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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please make level scaling optional in KotFE


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their entire marketing plan for this "expansion" (read: small solo questline) has been to keep quiet and bait people into subbing for months.


Ofc it is.


The film isn't released until Xmas where I'm sure BW is hoping for some new player interest.

So had BW informed the community of 4.0 changes months ago and players may have decided that was that for them and quit subbing etc etc

There would have been a massive cash gap.

BW is a business there to make money , so don't be naive.

Our best interests are not closest to there heart, the $ is.

They have suckered players ,don't kid yourself otherwise.

Edited by SpiesAreUs
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Ofc it is.


The film isn't released until Xmas where I'm sure BW is hoping for some new player interest.

So had BW informed the community of 4.0 changes months ago and players may have decided that was that for them and quit subbing etc etc

There would have been a massive cash gap.

BW is a business there to make money , so don't be naive.

Our best interests are not closest to there heart, the $ is.

They have suckered players ,don't kid yourself otherwise.


Oh my. You forgot




Did you have access to the game over those months? Could you play it normally?


Yes and yes


You got what you paid for. They didnt rob or suckered anyone rofl


I dont really know why people are delusioned that paying 15$ somehow puts them in charge. You pay 15$ to get perks in the game. And thats IT.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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Oh my. You forgot




Did you have access to the game over those months? Could you play it normally?


Yes and yes


You got what you paid for. They didnt rob or suckered anyone rofl


I dont really know why people are delusioned that paying 15$ somehow puts them in charge. You pay 15$ to get perks in the game. And thats IT.


Had I known about the 4.0 changes months ago I would have let my sub end naturally(I mean why carry on playing a game you know is coming to end for you)and not be here now,I could have saved myself 6 mths,more fool me.

But BW didn't,they kept it secret because they knew some players would call it a day.So yes it a slap and they have suckered players.


Paying money to a company for services rendered does mean they are accountable to the customer,not in charge but definitely accountable in some measure.

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All I see are the same old negative people that claim they are being "realistic" which is just an excuse for being pessimistic. I'm done explaining how a mentality works. If you like the game stay and support it. If you don't like the changes, as with anything then don't keep torturing yourself by staying.


I'm with it. Now, start condemning me for being with it and supporting such a system. Getting ready for hateful pms, like always. ;)


I won't keep on getting pulled into pointless debates about philosophical life speak about what words mean what on these forums anymore. I'll say what's what and that's it.


All life is a game of choice.


Gameplay should be about choice also. Oh forgot my hateful pm. Since I probably pmed a person maybe 3 times since I been playing I will just keep it to the forum. Those were in response to a question. Ok here goes. You probably over season your food.:mad:

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Had I known about the 4.0 changes months ago I would have let my sub end naturally(I mean why carry on playing a game you know is coming to end for you)and not be here now,I could have saved myself 6 mths,more fool me.

But BW didn't,they kept it secret because they knew some players would call it a day.So yes it a slap and they have suckered players.


Paying money to a company for services rendered does mean they are accountable to the customer,not in charge but definitely accountable in some measure.


Enlighten us when in those 6 months have they denied you the service?


You GOT what you paid for. You could have played to your hearts delight during those 6 months.


In fact, by your own words it was a game of your dreams and you should have enjoyed it immensly.

Edited by Mikahrtwo
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How does this ease content creation exactly?


Reduction in development time. By re-using a planet, they don't have to develop a new starport/station to arrive at, they don't have to develop a new planetary "look" (skybox, scenery "palette," overworld map), and they can (to a certain extent) recycle "monsters." If they set new content in existing areas (Dune Sea on Tatooine, or the Starship Graveyard on Hoth, as examples), they don't have to develop a new zone map, and can use the existing mobs in the zone as filler mobs. Even if they do add a planetary zone, they can still use a lot of the pre-existing planetary "infrastructure." All of this reduces the time they need to spend building tools, and consequently increases the amount of time they have to develop story. It also MASSIVELY reduces the QA requirement; which is an even bigger deal.


This can be used for evil by reducing the staff needed to turn out the same level of content, alas. However, I'm reasonably sure the dearth of content we've had since Ziost is at least partially due to development on 4.0 and KotFE running for the past year and more.

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It's probably actually relevant to the conversation that I was a professional "game designer" a long time ago in a state of the art far far away. (I worked as a graphics artist and zone designer on a vaporware MMO over 15 years ago, but I did draw a paycheck for it). You never built something new if you could help it, because it would be full of bugs, glitches, and grottiness.
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Enlighten us when in those 6 months have they denied you the service?


You GOT what you paid for. You could have played to your hearts delight during those 6 months.


In fact, by your own words it was a game of your dreams and you should have enjoyed it immensly.


Did I say they denied me service for 6 mths ,no I was trying to say I would have saved 6mths sub(As I know when my sub finishes,you don't) cash had I know about the changes in 4.0 when they announced expansion.

Do you even read and try and understand what people write or do u just jump to conclusions and make stuff up?


Stop being a fanboy

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And the same people defending it that always do right? And of course...don't like it, quit. How dare we have varied opinions right?


And all life is a choice, yet you support mandatory descaling...ironic isn't it?


Life has choices, but not everything in life is a choice... death is pretty mandatory as are taxes, and ambulance chasing lawyers are scum. Sorry, I apologize to scum everywhere. :D

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Did I say they denied me service for 6 mths ,no I was trying to say I would have saved 6mths sub cash.

Stop being a fanboy


You said that you paid 6 months sub and they should be held accountable.


But now you claim they provided you with pretty much uniterrupted access to the service for those 6 months, so, you obviously want something more than what you paid for.


They own you nothing and promised you nothing more so they cant be hold accountable for your delusions.


When will people learn that in MMO sub is just a means to access the game and NOTHING more. This goes for ANY MMO that offers some kind of subscription. Also there are people like you in every MMO who think that by paying a sub they own you something or are entitled to much more than what you paid for.

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When BW announced expansion they kept secret from players the big changes for fear of losing subs there and then.

So in a way it can be perceived BW have deceived players and let them continue to sub to a game knowing there is a good chance players will not like these changes and will want to move away from SWTOR.


If that is hard to understand then I pity you but then I believe your are a fanboy and as you continue to make crap up from my posts I sense you may be a troll as well so consider this my final reply to you.

Good luck in your other replies around the forums as I have seen your efforts to antagonise other people and their posts.

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When BW announced expansion they kept secret from players the big changes for fear of losing subs there and then.

So in a way it can be perceived BW have deceived players and let them continue to sub to a game knowing there is a good chance players will not like these changes and will want to move away from SWTOR.


If that is hard to understand then I pity you but then I believe your are a fanboy and as you continue to make crap up from my posts I sense you may be a troll as well so consider this my final reply to you.

Good luck in your other replies around the forums as I have seen your efforts to antagonise other people and their posts.


You see. You are still under the illusion they own you much more than what you paid for. They could shut it down tomorrow and all they would own you is if you have some unused sub days. They dont own you any explanations or plans or anything else. You are not entitled to supervise their inner workings and comandeer anything, nor are you entitled to have regular reports on any progress. They dont own you any content.


You paid for service, you used the service and that pretty much ends all your entitlement and their "accountability"

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Then why add godbot




They changed their mind and decided that some group content should be soloable. The group content tha tis core to the story they're telling. Note that not all FPs will be soloable in 4.0 - many are being moved to Tactical status.

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This is kinda a good idea, but having it FORCED... think of it either for just class-RP, which this game basically is. You are a Darth, the Empires Wrath or maybe Darth Nox... level 50-65. Now enter player to player RolePlay, and go to Korriban as a Darth. You are to train a few acolytes or duel a Darth.... or a Lord, which is mostly lower level. And now? "Aw, did BioWare sidewinde your front and kicked you down to level 10 value? TOO BAD!"


...Immersion = NEUTERED, BLIGHTED AND NECROTISED! No way to OP-duel, for those that like it. And I enjoyed the extra power of a higher level over NPCs. Grinding will be harder and... I am just stopping here or this post will be dozens of times longer than the original post here.


Thank you SO MUCH, BugoWare! And whining babies ensuring this happened!

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Honestly? If Bioware developed the game towards everyone's personal tastes we wouldn't have much of a game to begin with. They have to think of how it would affect the entire population, not just a few. I mean it would be great if I could get BiS gear without having to be in a group for it, but they know that's not good for the "whole" pie it only helps a slice. Same could be said with anything in the game. There are more simple ways of doing everything that's currently in the game, but they go with the whole picture instead of the half.


Asking them(some demand) to change something they obviously think is better for the whole simply because the slice doesn't like it, then I would like to know why it would be better for everyone if it was optional.


I mean it's a moot point anyway, we all know they are going to make it optional anyway, but I wonder what's going to be ruined in the future plans because of it? Or making it optional could be the best thing they could do, idk.


the thing is being scaled down is pretty much the STUPIDEST thing you can do in a level based game. It ruins the feeling of becoming powerful, and cheapens the effort you put in to get to that point. they should make this optional something you can toggle on and off to ether help friends with missions or just re experience a challenge. So ya bioware NEEDS to fix this, otherwise I have no need to refill my subscription and im pretty sure I wont be the only one.

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the thing is being scaled down is pretty much the STUPIDEST thing you can do in a level based game. It ruins the feeling of becoming powerful, and cheapens the effort you put in to get to that point. they should make this optional something you can toggle on and off to ether help friends with missions or just re experience a challenge. So ya bioware NEEDS to fix this, otherwise I have no need to refill my subscription and im pretty sure I wont be the only one.


Get your companions influence up and you'll be feeling god like again in no time

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