister. Cant see her ever leaving me behind because family means everything to her.


Jaesa is fanatically loyal, to the point where she's worshiping my sw for her every breath intake. Can't see my #1 fan girl going rogue.


Broonmark is submissive and hates betrayal with a terrifying passion, so I can't see him stabbing me in the back.


Pierce hates authority & order, which is what zakuul represents, so I can't see him joining the eternal empire.


The droid has loyalty ingrained into his software.


The only viable option I can see is quinn once more. quinn likes order, honor, law & conquest, which is how zakuul seems to promote itself, so I can see him turning once more.


Edited by Aeristash
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Regarding the sith warrior



Vette is fiercely loyal and calls my sw her surrogate big sister. Cant see her ever leaving me behind because family means everything to her.


Jaesa is fanatically loyal, to the point where she's worshiping my sw for her every breath intake. Can't see my #1 fan girl going rogue.


Broonmark is submissive and hates betrayal with a terrifying passion, so I can't see him stabbing me in the back.


Pierce hates authority & order, which is what zakuul represents, so I can't see him joining the eternal empire.


The droid has loyalty ingrained into his software.


The only viable option I can see is pierce once more. Pierce likes order, honor, law & conquest, which is how zakuul seems to promote itself, so I can see him turning once more.


Where's Quinn in your list?

I can see him doing it. Again. For his own self promotion.


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Regarding the sith warrior



Vette is fiercely loyal and calls my sw her surrogate big sister. Cant see her ever leaving me behind because family means everything to her.


Jaesa is fanatically loyal, to the point where she's worshiping my sw for her every breath intake. Can't see my #1 fan girl going rogue.


Broonmark is submissive and hates betrayal with a terrifying passion, so I can't see him stabbing me in the back.


Pierce hates authority & order, which is what zakuul represents, so I can't see him joining the eternal empire.


The droid has loyalty ingrained into his software.


The only viable option I can see is pierce once more. Pierce likes order, honor, law & conquest, which is how zakuul seems to promote itself, so I can see him turning once more.


Um.. i think you mean quinn in your spoiler :p and i dont think quinn will, hes loyal to the empire, zakull is trying to tear down the empire.


Plus he betrayed you for very specific reasons.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Um.. i think you mean quinn in your spoiler :p and i dont think quinn will, hes loyal to the empire, zakull is trying to tear down the empire.


Plus he betrayed you for very specific reasons.


And got choked to near-death for it. In my case - as full-blown romance to my warrior. So he knows cost of betreyal, and actually atones for it on Corellia.


Don't tell me anybody actually picked lightside option on that ship :p

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Um.. i think you mean quinn in your spoiler :p and i dont think quinn will, hes loyal to the empire, zakull is trying to tear down the empire.


Plus he betrayed you for very specific reasons.


Yeah, I meant quinn for the bottom one :p



With vitiate being revealed as valkorion, quinn could see joining the embodiment of the emperor as remaining true to the empire in a fashion. Even after all baras did to betray the empire, he still disapproves of killing him over personal pref. :o


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Unless I'm remembering wrong, the language was that you would be able to betray certain companions, not the other way around.




From the KotFE page


Choose your path…join or betray companions, old and new…and shape the future of the entire galaxy as well as your own. Best of all, this is only the beginning


Unless you're counting "companion is disaffected by your choices" as a betrayal, I guess, but the way I read it is that you will have the ability to act/turn against certain companions.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Yeah, I meant quinn for the bottom one :p



With vitiate being revealed as valkorion, quinn could see joining the embodiment of the emperor as remaining true to the empire in a fashion. Even after all baras did to betray the empire, he still disapproves of killing him over personal pref. :o



If/When they prove he is who he is. The gameplay footage leads you to believe it. However, at the same time, it kind of doesn't. It could very easily, though NOT LIKELY, be a simple misunderstanding. Just cause Bioware loves curve balls.


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And got choked to near-death for it. In my case - as full-blown romance to my warrior. So he knows cost of betreyal, and actually atones for it on Corellia.


Don't tell me anybody actually picked lightside option on that ship :p


Oh definitly not, hell hath no fury and all that. He was forgiven after Corellia, and I definitly dont see him risking -other things- being force squeezed/used as an anchor to be flung into those walls once again :D

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Unless I'm remembering wrong, the language was that you would be able to betray certain companions, not the other way around.



From the KotFE page

Unless you're counting "companion is disaffected by your choices" as a betrayal, I guess, but the way I read it is that you will have the ability to act/turn against certain companions.


It's a different post I'm half remembering. Something about us being made popsicles as our ship was betrayed... Which doesn't actually make much sense in light of the new Chapter One footage... Though I suppose I could see how that could still happen.

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If/When they prove he is who he is. The gameplay footage leads you to believe it. However, at the same time, it kind of doesn't. It could very easily, though NOT LIKELY, be a simple misunderstanding. Just cause Bioware loves curve balls.



True. As overseer tremel would say "It's always best to know beyond any doubt". :)


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So, some time back we were told that we were going to be betrayed by a member of our crew, having finally (today!) finished playing through all the class stories, I've decided to try and hazard a guess as to who betrays whom:



Jedi Knight:


Two possibilities here: Rusk or Scourge. Rusk is a by-the-book crazy who's all about proper procedure, whereas Scourge is a 350 year old Sith.




Again, two possibilities: Iresso with a holocron stuck in his head, or Zenith the mass murdering terrorist.




Only one real possibility I think - Vik, always out to make a fast buck. Though I suppose M1-4X could be reprogrammed again.




No strong suspects here, though I can see Akaavi, Guss or Risha betraying you. Akaavi as some of her clan may server Zakuul, Guss because he's a bitfishy or Risha because... Well, she's Risha.




I don't actually see Quinn betraying us again, and that just leaves Broonmark the crazy Talz as my sole suspect.




I can see either Xalek, Khem or Revel turning on us. Xalek, as that's what Sith do. Khem, as that's what he's promised to do since we met him, or Revel, as he's a half crazed pirate.


Bounty Hunter:


I like Skadge, but he is a two-bit criminal, so he's got to go on the list, but really my money is on Gault. He's been conning people and betraying them for decades.




The toughest of the lot. Everyone has motive to betray you! Kaliyo, as that's what she does. Lokin as he's manipulative old so-and-so. Temple, as she was loyal to the Chiss. Scorpio as she was basically slaved to you. And Vector, as he's bug brained...



That's assuming of course that there's not a massive cop out, and it turns out that its the ships droid.


Anyone want to argue their case?


Soooo many issues with your ideas.


For starters, you assume the Eternal Empire is a Dark Side force. Just because it's an Empire, doesn't mean it's evil. They strike me more as a Grey Order than anything else. With that in mind, all your assumptions that evil characters will bow to the Eternal Empire are false.





I'd say either Kira or Scourge would join the EE. Kira has always been militant than most Jedi, and Scourge has no loyalty to you beyond the death of Vitiate. If Vitiate is still around however, than Scourge is with you.



Iresso is too loyal to the Republic to betray you to the EE. Zenith will stick with whoever has Balmorra's best interest at heart, Theran will go with whoever will let him conduct his science, Nadia is still loyal to her people and may do what is best for them, if they join the EE, she may go with them.



No chance of it being Vik unless it's behind the scenes, because the voice actor for him is DEAD. Jorgan and Elara are loyal to the Republic and will only betray you in ordered by the Trooper's superiors (Which could happen). M1-4X would only betray you if someone altered his programming. Yuun is a wildcard, but he seems loyal.



Corso is your ***** for life. Wookies are too loyal to ever betray you. Akaavi may, but not because of her clan like OP suggests, as her clan is all dead. Risha will likely move on once you get frozen and will go to Dubrillion to live as Queen. Guss is a wuss, he's the most likely to betray you out of sheer cowardice.



Vette could always bounce once you get frozen. DS Jaesa could join the EE out of self-interest, LS as more of a Grey. Quinn and Pierce could both have died in the war, but they'll stay loyal to the Empire. Broonmark is a wildcard, could go either way.



Khem is an easy first choice, he's been vowing to kill you from the start. Revel is a pirate so he'll be out for his own interests, if he see's the EE as a better choice than you, that's where he'll go. Ashara could go EE as she's still Jedi, but too tainted to ever go back, the EE could be a good escape for her. Talos is loyal to the Empire, and Xalex isn't experienced enough to fight you, though he may be arrogant enough to try.


Bounty Hunter:

Everyone but Mako is an option here really. The fact the OP said he LIKES Skadge is an immediate red flag.



Scorpio and Kaliyo would be the most likely suspects, Scorpio would be my bet though, since she's made no secret of her desire to kill you. Vector will likely return to the Hive and do as they do, what that will be is a mystery. Lokin and Temple are both loyal, though Temple could seek refuge with the EE if they don't have a "kill all force sensatives who can't be us" type rule like the Sith Empire does.




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Soooo many issues with your ideas.


For starters, you assume the Eternal Empire is a Dark Side force. Just because it's an Empire, doesn't mean it's evil. They strike me more as a Grey Order than anything else. With that in mind, all your assumptions that evil characters will bow to the Eternal Empire are false.


Its not so much dark side characters I was looking at, though that does seem to be the case with my results, but betraying our characters personally.




Iresso is too loyal to the Republic to betray you to the EE.


As I said, he has Darth whoevers (Malaks?) holocron stuck in his head. That could have had all kinds of effects.


Bounty Hunter:

Everyone but Mako is an option here really. The fact the OP said he LIKES Skadge is an immediate red flag.

Hey! He's a straight up nasty crime boss. Yes he forces his way on your ship, but so does every other character. There were three or four others who I tried to kill or refuse before I got to Skadge, so I let him onboard gracefully... At least he's better than some of the two-faced people you recruit.


No chance of it being Vik unless it's behind the scenes, because the voice actor for him is DEAD.

Vik was recast for his couple of lines in the prior expansions, no reason that can't happen again. Or even recast all his current (and future) dialogue, which would be fairly extreme and in (in my opinion) very bad taste.



Edited by Gonalius
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So, some time back we were told that we were going to be betrayed by a member of our crew, having finally (today!) finished playing through all the class stories, I've decided to try and hazard a guess as to who betrays whom:



Jedi Knight:


Two possibilities here: Rusk or Scourge. Rusk is a by-the-book crazy who's all about proper procedure, whereas Scourge is a 350 year old Sith.




Again, two possibilities: Iresso with a holocron stuck in his head, or Zenith the mass murdering terrorist.




Only one real possibility I think - Vik, always out to make a fast buck. Though I suppose M1-4X could be reprogrammed again.




No strong suspects here, though I can see Akaavi, Guss or Risha betraying you. Akaavi as some of her clan may server Zakuul, Guss because he's a bitfishy or Risha because... Well, she's Risha.




I don't actually see Quinn betraying us again, and that just leaves Broonmark the crazy Talz as my sole suspect.




I can see either Xalek, Khem or Revel turning on us. Xalek, as that's what Sith do. Khem, as that's what he's promised to do since we met him, or Revel, as he's a half crazed pirate.


Bounty Hunter:


I like Skadge, but he is a two-bit criminal, so he's got to go on the list, but really my money is on Gault. He's been conning people and betraying them for decades.




The toughest of the lot. Everyone has motive to betray you! Kaliyo, as that's what she does. Lokin as he's manipulative old so-and-so. Temple, as she was loyal to the Chiss. Scorpio as she was basically slaved to you. And Vector, as he's bug brained...



That's assuming of course that there's not a massive cop out, and it turns out that its the ships droid.


Anyone want to argue their case?


dont automatically assume that dark siders like sourge or mistaken types like guss tuno throw you off like that.


scourge wont betray you because he wants the emperor dead and he is the type who will see the big picture, not a petty thing like betraying you. to him if he has to work with the jedi and the republic to see the emperor dead, he will do it and endure it, even if its agony to him.


rusk wont stab you in the back either, i recently went through his storyline and the reason the way he is is because she family was killed and he prefers the path of least resistance when dealing with a problem. even if his methods do no suit the jedi, he mentions how much he has learned from the jedi's example. hes a loyal republic officer as well and he will die for its ideals, that includes laying his life down for a jedi if its the last thing he does.


you got the likes of khem val who growls about you and wanting to eat you, but over the course of the conversations, he becomes a staunch loyalist when you remove the unwanted guest from his mind and on top of this, the force bond is reinforced.


andronikos is a pirate i can see him backing out of the sith inquisitors crew but i cant see him getting involved in something that would result in him getting on the bad side of the inquisitor. hes smart enough to know that it would be utterly stupid. if your a dark sider he will be there right with you to the end as long as you keep him happy.


guss tuno who is something of an anomaly he wont betray you, hes just a little confused on his place and where he fits. but once hes given the chance to settle on the ship he learns to realize he has a place.


gault, it would depend with him but in his own words, he would sooner stick with you then go it alone again and have bounty hunters follow him again. why would he want that type of trouble following him again? its the lesser of two evils. hes a smart enough con man to know whats best for him and thats staying where he is, even if he sees little opportunity at this point. if your a dark sider he opens up about his shady past and regretting betraying an old girl friend. so he learned something with a good friend or good business partner, dont check out.


skadge like vik and kaliyo and scorpio i can easily see turning on their leaders. 3 of them have one thing in common, greed. but the thing all 4 have in common is dominating others for self satisfaction. these are the ones who will betray you at the first chance.

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I agree will all the companions except for two.



I honestly don't see either Andronikus or Vector betraying the Inquisitor or the Agent. Neither of them would gain anything from it.


First off, Andronikus is a pirate, yes, but when you meet him, you literally help him track down people who betrayed him and help him take his vengeance on them. He's not the kind of guy to just up and betray you without having first been given a reason to, and if you did give him a reason, he wouldn't be sneaky about it- he'd just shoot you, or he would just up and leave. He states numerous times if you romance him as a female Inquisitor that if he wants to leave, he's going to do it (although later in the romance he also says he doesn't want to). Plus, he's not stupid. He knows betraying the Inquisitor would get him fried like a fish in two seconds flat. I don't see it being Andronikus.


Also like Andronikus, Vector would have nothing to gain from betraying the Agent, but instead, probably everything to lose. He is loyal to the Hive, yes, but he also says several times that betrayal is a foreign idea to the Killiks. If they disapprove of something, they share their feelings... and possibly eat the person they don't like. Also, if you play through Vector's storyline, you help him establish diplomatic ties between the Killiks and the Empire, which is mostly done by the Agent assuring the Empire that it's a great idea. If Vector suddenly killed the Agent, that would pretty much cause the entire alliance to blow up in his face, and the Killiks would likely face imminent extermination.



As for who is most likely to betray the Toons...


Jedi Knight


I would say Rusk. He hates the Empire, but seems to be part of the Republic because he hates the Empire. Not sure why he would follow Valkorian, though, but the others wouldn't make sense to me. The others (Doc, Kira, and T7) would have no reason or motivation to betray the JK even if they didn't like him/her. And if Vitiate and Valkorian are indeed the same person, then Scourge would stand behind the Jedi Knight completely, as he despises the Emperor, and believes that the Jedi Knight is the only one who could stop him.



Jedi Consular


I agree, Zenith or Felix. Felix has that secret Sith knowledge stuck up in his head which could be used to do God Knows What, and Zenith just doesn't like anything in particular. He might like the Zakuul because they're better than the Empire or Republic.



Republic Trooper


Vik. Vik is the only one who makes sense in the entire platoon who would betray the Trooper. The others are too loyal.





Guss. Guss is a coward who will do just about anything to save his skin. Akaavi hates traitors due to the fact that she's Mandalorian and her own personal history. The thought of Corso betraying anyone is laughable to me, and the same goes for Bowdaar. Risha... maybe? I don't know why she would do that to the Smuggler, especially since it's unlikely that the Zakuul would let her rule her planet alone. Guss seems the most likely.



Sith Warrior


I would saaaay... Pierce. Broonmark is a psycho, but if he wanted to kill the Sith, he would just face him/her and challenge them to a one-on-one fight. Quinn betrayed the Sith once, there's no way he'd do it again. Vette is either still in a shock collar, or she's the Warrior's best friend/wife. Either way, she wouldn't be inclined to betray him/her. Lightside or Darkside, Jaesa isn't likely to kill the Sith. Pierce is the only one I can see betraying the Sith, maybe with the promise of more power.



Sith Inquisitor


Xalek is the only likely candidate. Like I said earlier, Andronikus would just leave, Ashara would challenge the Inquisitor, Talos would probably leave as well, and Khem Val is unable to harm the Inquisitor due to his force bond with him/her. Khem would have happily killed the Inquisitor upon meeting them, otherwise. Xalek, however, would happily follow the old Sith tradition of killing their master. And unless Talos is suddenly revealed to be a superspy, I can't see anyone else doing that to the Inquisitor.



Imperial Agent


I doubt Raina or Vector would betray the Agent. Raina looks up to the Agent while Vector would have no reason to. Scorpio would be a likely candidate though, as she wants to push herself to her farthest limits. Likewise, Kaliyo and Lokin would happily backstab the Agent if it would help them accomplish their goals.



Bounty Hunter


Blizz is an adorable jawa who just wants to invent/examine/take apart/build things. He has no other ambitions. Torian, as a Mandalorian, would never betray the BH. He'd leave if he had to, but he wouldn't betray them. Mako would also just leave if she had to, but she wouldn't plot their deaths. Gault I could see betraying the Hunter. He'd sell them out in a heartbeat if he thought he could get away with it, although I seriously doubt he'd deliberately try to get them killed. Skadge on the other hand would have no qualms with getting them dead. I see Skadge as the most likely candidate, and Gault as the second most likely.


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Thanks for the replies. I may not agree with some of you, but I like some of the responses.

Betrayed by our companions? :confused: Aren't they advertising that the other way round (we get to kill/betray our companions)?


As I remember it, we were told we were caught in carbonite due to the betrayal of a companion (End of Chapter Two). Of course having now looked for the source of that, I'm coming up empty... Regardless, a discussion about who may throw us to the wolves is still interesting.

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