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Spoilers: Smuggler main villain letdown


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Anyone else felt that the Void wolf was kind of a let down?


He was said to be one of the most vichous admirals in the entire empire, he sends the finest of the galaxy after you. Whats even more ******** is when you find Rogun. He's like: "I tried to kill you many times I know, but im too old to take you on personally" Too old? What is this?


Back to the point "You're not good enough to run with the wolves" everyone feared the Void wolf, then you just get on his ship and kick his @ss like he was nothing. He throws a bomb at you. Is he that stupid? i thought he was some kind of genius admiral. You throw it back to him and pow he's dead. What a pathetic villain. Neither did you get a dramatic cinematic after. I get that Smuggler was the joke class, but I expect some form of seriousness in all of this.

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Honestly my issue with the Smuggler Story is Darmas Palleron being an Imperial Agent.


It simply doesn't make sense (Why would an imperial agent help you track down Skavak on Coruscant, when Skavak is himself an Imperial collaborator?) and feels like it was ham-fisted into the storyline so that they could play with the "You were the bad guy all along" trope.

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Honestly my issue with the Smuggler Story is Darmas Palleron being an Imperial Agent.


It simply doesn't make sense (Why would an imperial agent help you track down Skavak on Coruscant, when Skavak is himself an Imperial collaborator?) and feels like it was ham-fisted into the storyline so that they could play with the "You were the bad guy all along" trope.


Same, I enjoyed the rest but Darmas was a great character which they ruined IMO, it was OK with Dodonna but Darmas being an IA was just unnecessary.

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He betrayed the Separatists, who are being funded/supported by the Imperials, and he abandons his Imperial contacts to fight you at the end of Coruscant after you interrupt his meeting, but he's still in good enough standing with them to have their support on Alderaan.


Now, the chances are he'd probably have betrayed them again at some point if he had survived to carry on his partnership with the Empire, but then the Imps are likely also planning to kill him the minute he stops being useful. It's just a race to who backstabs who first, and the Voidwolf certainly seeks cocky enough to believe that he'd be the one to come out on top. Darmas/the Imps never have any reason to believe that YOU wouldn't do the same thing, or even that You're particularly competent. Let's not forget, Darmas first meets you after you got your entire ship and cargo stolen, by their collaborator.


They have two options: Go with Skavak, who's flaky as hell, but at least he knows and doesn't give a damn that he's working for the Empire.


OR go with the PC, who's essentially an unknown and may be anything from a cutthroat murderous thug, to an actual Republic patriot. The PC is either just as likely to betray them, or carries the risk of exposing their entire operation should they get wise to their Imperial loyalties.

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Honestly my issue with the Smuggler Story is Darmas Palleron being an Imperial Agent.


It simply doesn't make sense (Why would an imperial agent help you track down Skavak on Coruscant, when Skavak is himself an Imperial collaborator?) and feels like it was ham-fisted into the storyline so that they could play with the "You were the bad guy all along" trope.


You're right. Its been a long time since I played through smuggler story, but it always felt a bit bland. Darmas was a great character but they should've just made him sell you out to the Voidwolf for big bucks than have him be fully imperial just for the sake of inserting empire to the story. Skavak was a great villain as I can imagine very few more heinous acts in SW than stealing someone's ship.


Voidwolf seemed like... filler. I just couldn't make myself care enough about him.


His 'criminal empire' was also too invisible, same after smuggler taking over it. Reminds me of Inquisitor and Silencer, you supposedly have this totally huge thing on your side that should affect what you actually do, but in reality you don't. Fleet-killer superlaser Silencer was not mentioned in inquisitor story until Rishi despite remaining in Inq's possession and technically being strong enough to tilt war to empire's side. In similar fashion smuggler inherits Voidwolf's criminal empire and one would think this would make the smuggler quite rich....except it doesn't. The criminal contacts are not brought up again. Great examples of storyline choices not actually mattering jack ****- I hope Bioware fixes these in KOTFE like they promised. I'm not holding my breath though.

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woof woof I am the mega bad woof woof.


What a lol "nemesis"-he is even more pathetic in combat. If you ask me Darmus or Skavak would've been far more riveting(Darmus especially) adversaries. Hell, even Rogun! But this woof woof? HA HA! meh.

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Don't forget Nok Drayen's fabled fortune... which appears to have been exactly that, a FABLE. :rolleyes:


Smuggler was the only class quest I completed for a long time, so I just figured that all the classes dealt with some kind of standalone villain that dealt with their little story.



Then I go and play Jedi Knight and Imp Agent... Cripes...

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I think it would be cooler if there was more than one void wolf, each leading it's own fleet or something. He did after all say "You're not good enough to run with the wolves" Wolves signals that there is more.


Prehaps Void Bear alpha, Void Hound Delta, and Void Fox Sigma or something that has their own fleet each and invade planets

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You're right. Its been a long time since I played through smuggler story, but it always felt a bit bland. Darmas was a great character but they should've just made him sell you out to the Voidwolf for big bucks than have him be fully imperial just for the sake of inserting empire to the story.


They could have gone that route, but maybe Darmas's treachery would depend on how you treated him throughout Chapter 1 and 2. If you were nice and helped him out, he'd secretly still be on your side. If you were a jerk to him, then he's fine with selling you out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
woof woof I am the mega bad woof woof.


What a lol "nemesis"-he is even more pathetic in combat. If you ask me Darmus or Skavak would've been far more riveting(Darmus especially) adversaries. Hell, even Rogun! But this woof woof? HA HA! meh.


Lets not forget Voidwolf's accent. I understand and like the concept of using British people to voice imperials and Americans to voice republic, but did Voidwolf still have to sound like Vinnie Jones? It made him stand out even among other imperials.

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