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I am so glad I spent $1k on an SSD just for this game


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My load screens are nowhere near that high either, you either have a bottleneck on CPU or RAM or you have a problem in the game files. Do a fresh install and patch it maybe... BTW 1k for an ssd is steep, must have been a sizeable drive.. why so big a drive for one game and your OS? The performance gains on the larger sizes aren't that significant.


Also, I don't have an ssd. My specs are:


I7-860 @ 3.8ghz

4g 1600mhz RAM

GTX 285 self oc, air

500gb SATA hdd

And run of the mill cable internet


Alderaan is about the only load screen that goes to 30 seconds or a touch more that I've seen, and that's only when first loading the game.

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Im not sure of the specs of this computer (because its not mine), but i can only play TOR on low graphics at the moment because otherwise it starts to burn up. Internets not that great either, typical download speeds are about 150kbps (took 2 days to download TOR), and i spend about £25 on my internet a month (isnt that like $40? Not sure on the exchange rate at the moment)


Yet, the only long loading time i get is when i first load up the game, and that takes about 1min, the remaining loading screens probably last around 10 - 20 seconds. So if your spending all that money yet getting loading screens of 5+ minutes, i think your doing something wrong.

Edited by Mossesman
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0:13:05 -- Play hit

0:13:45 -- in game


40 seconds while streaming (Extremely CPU intensive) and doing background tasks (closing pandora/checking facebook/advertising stream/etc).


And that was a rather long loading screen compared to the majority of the ones I have captured on stream.


*EDIT -- a non first load screen load time


0:26:12 -- hit join Warzone

0:26:25 -- Press space to continue

----------------- 13 seconds load time.



I usually have fraps and pandora running also, i7990x @5ghz and GTX 590 classified, RAM at 2100k, the system is fine and running fast, probably the reason I notice it so much. And obviously 5 minutes was an exaggeration. But wait until you get to the 40+ worlds. The user side loading is done in a second, and then you sit at 30% for up to a minute waiting for the server to talk to you. Their coding is so terrible.

Edited by KetMalice
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I usually have fraps and pandora running also, i7990x @5ghz and GTX 590 classified, RAM at 2100k, the system is fine and running fast, probably the reason I notice it so much. And obviously 5 minutes was an exaggeration. But wait until you get to the 40+ worlds. The use side loading is done in a second, and then you sit at 30% for up to a minute waiting for the server to talk to you. Their coding is so terrible.


Stream covers up to 30, I'm sitting at 33. Not sure but I'll start streaming again next play session and have a record of the load times. In my experience EVERY load screen ever feels subjectively long. It's a bar keeping us from our game, we all hate it.

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I played in beta with a regular ol' HDD, and live with a SSD. Back in beta there were some lengthy load times (about a minute maybe) but now I don't even know what a load time is. Perhaps instead of immediately casting blame at the game, you should look at your own computer as the source of problem? Most people complaining about FPS or load times are usually dealing with problems on their own end.
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LOL. OP, prone to exaggeration much? I dont believe any of the figures you posted. 1K SSD? Sure. If you are telling the truth, based on current prices, that's a 600GB drive SATAII or a slightly smaller PCI-E. You bought that just for SWTOR?


$250/mo internet? Yeah, post your package. I have a 20/5 connection and I guarantee the bandwidth from a single source bottlenecks somewhere else. Of course you're lying, but if you expect a huge pipe to help with one data stream, you're on crack or dont understand basic networking principles.


5 minute load screens? Do you have any concept of time? YouTube your 5 minute load screen, I dare you.

Edited by BluePlatypus
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Everyone says it must be something else, or it's your comp, but what else might it be?


I love this game but I really struggle just to play it


Ati 6950, 8g ramm, amd 3.2g x6 cores...


I don't see what's wrong with my comp. it murders witcher 2 and dues ex. But my load times are 2-30 minutes.



I get kicked from pvp before it loads. I can't run fps, I don't even group bc it's not fair to make other players sit and wait for me to load



I need help! I love this game, I just want to play it!



Edit. Not exaggerating. I have gone to do the dishes and come back to the loading screen. Recently I have been restarted if the screen goes for more than 5 minutes. I could YouTube it but if there is no solution, what good would it do?

Edited by Redial
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There is absolutely no way that is true. I am sorry man but I have to call BS on this. It is one of the largest complaints from people...


Nah, I can concur. My loading screens have NEVER taken more than 30 seconds. Maybe putting an SSD on your computer was like putting Recaro seats in a Yugo?

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$1000 SDD?


$250 Internet?


Man you are getting ripped off HARD!


Agree >.>


Are you like trying to buy 500gb or more of ssd storage to replace your hhd or not use one? Also 250 for internet?



Your getting ripped off on the internet for sure, but on ssd depends on how much gb you bought I suppose.

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Everyone says it must be something else, or it's your comp, but what else might it be?

Right, well everyone says that because no one else (or exceptionally few people) is experiencing crazy load times.


Could be a lot of things... you're swapping on a crappy HDD, your video card if having a hard time reading or writing from memory, you're io bound, there's something horrible wrong with the seek time on your HDD, etc. Idk.


Bottom line is that the majority of people dont experience the same behavior you do, so blaming it on the game is a tenuous arguement.

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I7 2600k 4.5

8gig 2133


SSD Vertex 3 120g

Evga P67 FTW Mobo



Max settings with AA enabled via .ini

Verizon FIOS(Fiber Optic)


Loading screens take no longer than 10 seconds. They are mostly 5-8 seconds.


*I still think there is an issue somewhere though. My friends with HDD's take way to long.

Edited by Remidi
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So I can sit at loading screens for 5 minutes. Also glad I spend $250 a month on my internet connection.


Never had a 5 minute load. Not sure why you spend so much on internet either unless you live in the sticks. That's about twice what we pay for the highest download speeds available.

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My system destroys benchmarks, it isn't bottle necking. It's like the game puts you in a "que" to load. Instant loading to 30%....wait 45 seconds....instant loading to 90%...wait 10 seconds....instant loading to 100%


People having trouble with load times.


Did you reinstall after the beta, or copy over beta for the retail client ?


Also, have you defragged your system, and run a Scan Disk check to check for errors.


The Long Load times are going to all come back to HDD issues.

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It sounds to me like the OP needs a new motherboard. Y'know, that thing that gets data from one place to another.


And I hope he isn't using the SSD as his main drive. At $1k, it must be huge. But they can only be written to so many times before they wear out. It will be a very expensive and time-consuming mistake.


And you don't have to download anything to load into the game. It's all on your hard drive, so the internet connection has nothing to do with loading.

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My system destroys benchmarks, it isn't bottle necking. It's like the game puts you in a "que" to load. Instant loading to 30%....wait 45 seconds....instant loading to 90%...wait 10 seconds....instant loading to 100%


That's less than a minute...

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Actually, I think know what wrong with your ssd. Try changing the sata port to a different port. There was a problem with the marble 6gb sata ports on some motherboard, can't remember if it was asus or gigabyte board and the model. However, the drives for the marble sata 6gb connections were not working correctly for boards who had an extra pair of sata 6bg ports. Basically, what is happen is the sata 6bg port is functioning as a sata 3gb port. Thus, the result of slow hdd load speeds. Edited by Knockerz
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It sounds to me like the OP needs a new motherboard. Y'know, that thing that gets data from one place to another.


And I hope he isn't using the SSD as his main drive. At $1k, it must be huge. But they can only be written to so many times before they wear out. It will be a very expensive and time-consuming mistake.


And you don't have to download anything to load into the game. It's all on your hard drive, so the internet connection has nothing to do with loading.


It does, the bioware server has to tell you what to load.

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So I can sit at loading screens for 5 minutes. Also glad I spend $250 a month on my internet connection.


I'd like to see how happy you are with a $70 HDD and $50/month internet service because I gotta tell you, the 5-10 sec load screens will be like you've died and gone to heaven if you're happy with your current setup.

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Actually, I think know what wrong with your ssd. Try changing the sata port to a different port. There was a problem with an marble 6gb ports on some motherboard, can't remember if it was asus or gigabyte board and the model. However, the drives for the marble sata connections were not working correctly for board who had an extra pair of sata 6bg ports. Basically, what is happen is the sata 6bg port is functionally as a 3gb sata port. Thus, the result of slow hdd load speeds.


It was ALL marvel Sata 6 ports on the....x79 mobos I want to say. You had to either "downgrade" to a p67 or buy a very expensive x79. It was something along those lines. My vertex only worked at half speed unitl I got the P67 mobo.


I did not read the whole post but I assume if he spent that much he has an PCIE SSD. They are super fast and are much larger.

Edited by Remidi
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