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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Player Review: Now That "The Shiny" has Worn Off


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Wow = 7 years of post launch development



SWTOR = 2 week post launch development.






I find you expectancy of any MMO to just come out to have as much, and or, more content then another MMO that has been out for the past 7 years.





Yeah, me as a gamer am supposed to put up with a sub par game just because it wasn't out as long as other games.


I do this because somehow I owe it to BW for some unknown reason, and I will sub to this sub-par game and not another even if I find the devs of that other game did a better job, because BW is my dad and I owe it to him to have patience.


Get real! This is a product in a capitalist market. Failure is not an option and no player (at least no sane player that is) will give credit to a game for long just because it's new or some crap.

Edited by Chomag
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Yeah, me as a gamer am supposed to put up with a sub par game just because it wasn't out as long as other games.


I do this because somehow I owe it to BW for some unknown reason, and I will sub to this sub-par game and not another even if I find the devs of that other game did a better job, because BW is my dad and I owe it to him to have patience.


Get real! This is a product in a capitalist market. Failure is not an option and no player (at least no sane player that is) will give credit to a game for long just because it's new or some crap.


Bioware: "Chomag......I am your father!"

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Wow = 7 years of post launch development



SWTOR = 2 week post launch development.






I find you expectancy of any MMO to just come out to have as much, and or, more content then another MMO that has been out for the past 7 years to be ridonkulous





I'm enjoying the game myself, but let's be serious here - this argument is ridiculously flawed. Each industry builds on the successes (and failures) of their competition, even when breaking into new markets. There is a difference between polish (which TOR seems to have) and features we've come to expect as 'standard'.


Let's make it a car analogy. There's no way I could start a company, build a car that's roughly on par in features and quality with the 1986 Hyundai Excel - Hyundai's entry into the US market - and charge the same as say, a 2012 Ford Focus. I mean, I guess you'd be happy to buy it? If so, I have a 1986 Hyundai Excel - err, I mean a 2012 tNok Superba - to sell for you for $16,000.


Keep in mind 25 years is 25% of the time cars have been available to the general public, vs. WoW's 7 years - roughly 50% of the time MMOs have been available to the general public.

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Because it's number 1. Hard to understand?


Yeah it's hard for intelligent people to understand ludicrous responses that have not even a shred of thought put into them. This game isn't a WoW rip off. It's an MMO rip off. Because they're all the same. They've always been the same, and they always will be. No one is going to attempt to revolutionize a model of game that works.

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But it does mean it's bashing the game. He even explained why it's not a review. Go onto G4TV.com and watch some of their reviews. Even games like Aquaman, or one called something like Drakes 99 Dragons or something like that they talk about the good points of the game. BTW both of those games are the two most loathed games by X-Play ever. They even use to run a gold mullet award to make fun of Aquaman and bad games.


Reviews go over both sides of the game. Like he said to say there is nothing good about the game is absolutely ludicrous and doesn't constitute a review.


I didn't mean to come off like I thought he was bashing the game. I fell 110% of how he feels. The game sucks in its current state.

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One of the worse reviews i've yet read. I actually agree with a lot of the points brought up in it. My problem is the laughter this review caused me to suffer.


Bullet point the actual grievances...re-read them and you'll laugh too. From my perspective if that's the worse you can say about a 6 day old MMO then you must try harder.


What you listed i'd accept happily in any just launched MMO. HAPPILY. MMO's evolve over years, not days. It's been days not years. See where i'm heading with this?


Again, I agree with a lot of what you wrote. I just don't deem it worth complaining about yet.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Yeah it's hard for intelligent people to understand ludicrous responses that have not even a shred of thought put into them. This game isn't a WoW rip off. It's an MMO rip off. Because they're all the same. They've always been the same, and they always will be. No one is going to attempt to revolutionize a model of game that works.


Let me say it again; WoW is number one.


Did you get it that time?


Intelligent? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 :p

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im not sure why i love reading all these negitive post but i cant help it, sub par? really? i just have to call BS on that. this game is not perfect but when you review a game that u wanted to be WOW 2.0 and say it stinks because its not that just doesnt make sence to me. the game has an original crafting system, the companions are pretty much classic Bioware and i think they a great idea a well developed story that is delivered well. i understand this just my opinion and not a messurable statement of fact. bbuuuuut here a fact this game has the largest sub growth of any game in history, thats a fact the game opened with over 1million and a half players, more then any other game also a fact. and i bet all you guys trashing this game arent cancelling ur sub either so i think Bioware did a good job on there first MMORPG.. thats my opinion.





I played WOW for a week and cancelled my sub, that game blows

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I highly agree with most of the stuff you wrote.


To my oppinion SWTOR is a pretty good game, but:


If you rather want a RPG than a MMO: you´ll be probably disappointed. Some of the class quests are definetely well made and very catchy... but the characters for the "normal" quests are hardly evolved plus some of the quests are boring, alot of mob slaying etc. There are no characters but the quest givers :((!!! The world has potential but lacks some details and gimmicks. Bottom line: Story and RPG-elements just dont have the quality of a good SPRPG especially the other GENIUS single player games by Bioware ;)


However if you lookin for a decent mmo ( no its not as fully developed as wow... but seriously wow has been around for 8y and swtor is preeeetty new...) that takes place in a scifi universe I think theres definetely a good chance you´ll be happy with ToR.

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The reason everything is seen in reference to wow is because for being 7 years old it's still going fairly strong. MMO's are a market where they hope to stay strong for a year, beyond 4 years is wishful thinking. Lasting past 5 years is considered godly in the mmo market. It's an over saturated market.


The sad reality of PC gaming is that, you're either an MMO or force long on like SC 2 and D3. The piracy has pretty much killed any developer from making a PC exclusive single player game. I had a feeling Bioware wanted to make Kotor 3, but it's that piracy reason why knew they wouldn't get their money on it. SO they made a single player MMO.



It'll go F2P eventually. Charging for things like new race ideas, making slicing an elusive bought crewskill. Things like that, charging for maxed bag space.

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I always find it funny how people compare **** to WoW, while WoW is a amalgamation of every single other MMO that was out there.

Rogue mechanics? stolen from DaoC

Questing Mechanics? AC

Mage Mechanics etc etc EQ.


I can go on and on and on, but this kinda debunks least one of your points about the tiredsome same ol same ol MMO gameplay.

This has been tested and tried since 1994 for MMO's (Neverwinter Nights, no not the Bioware one), that your own experience doesn't go back that far means that a little research would have done your review alot of extra good.


WoW had the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever, that's what it offered. What does this game?

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WoW had the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever, that's what it offered. What does this game?


Smoother gameplay, story, stong end game content out the box, etc.


You're right, WoW had the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever. But after being out if it's prime for 4 years, what does it offer now?

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Thanks for giving your input, but you unfortunately invalidated it all with this statement. You're expecting a brand new MMO (not even actually a week old yet as far as official release is concerned) from people who are doing an MMO for the first time to have the gameplay or UI customization of games that have been out for years. It's sort of like getting upset at a kindergartner's first drawing because it wasn't of the same quality as comic book artist Stjepan Sejic.




Seeing as they've been working on it, for 6yrs...

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"I understand that many will not like this review but you need to look at this without being subjective. I'm saying that for $100,000,000+ dollars that has been spent on this game it does not come close to the graphics of AOC, the gameplay of WOW, the UI of RIFT, the customization of WOWs UI, the innovation of EVE, the PVP of Shadowbane or DAOC, and the story of LOTRO."



Hmmm i would have accepted your opinion to that point, but with that paragraph you lost any credit.


You can not cherry pick parts of your favourite games and decide this game is a failure because it foesnt fit your dream game requirement list.


The game has its flaws but the good far outweights the bad.


To the person that wants SWG back....seriously? ...

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I always find it funny how people compare **** to WoW, while WoW is a amalgamation of every single other MMO that was out there.

Rogue mechanics? stolen from DaoC

Questing Mechanics? AC

Mage Mechanics etc etc EQ.


I can go on and on and on, but this kinda debunks least one of your points about the tiredsome same ol same ol MMO gameplay.

This has been tested and tried since 1994 for MMO's (Neverwinter Nights, no not the Bioware one), that your own experience doesn't go back that far means that a little research would have done your review alot of extra good.


Your post reminds me of back in the day how every fps was called a "Doom Clone." CoD is a Doom Clone, isn't it GamePro --- oh I forgot. :)

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Smoother gameplay, story, stong end game content out the box, etc.


You're right, WoW had the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever. But after being out if it's prime for 4 years, what does it offer now?


It still offers the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever, it's not like the gameplay gets slow and rusty with age.

Edited by Zironic
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It still offers the smoothest gameplay of any MMO ever.


Smooth gameplay is too main stream. BW has take the clunky gameplay approach in order to be more original than that.


Just look at the UI. Pfft, useful UIs are a thing of the past. Frustrating UIs is the new thing.

Edited by Chomag
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I always find it funny how people compare **** to WoW, while WoW is a amalgamation of every single other MMO that was out there.

Rogue mechanics? stolen from DaoC

Questing Mechanics? AC

Mage Mechanics etc etc EQ.


I can go on and on and on, but this kinda debunks least one of your points about the tiredsome same ol same ol MMO gameplay.

This has been tested and tried since 1994 for MMO's (Neverwinter Nights, no not the Bioware one), that your own experience doesn't go back that far means that a little research would have done your review alot of extra good.



Did you just mention the very first MMO I can remember? SSI's AOL NWN! I played the heck out of that game. That's where the drow dictionary originated. Good times.


Back on topic, the OP is mostly right, though I think he takes a more negative view than I would. This game is still shiny for me.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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One of the worse reviews i've yet read. I actually agree with a lot of the points brought up in it. My problem is the laughter this review caused me to suffer.


Bullet point the actual grievances...re-read them and you'll laugh too. From my perspective if that's the worse you can say about a 6 day old MMO then you must try harder.


What you listed i'd accept happily in any just launched MMO. HAPPILY. MMO's evolve over years, not days. It's been days not years. See where i'm heading with this?


Again, I agree with a lot of what you wrote. I just don't deem it worth complaining about yet.


How many years has this game been under development? And how many other games are there out there that this game can pull out experience from? If you going to make something for a merked, then you need to explore that marked and see what works and what does not work.

For crying out load they are using bad mechanisms and systems from Warhammer online that everyone hates. (my have been because they have hired people that made that game) What do they think when doing that? They have been looking out there, but still done some really strange chooses and keept some bad stuff and left some good stuff out.

And on top of this, how much money have been pored into this game? It is the most expensive MMO in the damne world, on launch day.


When a game has been in dev for so many years and have had the cash flow as this game, some expectations should be meet.


Now it is just a god mmo doing what normal mmos does, the old way.

Edited by Mamono
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You're expecting a brand new MMO (not even actually a week old yet as far as official release is concerned) from people who are doing an MMO for the first time to have the gameplay or UI customization of games that have been out for years. It's sort of like getting upset at a kindergartner's first drawing because it wasn't of the same quality as comic book artist Stjepan Sejic.


You're clearly Bioware's ideal customer, because in the real world any other educated consumer would realize that your assumptions are wrong. Why? Because BW didn't re-invent the wheel here. They had templates created by so many successes and failures since MMO's began - what, nearly 20 years ago now? They also had many people hired on to their team that had experience with other MMO's. This was not a dev. team of greenbacks, Eldren. They obviously know their UI is a hot mess. What they should have done is at least open the UI up to the modding community to fix what they couldn't due to their time constraints. So many things are half-hazardly done like missing option for AA, bad shadows that look blocky, etc. Its just so poorly done right now and seemingly rushed out of the door because they absolutley had to have SWTOR released in 2011 because of the announcement they made in mid 2011 about 2012 Q1 earnings estimates.

Edited by Proto
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