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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Platforming exclusive Datacrons


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There should not be Datacrons reachable only using the clumsy controls for platforming. this is not Mario. The people that want to platform can get all the datacrons but the people with better things to do with our time can only get some of them. If the jumping controls were not crap it might not be as worthless but there should be just as many bonuses for players not looking to play Q-Bert as for the kids who do want it.
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Jumping should be the only way to obtain datacrons. Far too many require only mindless grind or paying credits.


This is incredibly limited thinking. One way that could be achieved to satisfy both groups -- platformers and not -- could be to have two routes to datacrons. One is much shorter, but requires a great deal of timed jumping. Another might be much longer, requiring a great deal of exploration. Perhaps some jumping ones allow you to avoid a very strong mob, The shorter route might force you to fight that mob.


This is called "offering players choice" in games and it tends to be much better responded to by the widest margin of players. It also encourages different play styles based on preference.

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This is incredibly limited thinking. One way that could be achieved to satisfy both groups -- platformers and not -- could be to have two routes to datacrons. One is much shorter, but requires a great deal of timed jumping. Another might be much longer, requiring a great deal of exploration.

And by "exploration" you mean searching the internet. People will find it, they will post the route, and all of the "exploration" is removed from the equation.


Perhaps some jumping ones allow you to avoid a very strong mob, The shorter route might force you to fight that mob.

Which matters for a couple of levels, maybe? "Very strong" is entirely subjective and based upon comparative levels and group size.


... but there should be just as many bonuses for players not looking to play Q-Bert as for the kids who do want it.


So people that just want the bonuses are "players", but those willing to do or, Heaven forbid, actually enjoy the jumping puzzles to get them are "kids"?


Way to be condescending there.


Should there also be just as many bonuses for the "players" that don't want to PvP as there are for the "kids" that do?

Should there be just as many bonuses for the "players" that don't want to do group content as there are for the "kids" that do?

Should there be just as many bonuses for the "players" that want to play for free as there are for the "kids" that pay?



First? Let's wait and see what the deal is with datacrons come KFE, eh?

With mastery coming in, how will that impact datacrons?


There was also talk of possibly making datacrons a legacy unlock type of thing. If they actually do that, then no matter the status of the first then just suck it up, send one toon out to get the datacrons, and pay the unlock cost to give them to the rest of your toons.

Edited by Mithros
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And by "exploration" you mean searching the internet. People will find it, they will post the route, and all of the "exploration" is removed from the equation.


That's people's choice though. You can't ever remove that. You can have cheat codes and trainers for games as well. Doesn't mean you have to use them.


That being said, you do have a good point and I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing it. The value of the jumping puzzles is that even if you do nothing more than search online for a route, you still have to do the actual grunt work yourself in terms of getting through the puzzles.


Which matters for a couple of levels, maybe? "Very strong" is entirely subjective and based upon comparative levels and group size.


Of course. Clearly I wasn't offering a full on solution here with every point thought out. It was more just to show that we don't have to limit ourselves to either-or thinking.

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There should not be Datacrons reachable only using the clumsy controls for platforming. this is not Mario. The people that want to platform can get all the datacrons but the people with better things to do with our time can only get some of them. If the jumping controls were not crap it might not be as worthless but there should be just as many bonuses for players not looking to play Q-Bert as for the kids who do want it.


If you're on Harbinger look me up and I'll help you out. I'll do all the jumping and stuff and pull you along. We can even get all the Ilum Datacrons in less than 10 minutes.


So if you're on Harbinger look for Dalari'ia (Republic) or Falori'ia (Imperial) and I'll be glad to help you, or anyone else, out.

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Jumping should be the only way to obtain datacrons. Far too many require only mindless grind or paying credits.


credits? you mean 15k for MGGS? O.o whaaaaaat?! something ive missed?


also tatooine = not grinding, just pvp force push/force wave/etc someone up there, there are even vids in youtube (not sure about the shard, only the strength one tho, as imo is the only one that matters (idc about achieves xD), FIX SHARD DATACRONS BIOWARE, MAKE THEM USEFUL AGAIN!

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I don't want to see platforming datacrons changed, I'll tepidly agree that BioWare could do more to improve how platforming works in this game. Going off the beaten path often introduces you to terrain you can get stuck on, and will get auto-unstuck to a med center, which can be very frustrating. I got most of the way to the Makeb Endurance Datacron when I jumped up to the last part of the platform before the very last bit of dirt, and it /stuck me on the terrain That was too much for that night, and I went back at another time.


But to also be fair to BioWare, their client/server performance has only gotten better over the years, and when recently helping a friend get some of the harder platforming ones she needed, I found many of the routes I had struggled with in the early days of SWTOR to be much easier.

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Bla. bla bla. If many can do it, then you can surely do it too. Don't blame the controls. They are fine. You are just using them wrong. If you are terrible at controlling your character get a guild with flagship. Ask your friend to do it for you and then teleport you. Edited by PavSalco
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Don't blame the controls. They are fine. You are just using them wrong.


Friendly reminder that not everybody is fully keyboard capable.


On the Shadowlands server, we used to have a couple of guilds who would have Datacron Days, stick someone with pull up on the really bad datacrons, and just yank people up to them. Nice and easy. Pity those days are gone....

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