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EV and KP Nightmare Removal in Fallen Empire


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And this is exacztly the reason why I want those NIM modes to stay for Newbies ! To learn ! HM just doesn't give them what they need to know in any other NIM OP !


There is almost zero difference between the two besides Boss HP is x more and does x more Dmg. They will learn the same in either.

Edited by FerkWork
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Awww... That's a pity. Especially the Timed Run part. I was able to get EV's one myself back in the old times, but lack KP still. Which nowadays nobody PuGs, and since I'm not in an Op Guild, I see little chance to get it done. :(


Oh well, guess I'll have to roll with the tide... :o


Not sure what server you're on, but I pug KP NiM and the other ones every week...and almost every day people are forming pugs for those NiM ops. I'm on Harbinger btw.

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And this is exacztly the reason why I want those NIM modes to stay for Newbies ! To learn ! HM just doesn't give them what they need to know in any other NIM OP !

NM EV and NM KP do absolutely nothing to prepare newbies for any other NM operation.


Heck, the very first ops group I was a member of all had the "speed run title" for NM EV and NM KP, but couldn't even pass Toth and Zorn in Explosive Conflict, let alone the rest of the instance. In STORYMODE no less.


The best way for a newbie to prepare for a NM version of an operation is to run the SM and HM version of that same operation. That way they're already familiar with existing the mechanics, and only have to learn any new ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So since EV is currently broken on the Soa fight (almost but not completely impossible if you are lucky to have someone who can see the invisible platforms or someone who has them memorized) are there any plans on some sort of fix so people can still try to get the achievements and title before it is completely removed? Edited by Danery
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Is there a chance you could move the titles to HM too? Neither operation has a HM title reward, and it seems like such a waste to just throw the titles away and make them unavailable for future characters.


Go get the titles now. At level 60 these operations are cake. You don't even need a full raid group to clear them.


Here is an idea. Why not change add new mechanics to ev and kp nightmare and keep them? I know it's more work but isn't it better? Rather than deleting content - changing it a little.


Soa is already one of the buggiest fights this game's ever seen. Like the developers want to add more mechanics to a four year old op. Honestly they've got bigger fish to fry. Fixing NPC animations, improving (not reducing draw distances) are just a few examples of more worthy places to focus attention.

Edited by Spamfritter
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  • 1 year later...
Hey folks,


Around launch when we implemented the Nightmare versions of Eternity Vault and Karagga’s Palace, they were not quite the same as the Nightmare modes you are used to now. Basically, those old Nightmare ops were simply the same Operations with more health, that did more damage.


With the changes we are making in Fallen Empire, all Operations will now be at max level, this means the differences between Hard and Nightmare EV and KP, just don’t stack up against the difficulty differences found in other Operations. Because of this, we are going to be removing Nightmare Mode Eternity Vault and Karagga’s Palace from the game with the launch of Fallen Empire. This will raise a couple of questions about things like Titles and Achievements so here are a few details of the change:

  • Any unique drops that were found in these Nightmare Modes will now drop in Hard Mode.
  • The timed run Titles for Nightmare Mode can no longer be earned in Fallen Empire.
  • Any Achievements which you have earned for these Nightmare Modes will be moved to a new Archived section under Operations, and can no longer be earned.

If you would like to get the timed run titles or NM achievements, now is your chance! Get in there before Fallen Empire launches. Thanks everyone.




Time the bring these back? It would be nostalgic to run them again and probably easy for SWTOR to flip a setting some place.

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Time the bring these back? It would be nostalgic to run them again and probably easy for SWTOR to flip a setting some place.


They were removed because there's no functional difference between HM and NiM for those two ops. Why bother?

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They were removed because there's no functional difference between HM and NiM for those two ops. Why bother?


/sarcasm on


Because people want to get 246 schematics and 248 tokens from NiM ops without having to really work at it.


/sarcasm off

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