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Ships on the cartel market


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Are these worth getting?


I've tried GSF a couple times, but never had the time to give it a serious go. I'd like to get into it more, as I love the concept, but being that I will be basically just be getting started, and playing against, from what I've read, alot of veterans, I was wondering if it would be wiser to go with one of the ships off of the market. Do they make that much of a difference, or will I, with a bit of perseverance, be able to compete with buying one with the GSF currency?


Also, as someone who hates to feel as if I'm being "carried", where can I go to look up some decent guides? My typical go to spot is dulfy.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.



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The ships on the cartel Market are the same as other ships you can get from Fleet requisition, just with a different look to them. For example. The Skybolt has the same components as the Flashfire (they are the exact same ship in gameplay, just look different), the TZ-25 Enforcer is the same components as the T1 star Guard. So it's a matter of how fast do you want to get more ships, rather then if they are actually better then each other. None of the Cartel Market ships have better components then the other ships that can be gotten from fleet requisition.
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I'd check out the stickied threads at the top of this forum, especially

The Stasiepedia as its known


I'd check out Drakolich's twitch and youtube channels


Dulfy is a wonderful resource, but terribly outdated as regards GSF


Welcome to GSF!


There is no huge benefit to using the cartel market ships, they just provide you a way to unlock certain ships that are re-skins of ships you can buy using fleet requisition and they gain ship requisition slightly faster (10% to be exact.) The only ones that are worth buying are the G-X1 Onslaught/Firehauler (which is a reskin of the tier 2 bomber, the B-4D Legion imp side or the Warcarrier pub side); the VX-9 Mailoc/Redeemer (which is re-skin of the tier 1 gunship, the Mangler imp side or the Quarrel pubside); and the IL-5 Ocula/Skybolt (which is a reskin of the tier 2 scout, the Sting imp side or the Flashfire pubside). If you were not a subscriber when GSF launched, then buying these three ships would save you, I believe, 12.5k fleet requisition (if you were a sub when GSF launched over a year ago then you get a tier 1 gunship for free, saving you 2500 fleet req). You can use the fleet requisition you saved to unlock companions for better crew abilities, or unlock other ships that are useful in the current gameplay enviroment, most notably the tier 1 bomber. The three cartel ships I mentioned are all ships which are some of the most effective ships in the current environment, but they are not any more powerful than their fleet-req-bought cousins. If you have the 5400 cartel coins it would cost (maybe less if you can find the GX-1 unlocks for sale on the GTN), then they can help get you up to speed a little sooner than you otherwise would be. The other ships you can purchase, the TZ-24 and the K-52, are re-skins of ships that are not used very frequently in the most competitive matches by the most experienced pilots because they are generally considered underpowered. I would not recommend buying the cartel versions of those ships.

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Also, as someone who hates to feel as if I'm being "carried", where can I go to look up some decent guides? My typical go to spot is dulfy.





First page, top thread, the sticky one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=729222


Drakolich's "20 questions thread", where he answeres...uhm...questions http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=741384


Aaaaaaand his twitchstream, where you can see the maestro in action: http://www.twitch.tv/drakolich




Have fun flying and killing stuff. ^^






Aunt Edit says, that someone was faster. :D

Edited by Crazy-Wolf
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Cartel ships count as "mastered" from the beginning. This doesn't mean they're upgraded (they start with the same equipment their non-cartel counterparts have). It only means they get 10% requisition bonus from the start that other ships only get if they have at least one component of every category at its maximum upgrade level. Having the 10% requisition bonus from the start sounds nice, however if you upgrade properly (i.e. knowing what build to go for and sticking to it) that bonus only equals around 13-16k requisition in total which means you will be only 1 upgrade ahead of a non-cartel ship at most times because you don't get that bonus at once but it slowly accumulates over time.


A cartel ship can save you 2500 or 5000 fleet requisition (fleet requisition is much more valuable than ship requisition in the beginning), you can spend on crew members or other ships to get these faster. Cartel ships also provide you with the ability to have the same type of ship on your bars, with different builds. Also cartel ships can be traded before they're added to a hangar and if you have enough credits, you might find someone who's willing to buy a cartel ship for CC and sell it to you fro credits. This is, as far as I know, the only possibility to spend credits on GSF to get a slight advantage.

Speaking of fleet requisition. You can exchange ship requisition for fleet requisition if you pay cartel coins for it.


Also, as someone who hates to feel as if I'm being "carried", where can I go to look up some decent guides? My typical go to spot is dulfy.


If you're willing to learn it's not carrying. The problem with guides is, they can't transfer game experience. You will get a better understanding from reading guides and you'll help your team more, if you know what you're doing but the most important thing in GSF is experience. The more games you play, the better you'll get and no guide can help you beyond a certain point.


In addition to the guides Crazy-Wolf mentioned, you might want to read Tips for Newer GSF Players.

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I'd check out the stickied threads at the top of this forum, especially

The Stasiepedia as its known


I'd check out Drakolich's twitch and youtube channels


Dulfy is a wonderful resource, but terribly outdated as regards GSF


Welcome to GSF!


There is no huge benefit to using the cartel market ships, they just provide you a way to unlock certain ships that are re-skins of ships you can buy using fleet requisition and they gain ship requisition slightly faster (10% to be exact.) The only ones that are worth buying are the G-X1 Onslaught/Firehauler (which is a reskin of the tier 2 bomber, the B-4D Legion imp side or the Warcarrier pub side); the VX-9 Mailoc/Redeemer (which is re-skin of the tier 1 gunship, the Mangler imp side or the Quarrel pubside); and the IL-5 Ocula/Skybolt (which is a reskin of the tier 2 scout, the Sting imp side or the Flashfire pubside). If you were not a subscriber when GSF launched, then buying these three ships would save you, I believe, 12.5k fleet requisition (if you were a sub when GSF launched over a year ago then you get a tier 1 gunship for free, saving you 2500 fleet req). You can use the fleet requisition you saved to unlock companions for better crew abilities, or unlock other ships that are useful in the current gameplay enviroment, most notably the tier 1 bomber. The three cartel ships I mentioned are all ships which are some of the most effective ships in the current environment, but they are not any more powerful than their fleet-req-bought cousins. If you have the 5400 cartel coins it would cost (maybe less if you can find the GX-1 unlocks for sale on the GTN), then they can help get you up to speed a little sooner than you otherwise would be. The other ships you can purchase, the TZ-24 and the K-52, are re-skins of ships that are not used very frequently in the most competitive matches by the most experienced pilots because they are generally considered underpowered. I would not recommend buying the cartel versions of those ships.



Great advice except I would avoid the VX-9 Mailoc/Redeemer since it is bugged. The icon doesn't change when you switched between railguns.



The cheapest way to get all the ships you want? Get to level 10 and buy yourself a Sting/Flashfire and fly that for a bit. Get your weekly and daily rewards. Then convert the default ship (NovaDive/Blackbolt and Starguard/Rycer) requisition to fleet requisition and buy the Rampart/Razorwire and the Quarrel/Mangler. Eventually you can do the same thing to get the Warcarrier/Legion, Condor/Jugoran, and Spearpoint/Bloodmark. I wouldn't bother with any of the other ships as they are underpowered and do not serve any purpose that these aforementioned 6 ships already cover.



If you get really good in a Scout then it's worthwhile to have the Skybolt/Ocula (Flashfire/Sting cartel copy) because it lets you run 2 different builds of the "Battlescout". There are a lot of strong builds for that ship that are suitable for different maps/modes/enemies/situations.



If you get really good in a Bomber then it's somewhat worthwhile getting the Firehauler/Onslaught (Warcarrier/Legion cartel copy) because you can design one ship with railgun drone and wingman for TDM mode and one ship with interdiction drone and hydrospanner (or in your sights or suppression or running interference) for Domination. That being said, the Rampart/Razorwire is typically the better choice in Domination for several reasons; the top 2 being hyperspace beacon and charged plating. An interdiction drone/repair drone Warcarrier can be great if your team already has enough beacons though.

Edited by RickDagles
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