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How much time has passed?


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I've been wondering about how much time has passed in SWToR since launch and up to the events on Ziost


I've looked around but haven't found anything.


I'm also interested to know how much time passed in the various chapters of the original game, time that passed between that and Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, ect.


Is there any official word on this that I just havent found?

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^That might be the accurate one.


There's about a year between each chapter of your original storyline. Then, I believes, an additional year between the base game and RotHC, and from that to SoR. Then, for the upcoming expac...5 year passed between the events of Ziost and you getting out of carbonite.

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I don't believe there is an official timeline for the events for the game from when your character first sets foot on the starting world through the destruction of Ziost. Most people just assume that each chapter is roughly one year, however until Bioware gives us an official timeline anything else said is just an educated guess.
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One year per chapter, and one year since level 50.

I just can't see Ilum, the Eternity Vault, Karraga's Palace, The Rakghoul Outbreak in the Tion Hegemony (Kaon + Lost Island), Denova (Explosive Conflict), Asation (Terror From Beyond), Darvannis (Scum and Villainy), Makeb, the Shroud Crisis, the Dread Seed Crisis, CZ-198, Oricon, the battles of Tython and Korriban (happening concurrently), the missions to Manaan and Rakata Prime, Rishi, Yavin IV, and Ziost all happening in a single year. Especially when the full year that was Chapter 2 was made up of just Taris/Balmorra (happening concurrently), Revan's escape (Taral + Maelstrom) and defeat (Boarding Party + Foundry), Quesh and Hoth.


I think it makes more sense to figure that after the end of the class story, time has moved either at roughly the same rate as real-world time since launch (meaning over 3 1/2 years since Ilum for 6 1/2+ years total) or something more like:

  • Prologue + Chapter 1 = 1 year
  • Chapter 2 = 1 year
  • Chapter 3 = 1 year
  • First Intermission + Chapter 4 = 1 year
  • Second Intermission + Chapter 5 = 1 year
  • Third Intermission = start of the next year

so that we're a bit over five years since the start of the game by the time we finish Ziost.

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  • 7 months later...
A lot more time has passed then 5 years. Maybe from the starting zone of your toon to the rise of the Emperor 5 years of past but between Ziost and the start of Knights of the Fallen Empire its more like 20+ years. There's no way two boys grow up to early adulthood in 1 year. And its probably more than that considering the emperor had to find zakuul, get married and then have kids and raise them, then have them wage war on the Republic and Empire. Unless we are aren't scaling Galactic Revolutions to what we the players consider a year. Then I couldnt imagine how long 1 year is in star wars. Since its an entire galaxy of solar systems, and not just a single planet revolution, like earth. But I can only say more than enough time has past for someone to start a family and raise children into adulthood
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A lot more time has passed then 5 years. Maybe from the starting zone of your toon to the rise of the Emperor 5 years of past but between Ziost and the start of Knights of the Fallen Empire its more like 20+ years. There's no way two boys grow up to early adulthood in 1 year. And its probably more than that considering the emperor had to find zakuul, get married and then have kids and raise them, then have them wage war on the Republic and Empire. Unless we are aren't scaling Galactic Revolutions to what we the players consider a year. Then I couldnt imagine how long 1 year is in star wars. Since its an entire galaxy of solar systems, and not just a single planet revolution, like earth. But I can only say more than enough time has past for someone to start a family and raise children into adulthood


I think you're misunderstanding the whole Zakuul thing.


When we watched Ziost get devoured, Vitiate/Valkorian had already been emperor of Zakuul for centuries (hundreds of years). He says to the PC early on in KotFE that he had been ruling BOTH empires at the same time. His focus, power and thoughts/mind I'd guess, split between the Sith Empire (as Vitiate) and his Eternal Empire on Zakuul (as Valkorian). He had his kids I'd say around 15 to 20-ish years (guess) before the Shadows of Revan/Ziost events.


Pretty much, big guy was possessing 2 bodies at once, and ruling 2 empires with them. Guess he was bored or something for a few hundred years.

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This has been answered quite a bit since KOTFE was announced.


TL;DR version:


-A level one character is created; the year is 3643 BBY.

-A character completes their original class story, it takes more than two years; the year is 3641 BBY.

-Explosive conflict through Oricon (Dread Master arc) takes just over two years; the year is late 3639 BBY.

-Forged Alliances occurs over some months, but the Revanite arc (including Ziost) occurs very quickly; the year is late 3638 BBY.

-Marr's task force runs into the full might of the Eternal Fleet; he and player character are captured; early 3637 BBY.

-Player character is frozen in carbonite for five years; rescued by Lana in 3632 BBY.

-Events of KOTFE Chapters I through VIII occur in rapid succession; perhaps two weeks total. Chapter IX takes longer as the Alliance builds contacts, resources, and personnel; some months pass, but we don't know how many yet because we haven't gotten any new information timeline-wise for KOTFE (beyond knowing it starts in 3632 BBY by mathematical deduction).

Edited by Diviciacus
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A total of approximately 11 years have passed since you were a level 1 newb on your starter world until you're woken up from carbonite in KotFE.


If you made your toon 18 in chapter 1, you're now 29.


Quinn is 37 in chapter 1, he's now 48 in KotFE when you meet him again.


Just remember, 11 years and you're good.

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-Marr's task force runs into the full might of the Eternal Fleet; he and player character are captured; early 3767 BBY.

-Player character is frozen in carbonite for five years; rescued by Lana in 3632 BBY.

-Events of KOTFE Chapters I through VIII occur in rapid succession; perhaps two weeks total. Chapter IX takes longer as the Alliance builds contacts, resources, and personnel; some months pass, but we don't know how many yet because we haven't gotten any new information timeline-wise for KOTFE (beyond knowing it starts in 3632 BBY by mathematical deduction).


I think you made an error on the Chapter I date. It's 3637, not 3767.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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I don't believe there is an official timeline for the events for the game from when your character first sets foot on the starting world through the destruction of Ziost. Most people just assume that each chapter is roughly one year, however until Bioware gives us an official timeline anything else said is just an educated guess.


There is an official timeline, if you look on Wookieepedia and other such sources it clearly says that it is about -BBY 3692 since Ashara is about 25, in real life I was born in 1961 and I am 55 years old.. Or she is around that age, my Player Character is in his 50s and the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic are about 3000 years before the Battle Of Yavin so that is the framework we live in. Oh Believe me it feels like we could only be 20 Years before the Battle Of Yavin. Yes so things are pegged around -3662 to -3602 BBY more or less according to my calculator. But they should be going to BBY 0 + or - , since I spent 5yrs with my PCer Ericissthwarror in Carbonite before being rescued which makes it -3602 BBY to be exact as the Star Wars Phantom Menance would have been about -20 BBY since we are going to end up at Star Wars: A New Hope of 0 BBY.

Edited by Eric_Skynwalker
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I think you're misunderstanding the whole Zakuul thing.


When we watched Ziost get devoured, Vitiate/Valkorian had already been emperor of Zakuul for centuries (hundreds of years). He says to the PC early on in KotFE that he had been ruling BOTH empires at the same time. His focus, power and thoughts/mind I'd guess, split between the Sith Empire (as Vitiate) and his Eternal Empire on Zakuul (as Valkorian). He had his kids I'd say around 15 to 20-ish years (guess) before the Shadows of Revan/Ziost events.


Pretty much, big guy was possessing 2 bodies at once, and ruling 2 empires with them. Guess he was bored or something for a few hundred years.


Amodesu I would believe your pretty much right. + or - 15 to 20 years for the whole adventure. It is said that Ashara Zavros is in her 20s in this adventure about 25 when I get to meet her on Taris. So it has to be a timeline of 15-20 years. We do spend 5 years in Carbonite before the rescue team thaws me out.

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