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Homemade starfighter Trailer


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So why can't Bioware make GSF trailers like this?


I mean seriously, one person, for fun, makes a better piece of GSF marketing material than any of the stuff Bioware has done, and does it using in game footage.


My impression when looking at it is, "Holy ****, I wanna play THAT!"


Can this become the unofficial official GSF trailer?

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Yeah what others have said; this is a seriously awesome trailer.


On one hand, it is really nice to see how GSF (and iota!!;p) has people with desire and vision to pull something like this off.


On the other hand, it is so frustrating to know stuff like this explores places Bioware devs or TOR marketing department never cared to visit.


My single favorite thing of that video is how it ties GSF to the actual SW:TOR side. Bioware itself only ever did very little of this. I bet GSF would be so much more popular if people had little more hooks and reminders and smoke and mirrors telling them how it is - their- character flying that ship. Small things would increase cool factor (and Cm revenues) here so much. Actual hangar, where you can walk in and see your own, customizable ships. Where you can queue up by climbing to cocpit..etc.

Edited by Vasflam
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