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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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** This became fairly long**


I am 47. SWTOR is the first mmo I've played any length of time. Rift was my first mmo experience, but quit after a month. I work with an mmo veteran, whom has been very helpful in learning mmo'ing.


Overall I am enjoying the game, learning allot, but not without some frustrations.


I 'm running solo pve, auto decline everything, since I am still learning character / weapon control, and uncomfortable interacting with strangers while not fully understanding lots of things yet. I still have "fat finger / lost keys syndrome" even tho I play nearly every minute I'm at home (5-6 hours weeknights & 14-16 hours sat / sun).

Making progress tho, since buying a Logitech G13 gamepad for weapons & keyboard for movement. I hate mice, and no one makes a gaming trackball.


After all the years of raging on "wowheaders" (including my cohort at work), I now understand how addictive some games can be. I have every Star Wars novel - now I have "the game".


My request / suggestion list (many items already well known):


* When companions return, just flash the "pending" tab in the top right corner & play their voice, or a simple sound. It is so infuriating when doing something to be interrupted and have current boxes disappear - mail, crafting, GTN, etc - or be distracted in combat & have to close the box (likely getting killed in the process).


* A one time character class reset. My 1st character is a smuggler / gunslinger (lvl35 currently). The 2nd char I created is a smuggler / scoundrel. The scoundrel class is useless for running solo / inexperienced player like me. I parked the scoundrel at lvl 25 and just use it for crafting. I'd like to be able to run it for gathering crafting materials. I am much better with gunslinger skills / weapons.


* Server transfer - Since I knew I'd be running solo, I signed onto a light server so que times would not be an issue. Since I've learned about the GTN, I put stuff there for sale, and look for crafting materials to buy. I sell very little, and the stuff I really need does not exist for sale. I am convinced it is because of low population. I don't recall ever seeing Ki-Ta Kren population above light.


* Galactic Trade Network - Place kiosks in vendor congregation areas on all worlds.


* Mail - allow mail access onboard ship


As levels have become more difficult, I get killed more often. I obtained a full set of orange gear for myself & Bowdaar. Not being able to get the mods & enhancements I want from drops / vendors, I started crafting the stuff myself.


Char 1 - armstech / scavenging / slicing

Char 2 - artifice / archaeology / treasure hunting

Char 3 - cybertech / underworld trading / investigation


When I made the first character, I did not fully understand the relationship between the "crew skills" - IE: armstech / scavenging / investigation, so I ended up with the 3rd char setup.


I've spent a very frustrating week attempting to craft mods / enhancements, as some materials are rare and not easily obtained. I'm reverse engineering greens in an effort to get blues to increase survivability. When I run out of materials after reverse engineering, I have to send companions out over & over & over, then often have to wait since the missions I need sometimes do not appear on the list.


*EXAMPLE* - Underworld trading, Grade 4 underworld metals - Bountiful is the only one that just showed up on the list while writing this. I would spend the creds on a moderate since I'm desperate for materials, but have to wait until it decides to show up.


Char 2 relies soley on companions for materials, since I do not run it anymore. Again, the frustration of low population server and lack of stuff on GTN.


Char 1 - I spent the same week credit harvesting with char 1, to pay for companion missions and buy what I need on GTN, but I cannot even buy what I am seeking. I have over 500,000 creds to blow, but cannot spend it!




My co-worker mmo veteran is very disappointed in the lack of variety of "dungeons", and has most of the same pvp complaints I've seen in forums, since those are his gigs. He is unsure if he will keep playing or not. He is going to take me on Heroics & Flashpoints in his guild when I get the character I just created on his pvp server leveled up enough. I just hope he stays around for a while so I can learn.


As a new entrant to online gaming, hopefully the game will mature quickly enough to retain lots of players, so when I gain enough confidence, I can do some pvp.


Thank you Bioware and Lucasarts for creating a game I can relate to and enjoy. I sincerely hope you will consider my suggestions / requests. More important are the reasonable & legitimate requests / suggestions / complaints from the mmo vets.


Thank you to all the veterans whom have provided knowledge, tips and tricks here in the forums to help me learn the game.




Hermit / Hermitess / Joecool (Ki-Ta Kren)

Hermitmeister (Terentatek)

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- Driod bodies that are salvagable shouldn't disappear 5 seconds after they are looted.


- Fewer "ghost" npcs. I want real NPCs that are clickable and move around. Paper cutouts of ghost npcs that just sit there motionless don't add anything to the immersiveness of the game.


- More "weight" or "umph" to combat. When I get stunned, I want to know what mob did it. As it is now, when a mob stuns or knocks me back, I have no idea which mob did it most the time, because there is little or no visual component to it. My hits should look more obvious. I shouldn't have to look for numbers flying out of a mob to tell if I hit it.


- Target's target should be in the game.


- Hover over healing, so you don't have change targets all the time as a healer.


- Ability to control positioning of your companions.


- More movement in the game world. I hate how groups of mobs just stand around waiting for you to attack them.


- City areas just feel like huge open run-a-thon's. There aren't shops. Instead, all the vendors just stand around randomly. Seriously, they should all just be wearing trench coats and say, "wanna by a watch" when you go by. The environment should feel like people actually LIVE there.


- Ability response is terrible. I often feel like I'm not even controlling my char.


- Why do I have to run through so many empty areas to go from my ship to a planet? How does that improve my gaming experience?


- Crafting is WAY too easy. I don't like that you can just make your companions do it all for you. Crafting is something you should have to work on personally.


- NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE VOICE ACTED!!! If you voice act everything, then it will become boring after a point. Save voice acting for when things are important or you are trying to create an epic feel. If you use those devices less often, they will help focus the players ont he things that are truly important and be more effective in creating tension.



There are more, I just can't think of them right now.

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In operations/flashpoints, add an option when you're dead to spawn inside of the instance. Nobody wants 2 sets of loading times each time they die.


When people wants you to stay dead so they can ress you because of loading times, something is wrong (and not only the HDDs/Ram :D)



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To be tweaked:


Example or things that should not work on droids:

- Force chocking

- Smuggler's kick in the nuts


Lightning should be more efficient on droids than humans.


Things like BH freezing or flame thrower could be totally inefficient on some droids.


IA, smuggler stealth should not work on creatives that have sensitive nostrils ;)

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Barbershop. Some sort of character customization AFTER the initial character creation. Not necessarily skin color, or body type, but at least hair/cosmetics/etc. Many MMOs do this, and it seems to be an extremely popular aspect. I know people have mentioned it before, but the more people mention it, and poke about it, the more likely it will happen. So a barbershop!
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Re-work the waypoint system, especialy for multi levels/multi entrances.


A 2nd (or maybe a 10,000th+) on getting the engine optimazation going for the engine lag issues already listed in the OP with special firing, targeting, etc.


Get rid of the special for healing out of combat (for jedi it's like a meditate annimation) and just have ev1 heal that fast after combat. No need to push the button and wait after every fight.


Look into class heal specials on cooldowns just in case you want to go without a game engine controled "companion" on a pre-made script. Another choice.


Grant a option to lock the curser into the middle of screen and target off the curser only along with character movement via the locked curser(get rid of tab-targeting or at least provide another option). (for Adeptstrain et al, more like SWG used to be)


Global cooldowns, get rid of these and regulate specials off of action bars/force bars. If not possible, re-do the animation to a circle instead of the up and down (when it's gets low to the bottom, you can't tell if it's still there or not). Might free up some engine resouces not having to state the error message which might just be a good thing for above.

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First off I want to say I enjoy playing SWTOR, and I play this game way too much.

This is my current experience in the game:

Full clear hardmode EV/Karagg/Flashpoints.

5/10 Nightmare mode progression.

12/14 Slot Battlemaster geared rank 64 valor main.

3 toons over level 40.


Yea I play the game way too much, and it is frustrating to see some major flaws with the game with a lot of potential.


Here are the major problems I've with the game:


1) Loot system for pvp/pve


- The design is to have progression from Centurion -> Champion -> Battlemater but the current system doesn't promote that idea. Champion bags should not have centurion commendations. Battlemaster bag should not have champion commendation. I was able to skip through the first tier of centurion gear. I still have 200 centurion commendation unused. Instead of random item drop from bag, it should be a random number of commendations.

- Diversity in t3 gears stats. Battlemaster gear (every single piece for every single class) have the same main stats of Alacrity and Accuracy. I even thought about buying a different class battlemaster gear to remove the mods but they are all the same. In order to remove some accuracy you would have to downgrade to t2 mods/enhancements. Where is power/crit/surge? Alacrity and accuracy may need to be changed a bit.

- I don't mind if you nerf expertise to reduce the gap between fresh 50s and battlemaster but I would like to see a bigger difference between each tier of gears. Going from 136 to 140 ilvl with minimal stats improvement doesn't feel rewarding.




- The design is to have progression from Tionese -> Columni -> Rakata but the current system doesn't promote that idea. Normal mode operation drops 126 ilvl while hardmode drop 140ilvl rakata set pieces and nightmare mode drops the exact same loot as hardmode. Why would nightmare mode drop the same loot as hardmode operations?

- The recommendation has been posted by other people suggesting ilvl 126 exclusively normal ops, 136 ilvl exclusively hardmode, and ilvl 140 nightmare drops.

- Same problem as before diversity in t3 gears stats. Rakata gears (every single piece for every single class) have the same main stats of Alacrity and Accuracy. In order to remove some accuracy you would have to downgrade to t2 mods/enhancements.



2) Raiding difficulty (and of course fix the bugs!)

- Flashpoints are great. Why isn't raid designed like flashpoint? the difficulty gap from normal, hardmode, and nightmare is barely noticable. I didn't notice any difference between hardmode and nightmare bonethrasher and the annihilation robot beside hp. Honestly, we wiped more on hardmode bonethrasher than nightmare. Please bring progression back to SWTOR and more balance to endgame operations.

-Top priority should be placed on fixing bugs from raids. Like boss reset and missing platforms etc.

- Please add some challenge/mystery into the game with a few nightmare mode boss only. I would like to see all the world bosses turned into lvl 50 world raid bosses with random weekly respawn so there is a reason to return to low lvl planets beside datacrons. It would also add some fun to world pvp on pvp servers and it wouldn't affect pve servers.


3) Crew skills

- Give people freedom to choose 3 crew skills if they want or 3 gathering skill.

- Every single crew skill and gathering skill should have a perk at max skill 400. For example diplomacy can add a certain amount of presence, slicing can add some willpower, scavenging can add strength, treasure hunting can add cunning etc. Cybertech bomb should be boosted like a short movement speed boost when used. Artifice can add one augment to relic slot item. Armstech can add one color crystal to an item slot. Each crew skill and gathering skill should have a worthy perk. Giving people freedom to choose 3 perks out of 19 total perks would make the game better.

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Full scenario missions

  • If the mission is to get into the space station or get on board a capital ship, and the quest even says "we're going to fight some heavy resistance getting in"...then give me space combat please. I want to battle enemy starfighters, try to get through the starship defenses, blow out some turrets, and then finish it off with a pretty cutscene that shows a dramatic landing. Then on to the ground combat. I really don't care if that means I have to double load...it would just be sweet.
    There has been about 2-3 missions where the ops leader basically said something like that, but next thing you know it, I'm on a "standard approach" cutscene, I've landed, and on to ground combat.
    Gimme the whole package please

Please please please...disable speeders in the Republic/Imperial Fleet. Please.

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've noticed that you cant just go with your guildies and attack places like the jedi temple. i mean, what?? sith is all about domination of other species and planets, but if you cant even attack another city and push back ppl what fun is there left?


sure there is warzones but That is not even close to be enough, i didnt play this game to do pvp warzones. i did it in hope that you could make a big stand against another city and claim it for your own untill more agile players came online and woop your butt.


bioware really needs to take in consideration that invading another city no matter if its Low levels or high levels you should be able to infiltrate it with your guilds.


also, the thing that your stats means nothing untill level 48 in PVP warzones is also something that needs to be changed, make pvp like this ? 10-19. 20-29 and further. with your own stats and not another sick boost with damage and health.


i would like to go to lets say nar shadda and meet another jedi and have the battle of my life with him while fighting for my life :s? and there is like 20 players on each planet or so, and only 130 on imperial fleets.


changes has to be made or this game will drop so fast that freet to play will come within months.


this was my most anticipated game EVER but now i see that they made it way to fast,



also i've noticed in alot of quest they say, these are the best soldiers in the galaxies and bla bla bla but when fighting them they got minimum health and damage? what thaa? i when they sounds like they should be tough then do make them tough instead of just making them easy and 1 strong guy. it frustrates me to follow a quest that tells you that your going to fight some of the strongst guys in the universe and then they die faster than a lvl 1 mob :s?


no water to swim in,

no citys to invade.

pvp warzones is weak

and no really online in every planets :S?



take this advice or free to play is more than nessacery to keep up this gameplay, instead of making another expansion with new armors, flash points and operations. make BIGGER changes to the overall game. also do add more races? i wanna be like yoda ( creature ) and also mabye fix the huge waiting times that sometimes comes when starting a conversation :S?


hope you read and understand, thx

Edited by Delaborga
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If they implemented the stuff in the OP, this game would finally start to reach the peaks that many players hoped for.


Can agree more with the Guild and Faction ideas. But I mostly agree with the PvP suggestions.


On Illum the game is very one dimensional, mass mob, camp at opposition base. Adding the OP's suggestion will force more tactical game play. Players will now decide where to place defensive forces to hold key points and fortifications.


The results could be amazing, not just in game play but in system performance. The splitting of forces, will improve FPS as we wont often get the mass groups in one area as losing fortification and points could be very costly (if buffs and advantages are implemented correctly).


Instead you will several battles going on simultaneously for control of the planet. It will add different gamplay mechanics, like stealth infiltration and sabotage, small task groups, guerrilla warfare etc.


Finally with these changes you could feel like you are part of a galactic war.


The next phase would be to apply changes like this not only to a single planet but all planets, not just controlling ilium but tatooin, nar shadaa etc.

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No no no no no and no.


Also no to any sort of "guild perks" for being a "guild" operation.


It killed small guilds and pick up groups in WoW. It will kill small guilds and pick up groups in TOR.




Guild banks = yes.


Guild leveling and "perks" no.

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I'm absolutely green with envy reading the previous posts. No matter how many solutions have been suggested, I've tried them all, and am still getting the black screen crash. Like many others, I haven't been able to play for weeks. Be happy!! at least you can play enough to appreciate the subtle shortcomings.


There's always a bright side. I think?

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No no no no no and no.


Also no to any sort of "guild perks" for being a "guild" operation.


It killed small guilds and pick up groups in WoW. It will kill small guilds and pick up groups in TOR.




Guild banks = yes.


Guild leveling and "perks" no.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes and yes (I have more yes's, I win).


Jokes aside, I am starting to realize now, guilds may be the only thing that can keep the game going in these early days. To encourage and support them will be beneficial to you and me in the long run.


Whether or not they should be encouraged as described in the OP, the answer is not a simple yes, no, but I believe Guilds and joining a guild should be encouraged in some way.


I was a late guild joiner, I soloed from 1 to 50 (reached 50 3 weeks ago), and it wasn't until a week ago I joined a guild. At the time I could see no reason to join a guild.

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Dont know if this is the right place but here goes.. few things that annoy me in game play are.

1 the companion is always in the way. when u click on a item or quest giver the companion always picks that time to walk in front. either keep the companion on the left side or make him unclickable. if u wanna talk to companion then click on his health bar.


2 when building stuff with companions or shopping in auction or adjusting your talents and you are not moving during this time the stupid game logs u off... whats with that..


3 when companions report back from tasks and you are in the auction house or at a vendor shopping it closes the windows to show me what the stupid companion did. he runs in the background he should report in the background.


I know you guys have a done a great job and there will always be ppl like me that r never happy. You truely have made and interesting game. the content has kept me from spending very much time on the other guys but the mechanics do need a little tweeking.


the glitchness reminds me so much of LOTRO. that was the main reason i personally never could stay on for long periods and found myself back on WOW. WOW has spoiled me for smoothness and performance.


damn i just got logged off for inactivity while im righting this short msg... please extend that timer....

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But what about a smartphone app that will let you send your companions out on crew skills while you are away from the computer? So, you are on the bus to school / work and can send the gang out gathering or crafting! I probably wouldnt have thought of that, but now that my toon is lvl 49... I've noticed the gathering missions take significantly longer.


Also, if this has been brought up before and i missed it... ignore me lol


thx D


Server: Begeren Colony

Toon: Kri'Odess

Guild: Dawn Ascension

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I realize this post will get lost quickly in the torrent of opinions but I will throw my stick in just for the hell of it.



I have been playing since Sept/Oct in the beta weekends and I did have fun at one point discovering the game and "new" aspects that could maybe make this game different then the others...yet there are things that keep coming to mind.


I am not flaming Bioware, hell I want to think they can/could do better.


These are my observations and annoyances that keep resurfacing in game.



Graphics are not current/better.

"Space" is circa Fire Fox for Super NES.

Access to equipment is far to easy.

Crafting is for 5-7 year olds.

Ability to manage companions and silent annoying ones.

More advanced search functions/features with in the Auction/Market.

Windows auto closing because a companion returns.

Closing the Vendor window causes inventory to close.

Opening map causes other windows to close.

UI is very basic. (yes I know updates are coming)


My point here is the unnecessary key presses to reopen menus/windows because of apparently laziness or lack of thinking ahead on the part of programming. How many other games have UI/Windows/panels that can operate independently?


Zoning from Main concourse to lower level to "entering" an instance

to board your ship

to zone out of the station

to instance on your ship,

to zone "jump" to another sector....

to zone again to the local station

to travel to yet another elevator

to another shuttle

to zone again to the planet...

(maybe I added an extra step, lost count) You get what I mean.


All of the above just doesn't feel fluid to me.


We freely access our ship with in the same instance that we are on the station meaning I can walk/run down/of the main concourse, to my respective hanger, then walk into the hanger and on to my ship, press the button to close the door (Load interior of ship) then walk to bridge, take the seat, (ship engines are primed thanks to companion) then take control of the ship (meaning I actually fly it), rotate on axis, then throttle up and out or the companion could be in the seat and piloting!!!, "taxi" to the jump point, then off we go.


Arrive at jump point in destination system, and pilot to the planet/station.



Personally I feel it should be fly to the station, land (need to get clearance), (Or we could actually go atmospheric) and land at the local spaceport if there is one ourselves.


Meaning Jump into the system, fly to the planet (MAYBE ENCOUNTER ENEMY ships in systems that are jointly occupied) meaning you have to fight your way in and out...just a thought here.


Then "zone" into the atmosphere and land. Cut out the etc cut scenes of the shuttle landing and taking off...


WHAT THE HELL is with when using the "door" in the station for our respective class to zone into the station meaning from the concourse to the main level, that the door we spawn in front of is NOT the same class? Why even label the doors if we spawn in front of a different door? Seems it would easily confuse someone, considering we are running in a circle around the station anyway...

Being a commando, I land at the commando hanger, walk straight to the Commando elevator, then hit the button and I spawn in front of the Smuggler/Jedi elevator? Anyone else notice this? A serious lack of attention to detail or intentional..........where the hell is the logic in that programming choice?


We should not be able to access level 40+ areas at level 12-13 (CREDIT FARMERS for the folks at BIOWARE! that don't understand this)

Re-spawning random chests guarded by aggressive Elites, again to deter farming.



No Speeders/vehicles on the stations. if you have to use a speeder to travel in a circle...the interior for a space station is far to big. The scale of interior to character model is way off.. The only vehicles that should be on our stations are elevators, loaders utility/droid devices for loading cargo. (Smugglers could benefit in some way from this, maybe even BHs as well.)


The dimensions of the interiors are way to big, Have any of the devs for BIOWARE even been on any form of craft/plane/ship/boat?


There should be an option to disable duel challenges.


Fix that bug that forces a character into PVP if an opposing character aggros an NPC mod ESPECIALLY ON A PVE server (BIOWARE PAY ATTENTION).

I am sure I could think of more.


This game doesnt' give the impression of the level of creativity, complexity and diversity that is the Star Wars Universe.


It is made to sell fast and for easily amused non thinking crowd.


There are those of us that don't want simplicity and non thinking aspect...apparently we are the minority? What does that say about the human race as a whole?

Edited by CeiLican
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One simple thing that can be done to prevent the loot box farming, is to tie the box to an elite that requires you to kill said elite in order to even click the loot box. You can then have the loot box bound to the person that attacked the elite, so that ninjas cannot walk up and loot while you are killing said elite. If the player dies, everthing resets for the next person to try. This prevents ninja farmers, gold farmers, and hackers from getting easy loot. Increasing spawn times was not the correct choice in this case.


Just one suggestion that should be easy to implement.

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One simple thing that can be done to prevent the loot box farming, is to tie the box to an elite that requires you to kill said elite in order to even click the loot box. You can then have the loot box bound to the person that attacked the elite, so that ninjas cannot walk up and loot while you are killing said elite. If the player dies, everthing resets for the next person to try. This prevents ninja farmers, gold farmers, and hackers from getting easy loot. Increasing spawn times was not the correct choice in this case.


Just one suggestion that should be easy to implement.


Agreed... even missions where you have to kill a guy to "click or activate" something. I dont know how many times on Taris I was fighting a mob... and some ****** would come up and click on the tower or deactivate a turret I was fighting to get at

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Other possible suggestions for Ilum:


1) create craftable pvp gear: the mats can only be farmed in world pvp zones

2) create new pvp gear: Vendor only available if you control key objectives in a world pvp zone

3) Cross PVP with PVE: a buff useful for operations obtained through controling key objectives in world pvp zone

4) dying subtracts in some way while in pvp zone (perhaps makes your progress toward an objective go backwards)

5) tokens for completing objectives in pvp zone that allow for something cool (such as modify the look of your pvp gear)




also: fix imbalance issue -


1) cap number from each side in zone

2) buff smaller side




Not sure any of these would work, but have to have some point to the world pvp

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I've got a suggestion for the Warzones "teleport out of spwan area due to inactivty":


I've got a pretty old PC and can't afford a new one atm. When I want to join a Warzone match I usually get pretty long loading times. Usually when I'm not in a group I get an invite for a match that has already started. As soon as I get out of the loading screen I see the message "you will be teleported out of the instance if you do not leave the spawn area"...and 5sec later I get teleported out, without being able to do anything about it. The obvious conclusion is that my character is in the spawn area during the loading screen. Like this I need to join about 5 games to be able to play 1 (usually the one where I join a match that hasn't started yet).


Therefore I suggest that the timer for staying inactive in the spawn area should get extended by a small amount (~15sec). This should allow players with old PCs to participate in warzone matches that have already started.

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Crafting bank. When out and about, companions coming back with crafting materials can fill your inventory fast. I'd like either a new bank where crafting materials automatically go, or the capacity to flag one of my bank bays for the materials to be auto dumped into.
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Things I'd like to see just off the top of my head:


- Improved companion AI and pathing

- Free server transfers (doesnt even have to stay on. Just like, a week for people to move around would be enough)

- Planets designed around mid-high leveling so we dont have to go through the same planets for every alt

- Chat bubbles


+1 for ability to transfer character to another server of choice.

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