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What you wish 4.0 really was !


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And don't hold back - when you saw the rather AMAZING trailer at E3, it probably excited you a lot, put a glint back in yer eye n all..


what did you really hope would be done here.. and don't hold back, forget about limited budget, smaller development team, let's imagine it was back to the launch team but the budget had been increased... what would you have really hoped would happen in this one once you kick off x years in the future from level 60.


oh don't be shy, from story, to game systems, level range, any kind of change or upgrade, what did you wish?

Edited by Macetheace
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Honestly, a bit more group content, more class stories, a few more operations (along with the upscaled ones) and flashpoints the quality of the false emperor and such.


A storymode that required the trinity to help people learn the roles, and tacticals for people just wanting to blaze trough it on very easy mode ;)


Larger sprawling planets with more cool stuff to find for the explorers.


Designated open world pvp areas for those who like that.


OH, and redone/upgraded texures on ALL the original armors and such.

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Anything with PvP in it, or at least fixing the most egregious bugs, because that's really the only thing I've been playing for the last three years, and quite frankly, I've recently said out loud that "I don't want to play this s**t anymore!" (That was in Quesh Huttball by the way, probably the area showcasing the highest issue density in this game; broken multi-level areas, misaligned player locations between client and server, wantonly added skills without any consideration for balance, absolutely miserable performance, that one has it all.)


A complete overhaul or replacement of the engine, because that hasn't ever worked for the game's content. There's always been Z-fighting on the spaceport on Coruscant, layered environments have always had big issues ("dude, where's my companion?", and did you ever try the H4 on Makeb that you enter through the vent-powered jumps?), high-level PvP always had miserable performance because somewhere between spell effects and the UI things didn't work out. Sadly that won't change because it would effectively constitute SWOR 2.


Dropping the outdated multi-server model in favour of a regional dispatcher dynamically grouping players. I'm playing on the German PvP server, and let's just say that it could do with more players. So there, Bioware, where's your announced "solution" for queue times that was supposed to be announced "later this year"? Jar'kai Sword maybe has some GSF matches between 8 and 10 in some evenings, and if you want warzones you have to queue in the right level range…


Don't get me wrong, I love the story parts, and I'm very much looking forward to what 4.0 will bring, I'd just wished there was some more enthusiasm to fix my ghetto.

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New classes, new races, new (permanent) companions, new group content, new planets, swoop racing, pazaak, cross-faction or new faction, tank/walker battles like gsf but on the ground, less level scaling, less solo stuff.


I'm pretty sure we get new planets...

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Lateral experience at no level gaining though addition of new class stories, operations and warzones. Ability # freeze. Voiced commands/alerts keybinds. Cross-faction gaming in group content. Reworking ranked PvP into a registered team competition that is watchable. Target Marked Target option. Anything that will make at least 55% of the Merc/Mando players happy.
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REAL CRAFTING system that takes time/effort and isn't just a cut/paste/RE type model of crafting. Some items (Like the Rakata) should provide that person with an almost BIS crafted BoP item. Limited to 1-2 per character of course. Biochems would have 2 near BIS implants they BoP craft, or Cybertechs an Earpiece, or Artificers an Offhand or relic, Sythweavers/Armstech/Armormech - all would need "Something" for them as well, etc. Maybe ALL Classes get a near BiS Earpiece that they can craft GREEN > BLUE > PURPLE and it's BoP, but at least it would be something.


Instead... It sounds like we are only going to be getting a rehashed version that is more grindy and not a lot of thought. Removing a bunch of mats and replacing a bunch of mats (That made no sense - why remove just to add).


I mean why do some crafting types have purple mats that don't get used? Sythweaver augments for example don't use purple mats it should for augments (Purple Silk), but use slicing purples instead.

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Honestly, a bit more group content, more class stories, a few more operations (along with the upscaled ones) and flashpoints the quality of the false emperor and such.


A storymode that required the trinity to help people learn the roles, and tacticals for people just wanting to blaze trough it on very easy mode ;)


Larger sprawling planets with more cool stuff to find for the explorers.


Designated open world pvp areas for those who like that.


OH, and redone/upgraded texures on ALL the original armors and such.




Also dps and threat metters.

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What were you really hoping for, OP?


what i was really hoping for hardly matters, i did think they were going to be a lot more radical, like the old world would be affected in some sort of phased state, not sure how they'd have done it.


Huge explorabele areas though and 2-3 planets to level through the size of tatooine or Alderaan.


Would be nice if you could sync your toons up too, so you dont' have to level each one from 60-65 but doing one will bring all up together, but you can always opt to do the storyline on the toons that were synced up, although you'd gain no levels.

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