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Not Enough Female Companions.


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There are 40 companions.


Of that 40, 11 are female. 3 are droids. So, that means that there are 26 males to 11 females. If we're generous and include HK-51 and Treek, those numbers change to 4 droids, 26 males, 12 females.


The numbers are definitely skewed.


Even if we remove the really exotic aliens like Khem Val, Yuum, Bowdaar, Qyzen Fess, Xalex, Treek and Broonmark, that still leaves 20 males and 11 females.


Nearly 2 to 1.


The ratio is kinda pathetic.


It didn't have to be this way, either. I'd much rather have had Ava Jaxo than Tano Vic on my trooper, and Tala-Reh is a thousand times more compelling than Fideltin Rusk (or Doc for that matter) as a companion for the Jedi Knight. I don't know anyone who plays a BH who actually likes Skadge, so replacing him with a female character, preferably another Madalorian would have been easy, and probably a popular choice. Xalex arrives in the Inquisitor Story line so late he could be easily replaced by a female character introduced at the end of act one. As for the Consular, Zenith would actually have been a more interesting character as a female.


There. That would bring the numbers a lot closer. 16 females, 16 near human males. 3 droids, 5 really alien aliens. Plus Treek and HK.


I never understood why they make more interesting NPCs than our companions and we weren't able to recruit them. "hey you know this cool NPC with a cool story that you liked? well.. WATCH THEM DIE! AHAHAHAHA!" They're doing it on purpose I swear :p

Edited by Azareya
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There are 40 companions.


Of that 40, 11 are female. 3 are droids. So, that means that there are 26 males to 11 females. If we're generous and include HK-51 and Treek, those numbers change to 4 droids, 26 males, 12 females.


The numbers are definitely skewed.


Even if we remove the really exotic aliens like Khem Val, Yuum, Bowdaar, Qyzen Fess, Xalex, Treek and Broonmark, that still leaves 20 males and 11 females.


Nearly 2 to 1.


The ratio is kinda pathetic.


It didn't have to be this way, either. I'd much rather have had Ava Jaxo than Tano Vic on my trooper, and Tala-Reh is a thousand times more compelling than Fideltin Rusk (or Doc for that matter) as a companion for the Jedi Knight. I don't know anyone who plays a BH who actually likes Skadge, so replacing him with a female character, preferably another Madalorian would have been easy, and probably a popular choice. Xalex arrives in the Inquisitor Story line so late he could be easily replaced by a female character introduced at the end of act one. As for the Consular, Zenith would actually have been a more interesting character as a female.


There. That would bring the numbers a lot closer. 16 females, 16 near human males. 3 droids, 5 really alien aliens. Plus Treek and HK.


You forgot Thanna Vash on that list of yours!

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I never understood why they make more interesting NPCs than our companions and we weren't able to recruit them. "hey you know this cool NPC with a cool story that you liked? well.. WATCH THEM DIE! AHAHAHAHA!" They're doing it on purpose I swear :p


Agreed. I will admit that considering how much I hate Tanno Vic and Aric Jorgon, I'm pretty sure I'd rather recruit a loaf of bread and a can of spinach to fill their slots on the team, but damn, Jaxo was fantastic. Tanno reminds me of Skadge. Hell, I'd rather had Fuse back that Tanno. Doc... Don't even get me started on Doc. He's a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.


So many good characters we could have had as companions.

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Agreed. I will admit that considering how much I hate Tanno Vic and Aric Jorgon, I'm pretty sure I'd rather recruit a loaf of bread and a can of spinach to fill their slots on the team, but damn, Jaxo was fantastic. Tanno reminds me of Skadge. Hell, I'd rather had Fuse back that Tanno. Doc... Don't even get me started on Doc. He's a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.


So many good characters we could have had as companions.


I'll have to get his affection up on another Jedi, but I don't recall him being a sexual harassment waiting to happen. Or do you just not know what sexual harassment is? Flirting is not harassment. Though, again, maybe I just don't remember it that well, going to have to go back in and flirt! /o/

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Agent and Warrior have 2 girls each.

I don't care I want more of them as well. Beside that I hate like having profiles like Jaesa Willsaam. Either she is a boring all goodi-goodi, or a psichiotic *****. All I can say to her IG is "Anyone but you!"

What I mean is, we don't have more feme power and we don't have pragmatic female personalities. They are either a**holes, or dispicable good. And I mean not reasonably good, but "Oh, not again! Just shut up you short minded *****!" good. Just give us companions we can work with!

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I'll have to get his affection up on another Jedi, but I don't recall him being a sexual harassment waiting to happen. Or do you just not know what sexual harassment is? Flirting is not harassment. Though, again, maybe I just don't remember it that well, going to have to go back in and flirt! /o/


Once you keep flirting despite being told to stop, it's harassment. And my Jedi has told him to stop several times.


The annoying thing about this game is, the male characters I'd actually be inclined to do a romance storyline with are not romance options. Gault, for example. Or Theran if Holiday didn't end up getting hurt, and it was more than a one night stand. Heck, on my agent, I liked Lokin far, far better than Vector. And Talos would have been a more interesting choice than Andronikus any day.

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Once you keep flirting despite being told to stop, it's harassment. And my Jedi has told him to stop several times.


The annoying thing about this game is, the male characters I'd actually be inclined to do a romance storyline with are not romance options. Gault, for example. Or Theran if Holiday didn't end up getting hurt, and it was more than a one night stand. Heck, on my agent, I liked Lokin far, far better than Vector. And Talos would have been a more interesting choice than Andronikus any day.


Going to have to see it again for sure.

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And Talos would have been a more interesting choice than Andronikus any day.

Bleurgh. I just picked up Talos. He's a weenie. Of course, having played other female-character romances in this game, I found the Andronikos thing a bit disconcerting. Oh, OK, it's one of *those* relationships. But Talos is a weenie.


And on the male-character/female-companion side, am I right in thinking that

the agent gets to bed Kaliyo earlier in his story than anyone else


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I think it would be great if they added some non- romanceabe female companions in! It has always annoyed me that every female could be flirted with while some of the best males can not. And to further make things equal, three of the existing males should become romanceable.
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I'll have to get his affection up on another Jedi, but I don't recall him being a sexual harassment waiting to happen. Or do you just not know what sexual harassment is? Flirting is not harassment. Though, again, maybe I just don't remember it that well, going to have to go back in and flirt! /o/


During the companion questline you find out that

he left a girl at the altar. After her family moved to Coruscant just to be at the wedding.

BONUS: You find this out by her holocalling Doc while you're talking to him.


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To be fair i think it would be a lot more fun to be able to have love triangles where they fight/argue or even force you to make a choice. I also wish they would have made the companions you can romance all straight because i like playing female characters but don't like flirting with male characters, but that is neither here nor there. I only have one female companion in dancing outfit, so there! :p


Aren't you contradicting yourself here? You want all romanceable companions to be straight (sadly, that is exactly what they are), but don't want to flirt with a male companion when your on your female toon? Sounds like you want your female companions to be lesbians (or at least bisexual) for you to flirt with when playing your female character.

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During the companion questline you find out that

he left a girl at the altar. After her family moved to Coruscant just to be at the wedding.

BONUS: You find this out by her holocalling Doc while you're talking to him.

But I wouldn't call that "harassment". Except that it might be her harassing him if it has been a while and she keeps on at him about it.

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There are 40 companions.


Of that 40, 11 are female. 3 are droids. So, that means that there are 26 males to 11 females. If we're generous and include HK-51 and Treek, those numbers change to 4 droids, 26 males, 12 females.


The numbers are definitely skewed.


Even if we remove the really exotic aliens like Khem Val, Yuum, Bowdaar, Qyzen Fess, Xalex, Treek and Broonmark, that still leaves 20 males and 11 females.


Nearly 2 to 1.


The ratio is kinda pathetic.


Yes that ratio is pathetic and I fully champion more females for everyone that wants them, but for me the more disturbing statistic here is that out of these 20 male companions non are romanceable for my main character (yes, a dude). You at least have 11 female companions to 'ahem'... "play with".

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I think it would be great if they added some non- romanceabe female companions in!




Although, I really don't care about the gender of my companions since I use treek most of the time, and while I think she's the best companion functionality wise, I'd kinda like to shove an S&M ballgag in her mouth with a mini-sledge. I did do the whole marriage thing with Vette, Mako, and..umm..the girl I got on my Jedi, just for story...although there wasnt anything earth shattering concerning the relationship aspect. I enjoyed the rest of their story quest line though. The reason I'd like to have non-romanceable companions is because I felt as if i was pushed to do so.


I already have a wife IRL, and thats annoying enough. Dont need it ingame. Gimme space ffs.

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The gaming industry is overwhelmingly dominated by male developers. Programmers, designers, you name it.


The result is that 8= % of all games are showing "a man's world / a men's world", and most RPGs shows some kind of male "Hero's Journey" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomyth Not female ones !


There are not many female protagonists or antagonists.


A typical result of this is the RPG called "Gothic".


For more on this matter, read through TV Tropes.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The gaming industry is overwhelmingly dominated by male developers. Programmers, designers, you name it.


The result is that 8= % of all games are showing "a man's world / a men's world", and most RPGs shows some kind of male "Hero's Journey" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomyth Not female ones !


There are not many female protagonists or antagonists.


A typical result of this is the RPG called "Gothic".


For more on this matter, read through TV Tropes.


Which then doesn't explain the lack of female COMPANIONS for these mostly male players as OP is commenting on.

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Which then doesn't explain the lack of female COMPANIONS for these mostly male players as OP is commenting on.


I'm not sure the gender of the writer has any bearing on the amount of female/male companions in a story.


Inquisitor and Consular both have one female companion and are credited as written by female writers.


Only Agent, Warrior, and Smuggler have multiple females on the crew.

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Yes that ratio is pathetic and I fully champion more females for everyone that wants them, but for me the more disturbing statistic here is that out of these 20 male companions non are romanceable for my main character (yes, a dude). You at least have 11 female companions to 'ahem'... "play with".


Oh, dude, do not get me started on the lack of SGR prior to level 50. Even the stuff on Makeb is weak sauce. My female smuggler did get her heart broken by Lana, because



She wouldn't let Lana dissect that poor Jedi's brain.



I keep hoping, since they are revising the class stories anyway, to streamline leveling, we'll get SGR's during 1-50, but I'm pretty sure I'm just fooling myself.

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