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Why scaling should not be optional


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Relevant= Challenging for the intents and purposes of this discussion.


You don't actually get to pick and choose what words mean in a discussion sorry. You can say that is what it means to you but not what it means in the context of an entire discussion.


Relevant to me is anything that I enjoy doing.


Sometimes that might indeed mean that if it is challenging that the challenging factor is relevant to me. Other times it might not be challenging at all and I just want to experience the story of it, see the artwork and characters/bosses etc. which is relevant to me in that case because that is what I want to see.


Also even if for you relevant = challenging then that still doesn't change the point that only relevant content should reward you then because again ... why should you be rewarded for effectively doing nothing?


what it has to do with hutt cartel etc - is that originaly you had to make an extra effort to get it - in form of extra pay. and you got to play it when it was new and when the level was max level.


Paying is effort? Really? That is a challenge? If they level sync that addon then it becomes relevant to you again anyway because it would be challenging.



if I complete the quest? i have NOT done nothing to earn the rewards for it. I have completed the quest/flashpoint/etc. outleveling it - does NOT change that. in fact... by leveling past it - I have conceivably spent MORE time to earn it than someone doing it at level. ergo? I HAVE earned it.


You haven't earned ****, you cake walked through it in effectively god mode. Your reward should be experiencing the content, you shouldn't then be given gear/credits/decos/whatever because you didn't earn anything.


current system allows for flexibility. mandatory downscaling? does not.


Who said anything about it being mandatory? I said if you wanted the full rewards you turn it on - you know ... when it's "relevant" heh. If you want to just experience the content because story etc. is relevant you can do that too, just not get rewarded for it.


becasue that reward that used to require full coordinated group?

with down-scaling STILL requires coordinated group. which is NOT possible for a lot of people who are playing this game. ergo - rendering the whole point of waiting to get something later? moot. you are essentially telling people that they should never get that reward. ever. essentially - its comparable to you saying that old expansions? should STILL cost their original cost.


Lol it's an MMO ... why should you be able to go back and get a reward for something you haven't earned. If the reward was designed to reward groups for doing group content then that is what you should be rewarded for, not going back and doing it in god mode.


Where did I say they should never get the reward? They can group uyp and get the reward anytime they like, if they choose not to do so then they can get a multitude of other rewards around solo content in other parts of the game.


You'r starting to sound like one of those people who think they should be able to solo operations because it's not fair on you that the people who bother grouping up get all the rewards from them, it's a stupid concept.


Also stop strawmaning your argument into paying for expansions, I'm not saying that in the slightest and it's a really unintelligent example to try even make in reference to level sync.

Paying for an expansion gave you access to the content, later on you got it for free or with your sub. Likewise with hard content at your current level you can go back and do if you want, no one is stopping you. Just don't expect the freeride of handouts to continue.


but god forbid sometime a year or so after content released someone somewhere might have a chance to get a fluff item. nonono, how dare they!!. they must "earn it just like I did - walking uphill barefoot in a snow both ways!" you must feel special via "beating challenges" in a video game. >_> its kinda sad.


Yes they must earn it, if they don't want to earn it why should they be entitled to it?


For all your utter bluster you've not once managed to simply say why people should be justified in getting rewards they didn't earn. They are rewards ... be definition they should reward something. Godmoding content is not earning anything and to try argue it is is just ludicrous.

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you could certainly interpret it that way.


another interpretation of relevant, at least when it comes to end game... is when content's max level is the same level as character max level (so at the moment, something like EC is old content, while ToS is relevant)


but even if we go with fun definition (which I'm very willing to accept) its fun for me to go back to content I over-leveled and blow through it solo, at my own pace, grabbing those rewards I may have missed.


it becomes less fun when I know that I only have limited time to do so before that option is taken away from me, and knowing that content that is still challenging to solo (like lvl 55 flashpoints or 8 man lvl 50 ops) is going to be impossible in a few weeks, so I I don't have much time left to have fun with it.


I'm NOT the only one, far from it who plays in such a manner. mandatory scaling removes this option, so while in theory it makes all content - relevant (aka same level as the characters, and in case of flashpoints - everything becomes max level) it also removes a lot of the fun from it for a lot of people.


and what bugs me is that people are not even asking to not scale content. we are asking for ability to CHOSE original vs scaled. people who like scaling will still be able to enjoy scaling. so they are essentially arguing against choice, options. and we are the selfish ones...


Right so yo uagree it should be optional? So do I! I just don't think you should get rewards if you choose to turn it off.


You can still have fun doing it though so it's completely relevant in that context too.


Also I think you need to look up what the word relevant means - challenging and/or fun aren't the definition. Relevance is personal so bran has said fun is relevant to him and he's 100% right, you don't get to agree or disagree with what he finds relevant no more than we get to tell you what is relevant to you.


So far challenging is relevant to you it seems - cool turn on level sync. Also you find having fun relevant, cool turn it off and you can do all that content again - just don't expect to be rewarded for it.

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My sentiments entirely, it's so sad when some people not only cherish something they've gained, but become determined to ensure that everyone else should lose out. It's not as if we're advocating total annihilation of all grouping in the game, I'm quite happy for group players to play as they enjoy playing.


And incidentally, if BW:A accepted their draconian and downright oppressive definition of MMORPG, then not one bloody aspect of this game would be soloable. And, knowing my luck, every.single.group would be comprised of myself, and the 3+ most hellish of maximum security prison escapees. Take every bad group experience everyone has ever had, and that would define this game in a universal group-only setting if the solo-haters had their way.


Lol it's an MMO ... and people are draconian because they think people should only get rewarded for the group content if they actually do it in a group or when it's challenging in your eyes? It's like your trying to imply we want all content to be made into group content - funny I didn't read one single person say or even imply that but apparently in your eyes that's the case heh.


Also you can solo group content and get the rewards if you're capable ( most heroics can be done at level with a companion, even with this level sync you'll be 2 levels over the max of the planet so it should still be easy ) - no one is saying you HAVE to be group, just that you should do it as the challenge is intended to get the rewards that doing the challenge gives you.



Soo many drama queens in this thread all decorated with lovely tin foil hats.

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Why should we have to suffer because YOU think group content should ONLY be done at level and grouped, why should you care why anyone solos group content? THAT is anti-social, not leaving well alone.


Plus, you make it sound like GF is not liked for no good reason, you go find "The weird people you meet in Group Finder" topic and you tell me forced grouping is an absolute unquestionable must and all heretics must burn.


BW:A knew that people would out-level heroics and FPs and be able to come back and solo them, they don't seem to mind that people solo them, nor have they minded for YEARS.


Why should YOU be rewarded for doing something you didn't earn? The rewards are for completing a challenge, you effectively turned on god mode and bypass the challenge ... you shouldn't be rewarded - it's that simple.


No one is saying you shouldn't be allowed access to the content, just the rewards.


And if these changes go forward BW still don't mind if you solo the content but they've decided it's counter intuitive to reward you or doing it in god mode.

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So, everyone who likes to play easily should not be rewarded anything and instead and die agonisingly, isn't that bloody typical?


I suspect that it were up to you, ALL solo players would have no rewards, only trillion credit repair bills.


Not every player cares about being an e-peen-stroking elitist hardcore expert, so why punish us fun-loving players?


Just because you live and die by challenges, why should we have to if we're not in the mood?


It's so sad that people like you want to limit everyone's choices, you gotta love how every one like you really means to say "MMO! MMO! Death to casual solo viability!"

Edited by sentientomega
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Why should YOU be rewarded for doing something you didn't earn? The rewards are for completing a challenge, you effectively turned on god mode and bypass the challenge ... you shouldn't be rewarded - it's that simple.


No one is saying you shouldn't be allowed access to the content, just the rewards.


And if these changes go forward BW still don't mind if you solo the content but they've decided it's counter intuitive to reward you or doing it in god mode.


no honey. reward is for COMPLETING A TASK.


one time it was challenging, but you wait long enough and it becomes less challenging.


you completed a task? you EARNED IT.


and if you think bioware is scaling content up/down becasue they don't think people deserve rewards from it? lol, oh you sweet summer child. they are scaling it up (and/or down) to create illusion of having relevant content to do. since they are adding NO NEW GROUP CONTENT FOR THE NEXT 4 MONTHS AT LEAST. likely more.


so if everything is done at max level, there is an illusion of end game. and it IS an illusion. it has nothing to do with "earning rewards"


bioware seems to be removing options from people. you want people to earn rewards at max level? ADD NEW REWARDS. leave existing ones alone. let people who are late to the party - have their fun too.


but you are so very protective of pixel fluff becasue god forbid someone gets to have something without "suffering for it" or some such nonsense.


people like you make games less fun and result in people leaving for greener pastures.

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Precisely, as I say, it really saddens me that there are people advocating practically burning the casual solo heretics for being rewarded for COMPLETING A TASK!


Soling such content for cash and whatnot, is NO-ONE ELSE'S CONCERN!


If BW:A cared about that, they've done something long before now, what they're doing to GF content is for greater GF flexibility; not to sate someone else's megalomaniacal urge to spread their misery universally.


but you are so very protective of pixel fluff becasue god forbid someone gets to have something without "suffering for it" or some such nonsense.


people like you make games less fun and result in people leaving for greener pastures.


And if every nightmare of his came to pass, 66 characters or no, the game would be beyond unplayable.

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no honey. reward is for COMPLETING A TASK.


one time it was challenging, but you wait long enough and it becomes less challenging.


you completed a task? you EARNED IT.


and if you think bioware is scaling content up/down becasue they don't think people deserve rewards from it? lol, oh you sweet summer child. they are scaling it up (and/or down) to create illusion of having relevant content to do. since they are adding NO NEW GROUP CONTENT FOR THE NEXT 4 MONTHS AT LEAST. likely more.


so if everything is done at max level, there is an illusion of end game. and it IS an illusion. it has nothing to do with "earning rewards"


bioware seems to be removing options from people. you want people to earn rewards at max level? ADD NEW REWARDS. leave existing ones alone. let people who are late to the party - have their fun too.


but you are so very protective of pixel fluff becasue god forbid someone gets to have something without "suffering for it" or some such nonsense.


people like you make games less fun and result in people leaving for greener pastures.


No sweetie. The reward is not for completing the task. It is for completing the task at the appropriate level. See the difference?


BW is not removing options. If you can't figure out how to get your reward that is on you. God forbid you might have to group up with someone to do it. Lol! But then, this is an MMO.


People like you can't seem to understand the type of game you are playing. Greener pastures, there they are, but my guess you will have problems once you get there too.

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No sweetie. The reward is not for completing the task. It is for completing the task at the appropriate level. See the difference?


BW is not removing options. If you can't figure out how to get your reward that is on you. God forbid you might have to group up with someone to do it. Lol! But then, this is an MMO.


People like you can't seem to understand the type of game you are playing. Greener pastures, there they are, but my guess you will have problems once you get there too.


You might well be for it, and a number of other elitists, if you got to start your own cult of admiring groupies due to the forced grouping.


Again they say "MMO! MMO! Death to solo players! Death to anyone who refuses to let their fun be spoiled by group members from hell!"


There is a reason people solo content, so that they don't have to listen to people like you remind them of how worthless and undeserving they're made to feel.


There's a very simple solution: run the old system alongside the new one, and make only those new options appear in the GF.


Also, have a tool for every FP that you could bolster down your character, and then remove that so your stats are as they used to be, so long as you don't enter the instance grouped. You could click off the buff to be your well-geared self, and go into mission inventory and click it to get it back, so you're down-scaled again.


Ultimately, BW:A will do whatever it does, I can live with that; but it's cruel when players like you come along in the guise of supporting their efforts, only to kick fun-loving casuals when they're down.


I don't mind what BW:A does to FPs, I do mind if people call for the unbridled extermination of all casuals from the game.

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People also need to take something into consideration. Too many times people throw out "The forum is a vocal minority and doesn't matter." or "The devs will do whatever they want regardless what you guys think." or "I believe the devs and have faith they'll make the right decisions." now I'm not going to say this game will die (I don't think it will) but I have been apart of games that have. SWG, Matrix Online, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, etc. I've seen the same kind of posts there.


You can have faith in the devs and in these games there were people who did up until the life support was unplugged. You can say you don't care while telling people who don't like a possible feature they can just quit. The devs very well can do whatever they want without regard for the player base. Those games listed above? Their dev team did just that. I've seen features that were lambasted by these games by the majority of the people in the forums. I've seen people claim they were quitting the games above over it. I saw people telling them to just go or even telling them that they won't really quit.


I've seen people telling each other that they're overreacting, the features are great, and that the game is fine losing people. These games don't exist anymore. When a bunch of people don't like a feature or are strongly opposed to the feature you have to ask is adding said feature in worth the risk of those people leaving? If these people are willing to quit over said feature will said feature bring in enough people to replace them? How popular is this feature? It doesn't matter if there's more people who like it than hate it what matters is will the feature bring in people to replace those it loses?


Let's say for a moment there's a new feature. The majority of the player base approves. 200,000 don't approve. If those 200,000 leave, even if the majority is okay with it, the game suffers if it doesn't bring in 200,000+. That's a fact. Another fact is you might really like the feature but if you acknowledge more people will leave from it than be replaced by it and don't care because you like it then you're being selfish. For those that like this feature do you really think it will bring in more people than it will lose? Do you think people will look at said feature and go "You know what? I didn't care for the old republic but with this level system I think I'll play now."? This is an honest question.


Remember also that Guild Wars has a more skill based level system. Just because someone likes guild wars doesn't mean a guild wars level system will bring those people in. Some of those are in for the combat system. Which isn't being adopted along with this system. This has to be factored in as well. Will this system alone bring in a lot of new blood?


If the answer is yes to these questions by all means bring the system in. If the answer is no or "maybe" I think the devs should pause and re-think their approach.

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No sweetie. The reward is not for completing the task. It is for completing the task at the appropriate level. See the difference?


BW is not removing options. If you can't figure out how to get your reward that is on you. God forbid you might have to group up with someone to do it. Lol! But then, this is an MMO.


People like you can't seem to understand the type of game you are playing. Greener pastures, there they are, but my guess you will have problems once you get there too.


except.. its not.


when I pick up a quest and it lists certain rewards for it. the only reward that changes is the amount of experience I get out of it (and if I get it at max level, I actualy get more credits). when I do a quest chain for HK? rewards don't change (other then mentioned above) whether I do it at lvl 50 or lvl 60. when I go into a flashpoint? it doesn't matter what level my character is - rewards are the same. difficulty changes, but drops? are the same.


now anyways. so yes, right now rewards i get are fro "COMPLETING THE TASK" dear.


people like you can't seem to understand that not every change is a good one. people like you don't seem to understand that you very rarely get back the customers that you have lost, when you implemented the changes you were warned against.


I know very well the type of game that I'm playing. I'm however NOT happy with developers arbitrarily deciding to change this games type three years into its existence. wait. no. not arbitrarily. because they need to create an illusion of max level content. since they are adding no new one.



There's a very simple solution: run the old system alongside the new one, and make only those new options appear in the GF.




all it would take. that's it.

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was making myself dinner just now and analogy occurred to me.


imagine that you have an apple orchard. or at least acess to one and permission to harvest apples from it.


but you are too short. can't reach the apples by yourself. you are allowed to do a human pyramid with other people to reach an apple, but then of course you'd have to pull straws to decide which ones of you gets to keep the apple you all have reached. chances are you will never pull the right straw and despite being part of all those human pyramids.. will not get to taste any of the apples.


but that's ok, you say to yourself. I can just wait until I can grab a ladder or maybe even wait for that apple to just fall down. it will be a bit bruised and not the freshest by then, but at least I'll finaly get to have it.


except. now you are told - nope. not anymore. from now on - no ladders and all apples are wired to the branches so that they never fall. unless you did the human pyramid - you didn't earn that apple. and you MUST earn that apple in a way that we approve to get a chance to eat it. not even guarantee - a chance.


I mean... you could just pay other people to do the pyramid for you, that still counts as earning it, apparently even if you yourself didn't do much. but you are not allowed anymore to find a way to get that apple on your own. all apples must be reached by groups of people, not individuals. unless you are lucky enough to have found a group of people willing to repeat the process until every one of you gets an apple of their own, or happen to be a very tall person and if you jump long enough and just right, you might MIGHT reach it on your own without a ladder or other people involved. but if you are average height or short? tough luck. if you have to grab random people to group with for whatever reason? tough luck


this is essentially what it comes down to.

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No sweetie. The reward is not for completing the task. It is for completing the task at the appropriate level. See the difference?


BW is not removing options. If you can't figure out how to get your reward that is on you. God forbid you might have to group up with someone to do it. Lol! But then, this is an MMO.


People like you can't seem to understand the type of game you are playing. Greener pastures, there they are, but my guess you will have problems once you get there too.


Except the rewards aren't worth as much to a level cap player as they are to someone on level anyway. xp is the most obvious example (down to 6xp), but also the loot drops are going to be several ratings worse than the player already has (except possibly relics) and the credits aren't nearly as much as can be gained from drops from a few enemies on Yavin 4.


Or, to put it another way, the rewards are of greater value for time spent on that daily on Rishi where you have to come back in 5 minutes (the most faceroll mission ever by the way) than for doing all 4 of the Corascant heroics. That said, I genuinely believe that Rishi mission in over-rewarded, regardless of level, but the same logic applies to any daily from any late game planet.


A player doing it on level gets use out of the rewards, while an overlevelled soloer won't. That surely is the important difference. Let Overlevelled soloers get the rewards, at least it covers the repair and travel costs.


World Bosses are a difficult issue I suppose due to some of their drops, but my solution would have been to change their respawn time to that of a regular mob rather than stop high level characters from going at them.

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"It's an MMO, you have to group!' MMOs are for grouping! You should get no rewards unless you do the content in a group!" :rolleyes:


OK, jokers -- how about you lose your rewards if you ever do anything or say anything out of character during the Heroic or Flashpoint or Operation. It is, after all, and MMORPG. You better roleplay your character, RPG is right there in the name.


Oh, what's that? That part of the genre name isn't convenient for your smug, self-serving, self-absorbed bullcrap "argument"?



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No sweetie. The reward is not for completing the task. It is for completing the task at the appropriate level. See the difference?


Except, again, you're confusing how it is with how you wish it is. The game currently rewards the task, not the challenge. You may want it to be, and it may even become that way but that's not what it is now.


BW is not removing options. If you can't figure out how to get your reward that is on you. God forbid you might have to group up with someone to do it. Lol! But then, this is an MMO.


"They're not removing options, they're just removing options that I don't like."


People like you can't seem to understand the type of game you are playing. Greener pastures, there they are, but my guess you will have problems once you get there too.


Do you understand what game you're playing? A casual MMO that for the past 3.5 years has allowed everyone who overleveled content to fully take part in it regardless of how little challenge it was and still rewarded them completely the same as if they did it in a group at level, in spite of the fact that that isn't "how god intended it".


Maybe it's you that should be seeking greener pastures if how the game currently works bothers you so much.

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"It's an MMO, you have to group!' MMOs are for grouping! You should get no rewards unless you do the content in a group!" :rolleyes:


OK, jokers -- how about you lose your rewards if you ever do anything or say anything out of character during the Heroic or Flashpoint or Operation. It is, after all, and MMORPG. You better roleplay your character, RPG is right there in the name.


Oh, what's that? That part of the genre name isn't convenient for your smug, self-serving, self-absorbed bullcrap "argument"?




Ok---first off...at least me i have never said that grouping at all time is the way to go.


Nor have I said that soloing stuff was wrong. If you would notice this is the very last line in my OP....


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be.


What I have said however is that if you make the choice to play the game as a single player game for whatever reason...you don't like GF. You enjoy solitude...what ever that is fine but where I have issues is making demands that the whole game should be soloable. And (granted i am skewed in how i look at things) making comments (not you but others) that say the devs should make descions based on the people who choose to not play as "intended"


but for some reason people think i am against soloing fp or anything like that....i am not. I level solo. Doing the occasional GF (before the 12x). But I don't do a lot of soloing FPs.


so again I honestly don't care if it has the ablility to be turned on or off. I was trying to play devils advocate but somehow (and i admit i might not have been as clear on some posts as i should have) people think i want to take how you play away...I don't. It's your time and if subbed money play how you want.

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So, everyone who likes to play easily should not be rewarded anything and instead and die agonisingly, isn't that bloody typical?


Yes because those are the words I used right? No, I just said let's remove your sense of entitlement and stop giving you rewards for effectively doing nothing.


I suspect that it were up to you, ALL solo players would have no rewards, only trillion credit repair bills.


If it were up to me you could still get the rewards from the TONS of solo content already in the game. You're the one basically wanting an aspect of the game cater to YOUR whims, I'm not trying to change the aspect you enjoy here.

I.e. you want the multiplayer aspect of the game cater to your CHOSEN single player attitude so you can do that content. In no way am I saying take anything away from your SOLO content.


Not every player cares about being an e-peen-stroking elitist hardcore expert, so why punish us fun-loving players?


These changes somehow remove your fun? You can still roll through the content and have your godmode "fun". Just don't expect to be rewarded for it.


Just because you live and die by challenges, why should we have to if we're not in the mood?


Have to? This is like arguing with a child. Who said you have to do anything? Again, you can do the godmode content, just don't expect to be rewarded, no one is talking about taking any content away from you.


It's so sad that people like you want to limit everyone's choices, you gotta love how every one like you really means to say "MMO! MMO! Death to casual solo viability!"


What is sad is pathetic strawman arguments like yours.

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You might well be for it, and a number of other elitists




Elitist? LOL!


I stopped reading right there. I am anything but that. My guildies can attest to it. All are welcome in our guild, all playstyles, preferences, grouping, solo'ing etc. We have new to Ops guild runs just to get people introduced to it if they want to try it with absolutely no pressure or finger pointing. No gear requirements, dps counts or anything at all for that matter. We run content with them to show them and let them earn their rewards. And guess what? They love it. Why? Because it opens up a whole new game for them.


Over the last few weeks we have added about 40 new guildies to our roll. Most are returning players that haven't done much if any end game. Most are players that solo'ed the game without trying out the group content. And now they are into it. They realize what some of you don't, that doing things at level with the right support is more rewarding literally and figuratively.


Ironically, we now have two new Ops groups. And returning players who are working hard gearing themselves up just to do Ops even though the xpac is just a few weeks away.


Come out of your solo silo and take a look around. You will have plenty of solo content soon, but just because something isn't a faceroll solo doesn't mean you are gated from it. It means that you are doing it wrong.

Edited by Rafaman
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Ok---first off...at least me i have never said that grouping at all time is the way to go.


Nor have I said that soloing stuff was wrong. If you would notice this is the very last line in my OP....


Mind you I honestly don't care if it is optional or not....I just thought as there is a pro optional thread there should be one that focuses on why it shouldnt be.


What I have said however is that if you make the choice to play the game as a single player game for whatever reason...you don't like GF. You enjoy solitude...what ever that is fine but where I have issues is making demands that the whole game should be soloable. And (granted i am skewed in how i look at things) making comments (not you but others) that say the devs should make descions based on the people who choose to not play as "intended"


but for some reason people think i am against soloing fp or anything like that....i am not. I level solo. Doing the occasional GF (before the 12x). But I don't do a lot of soloing FPs.


so again I honestly don't care if it has the ablility to be turned on or off. I was trying to play devils advocate but somehow (and i admit i might not have been as clear on some posts as i should have) people think i want to take how you play away...I don't. It's your time and if subbed money play how you want.


Don't let Maxi troll you. He is well known here. He isn't even going to play the xpac if we are to believe his own words.


He is against group content now, but not that long ago he was crying about the lack of group content and new Ops if that gives you any indication.


BTW, your devils advocate post was fine. Some of us have taken up the banner, but it isn't yours. I get that. I appreciate that you started the conversation although I'm not so sure you do now. :)

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