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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Datacrons in 4.0


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Heya folks,


I've been away for about a month so I have not been able to keep up on the news and updates, hoping there are news on this topic. What has been decided on Legacy Datacrons? Has BW updated us on this after saying they were looking into the feasibility of implementing this for 4.0?


And if legacy datacrons are not possible, but main stats are being removed in lieu of mastery, does that mean there are now four times as many datacrons to do for each character? Or double if you were getting main stat + second helpful stat.


Before I go speculating any further on how that would work or not work, what news?


Thanks for your help,




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If it were me re-designing the system, I'd do it so that

1) Datacrons tracked Legacy-wide.

2) You'd still have to do them individually if you wanted the codex entries.

3) Datacrons themselves gave no stats.

4) The achievement reward for gathering all the datacrons would be the equivalent of what you get now if you collect them all (+50 mastery, +50 endurance, +50 presence) across all your characters.

5) You'd earn matrix shard rewards as you completed various "planet datactron master" achievements.


So, yes, you'd get stats on characters that didn't chase the datacrons but the tradeoff is that you get NO stats until you gather every single datacron.

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They said they are looking into making them legacy wide that answer is good enough for me. However, before giving us updates on this subject in my mind there are more important "issues" that need to be addressed regarding KoTFE before going back to give us an update.


Agreed, there are more important things.


At the same time, if they do not go legacy and all datacrons are just converted to mastery, that means -- what, 60-70 datacrons to do with each character? That does not sound fun at all.

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What I want to know is if you collected datacrons not currently specific to your class, when they change the main stats to mastery will you get a lot more stats than you should because you also have those other datacrons?... If so I can see a huge rush by everyone to get them early or when the Xpac is released you'll see teams of people farming them... LOL... That might be fun... But also boring as some of them are so far away from anything or take time just sitting around... Ie the Balloon ones
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