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Cause your guide on how to improve as a sin is pretty much unhelpful... It would help them to say how to q-sync and q-dodge so they can come here in the forums then and brag how great they are backing it up with their elo. ;) And with this we leave it there. Nothing else to say ;).


I'll just reply to all of your statements in one post, since clearly you are starting to get defensive by throwing out biased opinions on me as a player and my contributions to the community. As always, I respect your opinion, even if it isn't 100% factual and appreciate your feedback. What would you prefer that I change in my guide to help the sin masses become T1 players? Since you have the knowledge to know that my guide is faulty and isn't good enough because the amount, or lack there of, of sins in T1 bracket directly correlates to the effectiveness of my guide, what am I missing in there that could teach people how to play better and approach the T1 bracket? Surely you know this information right? Because if you didn't, how would you have any knowledge of what is or isn't incorrect in said guide? So do the community as a whole a favor, put up your own sin guide to teach players how to play better and achieve T1 since mine doesn't cut it, and i'll gladly edit my main post on my guide and remove it :)


Lastly, when/where have you ever seen an assassin post on the forums, bragging about the elo they gained using my guide? Go ahead, post a direct link to quotes and or threads that show this specifically :) Surely, your response was well calculated and wasn't a personal attack on my character due to your current mental state that could or could not be identified as 'upset' or 'defensive', so since it was clearly not opinion and is fact, link your proof :)


As always, thanks for your contributions to this forum and thanks for the future guide you plan to put out to actually help these sin players achieve T1, since my guide isn't cutting it :*

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Where to start :)


Ahh, Force Speed. I'm going assume you aren't new to the game. I'm going to assume that you know that most roots in the game are Force based roots. I'm going to assume that you know then, that as a sorc you have...ba dum tsss, a cleanse and can cleanse roots! Further more, I'm going to assume that you're #1 team player and know that your cleanse can also cleanse: Hard stuns, Whirlwind mezzes, Force based roots, debuffs on team mates. These assumptions are correct, right :)? Look at how much cc goes out in this game. Now look at the composition of the enemy team. Tell me the % of Force based CC that can be cleansed (because you're a good player, right? So you are using your cleanse, right?) versus tech based CC. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that most of PvP, ranked, even unranked, the composition of Force based classes is simply larger than that of tech based ones, allowing you to cleanse more cc, including HARD stuns than not. Also, incase you didn't know how resolve works, if your team mate is hard stunned twice in a row, and on the second one you cleanse him, he'll have 16 seconds of cc immunity in addition to him STILL having his cc breaker. And the kicker to this? By the time his resolve is back to empty, your cleanse will be back off cooldown. But surely, you're a good player, so you already know this info.


Not sure I agree that Force outnumbers tech to the extent you mention, but point taken.



Backlash moving up a notch is something that should have happened ages ago in my opinion. Why? Because it's an AoE 4 second mez on an effective 15 second cool down. You guys QQ about Low Slash doing the EXACT same thing, but it's single target. Bubble stun is AoE and can hit up to 8 players, 4 in an arena obviously, which is worth 16 seconds of CC going out into the enemy team on a 15 second CD. Come on, I know you main a sorc, but even a sorc main should be able to see how such a utility should be heroic tier.


Yes, it should be Heroic as I have argued in the past. It's still a nerf. Even if one that is well warranted.


I've been consistent, here's me a few days ago arguing this very point:




Broaden your horizons a bit and look at all angles of how these utilities can be applied please.


No doubt, but my point was that there are nerfs in there. Moving Backlash sets up a situation where people have to choose. Corrupted Barrier may be a crutch but it's a good one.

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Not sure I agree that Force outnumbers tech to the extent you mention, but point taken.





Yes, it should be Heroic as I have argued in the past. It's still a nerf. Even if one that is well warranted.


I've been consistent, here's me a few days ago arguing this very point:






No doubt, but my point was that there are nerfs in there. Moving Backlash sets up a situation where people have to choose. Corrupted Barrier may be a crutch but it's a good one.


I respect your opinion just because even months ago when they were PTS testing some of the new sorc healing changes (that everyone knew would be OP and look where we are now), you defended sorcs, but still did come in saying how certain things were negative, so at least you are consistent.


With that being said, I could agree that Backlash is techincally a nerf by moving it up a tier but as you said here:


Moving Backlash sets up a situation where people have to choose.


Is that not the whole point of the utility system? Look at marauders. Plenty of amazing utilities, all cluttered into the same tier, forcing some awfully hard choices, mara's probably have it worse than any other class when it comes to this. Thing is though, in exchange for Backlash going up, you get to choose from:


New Utility: Dizzying Force! When Whirlwind/Force Lift ends, target's accuracy is reduced by 20% for 8 seconds.

New Utility: Dark Speed/Benevolent Haste! A completed Dark Heal activation increases your target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.


Since all your points don't have to go into Tier 2, and you can take 4 tier one abilities and 1 tier 2 ability, the ability to give a 50% move speed buff to any ally or yourself is amazing to help with kiting. On top of that, whirlwind, which you should be using anyway, even if it isn't spec'd to be instant, reducing accuracy by 20% is just a surprise cherry in your milkshake. Since you'd be using the ability anyway, now it'll have the chance to make enemy dps's hardstuns/mezzes miss by 20%, in addition to making any white damage have a base 40% chance to miss on you due to the way accuracy/defense chance of inquisitors work, and lastly giving a 20% chance to make force/tech damaging abilities miss. This utility will hurt a marauder or sniper or deception sin more than any other class, with mara and decep sin being pretty abundant in solo ranked.


So is it a nerf moving it up, yes, but what you get to choose from in exchange is simply a shift in power from an AoE disengage to a single target disengage, which to me, is balanced.

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"good sins" but according to this forum, all sins are good sins lol. I mean, if only a few players were performing well with a class, why would a whole forum complain about a handful, i'm talking less that 1% of the whole playerbase for that class, of people performing well. Surely they're QQ'ing because the masses are performing well with sins especially in a rated format since most of this is arena whine. Yet only 11 and 15 sins per NA/EU servers are actually performing well enough to even hit T1. That's less than .5% of the total sins who have entered arenas for this season, yet there's a ton of forum QQ. So that makes me wonder, where are these QQers on a personal skill level as opposed to where the enemy sins are.


As far as "it was like this forever" no, it wasn't lol. It's much more widespread due to the new disciplines system. Lastly, you're saying that in order for PW to be useful, it requires a utility. That alone shows me that once again, you know nothing of the benefits and boons of PW. You can don't 'need' the utility at all, I'm simply implying that the utility will only augment its overall usefulness and power more so than H2F bubble will augment your ability to survive. I never said it was needed, just that it was a potential replacement.


Even without the utility, PW is leaps and bounds better than any other ability in the game on any Ranged class and melee class combined when it comes to relieving pressure.


  1. It can be used while stunned.
  2. It moves through walls and buildings.
  3. It moves farther than any ability in the game in 1 click OFF THE GCD


No other ability is as potent, period, and if you think that it won't be useful without the utility, which by proxy means you think it'll be useless without the utility, then you still have a bit of learning to do when it comes to getting better at this game. I'm not saying that's bad, we all have to learn and get better and have room for improvement. But what I am saying is that your arguments mean significantly less when you have shown that you don't posses the knowledge to know the full capabilities of Phase Walk, especially Phase Walk on a sorc.


Yeah I know nothing.


Should have done 6k dps my fault.


Also certainly I know nothing about PW and sorcs (I suggest you check the date).



And yes it was forever lol. But we will have to go back in time in an era more romantic where there was ranked warzones, probably you werent around back then but anyway.


PS: When there were the rumours of PW given to inq I thought it would be given to sorcs cause not only it fits them like a glove but makes the class 1m times more fun. But hey I know nothing.

PPS: It should be given baseline cause the number of gap closers has increased and sometimes you do want to position it in attack range, but hey YOU know nothing about PW and sorcs but want them to use it unidimenionsially. broader your horizon mate.

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I'll just reply to all of your statements in one post, since clearly you are starting to get defensive by throwing out biased opinions on me as a player and my contributions to the community. As always, I respect your opinion, even if it isn't 100% factual and appreciate your feedback. What would you prefer that I change in my guide to help the sin masses become T1 players? Since you have the knowledge to know that my guide is faulty and isn't good enough because the amount, or lack there of, of sins in T1 bracket directly correlates to the effectiveness of my guide, what am I missing in there that could teach people how to play better and approach the T1 bracket? Surely you know this information right? Because if you didn't, how would you have any knowledge of what is or isn't incorrect in said guide? So do the community as a whole a favor, put up your own sin guide to teach players how to play better and achieve T1 since mine doesn't cut it, and i'll gladly edit my main post on my guide and remove it :)


Lastly, when/where have you ever seen an assassin post on the forums, bragging about the elo they gained using my guide? Go ahead, post a direct link to quotes and or threads that show this specifically :) Surely, your response was well calculated and wasn't a personal attack on my character due to your current mental state that could or could not be identified as 'upset' or 'defensive', so since it was clearly not opinion and is fact, link your proof :)


As always, thanks for your contributions to this forum and thanks for the future guide you plan to put out to actually help these sin players achieve T1, since my guide isn't cutting it :*


I already did tell you. Tell sins how to q-sync and q-dodge then they can achieve T1 rank if they are good enough. You are missing the point here. Most of T1 players are good enough otherwise why would anyone want to q-sync with them. There are many T2 and T3 players that I know of that are just as good and even better than those T1 players but unfortunately they just want to play 1hr of a game to relax from work or before going to bed and cant commit to all these tactics. My comment was on your statement about bringing elo as proof of skill and quality of class. The vast majority of player base knows that, time to wake up too. Or should I post a few pictures of me and a couple of random T2 and T3 pugs that are pretty good beating out q-syncers and making them q-dodge/quit so you can wake up?


So my feedback to your guide is portray it as an improve as pvp player not because you went from T3 to T1 in one season because you did what you did. Cause if you really believe that then please enlighten me on the screenshot I post it before (nvm here you go again) http://imgur.com/c1qMQYR what else can I do to win this and I will shut up! Looking forward to your T1 pro hints.

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I would quote myself, but the thread I want to quote from is deleted (Blank mining discussion). Long story short, I said that I would be fine with getting a shadowstep-esque ability as long as they took away 30m low slash and made it 4m again. This was before it was ever even known through any avenue that we were actually getting Shadowstep or w/e the ability is called now.


I don't even use Low Slash to catch up to targets lol. All of my Low slashes go to my focus target to keep an enemy dps/healer locked out from doing whatever while I wail away at their team mates.


In ranked, yes absolutely, and that is honestly the main reason why 30m low slash shouldn't exist. But it cannot be denied that it is also ridiculous when going toe to toe vs a ranged.

Edited by Kakisback
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I already did tell you. Tell sins how to q-sync and q-dodge then they can achieve T1 rank if they are good enough. You are missing the point here. Most of T1 players are good enough otherwise why would anyone want to q-sync with them. There are many T2 and T3 players that I know of that are just as good and even better than those T1 players but unfortunately they just want to play 1hr of a game to relax from work or before going to bed and cant commit to all these tactics. My comment was on your statement about bringing elo as proof of skill and quality of class. The vast majority of player base knows that, time to wake up too. Or should I post a few pictures of me and a couple of random T2 and T3 pugs that are pretty good beating out q-syncers and making them q-dodge/quit so you can wake up?


So my feedback to your guide is portray it as an improve as pvp player not because you went from T3 to T1 in one season because you did what you did. Cause if you really believe that then please enlighten me on the screenshot I post it before (nvm here you go again) http://imgur.com/c1qMQYR what else can I do to win this and I will shut up! Looking forward to your T1 pro hints.


First off, what are you on about "mate"? So you take a screenshot of losing 1 game where you did good dps? I guess I should also start linking screenshots of games where I did good dps and still lost, that will prove that sins are underpowered and need buffs right? Because what else would be the point of showing off top damage but losing?




Oh no! I did 2800 dps but my team still lost! Buff sins because what else could i have done to win that match?!?!?!


Come on man lol, and why are you trying to hide behind anonymity? You have the gall to place your opinion in a public forum, telling me that my guide isn't good enough to get sins decent rating, but not the balls to at least say your ingame name? What, are you afraid of someone potentially harassing you? As though people actually care what players say on the forums and will bring it into the game? Lol. Okay man. Anyway, like I said, 2800 dps, but still lost, just like your screen shot, it goes to prove that sins need buffs! Kappa 123 :rak_03:


Or should I post a few pictures of me and a couple of random T2 and T3 pugs that are pretty good beating out q-syncers and making them q-dodge/quit so you can wake up?


Which has what to do with the topic of this thread and the topic of Sorcs trying to push the fact that they're OP on to another class, Assassins? Lol, gonna assume that you're just trying to brag or something, but look man, get this, if bad players Q sync, guess what? They're still bad players. Q syncing does not make bad players good, they will just make coordinated bad plays in place of uncoordinated bad plays, but hey, I'm going to assume you're too shortsighted to see that judging by your comment showing how proud you are of beating bad players Q syncing lol.


As far as these T2 and T3 pugs that are better than T1 players, but don't put in the effort, hey guess what, that makes them a T1 player doesn't it, just sans the rating? And going by your example, if they have so little time to play, then they are not the MAJORITY of sins that you and everyone else keeps facing in Q, that's just common sense, which still brings me to the question, if sins are so OP, and on a CONSISTENT basis you keep losing to sins, why aren't there more sins up there? Because according to common sense, a sin that CONSISTENTLY beats you and apparently everyone else, should be CONSISTENTLY gaining Elo more than they lose Elo, meaning even if they only play 2 games a day, the natural W/L ratio will push them to T1 over time.


But again, continue with your baseless arguments and lack of facts to prove the point of...well, by this point I'm not sure what you're trying to prove :rak_02: Oh right, that sorcs aren't OP :p



Also certainly I know nothing about PW and sorcs (I suggest you check the date).



That quote was in the "what ability do you want for 4.0" in the sorc forum. So all you did was say that you wanted Phase Walk as a sorc, yet that means you know all of the intricacies and best ways to use phase walk? Lol okay man, nice logic.


For 5.0, i want Translocate from Powertechs, despite me not seeing it in practice, me saying that i want it means that I know all of it's benefits as well as how to use it properly, kappa :rak_01:

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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First off, what are you on about "mate"? So you take a screenshot of losing 1 game where you did good dps? I guess I should also start linking screenshots of games where I did good dps and still lost, that will prove that sins are underpowered and need buffs right? Because what else would be the point of showing off top damage but losing?




Oh no! I did 2800 dps but my team still lost! Buff sins because what else could i have done to win that match?!?!?!


Come on man lol, and why are you trying to hide behind anonymity? You have the gall to place your opinion in a public forum, telling me that my guide isn't good enough to get sins decent rating, but not the balls to at least say your ingame name? What, are you afraid of someone potentially harassing you? As though people actually care what players say on the forums and will bring it into the game? Lol. Okay man. Anyway, like I said, 2800 dps, but still lost, just like your screen shot, it goes to prove that sins need buffs! Kappa 123 :rak_03:




Which has what to do with the topic of this thread and the topic of Sorcs trying to push the fact that they're OP on to another class, Assassins? Lol, gonna assume that you're just trying to brag or something, but look man, get this, if bad players Q sync, guess what? They're still bad players. Q syncing does not make bad players good, they will just make coordinated bad plays in place of uncoordinated bad plays, but hey, I'm going to assume you're too shortsighted to see that judging by your comment showing how proud you are of beating bad players Q syncing lol.


As far as these T2 and T3 pugs that are better than T1 players, but don't put in the effort, hey guess what, that makes them a T1 player doesn't it, just sans the rating? And going by your example, if they have so little time to play, then they are not the MAJORITY of sins that you and everyone else keeps facing in Q, that's just common sense, which still brings me to the question, if sins are so OP, and on a CONSISTENT basis you keep losing to sins, why aren't there more sins up there? Because according to common sense, a sin that CONSISTENTLY beats you and apparently everyone else, should be CONSISTENTLY gaining Elo more than they lose Elo, meaning even if they only play 2 games a day, the natural W/L ratio will push them to T1 over time.


But again, continue with your baseless arguments and lack of facts to prove the point of...well, by this point I'm not sure what you're trying to prove :rak_02: Oh right, that sorcs aren't OP :p




That quote was in the "what ability do you want for 4.0" in the sorc forum. So all you did was say that you wanted Phase Walk as a sorc, yet that means you know all of the intricacies and best ways to use phase walk? Lol okay man, nice logic.


For 5.0, i want Translocate from Powertechs, despite me not seeing it in practice, me saying that i want it means that I know all of it's benefits as well as how to use it properly, kappa :rak_01:


OK a few things cause like the heals that needed spelt out you seem to have comprehension problems.

* Against the forums to post names if you don't know that . Not in a mood for a warning/ban. If you take that as have no balls fine, I can live with that. lol.

* You were the one accusing me of knowing nothing ;). 2.8k dps in arena? and you brag about it? lololol. That was well over 3.5k dps, damn I didn't keep the sc. Still you didn't answer me, what should I have done oh my T1 sin master?

* Show me a post of mine where I said that sins are OP.

* I can show you a number of posts that you are crying that sorcs are OP. e.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8465691#post8465691

As I said you are nowhere near the class of Roudy and Evolixe and many other sins ;).

* Well if you cant see why a sorc would like to have pw 4 3 months before announced then OK. If that's logic then I am happy to be irrational.

* Why are you so defensive about sins? Show me a post again that I said that they are OP. All I said sorcs changes remain to be seen in the 4.0 meta, while sins changes are certainly an improvement, never said it will make them gods. So again why so touchy about sins?

* Baseless arguments? You just agreed with someone that said that sorcs have no counters. I gave you the counters and your reply was nonsense brag. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8466206&postcount=61

* I spelt out for you why the heals was a nerf, your replied with nonsense (as usual) only to admit a couple of posts later that you were wrong. Who writes baseless facts then and how can I take you seriously mate?

* You come across as being a teenager to be honest. And sincerely cant be bothered arguing with a kid. If you are not a kid then apologies, if you are, oh well, once more I am right ;).

* GL & HF and start being rational and replying on what is being said with facts instead of cosmetic adjectives ;). Even Evo would have presented more facts than you and yes he is most definitely it seems from what you are writing a better player ;). Sorry, happens.

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OK a few things cause like the heals that needed spelt out you seem to have comprehension problems.

* Against the forums to post names if you don't know that . Not in a mood for a warning/ban. If you take that as have no balls fine, I can live with that. lol.

* You were the one accusing me of knowing nothing ;). 2.8k dps in arena? and you brag about it? lololol. That was well over 3.5k dps, damn I didn't keep the sc. Still you didn't answer me, what should I have done oh my T1 sin master?

* Show me a post of mine where I said that sins are OP.

* I can show you a number of posts that you are crying that sorcs are OP. e.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8465691#post8465691

As I said you are nowhere near the class of Roudy and Evolixe and many other sins ;).

* Well if you cant see why a sorc would like to have pw 4 3 months before announced then OK. If that's logic then I am happy to be irrational.

* Why are you so defensive about sins? Show me a post again that I said that they are OP. All I said sorcs changes remain to be seen in the 4.0 meta, while sins changes are certainly an improvement, never said it will make them gods. So again why so touchy about sins?

* Baseless arguments? You just agreed with someone that said that sorcs have no counters. I gave you the counters and your reply was nonsense brag. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8466206&postcount=61

* I spelt out for you why the heals was a nerf, your replied with nonsense (as usual) only to admit a couple of posts later that you were wrong. Who writes baseless facts then and how can I take you seriously mate?

* You come across as being a teenager to be honest. And sincerely cant be bothered arguing with a kid. If you are not a kid then apologies, if you are, oh well, once more I am right ;).

* GL & HF and start being rational and replying on what is being said with facts instead of cosmetic adjectives ;). Even Evo would have presented more facts than you and yes he is most definitely it seems from what you are writing a better player ;). Sorry, happens.


Ok, if that was 3.5k dps, which apparently proves that you're a good player (kappa), let's see how you could win this match. Looking at the enemy team, 3/4 of them were force users. Did you use your cleanse on cool down to cleanse the hard stuns and mezzes that 75% of the enemy team was putting out on your team mates? I notice you did 60k healing, did you offheal your tank at all when he was going down and use your extricate on your melee dps when they were in trouble? Did you bubble all of your team off cooldown since lightning sorcs have very little issues with force management? Did you do anything at all to be a team player? That's how you could have won that, by:


  1. Using your cleanse on cooldown to cleanse hardstuns and mezzes
  2. Offhealing your teammates, 60k healing means majority was on yourself through Unnatural Preservation and potentially H2F bubble or your static barrier self healing. This assumes you had that utility, I could be wrong.
  3. Using extricate to help out your melee dps when they were being tunneled when they got to the execute range, and then spamming dark heal and bubbles to bring them back to life.
  4. Using your knockbacks to help peel for your team in general, assuming the enemy dps weren't on you.


If you don't see the very basic things that you could do differently to win, then simply put, you have more to learn. Every player can get better, no matter how good they are.


As far as Roudy and Evolixe, I've never met either of them, and they very well may be better Assassin's than me. What does that have to do with anything? I have never claimed to be the best Sin NA/EU/Mexico/Antarctica, so comparing me to others is out of context. Are you implying that they are the best, and thus, no one can achieve their level of greatness? And thus, only their opinion is relevant? Or perhaps your brought them up because you think that they would think differently on the matter of sorcs and phase walk? I'm not sure what you're doing besides grasping at straws on that one.


On the matter of the heal nerf, I was incorrect and was not thinking all the way through when I first responded to you, and corrected myself and even said "I was wrong in my previous statement." I openly admit that I was wrong then and will admit now, it is a nerf. What would be more idiotic would be to realize that I'm wrong, but to continue to argue my incorrect viewpoint. However, regardless of what you think of me personally, or my opinion, or whether you think sins before me are better, and hint: they very well may be, since I've never claimed to be the best, only to be knowledgeable about the game and my class, regardless of all of that, it doesn't change the facts at all. And the facts are:


  1. PW on a sorc will be a powerful tool for multiple reasons that I've said before
  2. Sorc will remain leaps and bounds better than it's other 2 ranged dps counterparts
  3. Sorc healers will be even more powerful in 4.0 than they are now, how much more is yet to be seen


As far as your personal insults on my age, I'm not going to stoop to your level and insult your personal character since I don't know you in real life and that would be presumptuous of me, instead I'll judge you by your view points on the game and judging by the fact that you clearly couldn't see the potential actions that could have been taken to win that game where you did "muh 3.5k dps :rak_03:," I'm going to assume that you are to convoluted to actually take any constructive criticism to get better as a player, and if you were to, it would probably have to come in a less harsh tone than mine before you paid any attention to it.


Apparently you're old enough to not want to argue with a "kid" yet immature enough to make baseless assumptions on my personal character without knowing me in real life. So with that being said, enjoy your day and once again, thank you for the amazing feedback you've provided everyone with today :)

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Ok, if that was 3.5k dps, which apparently proves that you're a good player (kappa), let's see how you could win this match. Looking at the enemy team, 3/4 of them were force users. Did you use your cleanse on cool down to cleanse the hard stuns and mezzes that 75% of the enemy team was putting out on your team mates? I notice you did 60k healing, did you offheal your tank at all when he was going down and use your extricate on your melee dps when they were in trouble? Did you bubble all of your team off cooldown since lightning sorcs have very little issues with force management? Did you do anything at all to be a team player? That's how you could have won that, by:


  1. Using your cleanse on cooldown to cleanse hardstuns and mezzes
  2. Offhealing your teammates, 60k healing means majority was on yourself through Unnatural Preservation and potentially H2F bubble or your static barrier self healing. This assumes you had that utility, I could be wrong.
  3. Using extricate to help out your melee dps when they were being tunneled when they got to the execute range, and then spamming dark heal and bubbles to bring them back to life.
  4. Using your knockbacks to help peel for your team in general, assuming the enemy dps weren't on you.


If you don't see the very basic things that you could do differently to win, then simply put, you have more to learn. Every player can get better, no matter how good they are.

Cool. No, in this round I didn't do any of the above (other than initial bubbles) and would have made 0 difference in this case (notice this is round 2, round 1 was similar except I did throw some heals and bubbles to help out, but it is pointless when damage and healing is higher than any number they do, so round 2 different strategy, adapt you know). Simply and mathematically even a 2k damage from my bolt would have more impact than actually trying to "save" any of my teammates who god knows what they were doing to achieve this dps. Also I am sure you realise that achieving anything above 2.5k dps kind of usually makes you focus on this aspect (sure you agree otherwise in such a long game I'm sure you might had more than 34k protection unless being the one focussed constantly of course).


As far as Roudy and Evolixe, I've never met either of them, and they very well may be better Assassin's than me. What does that have to do with anything? I have never claimed to be the best Sin NA/EU/Mexico/Antarctica, so comparing me to others is out of context. Are you implying that they are the best, and thus, no one can achieve their level of greatness? And thus, only their opinion is relevant? Or perhaps your brought them up because you think that they would think differently on the matter of sorcs and phase walk? I'm not sure what you're doing besides grasping at straws on that one.

Good players don't whine on forums about how OP other classes are. Not at least crying just for crying. They might complain and say why they think an ability or set of abilities is overturned and how it could be changed. That's why I gave you these two names as sin examples. And furthermore, they usually tend to focus on how to make their class work. My call is that you have called sorcs OP but you haven't specified why they are at least. Then that would form a discussion.



On the matter of the heal nerf, I was incorrect and was not thinking all the way through when I first responded to you, and corrected myself and even said "I was wrong in my previous statement." I openly admit that I was wrong then and will admit now, it is a nerf. What would be more idiotic would be to realize that I'm wrong, but to continue to argue my incorrect viewpoint. However, regardless of what you think of me personally, or my opinion, or whether you think sins before me are better, and hint: they very well may be, since I've never claimed to be the best, only to be knowledgeable about the game and my class, regardless of all of that, it doesn't change the facts at all. And the facts are:


  1. PW on a sorc will be a powerful tool for multiple reasons that I've said before
  2. Sorc will remain leaps and bounds better than it's other 2 ranged dps counterparts
  3. Sorc healers will be even more powerful in 4.0 than they are now, how much more is yet to be seen


As far as your personal insults on my age, I'm not going to stoop to your level and insult your personal character since I don't know you in real life and that would be presumptuous of me, instead I'll judge you by your view points on the game and judging by the fact that you clearly couldn't see the potential actions that could have been taken to win that game where you did "muh 3.5k dps :rak_03:," I'm going to assume that you are to convoluted to actually take any constructive criticism to get better as a player, and if you were to, it would probably have to come in a less harsh tone than mine before you paid any attention to it.

Thank god they are not brought down to the level of mercs at least. Snipers are a most complex story for another thread as in the current meta are weak in solo arenas, pretty much fine and strong in fact (heads on if not better depending on skill and circumstances) than sorcs in team ranked and warzones. And snipers 4.0 changes remain to be seen. But anyway that's another thread. So yes, cause sorcs are the only viable ranged option at the moment, it should tell you that this is not a call for a nerf.


And yes PW is pretty powerful. Always wanted on my sorc and hence why I suggested. It suits sorcs play style perfect. The possibilities are endless. But in the 4.0 meta pretty much every melee gets an additional leap. I want to use PW in every possible way I can imagine. So leap immunity even for 2-3s is vital otherwise it will always have to be used behind a pillar and/or outside 35m range. Yes, I will work with what is given, but I wish I am not forced to do that. PW is AMAZING for sorcs! All needed IMO is a 2-3s max (1-2gcd) leap immunity to let us do whatever crazy thing we have in mind. Will it make sorcs OP? Nope. 6s leap immunity might be a utility that is a must in the 4.0 meta, and actually might be a reason for more whines as the duration is fairly long (TK can go through their full burst rotation for example in 4 gcds and with alacrity there will be time to hide even) and only a couple of classes will be able to counter this.


Apparently you're old enough to not want to argue with a "kid" yet immature enough to make baseless assumptions on my personal character without knowing me in real life. So with that being said, enjoy your day and once again, thank you for the amazing feedback you've provided everyone with today :)

Thanks you too for disagreeing with me on my posts and calling me names, just to agree with me on other people's posts ;) Also your arguments on why sorcs are OP were really factual and clear.

Edited by MusicRider
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Ok, if that was 3.5k dps, which apparently proves that you're a good player (kappa), let's see how you could win this match. Looking at the enemy team, 3/4 of them were force users. Did you use your cleanse on cool down to cleanse the hard stuns and mezzes that 75% of the enemy team was putting out on your team mates? I notice you did 60k healing, did you offheal your tank at all when he was going down and use your extricate on your melee dps when they were in trouble? Did you bubble all of your team off cooldown since lightning sorcs have very little issues with force management? Did you do anything at all to be a team player? That's how you could have won that, by:


  1. Using your cleanse on cooldown to cleanse hardstuns and mezzes
  2. Offhealing your teammates, 60k healing means majority was on yourself through Unnatural Preservation and potentially H2F bubble or your static barrier self healing. This assumes you had that utility, I could be wrong.
  3. Using extricate to help out your melee dps when they were being tunneled when they got to the execute range, and then spamming dark heal and bubbles to bring them back to life.
  4. Using your knockbacks to help peel for your team in general, assuming the enemy dps weren't on you.


If you don't see the very basic things that you could do differently to win, then simply put, you have more to learn. Every player can get better, no matter how good they are.


As far as Roudy and Evolixe, I've never met either of them, and they very well may be better Assassin's than me. What does that have to do with anything? I have never claimed to be the best Sin NA/EU/Mexico/Antarctica, so comparing me to others is out of context. Are you implying that they are the best, and thus, no one can achieve their level of greatness? And thus, only their opinion is relevant? Or perhaps your brought them up because you think that they would think differently on the matter of sorcs and phase walk? I'm not sure what you're doing besides grasping at straws on that one.


On the matter of the heal nerf, I was incorrect and was not thinking all the way through when I first responded to you, and corrected myself and even said "I was wrong in my previous statement." I openly admit that I was wrong then and will admit now, it is a nerf. What would be more idiotic would be to realize that I'm wrong, but to continue to argue my incorrect viewpoint. However, regardless of what you think of me personally, or my opinion, or whether you think sins before me are better, and hint: they very well may be, since I've never claimed to be the best, only to be knowledgeable about the game and my class, regardless of all of that, it doesn't change the facts at all. And the facts are:


  1. PW on a sorc will be a powerful tool for multiple reasons that I've said before
  2. Sorc will remain leaps and bounds better than it's other 2 ranged dps counterparts
  3. Sorc healers will be even more powerful in 4.0 than they are now, how much more is yet to be seen


As far as your personal insults on my age, I'm not going to stoop to your level and insult your personal character since I don't know you in real life and that would be presumptuous of me, instead I'll judge you by your view points on the game and judging by the fact that you clearly couldn't see the potential actions that could have been taken to win that game where you did "muh 3.5k dps :rak_03:," I'm going to assume that you are to convoluted to actually take any constructive criticism to get better as a player, and if you were to, it would probably have to come in a less harsh tone than mine before you paid any attention to it.


Apparently you're old enough to not want to argue with a "kid" yet immature enough to make baseless assumptions on my personal character without knowing me in real life. So with that being said, enjoy your day and once again, thank you for the amazing feedback you've provided everyone with today :)


Kre'a, whenever someone says that one of the "old goodies" would beat X person currently playing, take it with a grain of salt. Players change, and the rose-tinted glasses of pseudo-nostalgia also play a huge role (AKA the old players weren't gods at the game, k?).


EDIT: @MusicRider stop telling people that sorc needs PW. I have one myself, and when I'm not flondering about in ranked/normals and actually put on my A-game, it's by far the most powerful class. What you're saying is almost the as pts said back in 1.something (hurdurr, we're not OP, we need buffs).

Edited by ToMyMa
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The fact that you believe there was no hope to win that game and nothing you could have done differently goes to show that it actually never mattered in the first place that you posted that link, because nothing that could have been suggested would have changed your mind that the game could have been won. I gave you things that could have been done differently, you simply discounted them and said, "wouldn't have mattered." I tried to help, either way lost game is lost and is now irrelevant.


I have actually suggested on numerous occasions how to fix the overtuned class. All you have to do is look. So no, i'm not complaining for the sense of complaining, but either way, different people react differently to stigma, are you implying that being better mechanically at a game is mutually exclusive to how you write and react on a forum? Lol. Okay. That's like saying that people who are savants must be bad at that one particular thing they are godly at because they have no social skills. But either way, I digress.


My previous suggestions on how to tweak the class remain the same:


  • GIve sorcs the operative/merc treatment. Increase the base cost of the healing abilities for non healing disciplines by a significant margin so that the player has to intuitively decide whether to use the heal that costs a lot or to just continue dpsing, while decreasing the cost back to normal via talents within the actual healing tree. This will keep the healing discipline the same while essentially cutting down on offheals by dps.
  • Don't give sorcs Phase Walk. Give them a new ability that has the same function as Phase Walk, but on a 30m leash instead of 60m leash, to bring them in line with the other ranged dps classes' disengage abilities. Also, don't allow this ability to be used while stunned, because neither merc or snipers can use their disengages while stunned, or even rooted for that matter. Why should sorc get special treatment that their ranged counterparts don't get?
  • Don't let sorcs move while in barrier...this should be self explanatory. The draw back to Force Barrier was that you were immobile and couldn't reposition, or do anything. This point might be moot since apparently they are in fact removing this ability.
  • If a sorc uses Phase Walk while in barrier, it should cancel barrier. The only proof I have to go on here is the fact that in the current live game, phase walk can be used WHILE channeling and casting abilities WITHOUT interrupting that cast or channel. If this also applies to Force Barrier, it will allow sorcs to still reposition while in barrier, which is powerful. This point is purely speculation based on how current game mechanics are now.
  • Increase the burst of Lightning spec slightly on its SINGLE TARGET damage. I feel the reason the burst is so low now is because it has AoE components. Bringing up it's single target damage slightly will help in bursting down enemies, which is kind of the point of all burst specs to be honest. I'm thinking increasing the damage coefficients on Thundering blast or lightning bolt or lightning Flash so that it does slightly more damage.


These have been my thoughts for ages and I've written them on numerous PTS threads. This will bring dps sorcs back down to the other ranged counterpart's levels without pushing them so far ahead that they become the only reliable ranged dps to bring into a ranked arena.

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Kre'a, whenever someone says that one of the "old goodies" would beat X person currently playing, take it with a grain of salt. Players change, and the rose-tinted glasses of pseudo-nostalgia also play a huge role (AKA the old players weren't gods at the game, k?).


EDIT: @MusicRider stop telling people that sorc needs PW. I have one myself, and when I'm not flondering about in ranked/normals and actually put on my A-game, it's by far the most powerful class. What you're saying is almost the as pts said back in 1.something (hurdurr, we're not OP, we need buffs).


I don't actually mind when people compare me to other players simply because of the fact that I never claimed to be better than those players in the first place. They are simply making an arbitrary comparison based on the thoughts that I had presumed to be better in the first place, which never has been the case and never will be the case.

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Can you guys just agree to disagree? You obviously have different opinions, stop trying to force each other to accept your own opinions. I started reading but i honestly got bored of the wall of texts as if you're trying to out bore each other. Krea you've obviously spent A LOT of time playing this game, and I dont doubt your passion, but can you make things easier to understand for whoever is reading this thread? Just so much text for me, i have difficulty paying attention. Give us a nice summary of what you think about this "issue". Edited by Vallerine
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Give them a new ability that has the same function as Phase Walk, but on a 30m .



OR just a phase walk that works on 30 meters, problem fixed, Barrier while moving is a BS, probably the biggetst BS i've heard since d1. And its amaze me since lot of devs from d1, ran away from this mess someone call SWTOR.


Now, increasing burst in lightning would be legit, aoe burst yes, shame 8k is not a burst, and lets speak in all honestly, if 8 ppl are grouped they deserve to be hitted 12 k chain lightning :rak_01:. No seriously, if needed make lightning a single target spec, but do something about damage output becase is sad when u cast a TB and in the same time a pt half'd your hp :rak_01:

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The fact that you believe there was no hope to win that game and nothing you could have done differently goes to show that it actually never mattered in the first place that you posted that link, because nothing that could have been suggested would have changed your mind that the game could have been won. I gave you things that could have been done differently, you simply discounted them and said, "wouldn't have mattered." I tried to help, either way lost game is lost and is now irrelevant.


I have actually suggested on numerous occasions how to fix the overtuned class. All you have to do is look. So no, i'm not complaining for the sense of complaining, but either way, different people react differently to stigma, are you implying that being better mechanically at a game is mutually exclusive to how you write and react on a forum? Lol. Okay. That's like saying that people who are savants must be bad at that one particular thing they are godly at because they have no social skills. But either way, I digress.


My previous suggestions on how to tweak the class remain the same:


  • GIve sorcs the operative/merc treatment. Increase the base cost of the healing abilities for non healing disciplines by a significant margin so that the player has to intuitively decide whether to use the heal that costs a lot or to just continue dpsing, while decreasing the cost back to normal via talents within the actual healing tree. This will keep the healing discipline the same while essentially cutting down on offheals by dps.
  • Don't give sorcs Phase Walk. Give them a new ability that has the same function as Phase Walk, but on a 30m leash instead of 60m leash, to bring them in line with the other ranged dps classes' disengage abilities. Also, don't allow this ability to be used while stunned, because neither merc or snipers can use their disengages while stunned, or even rooted for that matter. Why should sorc get special treatment that their ranged counterparts don't get?
  • Don't let sorcs move while in barrier...this should be self explanatory. The draw back to Force Barrier was that you were immobile and couldn't reposition, or do anything. This point might be moot since apparently they are in fact removing this ability.
  • If a sorc uses Phase Walk while in barrier, it should cancel barrier. The only proof I have to go on here is the fact that in the current live game, phase walk can be used WHILE channeling and casting abilities WITHOUT interrupting that cast or channel. If this also applies to Force Barrier, it will allow sorcs to still reposition while in barrier, which is powerful. This point is purely speculation based on how current game mechanics are now.
  • Increase the burst of Lightning spec slightly on its SINGLE TARGET damage. I feel the reason the burst is so low now is because it has AoE components. Bringing up it's single target damage slightly will help in bursting down enemies, which is kind of the point of all burst specs to be honest. I'm thinking increasing the damage coefficients on Thundering blast or lightning bolt or lightning Flash so that it does slightly more damage.


These have been my thoughts for ages and I've written them on numerous PTS threads. This will bring dps sorcs back down to the other ranged counterpart's levels without pushing them so far ahead that they become the only reliable ranged dps to bring into a ranked arena.


1. DPS Oper healing as as OP as dps sorcs, merc healing is below these two. So which one keep it OP or UP? But nevertheless I give you that as I said since day 1 that dark heal was touched that it is too strong for dps off-healing. This is tuned down in 4.0.


2. Why? For start we go with the assumption that the other two classes are subpar and got screwed in 4.0. Why then making sorcs crap as well? Want another free kill in pvp? On top of that sorcs are completely different game style. Their dcds are primarily keep distance and heals. If not giving PW then you must give things like shroud. Would be happy with that too then. And at the moment they are not free kills cause of barrier.


3. Since it is possible removed what's the crying again? We could be discussing if it remained.


4. Why would anyone use barrier and pw (thats bad play) when you can simply use PW?


5. Increase burst of Ling. Cool. For started blast, bolt and flash are completely different. One is an internal damage autocrit, bolt is a filler and by increasing its damage you don't increase burst but increase sustained (since seems you don't play a sorc let me put it in sin terms, increase trash or clairvoyant strike damage for burst), while flash is a non autocrit that can hit as much as blast in cases as it is kinetic damage. Now bear in mind that the other two ranged hit for 15k+ in pvp on fully armoured sorcs while blast and flash hit for about 7-8k with 25% of probability to get an extra 2-3k. A slight buff won't make them as bursty as the other two classes for 75% of the cases, a greater buff will make them more bursty than the other two for 25% of the cases. And then there are pve implications also as currently all 3 ranged burst specs are pretty much balanced. Do you think it is really an easy thing to do as simply buff one ability. And actually the only ability that could increase is flash as it is kinetic, has the longest cd and is a non auto-crit. This could be done by increasing the base damage or preferably (as increasing base damage will not have a noticeable effect) give this ability a 5-10% crit bonus and let it to the rng gods. Of course it will increase their damage in pve but by not that much to make the difference between ling and the other burst ranged specs so much of an issue.


Now on the other hand force speed is it increasing to 30s? Where was that posted? If it is so, how come and everyone forgets to mention this big nerf for sorcs? It is the first and most important escape sorcs have, and even in the current form with egress still easily counter able by non-noobs that insist on finishing their ravage.


And on a side note. What are your views on:

1. Sins getting a slow on rotational abilities including their aoe damage (but force storm snare was OP).

2. Building 3 stacks of breach as infiltration when phantom striding.

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Time during which the ranged should be able to do stuff, but instead are sitting in a mezz. You cannot deny the potency of this.


Time which the melee STILL has to get into range to even hurt you and you're out of the mez before they reach you. You cant have cake and eat it to given that you already have the ranged advantage.


We could always make things more fair though. Lets remove the 30m low slash, but at the same time all sorc abilities are now only 10m. Sounds fair to me.

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1. DPS Oper healing as as OP as dps sorcs, merc healing is below these two. So which one keep it OP or UP? But nevertheless I give you that as I said since day 1 that dark heal was touched that it is too strong for dps off-healing. This is tuned down in 4.0.


2. Why? For start we go with the assumption that the other two classes are subpar and got screwed in 4.0. Why then making sorcs crap as well? Want another free kill in pvp? On top of that sorcs are completely different game style. Their dcds are primarily keep distance and heals. If not giving PW then you must give things like shroud. Would be happy with that too then. And at the moment they are not free kills cause of barrier.


3. Since it is possible removed what's the crying again? We could be discussing if it remained.


4. Why would anyone use barrier and pw (thats bad play) when you can simply use PW?


5. Increase burst of Ling. Cool. For started blast, bolt and flash are completely different. One is an internal damage autocrit, bolt is a filler and by increasing its damage you don't increase burst but increase sustained (since seems you don't play a sorc let me put it in sin terms, increase trash or clairvoyant strike damage for burst), while flash is a non autocrit that can hit as much as blast in cases as it is kinetic damage. Now bear in mind that the other two ranged hit for 15k+ in pvp on fully armoured sorcs while blast and flash hit for about 7-8k with 25% of probability to get an extra 2-3k. A slight buff won't make them as bursty as the other two classes for 75% of the cases, a greater buff will make them more bursty than the other two for 25% of the cases. And then there are pve implications also as currently all 3 ranged burst specs are pretty much balanced. Do you think it is really an easy thing to do as simply buff one ability. And actually the only ability that could increase is flash as it is kinetic, has the longest cd and is a non auto-crit. This could be done by increasing the base damage or preferably (as increasing base damage will not have a noticeable effect) give this ability a 5-10% crit bonus and let it to the rng gods. Of course it will increase their damage in pve but by not that much to make the difference between ling and the other burst ranged specs so much of an issue.


Now on the other hand force speed is it increasing to 30s? Where was that posted? If it is so, how come and everyone forgets to mention this big nerf for sorcs? It is the first and most important escape sorcs have, and even in the current form with egress still easily counter able by non-noobs that insist on finishing their ravage.


And on a side note. What are your views on:

1. Sins getting a slow on rotational abilities including their aoe damage (but force storm snare was OP).

2. Building 3 stacks of breach as infiltration when phantom striding.


The fact that sins can have an effective 80% move speed increase on a single target is a silly. 80% as in, rotationally slowing a target by 30% while gaining a rotational speed boost of 50%. It's just bad design. What should instead happen is Bioware should place these utilities in the same tier. That way you have to choose, a self buff of 50% movespeed that will only affect you, or a team buff of 30% slow on an enemy, allowing all of your teammates to catch them. There should always be give and take, this goes against that logic and is just bad design.


For the purpose of a gap closer, Phantom Stride is fine. If you choose to use it to increase your dps, it's only going to be useful once every minute and 15 seconds, the cool down on recklessness, so that you can fit two 3 stack discharges into the recklessness window. Non crit discharge only hits for 4.5k-5kish, so it's really not that big of a deal. It would be no different than if I were to close a gap with Phantom Stride and use Ball lightning instead. It's the same amount of damage non crit, and in fact, ball lightning has the potential to hit for MORE than discharge if you get a twin surge proc. So if you look in terms of the total amount of damage going out after using Phantom Stride, using ball lightning will have the same amount of damage as a 3 stack discharge, so it's not that big of a deal.


Also, if you're using Phantom Strides to only gain dps with 3 extra discharge stacks, that means that you are actively sacrificing a potential root breaking gap closer in the process, so it balances out, it's still a give and take mechanic.


Edit: As far as why make Phase Walk not usable from 60m on a sorc, can I ask, why do you need a 60m teleport on a sorc which is triple the distance of the other 2 ranged classes? Especially a 60m teleport that can be used while stunned when the other 2 classes cannot use their disengages while stunned. In fact, Phase Walk + Barrier makes 2 disengage abilities that can be used while stunned while sniper/merc have 0 abilities that can be used while stunned. So I guess my question to you is, do you not see a fundamental flaw in allowing 1 ranged class to have triple the gap opening ability as the other two and the ability to disengage twice while stunned while the other two have 0? That's a real question, not being sarcastic btw.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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The fact that sins can have an effective 80% move speed increase on a single target is a silly. 80% as in, rotationally slowing a target by 30% while gaining a rotational speed boost of 50%. It's just bad design. What should instead happen is Bioware should place these utilities in the same tier. That way you have to choose, a self buff of 50% movespeed that will only affect you, or a team buff of 30% slow on an enemy, allowing all of your teammates to catch them. There should always be give and take, this goes against that logic and is just bad design.


For the purpose of a gap closer, Phantom Stride is fine. If you choose to use it to increase your dps, it's only going to be useful once every minute and 15 seconds, the cool down on recklessness, so that you can fit two 3 stack discharges into the recklessness window. Non crit discharge only hits for 4.5k-5kish, so it's really not that big of a deal. It would be no different than if I were to close a gap with Phantom Stride and use Ball lightning instead. It's the same amount of damage non crit, and in fact, ball lightning has the potential to hit for MORE than discharge if you get a twin surge proc. So if you look in terms of the total amount of damage going out after using Phantom Stride, using ball lightning will have the same amount of damage as a 3 stack discharge, so it's not that big of a deal.


Also, if you're using Phantom Strides to only gain dps with 3 extra discharge stacks, that means that you are actively sacrificing a potential root breaking gap closer in the process, so it balances out, it's still a give and take mechanic.


Edit: As far as why make Phase Walk not usable from 60m on a sorc, can I ask, why do you need a 60m teleport on a sorc which is triple the distance of the other 2 ranged classes? Especially a 60m teleport that can be used while stunned when the other 2 classes cannot use their disengages while stunned. In fact, Phase Walk + Barrier makes 2 disengage abilities that can be used while stunned while sniper/merc have 0 abilities that can be used while stunned. So I guess my question to you is, do you not see a fundamental flaw in allowing 1 ranged class to have triple the gap opening ability as the other two and the ability to disengage twice while stunned while the other two have 0? That's a real question, not being sarcastic btw.


On the topic of speed increase slow/and gain speed I can predict there will be many cries in the forums and IMO justifiable also, and particularly the slow which will be 100% uptime and tight also to an aoe ability. IMO the speed increase of 50% of the time would be more than enough and also IMO 50% is a bit too much, even a 20-30% speed increase would be noticeable.


On deception phantom stride it might be what they need to be back in the pre-3.0 burst levels. Although IMO it is scary as the combo of autocriting back to back maul-discharge-discharge-ball with a setup of a voltaic let's say can hit with the current numbers for something like 30k. (There might an alternative rotation with less burst more damage in a few more gcds I think there in the lines of something like voltaic/maul/phantom-discjarce/reck-discharge/ball and still having 1 more reck charge for ball in 2gcds. Thank god on my sorc I will have pw cause I wouldn't like to be caught into these combos.


30 or 60m PW won't make a huge difference for most cases (emphasise the most) in terms of using it for its purpose as it currently is (and this applies for both sorcs and those attacking sorc), the extra 30m offer more utility in wzs, so it is a nice extra perk and allows sorcs to think of more ways to utilise it beyond simply move somewhere in los and drop a couple of heals (yes ditto you could pw 60m away and heal even more) but in many cases proper positioning of PW and then combat position will allow to do that in any case. Regarding mercs, I have always supported that their ability should be able to be used while CCed and offer baseline 2-3s leap immunity. What people seem not to realise is how strong snipers will be in 4.0 if they manage to put down their entrench before they get globalled. Unfortunately, their biggest issue has been stealthers and in 4.0 they will still suffer from the same problem. But if they manage to put down entrench, then they have a good positioning with back to back dodge which basically (together with entrench) has nearly the same effect as barrier without the healing but also without the movement impairing effect.

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