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Buff AP PT it needs more burst


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This spec relies too heavily on an initial burst to be consistently useful in PVP, particularly ranked. This one-trick pony dps class needs some serious attention and hopefully some of these thoughts are seriously considered and put into the 4.0 changes!


As an AP PT, a significant ramp-up time is required to prepare the burst the class is so reliant on. I would suggest removing the 4 charges needed for cell burst. There should simply be a cooldown on the cell charge, that way there is no preparation requirement for that ability. Just remove the whole 4 charge lodes needed to get maximum damage from cell burst. this system is too complicated and bloats the synergy of the class!


Also. This class needs some serious defensive abilties! The fact it's so easily shut down in arenas, makes it the first target every time! I am tired of being focused EVERY match in ranked! As soon as a PT walks into an arena, there's a HUGE target on their back. it's ridiculous!


To counter this, I suggest either a bubble-like ability that sorcs get to take the focus off the PT, OR, some sort of reflection buff granted when group taunt is used. Perhaps give the PT a temporary shield that deflects and returns all damage back to the attackers for 10 secs would suffice.




Some other minor changes I think would better the class are:



-Grapple: This ability should pull gunslingers/snipers out of their cover. Snipers have far too much defense and being able to pull them out of cover would give the PT more utility in PVP.


-Hydraulic Override: The problem with it is that everyone sees the PT using it, and simply hard stuns them! Stunning the PT renders this ability totally useless. What's the point of HO if it constantly gets interrupted and halted?! HO should be immune to hard stuns for it's duration, period.


-Stun breaker: This should grant an innate cleansing of all movement impairments AND damage dots! The PT has NO significant heals at all! They get dotted up, and can do nothing but crawl away hoping the dots wear off before they die! A cleansing of dots means the PT at least has a chance to deal with the overloaded number of dots they get stuck with.


-Adrenaline Rush: This ability needs some serious attention. It heals for a paltry amount! It's fricking USELESS. It's heal is so small it can't even counteract ONE DOT! What exactly is it's purpose? Either give it a substantial increase in heals per click, OR make it grant a percentage of health for the PT in one combined amount, perhaps 75% of the PTs total health would work. Another alternative would be to simply make the ability increase the damage resistance of the PT by 90% for the duration.


-Overall damage increase: The abilities of the PT hit kind of weak, to make them more effective and on par with assassins and operative dps the PT should get 5% more damage to every ability. Cell burst then would actually do some signifcant damage and be worthy of use. As it stands now, it's a waste and the energy is better used on other abilities.

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Oh my, what's with all of the "buff/nerf" posts? You do realize that we are getting a balance placeholder expansion, with no changes outside extra mobility? If warrior update has shown something, it's that they don't intend to change or fix ANYTHING this round. Not even set bonuses.
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I have explained in detail many of the faults of the AP PT spec and I have added ways to improve it. I am glad others here actually agree and have shown some support for this thread. Any others wishing to add some improvements, feel free to do so! With 4.0 coming up, who knows? Perhaps some of these ideas will come to fruition!
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Some other minor changes I think would better the class are:



-Grapple: This ability should pull gunslingers/snipers out of their cover. Snipers have far too much defense and being able to pull them out of cover would give the PT more utility in PVP.


No. Just No. That would make any group with an AP PT pretty much unstoppable, you already have Hydraulic Overrides to break their defenses, you don't need to run Snipers even further into the "Unviable" ground.


-Hydraulic Override: The problem with it is that everyone sees the PT using it, and simply hard stuns them! Stunning the PT renders this ability totally useless. What's the point of HO if it constantly gets interrupted and halted?! HO should be immune to hard stuns for it's duration, period.


So, a 10s Immunity to Hard Stuns... Yea... That would not fly. Sin's are already getting their 12s one nerfed to 6s, and while Fury Marauders are getting 12s, it isn't continuous, and it's on a 3 MINUTE cooldown, not a 25 SECOND cooldown.


-Stun breaker: This should grant an innate cleansing of all movement impairments AND damage dots! The PT has NO significant heals at all! They get dotted up, and can do nothing but crawl away hoping the dots wear off before they die! A cleansing of dots means the PT at least has a chance to deal with the overloaded number of dots they get stuck with.


This is called, Queue with a Healer Friend.


-Adrenaline Rush: This ability needs some serious attention. It heals for a paltry amount! It's fricking USELESS. It's heal is so small it can't even counteract ONE DOT! What exactly is it's purpose? Either give it a substantial increase in heals per click, OR make it grant a percentage of health for the PT in one combined amount, perhaps 75% of the PTs total health would work. Another alternative would be to simply make the ability increase the damage resistance of the PT by 90% for the duration.


So, you want AP PT's to become Sorcs? If you wanted that, why don't you play a sorc? AP PT is perfectly balanced for it's job as Glass Cannon. If you wanted to survive longer, bring a healer friend or gear for Tank Spec...


-Overall damage increase: The abilities of the PT hit kind of weak, to make them more effective and on par with assassins and operative dps the PT should get 5% more damage to every ability. Cell burst then would actually do some signifcant damage and be worthy of use. As it stands now, it's a waste and the energy is better used on other abilities.


I think you are seriously on drugs... Cell Burst hits for 13k Crits on people with 2018 Expertise even in Exhumed gear. Rocket Punch can get into the 8k Crits, and Rail Shot hits for 10k Crits. Hell, Mag Blast is one of the most damaging filler skills in the game clocking in 6.5k - 7.5k Crits on my AP PT in EXHUMED PvP gear UN-AUGMENTED. Are you forgetting to apply Retractable Blade's DoT before you fight people? Because, that's 3% boost to all damage. Oh, and Thermal Detonator on my AP PT is closing in on 10k crits 90% of the time.



This troll is high, please move on and don't reply any further.

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He's referring to the conditions in arenas, which are completely different than regular warzones. I'm indifferent, and care little for this thread, but out of fairness, power techs are complete cannon fodder in ranked. It's quite amusing to see the regstars pipe up and laugh though, it displays how limited their experience with the class actually is. Pts/vgs in Reg premades are faceroll with healers in their pockets, and that is why many will laugh at this thread. Carry on OP, nothing but derp here.
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He's referring to the conditions in arenas, which are completely different than regular warzones. I'm indifferent, and care little for this thread, but out of fairness, power techs are complete cannon fodder in ranked. It's quite amusing to see the regstars pipe up and laugh though, it displays how limited their experience with the class actually is. Pts/vgs in Reg premades are faceroll with healers in their pockets, and that is why many will laugh at this thread. Carry on OP, nothing but derp here.


In a group setting, Vg tactics performs fine. In solo, yes, you usually get ganged up on, and it becomes a game of "how long can I stay alive and help the team"... annoying sure, but ranked isn't very popular directly bc of this, so I don't expect changed to be made to suit such a small aspect (unfortunately) of pvp.

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I mean honestly, I wouldn't mind another cd or two, mainly because I play one:D however if you know you are going to get focused use that to your advantage. Look where the other team is going and stay at the back of your team. Don't charge in, leave that to the true melee, you should give people like juggs/sins a second or two to get everyone else's attention and you run in right after.


I would rather them focus me than not knowing what they are doing. That is why I like merc in ranked. You instantly know the other teams plan so you can formulate a plan to fit the situation, and I would rather they focus me, who knows how to work under pressure, than a person who may not and get globaled and then were down a dps and it gets messy from there.


I went off on a tangent there, but yeah. Instruct your team on how they could help you survive longer, use the maps to your advantage. You may have the best mobility of all the classes, and people can't hit what they can't catch.

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He's referring to the conditions in arenas, which are completely different than regular warzones. I'm indifferent, and care little for this thread, but out of fairness, power techs are complete cannon fodder in ranked. It's quite amusing to see the regstars pipe up and laugh though, it displays how limited their experience with the class actually is. Pts/vgs in Reg premades are faceroll with healers in their pockets, and that is why many will laugh at this thread. Carry on OP, nothing but derp here.


Even if it's an uphill battle, I feel the need to point out some of the glaring weaknesses the class has, in lieu of all the "nerf PT" threads. Just some food for thought for the devs, and those who are not aware of the actual weaknesses of this class.

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If only they buff a Pyro... :(


I'm OK with Pyro dots and overall, maybe a bit more of dot-spread would be nice. But please just get rid of this stupid dependence from Flamethrower. :mad: With all these speed buffs and root immunity it just stupid even in 3.0, and in 4.0? Oh...


Or it should hard stun everyone in the cone for duration. :rolleyes:


AP is just so boring after awhile!



lol this thread is a joke right?



Of course it is! ;)

As an AP PT, a significant ramp-up time is required to prepare the burst the class is so reliant on.
Edited by Glower
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I mean honestly, I wouldn't mind another cd or two, mainly because I play one:D however if you know you are going to get focused use that to your advantage. Look where the other team is going and stay at the back of your team. Don't charge in, leave that to the true melee, you should give people like juggs/sins a second or two to get everyone else's attention and you run in right after.


I would rather them focus me than not knowing what they are doing. That is why I like merc in ranked. You instantly know the other teams plan so you can formulate a plan to fit the situation, and I would rather they focus me, who knows how to work under pressure, than a person who may not and get globaled and then were down a dps and it gets messy from there.


I went off on a tangent there, but yeah. Instruct your team on how they could help you survive longer, use the maps to your advantage. You may have the best mobility of all the classes, and people can't hit what they can't catch.



Good points, I've actually stated before that in a scenario with a lot of enemy stealth, it's actually better for an AP pt to charge with a tight formation with his group. Against non stealth, yes, use your range after your team begins to engage them.

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If only they buff a Pyro... :(


I'm OK with Pyro dots and overall, maybe a bit more of dot-spread would be nice. But please just get rid of this stupid dependence from Flamethrower. :mad: With all these speed buffs and root immunity it just stupid even in 3.0, and in 4.0? Oh...


Or it should hard stun everyone in the cone for duration. :rolleyes:


AP is just so boring after awhile!






Of course it is! ;)


No shtt.

Pyro is the biggest trainwreck I've ever seen. Immolate should not be single target......the list goes on and on.


Biofail ftw.

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AP Pt suffers in solo ranked due to how common 4 DPS matches are and the burst Damage / healing aspect of the game.

They are a true Glass Cannon spec, and even through adrenal / energy shield/ and poping kolto (while stunned if you talent for it), you will 100-20% in 2 GCD's if 2 stealth open on you. By the 3rd gcd the other DPS, or 2 In some case are on you and the medpack will buy you another gcd at most.

So congrats, you qued, died in about 6 seconds, and theres nothing you could have done about it.

Typical 4 dps match.

If you against a no-stealth 4 dps match, havent seen one in about 80 games, you can pop hydraulics and try to kite, which may buy you 1-2 more gcd's before you melt.

That is a SWTOR arena flaw, it should enforce Trinity comps due to the nature of 4 mans.


A comparison to a sucessfull arena system is WoW's 3's.


DPS in wow have adequate DCD's and the nature of damage in and healing output make fights rely more on player skill than pile the squishy. Youll never see a player die in 2 gcd's in WoW's arena. It takes timing, gcd management, and a level of skill to kill a players. Most fights last between 3min-10min.


Trinity arena comps in this game are a good test of skill for each member of the team, 2 DPS should be balanced to be able to bring down an enemy healer through heals or an enemy dps through heals (unguarded), which can be shut down by a tank guard, focring a hard change (unless the teams running a dot cleave). This lets the healer shine by picking smart targets, the tank shine by guard swapping and puting in some extra dps on a target, and the 2 dps shine by cycling stuns , interrupts, and dcd's when necessary to bring down a target being healed.


As long as SWTOR allows 4 dps matches and 3 dps 1 heals matches its always going to be a joke, pile the squishy and kill a player in under 10 seconds race.


AP / Mercs / Snipers suffer from this setup moreso than the other classes.

Edited by Harming
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AP Pt suffers in solo ranked due to how common 4 DPS matches are and the burst Damage / healing aspect of the game.

They are a true Glass Cannon spec, and even through adrenal / energy shield/ and poping kolto (while stunned if you talent for it), you will 100-20% in 2 GCD's if 2 stealth open on you. By the 3rd gcd the other DPS, or 2 In some case are on you and the medpack will buy you another gcd at most.

So congrats, you qued, died in about 6 seconds, and theres nothing you could have done about it.

Typical 4 dps match.

If you against a no-stealth 4 dps match, havent seen one in about 80 games, you can pop hydraulics and try to kite, which may buy you 1-2 more gcd's before you melt.

That is a SWTOR arena flaw, it should enforce Trinity comps due to the nature of 4 mans.


A comparison to a sucessfull arena system is WoW's 3's.


DPS in wow have adequate DCD's and the nature of damage in and healing output make fights rely more on player skill than pile the squishy. Youll never see a player die in 2 gcd's in WoW's arena. It takes timing, gcd management, and a level of skill to kill a players. Most fights last between 3min-10min.


Trinity arena comps in this game are a good test of skill for each member of the team, 2 DPS should be balanced to be able to bring down an enemy healer through heals or an enemy dps through heals (unguarded), which can be shut down by a tank guard, focring a hard change (unless the teams running a dot cleave). This lets the healer shine by picking smart targets, the tank shine by guard swapping and puting in some extra dps on a target, and the 2 dps shine by cycling stuns , interrupts, and dcd's when necessary to bring down a target being healed.


As long as SWTOR allows 4 dps matches and 3 dps 1 heals matches its always going to be a joke, pile the squishy and kill a player in under 10 seconds race.


AP / Mercs / Snipers suffer from this setup moreso than the other classes.


We all know what the scoop is with pt's in arenas, even though derps are still sauntering in suspended disbelief.


Just for conversation's sake, I disagree with the emphasis on trinity evaluations, and by rights, they are actually the downfall of competitive pvp in this game. Doesn't matter, for this game will die because of it.

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While this thread obviously isn't serious, it brings up some valid points. in 4 DPS games, which is easily the most common type of solo ranked, DPS PTs are fodder. Not enough cooldowns, not enough self heals, etc. Your best hope of surviving is popping HO and kiting. Tip for any PT queuing yolos: take pyro shield and reflective armor. That way when you get focused first and or you get caught and get globalled/almost globalled, you'll have at least some damage on the scoreboard.


Most (if not all) highly rated PTs on the leaderboard are tanks/have tank gear. PTs are the best tanks in 4s, and AP PT is the best skank tank when combined with a healer.


The problem is, if they buffed AP defensives to put them on par with sins, sorcs, conc ops, ets., then they would be absolutely broken in team ranked and trinity games. They are already arguably the best DPS to bring in teams.


+1 to enforcing trinity games, although with the pop as it is they need to have xserver for it to work,

Edited by So-low
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