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Game Update 4.0 Class Changes: Jedi Knight + Sith Warrior


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Its been almost a week, is there going to be any feedback from the devs, combat team on the points raised by the community?


Are they going to show us a video of how this new ability will assist in PvP and HM Ops or simply explain how a 20 meter run forward is going to assist in anything other than running away.


Was PvPing on my sorc yesterday and a sent jumped in among the ranged dps/healers everyone turned on him and burnt him down. Now he probably should have used some defensive cool downs (possibly did), I can only imagine how much more worthless madly dashing into the middle of a group of dps/healers would be for him as I have yet to see the agent roll ever used to get within 4 meters of a target that is kiting you. I would like to see the combat team show this in a live PvP battle. As for PvE I don't see how a mad dash is going to assist with fighting the lurker or Torque or any of the many bosses in the ops that drop damage on the floor which force the warrior/knights to pull back and wait out the effect losing dps. I don't see how a mad dash will help improve the Revan or walkers fight. It would be nice to see how this will improve mdps dps to the level of the ranged classes who can stay still and concentrate on their rotations.

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Its been almost a week, is there going to be any feedback from the devs, combat team on the points raised by the community?


Are they going to show us a video of how this new ability will assist in PvP and HM Ops or simply explain how a 20 meter run forward is going to assist in anything other than running away.


Was PvPing on my sorc yesterday and a sent jumped in among the ranged dps/healers everyone turned on him and burnt him down. Now he probably should have used some defensive cool downs (possibly did), I can only imagine how much more worthless madly dashing into the middle of a group of dps/healers would be for him as I have yet to see the agent roll ever used to get within 4 meters of a target that is kiting you. I would like to see the combat team show this in a live PvP battle. As for PvE I don't see how a mad dash is going to assist with fighting the lurker or Torque or any of the many bosses in the ops that drop damage on the floor which force the warrior/knights to pull back and wait out the effect losing dps. I don't see how a mad dash will help improve the Revan or walkers fight. It would be nice to see how this will improve mdps dps to the level of the ranged classes who can stay still and concentrate on their rotations.


This thread wasn't meant for you to give them feed back it's meant to tell you what is going to happen and you just have to accept it.

Edited by Kaizersan
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Its been almost a week, is there going to be any feedback from the devs, combat team on the points raised by the community?


Are they going to show us a video of how this new ability will assist in PvP and HM Ops or simply explain how a 20 meter run forward is going to assist in anything other than running away.


Was PvPing on my sorc yesterday and a sent jumped in among the ranged dps/healers everyone turned on him and burnt him down. Now he probably should have used some defensive cool downs (possibly did), I can only imagine how much more worthless madly dashing into the middle of a group of dps/healers would be for him as I have yet to see the agent roll ever used to get within 4 meters of a target that is kiting you. I would like to see the combat team show this in a live PvP battle. As for PvE I don't see how a mad dash is going to assist with fighting the lurker or Torque or any of the many bosses in the ops that drop damage on the floor which force the warrior/knights to pull back and wait out the effect losing dps. I don't see how a mad dash will help improve the Revan or walkers fight. It would be nice to see how this will improve mdps dps to the level of the ranged classes who can stay still and concentrate on their rotations.


He jumped in the middle of the entire team and he died? No really? I hope he learned a lesson what NOT to do. In that situation he was not supposed to survive in the first place.

The ability is a mobility buff, same thing like warriors in WoW when they got leap. If it does not help in all situations then so what.

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Or better yet just introduce some sort of Alternate Advancement System at 60 and you won't have to add new abilities or push back old disciplines or anything like that.


I would like some alternate devs developing this game. The ideas involved in KOTFE are stupider than any in a long while.


Particularly the utility point fiasco is something that breaks the update for me. I have already felt that my marauder needs more utility points than it has to actually enjoy playing with, and now they are actually TAKING AWAY a point? Devs need to learn a very basic truth: if you take stuff away in a mmo you will always get angry players. I am one. The fact that we get it back ONLY by going through the most pointless 5 levels I have ever witnessed in a MMO in my 15 years of playing, hides another fact that we actually get absolutely nothing to show for these extra 5 levels. Nothing that is actually useful, that is. What we get is get our gear outdated and have to play only to return our character to its former strength before the update. I am pretty certain the derp dash doesn't actually improve the playability of my marauder unless it is targeted and stops at its target - something I understand its not going to be. Devs just picked the worst possible kind of movement power (untargeted fixed distance dash) and gave it a stupid name.


Nothing in this update makes any sense whatsoever. I feel like somebody somewhere had some microsoft-grade ideas about the amount of ******** we customers would be willing to eat. Now I already made the decision to sub in order to get the early access, but I am reasonably certain thats how far it goes. It doesnt matter how good the story is (its unlikely to be particularly good since its same across classes as I have repeatedly said since ROTHC). This update turned from relatively hype into downright insulting in a pinch. And all it took was one *********** utility point. Now its not too late, just give us one new utility point and it might be at least a little bit salvageable, but I know you wont. By far a better option wouldve been no level increase at all. It would've made me less angry.

Edited by Karkais
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I would like some alternate devs developing this game. The ideas involved in KOTFE are stupider than any in a long while.


Particularly the utility point fiasco is something that breaks the update for me. I have already felt that my marauder needs more utility points than it has to actually enjoy playing with, and now they are actually TAKING AWAY a point? Devs need to learn a very basic truth: if you take stuff away in a mmo you will always get angry players. I am one. The fact that we get it back ONLY by going through the most pointless 5 levels I have ever witnessed in a MMO in my 15 years of playing, hides another fact that we actually get absolutely nothing to show for these extra 5 levels. Nothing that is actually useful, that is. What we get is get our gear outdated and have to play only to return our character to its former strength before the update. I am pretty certain the derp dash doesn't actually improve the playability of my marauder unless it is targeted and stops at its target - something I understand its not going to be. Devs just picked the worst possible kind of movement power (untargeted fixed distance dash) and gave it a stupid name.


Nothing in this update makes any sense whatsoever. I feel like somebody somewhere had some microsoft-grade ideas about the amount of ******** we customers would be willing to eat. Now I already made the decision to sub in order to get the early access, but I am reasonably certain thats how far it goes. It doesnt matter how good the story is (its unlikely to be particularly good since its same across classes as I have repeatedly said since ROTHC). This update turned from relatively hype into downright insulting in a pinch. And all it took was one *********** utility point. Now its not too late, just give us one new utility point and it might be at least a little bit salvageable, but I know you wont. By far a better option wouldve been no level increase at all. It would've made me less angry.


+1 ... especially on grinding out 5 levels of the same story for essentially nothing. Unfortunately this feedback won't matter. They are already committed to the path they are on and, quite frankly, if they gave everyone a new utility point they'd have to nerf the hell out of Sorcs and PTs to keep them from getting even crazier OP and they likely don't have the time or the will to do so (the data-mining suggests they are actually going in the opposite direction of nerf with those classes already).


So my sub may go on hiatus for a few months and then just come back and play the new story for a bit to catch up.

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I would like some alternate devs developing this game. The ideas involved in KOTFE are stupider than any in a long while.


Particularly the utility point fiasco is something that breaks the update for me. I have already felt that my marauder needs more utility points than it has to actually enjoy playing with, and now they are actually TAKING AWAY a point? Devs need to learn a very basic truth: if you take stuff away in a mmo you will always get angry players. I am one. The fact that we get it back ONLY by going through the most pointless 5 levels I have ever witnessed in a MMO in my 15 years of playing, hides another fact that we actually get absolutely nothing to show for these extra 5 levels. Nothing that is actually useful, that is. What we get is get our gear outdated and have to play only to return our character to its former strength before the update. I am pretty certain the derp dash doesn't actually improve the playability of my marauder unless it is targeted and stops at its target - something I understand its not going to be. Devs just picked the worst possible kind of movement power (untargeted fixed distance dash) and gave it a stupid name.


Nothing in this update makes any sense whatsoever. I feel like somebody somewhere had some microsoft-grade ideas about the amount of ******** we customers would be willing to eat. Now I already made the decision to sub in order to get the early access, but I am reasonably certain thats how far it goes. It doesnt matter how good the story is (its unlikely to be particularly good since its same across classes as I have repeatedly said since ROTHC). This update turned from relatively hype into downright insulting in a pinch. And all it took was one *********** utility point. Now its not too late, just give us one new utility point and it might be at least a little bit salvageable, but I know you wont. By far a better option wouldve been no level increase at all. It would've made me less angry.




The changes to warriors and knights are not going to help them in PvP or end game PvE. Along with perhaps being the only MMO (at least that I can think of) that you get worse each expansion and have to regrind to get back to where you where.


In a way these changes may make the game what the development team want. You sub one month a year to play the new story (or whenever you think 15 bucks is worth the added story chapters) and that is all people play. PvP will become so unbalanced and pointless even should people want to play it the servers will be so dead that matches wont pop. While end game ops will require you play one of 3 classes or be sub-par. Though even this is likely to be pointless as everyone will run EV and KP HM at 65 to gear up. You would have to be special to go for the Lurker or Torque or Revan on HM 65 when they all give level 65 HM Op gear. Yeah some of the NIM will be run but ultimately the game will become about the story and a couple of hours of story a month wont justify a subscription when you can wait a year and a few days worth of story to play,


I hate to say nail in coffin cause its said so much about the game but most servers are light pop most of the time, at the time of writing I know not a peak time only The Harbinger is standard all the rest are light. People will come back play the story and within a week be through it and gone again. Only then there wont be the lure of Nico stuff (which turns out to be lacking) to keep them subbing while they wait for new content.


But I half suspect the development team have give up anyway. Its clear the community team have they post the blogs on a Friday Afternoon and then ignore all the feedback. Makes me wonder whatever happened to the new community rep that was meant to be collating all this data. I suspect they found they didn't like the data and terminated his contract.

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I have a very boring question for the developers. Why is it good Sir that you guys dont see a reason for the mara/sents to have something similar to enraged defense? I think many of the fellow players will talk about play style or what not (but when it comes to guardians/jugg its not much of ur playstyle coz you get decent survivability ) but the reality is if you have a pocket healer playing a sent/mara will not be fun in a warzone. If you guys dont fix the class I personally wont play my mara/sent.and try to avoid the frustration as much as I can. Thank you
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I have a very boring question for the developers. Why is it good Sir that you guys dont see a reason for the mara/sents to have something similar to enraged defense? I think many of the fellow players will talk about play style or what not (but when it comes to guardians/jugg its not much of ur playstyle coz you get decent survivability ) but the reality is if you have a pocket healer playing a sent/mara will not be fun in a warzone. If you guys dont fix the class I personally wont play my mara/sent.and try to avoid the frustration as much as I can. Thank you


You would have to remove undying rage and reduce our dps output. Two things I'm not willing to get rid of. This is why I hate solo queues. People want everything balanced around the sustainability of being solo which sadly the devs are actually doing and its killing pvp. Marauders need a lot of work but in a proper meta their defensive abilities are quite good. What they need is better utility to deal with kiting.

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You would have to remove undying rage and reduce our dps output. Two things I'm not willing to get rid of. This is why I hate solo queues. People want everything balanced around the sustainability of being solo which sadly the devs are actually doing and its killing pvp. Marauders need a lot of work but in a proper meta their defensive abilities are quite good. What they need is better utility to deal with kiting.


No more utilities in the utility tree, it screwed up as it is, if there start listen to reason and start baseline things like been ask then maybe.


As it stand my favorite class is looking to remain screwed and most that do to utility tree, forget about the fact all the utilities in the tree thats worth damn were ripped from carnage which like 5 utilities.. i still waiting for them to rip gore or towering rage and make it utility.....


Sad part is i will to bet they will at some point rip something else from carnage do exactly that anyway.


And i seriously hope Saber throw for jugs is now baseline 1-30m range other wise they just made it impossible to trigger the vindicator crit on boss fights.

Edited by Kyuuu
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No more utilities in the utility tree, it screwed up as it is, if there start listen to reason and start baseline things like been ask then maybe.


As it stand my favorite class is looking to remain screwed and most that do to utility tree, forget about the fact all the utilities in the tree thats worth damn were ripped from carnage which like 5 utilities.. i still waiting for them to rip gore or towering rage and make it utility.....


Sad part is i will to bet they will at some point rip something else from carnage do exactly that anyway.


And i seriously hope Saber throw for jugs is now baseline 1-30m range other wise they just made it impossible to trigger the vindicator crit on boss fights.


I don't mean actual utility points. I mean like passives and stuff. A lot of the utility mara needs should be already passive by default.


As for saber throw. Why? The bonus sets are not changing so they are not going to make saber throw 0m by default.

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I personally do not mind renaming Master Strike to Blade Dance, the reasoning sounds fine. Although I do like the sound of Master Strike more. Also, I love the idea of Mad Dash/Blade Blitz, I believe it also might address issues of AoE (Sweeping Slash < Flame Sweep). Definitely has potential.



My greatest frustration is the comparison of Jug/Guard Tanks compared to Powertech/Vanguard tanks. Simply put, the defensive potential and actual utility of the PT/VG tanks clearly outpaces the JG/G tanks. In regards to defensive potential, can we at least get similar damage reduction? My Jug is more geared than my vanguard and still lags behind with regards to damage reduction (my less geared vanguard damage reduction is 51.99% and my more geared/augged jug is 49.26%, really feels like it should be the other way around).



Marauders/Sentinels also really need a slight boost to damage, the mechanics of many PVE battles tend to screw over melee classes. In addition, I recommend that Cloak of Pain/Rebuke be a passive ability that's activated on use of another ability. People just have a hard time in general remembering to use it.

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Probably has been asked, but how is this new ability that forces you to run in a straight line that doesn't even purge snares or roots going to make it harder to kite you? Is this a joke? Glad I don't PvP in this game lol.


Why is Shien learned so late? Sents that go the right tree get Ataru form at level 10.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Probably has been asked, but how is this new ability that forces you to run in a straight line that doesn't even purge snares or roots going to make it harder to kite you? Is this a joke? Glad I don't PvP in this game lol.


It is definitely a joke.

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It is definitely a joke.


Yeah I think it is a joke.


Only I'm not sure if its a joke on the people playing marauders/sents or the joke is the combat team.


The class is pure dps, no healing, no tanking, no stealth (helps to steal objectives), not much in the way of stuns unless they are a droid. Yet instead of increase dps or increase time on target its an uncontrollable charge thats probably best used to run away. Which unless you have healing is just going to put you 20 meters (still within range of rdps) and dropping health as soon as the immunity wears off which is as you reach the 20 meter range.


Why can't the combat team do some live streams showing the ability in PvP and how its going to stop people kiting without it being a staged situation where the other side are told to stand 20 meters away at all times and only use basic attacks.

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In addition, I recommend that Cloak of Pain/Rebuke be a passive ability that's activated on use of another ability. People just have a hard time in general remembering to use it.


A more realistic change that would be very welcome and needed IMO would be to make it so that certain attacks reduce the cooldown time without having to spend a utility point.

Edited by RAVM
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I don't mean actual utility points. I mean like passives and stuff. A lot of the utility mara needs should be already passive by default.


As for saber throw. Why? The bonus sets are not changing so they are not going to make saber throw 0m by default.


Why do you think the set bonuses arent changing? They always seem to change the set bonuses and will probably do it this time. If we dont have 0m saber throw, the burst aspect of both Guardian specs rotation is nullified.

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Why do you think the set bonuses arent changing? They always seem to change the set bonuses and will probably do it this time. If we dont have 0m saber throw, the burst aspect of both Guardian specs rotation is nullified.


Set bonuses have mostly stayed the same for every gear update with only small changes like when they noticed marauders were taking vengeance armoring for the 10% damage increase after leap. Those bonuses stayed the same for like 4 gear sets. Not to mention about a month back Eric made a post asking about the bonus sets and he pretty much said they are going to stay the same but with minor changes that had to stay within a 5% damage increase range. So ya, expect most of the sets to stay exactly the same. Guarantee the 0m bonus is not going anywhere and if it is then they would obviously put the auto crit proc onto another ability so its whatever regardless.

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Set bonuses have mostly stayed the same for every gear update with only small changes like when they noticed marauders were taking vengeance armoring for the 10% damage increase after leap. Those bonuses stayed the same for like 4 gear sets. Not to mention about a month back Eric made a post asking about the bonus sets and he pretty much said they are going to stay the same but with minor changes that had to stay within a 5% damage increase range. So ya, expect most of the sets to stay exactly the same. Guarantee the 0m bonus is not going anywhere and if it is then they would obviously put the auto crit proc onto another ability so its whatever regardless.


They might as well not even have set bonuses then.

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They might as well not even have set bonuses then.


I don't mind either way. FFXIV has done perfectly fine without them and so did FFXI. I think set bonuses done right by adding a bit of a fun factor is fine but BW is at the point of homogenizing all the classes so the set bonuses are kind of whatever. I don't mind them but I wouldn't really miss them either. They could basically make most of them passives, especially since I don't really see them making any major changes to them anymore.

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