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What kind of Sith was Tulak Hord?


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I was just wondering what kind of Sith he was. The lore is sort of vague so I'm relying on you guys. Do you think Tulak Hord was more of a force user (Inquisitor) or a lightsaber user (juggernaut or marauder)?


I was also wondering why he isn't talked about in discussion about the most powerful siths. Perhaps someone can enlighten me please because according to the lore he was pretty damn powerful...

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What kind of Sith was he? The kind that killed my Sith's (Darth Imperius) ancestor, forced his surviving family to flee Dromund Kaas, and resulted in my Inquisitor growing up as a slave. Instead of a proper Sith Lord heir that he's supposed to be.:mad:


But really, not quite sure. It appeared from the game that he was very powerful and influential, since you don't get your own tomb if you are just "some Lord". According to Wookiepedia, Hord is vastly influential and one of the most powerful Sith during his time. He was so powerful, in both Force and saber usage, that he was more or less unrivaled in the Empire...until the Inquisitor's ancestor (Kallig) came along and became his rival (and apprentice it seems).

Edited by TracyJackson
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Didn't Kreia say he was like the BEST in lightsaber combat of his time? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I do think one of the Warrior advanced class descriptions mentions him. But from the way Khem sometimes talks about him, I always had the impression of Hord being a Warrior as opposed to an Inquisitor.

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Didn't Kreia say he was like the BEST in lightsaber combat of his time? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I do think one of the Warrior advanced class descriptions mentions him. But from the way Khem sometimes talks about him, I always had the impression of Hord being a Warrior as opposed to an Inquisitor.


All we really know from Khem Val is that he was the Genghis Khan of his time. He doesn't elaborate much on Hord's methods, only successes (and how much the Jedi were absolute failures to stop him).

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I see Tulak Hord as being a master of ancient saber battle technique, probably the best of his age. I see him as a Juggernaut sort. I think he also was able to draw on typical inquisitor type powers, because he was a Lord of Hatred and a Master of the Gathering Darkness...I think there has to be some important benefit to having these titles. They certainly leave a lot to the imagination. Apparently he honed his sorcery and even made his own holocron and wrote several tomes...I heard he even knows the secret to eternal life. All in all, I see Tulak Hord as being quite awesome. :D


ETA: I also forgot to mention, that Darth Marr found Hord's lightsaber on Dromund Fels, so I think that also suggests Hord was a warrior type.

Edited by Lunafox
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Speaking of Hord...does anyone know if the Inquisitor's ancestor (Lord Kallig) was more or as powerful as Tulak...when Kallig was alive of course. I heard Talos Dreliik say that Kallig was one of the most powerful Sith until Hord had him killed for being a threat to him?


I think that means he was probably as powerful, maybe a little strong or weakerer. Either way, tulak deemed him a threat so his power must have been considerable.

Edited by Cordarn
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I think the Sith Warrior advanced class choice description describes tulak as a Juggernaut and the SI story describes him with abilities similar to the sith sorcerer.


So, I think he was both.

In story terms I don't think there tends to be a hard difference between the two. Some Jedi or Sith will specialise more in one or the other aspect, but the idea that there are "warriors" and "inquisitors" is largely a game mechanic. Lightsaber training is in part a form of Force training and ability with the Force makes you better with a lightsaber. Jedi and Sith alike would consider it foolish to neglect one or the other aspect completely.

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In story terms I don't think there tends to be a hard difference between the two. Some Jedi or Sith will specialise more in one or the other aspect, but the idea that there are "warriors" and "inquisitors" is largely a game mechanic. Lightsaber training is in part a form of Force training and ability with the Force makes you better with a lightsaber. Jedi and Sith alike would consider it foolish to neglect one or the other aspect completely.


This I agree with. Though Tulak Hord was most likely very proficient in lightsaber combat as the Exile , a powerful Jedi, was called a child in comparison to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There are no "classes" or "advanced classes" in lore. Tulak Hord was just a Sith, period. Not an inquisitor, not a warrior, not a juggernaut, not an assassin. Just a Sith. But he was powerful in both the ability to use the Force and he was also a skilled swordsman. Edited by Vaeladin
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There are no "classes" or "advanced classes" in lore. Tulak Hord was just a Sith, period. Not an inquisitor, not a warrior, not a juggernaut, not an assassin. Just a Sith. But he was powerful in both the ability to use the Force and he was also a skilled swordsman.


While you're right there are saber styles. The sorcerer in this game wouldn't be labeled a sorcerer but instead of a niman practitioner. A style that revolves around using the force to offensively strike at your enemies while the saber is used as a defensive tool or a means to strike an opponent down when an opening presents itself. It's a style that heavily involves using the force in conjunction with a saber. The way the sorcerer/sage fights fits this description and there's nothing wrong with it in lore.


Even in lore there's sith/jedi who focus on outward force techniques more so than other Jedi/Sith who focus on their body/Saber. No, not to the degree of the advanced classes but it's there in lore. A fair example? Jacen was more powerful with the force and esoteric techniques than his sister but didn't match her skill with a blade. She still, for the most part, was at a disadvantage because while she was more skilled his more esoteric knowledge bridged the gap enough to make it an even fight.


Likewise, Naga Sadow was not reknown with a saber but was famous for his use of sith rituals and esoteric force techniques in battle. That being said if he had to be an advanced class Tulak was a juggernaut. His fame came from his swordsmanship as Kreia acknowledges. Not only that but his best acolade, his ability to take down an army, was done through his mastery of swordplay. He cut down his enemies with ease. So he was a blademaster first and foremost.


That being said all powerful Jedi/Sith have mastered a saber style or two. That doesn't mean they're all equal with a saber. Nor does it mean a saber specialist isn't accomplished in the ways of the force.

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I was just wondering what kind of Sith he was. The lore is sort of vague so I'm relying on you guys. Do you think Tulak Hord was more of a force user (Inquisitor) or a lightsaber user (juggernaut or marauder)?


I was also wondering why he isn't talked about in discussion about the most powerful siths. Perhaps someone can enlighten me please because according to the lore he was pretty damn powerful...


lore suggests Tulak was an expert lightsaber duelist and a fine manipulator of the force, he once ruled the Sith empire during its early days along side Khem Val. his greatest rival was Kallig who he himself was also an expert light saber duelist, at the time Kallig and Hord were allies until in true Sith fashion, Hord betrayed Kallig. Kallig actually considered Hord a friend but Hord saw Kallig as a threat to his leadership position.


Kallig was assassinated and left mostly forgotten, however Hord received the same fate and again in true sith fashion from his apprentice, Ortan Cela. Cela was by all accounts insignifcant and forgotten. so clearly Tulak isnt as powerful as is claimed.


Tulak was likely a warrior with other abilities like Darth Marr has the ability to use lightning despite being a wariior.

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I believe one of the Warriors advance class descriptions mention him. To me he does seem like a Warrior due to his mastery of the saber.


No it does not. Two great Sith Lords that are mentioned are Marka Ragnos in Jugger description and Naga Sadow in Mara description. Nothing mentions either Ajunta Pall nor Tulak Hord.


With that said, let's look over yonder at wookieepedia: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tulak_Hord


He seems like he'd be better with blades but not by much. He reminds me of battlemages and battlemages are, as I'm sure you're aware, Guardians and Juggernauts. Sentinels and Marauders are masters of Weapon combat and Sages / Sorcerors are masters of Force combat. What about Shadows / Assassins, hm? This'd require greater precision. Like this:


Se/Ma : 100% Weapon combat mastery

Gu/Ju: 60% Weapon combat mastery / 40% Force combat mastery

Sha/***: 40% Weapon combat mastery / 60% Force combat mastery

Sa/So: 100% Force combat mastery


I definitely see him as a Juggernaut-perhaps a 70-75 variant of Jugger.

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There are no "classes" or "advanced classes" in lore. Tulak Hord was just a Sith, period. Not an inquisitor, not a warrior, not a juggernaut, not an assassin. Just a Sith. But he was powerful in both the ability to use the Force and he was also a skilled swordsman.

Classes and advanced classes are frequently conspicuous by their absence in companions and NPCs in the game. I'll raid the pub side for this because i know it better...

* Kira fights using JK-like skills and a shadow-like weapon.

* In the "Hope" trailer, we see Satele Shan with a shadow's weapon, heavy metal boots(1), and a sage-like force ball attack. And she holds back a light sabre with her bare hands.

* Elara Dorne uses a single pistol, heavy Aim gear, and is a healer. No class does this.

* Lots of companions use heavy armour and two-handed tech melee weapons (Vik, Qyzen, Yuun, etc.). What class does that?


(1) Look at when she charges in to rescue Jace - she hoofs one dude in the head and you get a clear look at her boots.


EDIT: Also, Kira gets promoted to Knight at one point.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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