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Dear Developers, I have questions about 4.0....


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...and I bet the vast majority of players want to see a definitive answer to these. This is most likely nothing that hasn't been asked a million times before, but I need to try in the (vain ?) hope that we'll get some clarification this time around. I'd very much like to see these questions answered but I'm starting to run out of patience.


- Is it true that you're downscaling leveling to the planetary level+2? Have you considered the ramification of this? A lot of MMO players (myself included) enjoy the feeling of becoming more powerful over time, so that eventually low level mobs pose no threat to us. If you're really going forward with this insane idea, then at least make it optional, so those people who want none of it (like myself) can continue leveling as normal. Also, what will this mean for planets with very high level bonus series, compared to the normal questline? Off the top of my head, I think Alderaan's normal level range is within 32-36, whilst the bonus series is something like 40-42. If you want to allow us to be able to do the bonus series, our level in this case would be downscaled to 44. How is doing a lvl32 heroic at lvl44 any more challenging than doing it at lvl60? I don't think that the planetary leveling system would support this method, with bonus series quests being usually far, far above the level range of starting quests. Also, how would it feel if after Corellia you went back to Korriban to face off against your old master and you're suddenly lvl12 again. Wouldn't it feel incredibly out of place if while you were going to confront your old nemesis during the final quest, you'd have to worry about the same K'lor'slugs you encountered at level 1?


- Why is the stat combination necessary? I understand combining Crit with Surge, but why are you getting rid of the main stat values? A large part of the MMO endgame requires attention to gear and many people (myself included) enjoy fiddling with gear and finding out the best possible stat combination. With this change, you'll force all DPS to wear the same gear: Mastery Armorings, Power Mods and Accuracy/Crit Enhancements. If you're not worried about not having the proper set bonus, I'd imagine you can get away with having a single set of tanking, healing and DPS gear and still do relatively well at endgame content. This does not feel MMO-like to me at all, it takes away all the satisfaction I had from researching and assembling my own gear. (Also, some clarification on datacrons would be appreciated.)


- How do you envision the future of PvP in this game? The class changes seem to be 100% PvP oriented and they'll radically alter the metagame - and not in a good direction. Are you aware of this? Are you aware of the fact that all the extra mobility added to most classes is going to increase the pace and dynamic of the game to the point, where everyone is running, teleporting, jumping, rolling, etc. around like crazy and the whole game becomes a big blur? Specifically, what's being done to address the viability of the two least favored classes in Ranked PvP (Mercenaries, Snipers and their Republic equivalents) ? Neither of them can survive being focused like other classes can (basically 4v1 situations in Arenas), due to not having a strong defensive cooldown - the Sniper is slightly worse off than the Merc. However, the Merc suffers from very bad mobility - yet in this mobility race, you're further nerfing Merc mobility. Rocket out is useless without the Smoke Screen talent and 20m is well-within the kill/gap closer range of most classes. With all the crazy new speed buffs, melee can easily catch up to the Merc again if not prevent him outright from moving backwards. So how is this in any way balanced?


- What is going to happen to crafting? We heard rumors that you're removing certain crafting materials, recipes and overall simplify the process but when are we going to see the confirmed details of the affected crew skills? Crafters need time and advance warning to prepare for such a major overhaul, establish new market trends and find their place on the post-4.0 GTN. Clarification requested.


- What's going to happen to improve group finder queues? On my server as a DPS it's already practically impossible to find a group, unless you're queuing with a tank and/or healer. At times, I observed that the group finder was properly and completely empty, unable to backfill even DPS. In the past weeks during prime hours, I had to ask guild members to queue because apparently the group finder did not have a single person in it - and voilá - each time they got into our group instantly. Where and what is this mythical "Better than cross server queues!!!4!" thing you were talking about a year ago? What about the rumored megaservers? Again, update requested.


- GSF is practically dead. Is anything being done to revive it? Most people who were interested have already gotten their achievements and maxed out their ships, so they don't really have anything to do anymore. Where is the Infiltrator ship class that was once proposed as a new ship type? Is it cancelled indefinitely?


- Making crafting non-repeatable will radically and drastically alter how Conquests are won. Are you aware of this? Why was it necessary to make this change? Now the two most efficient ways to gather points are either playing PvP or creating locks for the final GF Ops boss. Is killing the first 4 bosses once, then the final boss seven times the intended way for large guilds to gather points? Because that's how it's being done. If not and you're going to disallow this sometime, then will PvP be the only way to participate in Conquests? Aren't you forcing too much on people here?


- Can you tell us how these vaunted "story chapters" will be delivered to us in the future if that is the direction the game seems to be taking? I get it that we'll get 9 new chapters of a single, unified class story (Boo :mad: !) but how many hours of gametime does one chapter offer? How often will new chapters be delivered to us? When can we look forward to new FPs and OPs - this is an MMO game after all. With a single class story, what's going to differentiate one class from the next? Won't tech-using classes feel out of place going up against a galaxy-conquering, world-devouring Force entity? Valkorian is the type of guy a Jedi or Sith might face, I don't think a Smuggler or Trooper or Bounty Hunter has any business dealing with this kind of threat. Aren't you really sc****** the bottom of the barrel if the only thing you can muster against Valkorian (by far the largest threat to existence in recorded history) is one measly Smuggler? What's he gonna do? Kick him in the nuts?


I have many, many more specific questions to ask regarding practically every aspect of the game, but I'd be happy if you provided answers to at least the first three. If these things are going to happen, if you simplify the game to the point, where everyone is doing the same story, wearing the same armor and downscaled to the same level, then this game won't be my game anymore. Are you removing those elements from an MMO game that appeal to so many MMO players to cater to F2P casuals? If you do, I imagine you'll lose a lot of subs again.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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While I find the lack of communication very unsettling being less then a month away from early access..


Would everyone please just calm down about the fricken downscaling issue until we know exactly what is happening?I have heard about 500 different things about it. Both good and bad.


Myself I could care less as long as we keep the level 60+ skills. But I also don't go solo old Fp's.


But serisously lets step back take a breath and not get overworked about rumors



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It would be good to get some answers but they are normally pretty dead on that part.


Personally for these i can give mine:


1. I dont think is a good idea but it does add to immersion i think....

2. I am happy about this because way too many people gear wrong like sorcs with aim

3. Not happy about pvp affecting pve but i cant say much as because i am in Australia pvp is pointless to try and we lost our server so :( 500 - 700 ms at the best of times

4. I would love to know about crafting because of the Overhaul and lack of info i have stopped it until i know what is going on

5. I prefer to solo anyway but yeah queing especially as a dps is bull still waiting on the mega server

6. No opinion

7. No opinion

8. I have never been happy with the single story deal first character even second is ok but by your 5th you start to really lose it and the fact it means that my family tree is a lie and only one of my characters can be in the universe at a time

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Aren't you really sc****** the bottom of the barrel if the only thing you can muster against Valkorian (by far the largest threat to existence in recorded history) is one measly Smuggler? What's he gonna do? Kick him in the nuts?


Well, to be honest, I think that a kick in the nuts is probably the very last thing Valkorian is expecting, therefore it's maybe the best shot the smuggler has. My gunslinger has finished off all the mean baddies with a kick in the nuts. It became my habit in January 2012. And it still amuses me to do it. Should such a fight occur at some point, Valkorian will go down just like that. :D


As for your questions, I agree with all you wrote except for the conquest complaint.


(Generally, I don't mind changes. I just want to know what changes there will actually be and exactly how things will change. In other words, I am waiting for all the information, BW has been promising for months now. It's like the winter in Game of Thrones. It's coming, just not coming.)

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Still got no clue why people presume stuff without any evidential proof on what will or what might happen. Ok, yes they have been quiet about certain stuff but is that not how they were like pre-launch to SWtOR itself too?


Also, in reference to crafting and not knowing what is being removed or such. Well, prior to yourselves playing this game you did not know anything about said crafting system, so just wait for the release and relearn it again. Unless, of course you want it handed to you on a plate.


What do you mean all you can muster is a measly smuggler, last I checked it was Han Solo who shot Vader out of the sky and sent him rocketing into space. It was Chewbacca who hijacked a AT-ST on Endor from the Imperials and both of them were smugglers. It isn't just Force sensitive beings who can kick some arse in the Star Wars universe.

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Single "Mastery" stat is sadly needed. Have you ever tried to rely on a Marauder who was wearing a mix of cunning and willpower pieces (more than half of slots) for DPS? Or maybe seen your juggernaut tank sporting a light armor/willpower top?


Now if they can just make it so you can't queue as a tank without a shield equipped (at a minimum) or queue for a role you aren't specced for (ideally) that would be awesome.

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What do you mean all you can muster is a measly smuggler, last I checked it was Han Solo who shot Vader out of the sky and sent him rocketing into space. It was Chewbacca who hijacked a AT-ST on Endor from the Imperials and both of them were smugglers. It isn't just Force sensitive beings who can kick some arse in the Star Wars universe.


Yeah, fair. But on the other hand, remember how super useful Han was when he was actually in the same room as Vader?


Don't know how to quote multiple posts, but on the topic of the smuggler's iconic 'nad blasting technique, I'm just waiting for a conversation choice that says > Screw you! [Kick 'em in the junk]

Edited by hansumlazurwolf
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