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Depositing money into legacy bank.


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There is a massive thread here already on this subject (a quick search would have revealed this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=829798 on page 4)

The long and short of it is that nobody, as of yet, has come up with a simple and workable solution to the F2P, Preferred, Subscriber and moving between these statuses issue with regards legacy credits.

Remembering that some people have a credit cap that is per character and are not allowed to transfer credits between characters.

Edited by Stoofa
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There is a massive thread here already on this subject (a quick search would have revealed this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=829798 on page 4)

The long and short of it is that nobody, as of yet, has come up with a simple and workable solution to the F2P, Preferred, Subscriber and moving between these statuses issue with regards legacy credits.

Remembering that some people have a credit cap that is per character and are not allowed to transfer credits between characters.


It might have been a different thread (there have been many on the subject) but there have been at least a couple very straightforward suggestions that would cover concerns just fine.


In one idea they would do two things: 1. Add a legacy wallet as a subscriber-only feature (meaning that only subscribers can deposit and withdraw, non-subscribers will see their legacy balance (zero unless they're a former subscriber who left some funds in legacy) but they'll have no direct access to it. And 2. Tweak the rules on the escrow transfer items to allow them to draw funds from the legacy bank, but ONLY after the character's escrow account has been emptied first.


In the other idea an interface is added as a subscriber-only perk which lets you view the wallets of every character in your entire legacy and deposit/withdraw to/from any of them as you please. The idea here is "legacy management", not "legacy wallet". Only subscribers would get the options to shuffle credits around in this way. Non-subscribers would probably see their characters' wallet and escrow balances but they'd have absolutely no direct access to any of it.


edit: Oh, it was the same topic where those ideas came up.


And it was the same topic where someone kept trying to invent an issue where no issue existed by going on about how the game would need to keep careful track of all deposits/withdrawals in the legacy wallet so that the game can know who all the money left in legacy when the subscription ends "belonged" to so it can automatically empty the legacy wallet back out into each individual character's wallet and escrow as needed so that legacy funds are out of the picture for all non-subscribers and how we can't trust the game to manage this kind of information correctly because of GTN sales data missing from in-game mail after server resets and other similar issues....


And that entire (run-on sentence of a) point is all completely and totally irrelevant to what the legacy wallet suggestions are trying to accomplish. There is absolutely no need for any of that record-keeping / no need to try and maintain some notion of individual character ownership over credits pooled together in a legacy wallet. That notion isn't called for in any good ideas that have been put out there. It's an added complication that serves no real purpose and which can quickly lose what little meaning it has after several transactions anyway.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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The legacy bank option i would welcome more than this escrow.

Seems strange if subscriber ends his subscriber time his funds move to escrow,one friend did not tice his sub ended and checked his funds 27 milions of credits it been in escrow and now how to reasonable acces that credits without escrow and do resubscribe ?There is none to i know ... he did resubscribe later,but not very happy about it.


I thinked aqbout to we can use escrow money directly for buying things on gtn/without escrow items/ and that money would be protected from direct trade,but i did not thinked about credit sellers,that would help them :mad: .

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it so needs to happen just get it done and it is so easy to sort out the free to play and prefered so easy to work it out so that is not an excuse they are just lazy and have no clue they screw up conquest and don"t even do cross server Qs like wow brought in and in wow there were instant pops on everything pvp and pve pops instant but once again just lazy they just want to make money from ppl so they make it hard to make creds in game
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The legacy bank suggestion, by now, represents a sort of greasy smear on the ground where there used to be a dead horse.


no, i think its moved onto leftover glue residue


dead horse->glue->smear->left over glue residue from making the glue->thing the glue held together decayed ->written tales of the horse are gone->horse passed into aural legend and is forgotten->archaeologists find the thing the factory where glue was made.


so per above..it still have some life left in it.

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it so needs to happen just get it done and it is so easy to sort out the free to play and prefered so easy to work it out so that is not an excuse they are just lazy and have no clue they screw up conquest and don"t even do cross server Qs like wow brought in and in wow there were instant pops on everything pvp and pve pops instant but once again just lazy they just want to make money from ppl so they make it hard to make creds in game


1. No it is not necessary. Yet again we see someone saying "it needs to happen" and meaning "I want it to happen". If not doing it will cause people to die of thirst, hunger, hypoxia, or hypothermia (or, indeed, any other reason), it needs to happen. Here, all that happens if they don't build such a thing is that you have to mail credits around. Doesn't sound like people are dying.


2. If it is so easy to sort out, tell us how you think it should be done.


3. Are the punctuation keys on your keyboard broken?

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The legacy bank option i would welcome more than this escrow.

Seems strange if subscriber ends his subscriber time his funds move to escrow,one friend did not tice his sub ended and checked his funds 27 milions of credits it been in escrow and now how to reasonable acces that credits without escrow and do resubscribe ?There is none to i know ... he did resubscribe later,but not very happy about it.


I thinked aqbout to we can use escrow money directly for buying things on gtn/without escrow items/ and that money would be protected from direct trade,but i did not thinked about credit sellers,that would help them :mad: .


There is a credit cap for F2P/preferred players. That is clear and easily found by anyone interested in finding it.


Doesn't matter if it's 351K or 351 million credits, when someone stops subscribing everything over the cap goes to escrow. Again, shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp.


So they are mad that they no longer had access to the money? Well, escrow transfers are out there if they don't want to sub.


It was inconvenient for them? Well, too bad. They can still play the game for free, so if they can't be bothered to spend a few coins on an escrow transfer then why should anyone care?




As far as a legacy bank goes, it seems simple to me.


You can only access such a thing as a subscriber.


Any money in the bank is locked in the bank if you stop subscribing.


No need to track who put what in as the money is stuck there. No chance of character "A" getting a hold of character "B"'s money.


Add a warning every time that someone tries to deposit money in the legacy bank that they will lose access to that money if their subscription is interrupted. And then 99% of the players will choose to disable the warning and maybe complain about it after they stop subbing, but so what?


And then if Bioware wants to, they could sell "legacy withdrawals" on the cartel market that let a character get a certain amount of money from their legacy bank, just as they can buy escrow transfers now. If they want to charge more for the legacy withdrawals for the little bit of added flexibility for the player then they could do so.


Ultimately, it's not much different than it is now with escrow transfers, but instead of mailing all of the money in your account to one or two characters and relying on escrow transfers you would just stick it all in the legacy bank and sell legacy bank withdrawal tickets instead.

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The legacy bank suggestion, by now, represents a sort of greasy smear on the ground where there used to be a dead horse.


I agree but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I am pretty sure everyone thought Legacy Datacrons were dead in the water. They are supposedly working it.

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difference in this, is it can bypass the ftp system


Not if they don't let F2P access the legacy bank it doesn't.


This doesn't have to be difficult.


F2P? No access to the legacy bank.


No need to track who deposited what. If you are a sub you can get the money out, if not, you can't.


How does this let anyone bypass F2P restrictions on money transfers?

Edited by Mithros
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Not if they don't let F2P access the legacy bank it doesn't.


This doesn't have to be difficult.


F2P? No access to the legacy bank.


No need to track who deposited what. If you are a sub you can get the money out, if not, you can't.


How does this let anyone bypass F2P restrictions on money transfers?


aye, if you make it a subscriber only perk, which most people tend to leave out. But the quote was to the point out difference between legacy datacrons (benefit everyone) and legacy bank (subscriber only if at all).

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aye, if you make it a subscriber only perk, which most people tend to leave out. But the quote was to the point out difference between legacy datacrons (benefit everyone) and legacy bank (subscriber only if at all).


Which wasn't even valid since the point I was making was about the community beating a dead horse and they finally getting it.


I put what I put in the last thread. I still think the best solution is Legacy Money. All members of the legacy share a the same money pool. I will let them figure out how to cap f2p. There would be no need to touch legacy bank at all. The thing about not taking in f2p accounts. Their are work around for them where they can send money between character as it was stated in previous threads.

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Which wasn't even valid since the point I was making was about the community beating a dead horse and they finally getting it.


I put what I put in the last thread. I still think the best solution is Legacy Money. All members of the legacy share a the same money pool. I will let them figure out how to cap f2p. There would be no need to touch legacy bank at all. The thing about not taking in f2p accounts. Their are work around for them where they can send money between character as it was stated in previous threads.


BW should allow F2P and preferred to COMPLETELY BYPASS the credit restrictions because some players choose to "cheese", cheat and exploit? I don't think so.

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There is a credit cap for F2P/preferred players. That is clear and easily found by anyone interested in finding it.


Doesn't matter if it's 351K or 351 million credits, when someone stops subscribing everything over the cap goes to escrow. Again, shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp.


So they are mad that they no longer had access to the money? Well, escrow transfers are out there if they don't want to sub.


It was inconvenient for them? Well, too bad. They can still play the game for free, so if they can't be bothered to spend a few coins on an escrow transfer then why should anyone care?




As far as a legacy bank goes, it seems simple to me.


You can only access such a thing as a subscriber.


Any money in the bank is locked in the bank if you stop subscribing.


No need to track who put what in as the money is stuck there. No chance of character "A" getting a hold of character "B"'s money.


Add a warning every time that someone tries to deposit money in the legacy bank that they will lose access to that money if their subscription is interrupted. And then 99% of the players will choose to disable the warning and maybe complain about it after they stop subbing, but so what?


And then if Bioware wants to, they could sell "legacy withdrawals" on the cartel market that let a character get a certain amount of money from their legacy bank, just as they can buy escrow transfers now. If they want to charge more for the legacy withdrawals for the little bit of added flexibility for the player then they could do so.


Ultimately, it's not much different than it is now with escrow transfers, but instead of mailing all of the money in your account to one or two characters and relying on escrow transfers you would just stick it all in the legacy bank and sell legacy bank withdrawal tickets instead.


This brings us right back to the need to track which characters deposited which credits into "legacy credit storage". To do otherwise is to open the door for the bypassing of those pesky credit restrictions which apply to F2P and preferred.

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This brings us right back to the need to track which characters deposited which credits into "legacy credit storage". To do otherwise is to open the door for the bypassing of those pesky credit restrictions which apply to F2P and preferred.

No, not really. Any legacy bank schema that wants to preserve the no-credit-transfers rule for f2p/preferred accounts must make sure that f2p/preferred have no deposit rights at all. Nothing else is required. So what if I can, while subscribed, put money in the bank from character A, then let my sub lapse and use some sort of legacy bank withdrawal token bought from the CM to extract it onto character B? Really. So (censored) what? That isn't a credit-transfer-while-not-subbed. Really, it isn't.


And don't forget that preferred accounts (possibly f2p as well, haven't checked the restrictions) can use the GTN to move credits from one character to another. Just have the impoverished character list some valueless item (starter world drop for 100K credits, anyone?) on the GTN and have the rich character buy it.

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This brings us right back to the need to track which characters deposited which credits into "legacy credit storage". To do otherwise is to open the door for the bypassing of those pesky credit restrictions which apply to F2P and preferred.


No it doesn't.


First, Bioware would have to decide if they wanted to introduce legacy bank withdrawals. If it's too much trouble then it doesn't happen. At that point the legacy bank is just that place where you put a bunch of credits that you can no longer access on any of your toons.


Second, I am picturing these withdrawals as being more expensive than the escrow transfers (or providing access to less money for the same cost) because of the flexibility. You aren't limited to what you put into the legacy bank, you just pay X many cartel coins and get to withdraw Y much from the legacy bank over the credit cap. Simple.


That is little different than a player saying "I am going to go preferred for a while, so I will put all of the money on all of my characters into one pile and give my Jedi half and my BH half".


They will have to have been a subscriber to access the legacy bank in the first place, so sending money to alts is something that they will have been able to do.

The legacy bank withdrawals, if they even allow for withdrawals, do one thing; It saves the player from having to divide their money that way while they are a sub.


In exchange, they would pay a little more to access that same giant pile of money as needed.


Player pays more real money for greater flexibility in terms of accessing their total pool of money.

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Would it be nice? Yes.

Is it feasible with the current F2P model? No.


1) Escrow. If I am F2P/Preferred, this sounds like a way to bypass it. If it was considered Escrow, then it might work better, but you'd still have to pay to take it out of Escrow.

2) Make it sub only. But what happens to the credits when I then unsub? Where do they go? What character gets them?


The -ONLY- way this is feasible is if they make Escrow the legacy bank, and unless you are subbed, you pay to take money out of "escrow". However, that would still have complaints all around, I think.

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No, not really. Any legacy bank schema that wants to preserve the no-credit-transfers rule for f2p/preferred accounts must make sure that f2p/preferred have no deposit rights at all. Nothing else is required. So what if I can, while subscribed, put money in the bank from character A, then let my sub lapse and use some sort of legacy bank withdrawal token bought from the CM to extract it onto character B? Really. So (censored) what? That isn't a credit-transfer-while-not-subbed. Really, it isn't.


And don't forget that preferred accounts (possibly f2p as well, haven't checked the restrictions) can use the GTN to move credits from one character to another. Just have the impoverished character list some valueless item (starter world drop for 100K credits, anyone?) on the GTN and have the rich character buy it.


Somehow it seems like this point just isn't getting through at all. Like they just keep forgetting or just don't care that the suggestion is saying that a user would have to have been a subscriber at some point to have anything in the legacy wallet to begin with. As if they truly believe that somehow a free or preferred player who has never subscribed before will somehow be able to benefit from legacy funds. As if they really think that a former subscriber having a non-replenishable (so long as they remain unsubscribed) pool of money that they can dip into (for a hefty real world fee through escrow transfers or a legacy specific transfer) until it runs out (at which point, again, they can't do anything about it unless they subscribe again) is somehow the same as allowing never-paid users to bypass mail restrictions.

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