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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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Maybe a few of these have been mentioned already... but its worth another vote


1) Ability to custom color speederbikes

2) Pvp version of space battles

3) That stupid hotbar lock button should be on the right instead of so close to my #1 skill. I accidentally unlock my bars in the heat of battle and my skills go flying everywhere!! :eek:

4) Water can be deeper in areas to allow for swimming & high diving

5) Day/night, seasons and maybe holiday events

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Ability to watch any previously completed conversation/cutscene, for example on the ship.

Once guild banks are introduced, the ability to allow ranks to craft directly from the guild bank.

Remove stats from color crystals and put them into a separate slot.

Allow the gathering professions to scan corpses in combat.

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I think the largest issue that sticks in my mind is the light/dark side cap. Players should be allowed to flucluate between 10k Light and 10k Dark, either that or allow the light/dark side points to be reset at a trainer. Everyone has been in that situation where they have hit the wrong button as a new player. In here this could easily cost a player dearly i.e. access to good gear.

Canonically this should be possible, the original Sith grew from Jedi who felt the lure of the dark side and went from full-on good guy to villain and conquerer. To use an example, Revan was pretty much the characterization of the dark side in his time, following his capture he became a good guy and subsequently turned the tide of the entire Jedi Civil War.


I know some people might argue against this (not to troll or anything) but there are no real disadvantages of being able to switch between light and dark at free will, it may also give leniency to those who have made a mistake and have ended up with that elusive 50/100 extra light side points.

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Nice biased original post. Not regularly updated. Because its obvious why its not needed.


One mile long thread of a bunch of varied topics and combined discussions from both sides of every fence in the yard, is never a good and helpful method to get information across. Bioware made the entire Suggestion Box Forum so each specific idea/suggestion can be made into a single thread to be discussed.


I won't even read through the fifty pages of tangent thoughts in this thread. :rolleyes:

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OK. I'm a subscriber. I also bought 2 months on a gametime card. After a week I'm wanting to unsubscribe. I want to like it but just feel it isn't Star Wars or anywhere near it. I love action and a deep story thread. My problems that make me want to quit are as such.:


1. Travelling & Pathfinding Need to be better and FASTER. I still haven't got my speeder yet so fast walk is still a pain and slow walk for over 10 levels was a real turn off.


2. Getting stuck unable to complete a quest. Boosters don't help and I found myself often stuck not being able to move the story on because I couldn't kill a mob I was supposed to at my level. This is an MMO but people are not always free or available so I couldn't move on and logged off for days until I found someone eventually to help. Now I'm at another quest where I can't complete without help so I logged off for another few days and played another MMO. It looks like some solo quests expect you to be 3 levels above the quest requirements to complete or beat it. A hell of a lot of boring grinding. When I'm questing and improving and not getting lost or stuck not being able to complete a quest and the story moves on smoothly I enjoy it but stopping and starting ruins the IMMERSION factor.


3. Vendors. I got a security key but at the vendor all I saw were things like dancers shoes. No weapons no exclusive stuff. Besides that I haven't yet found anything much worth buying from a vendor. They're pretty useless except for repairs.


4. Is this Star Wars? Maybe I'm wrong but Star Wars had the Force which you could use to pick up and throw your opponents or objects at them. So far it's just light sabers/guns hack and slash. Very basic and boring after a while. Also Where are the ALIEN RACES? This IS a Star Wars game isn't it? There's just no atmosphere or immersion even with the voice acting .


5. Too simple not enough variety and customisations. All Jedis seem to look alike wearing the same clothes with the same looking companion as I have!! I want to feel unique not like one of a thousand identical clones!! No diversity in races, clothes or even worlds.


Apart from the initial hype it has not recreated the Star Wars Saga faithfully. Where are the alien races here? It's just a mess. All environments look the same.


As I said I could persevere with it if I could solo my quests but I often get stuck not being able to progress because the boss is way above my level and I can't find anyone to help so I log off. A companion is fine if they get you through the solo but if they keep dying too then what's the point? I then have to try and remember or find a place to grind. And if I can't find a place to grind I'm stuck again. I play for continuity not having to stop and start.


I love Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2 and have ordered Mass Effect 3 but the gameplay in SWTOR for me especially where I need to solo is hopeless if I meet a boss. Grinding or finding a place with toons high enough lvl to grind is not always easy. And lack of variety in races makes me feel I'm playing on earth all the time no matter what world I travel to. Lack of variety and customisations is killing it for me. Combat should include using the Force to throw people and objects. Not just a light saber. Oh well maybe someone else will come up with a true Star Wars MMO in the future but this is not it.

Edited by NweNweTon
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1. Guild Web Based interface - Which I think would work a lot like the Armory for WoW. Some where that you could set Guild Events, manipulate the Guild the same way you can do in the game. You could even have a mini forum there which would negate the need for any outside websites. Something to foster more Guild support than just having your names on a list in the game itself.


2. Alliance Guild System - One thing that is annoying is having to have a big guild to raid and PVP. Some people are "Pro" while people like me are just "casual". Likewise, there are so many different people out there that like to do different things at different times. So I would propose an Alliance system, where possibly you could pool the different Guildies into one common area to ask for help. This would allow people to have their own guild, and not have to be apart of the big ones. This could be as easy as your LFG system, but for the Alliance Guilds, or maybe even go to a common chat channel. Remember, you kind of had this during the Guild Start up before launch.


3. Work Orders - Maybe have a crafting area, where you could place orders for mats or even gear itself. Along with a progression system, fulfilling these orders would award more guild exp.


4. Guild Titles - Special titles granted to certain guildies based on their progress. A Guild Leader title, an Officer Title, and possibly others that the Guild Master could grant to their guildies. I would assume they would be rare, and would unlock based on guild progression. If you leave the guild, I assume you would also lose the title, less you have people creating guilds and dropping them just for the Guild Master title.


Just some random thoughts. To me, the guild system has been underutilized in many games, and right now SWTOR has the most basic of guild functionality.

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4. Is this Star Wars? Maybe I'm wrong but Star Wars had the Force which you could use to pick up and throw your opponents or objects at them. So far it's just light sabers/guns hack and slash. Very basic and boring after a while. Also Where are the ALIEN RACES? This IS a Star Wars game isn't it? There's just no atmosphere or immersion even with the voice acting .



I presume you don't play a Jedi Consular then. They pick up opponents and stuff to throw at them all the time.



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1. Make Unassembled Pieces Universal or Convert to Tokens

- This is another crap idea taken from one game and used as a "'this worked right?' dumb idea". Seriously, it is bad enough that Hard Modes drop 1 piece of loot, it is worse when you don't have a class that can benefit from the drop. I have done Kaon almost everyday since 1.1 and not once has the Warrior/Guardian piece dropped. We even killed the incredibly over-powered optional boss (yeah, it needs a nerf) and it dropped a second BH helm. Cut this stupid stuff out. Make the items universal. It will still require players to run the Flashpoint enough time to gear their characters (and companions). Convert to tokens or simply make the piece usable by all classes... Definitely not multi-class system either. It's bad enough more idiot ideas were taken right from World of Warcraft, we don't need more.


2. More Vendors in Ziost Shadow (Especially Around Operation Zones)

- Who's idea was it to make you have to mount back to the elevator, go down another floor and then all the way to the middle of the map... just to repair for a zone. 1 vendor, by the portal. Done.


3. Mounting in All Flashpoints/Operations

- Again, it is kinda tedious having to run a long distance after wiping especially if you can't mount. Why do some Phases allow it and others don't? Why can you mount in Boarding Party but not Foundry? It makes NOOOOOOOOOOO sense. Even from a realistic point, who would ever allow speeders inside a capital ship over a base? Are there mount restrictive "shields" or "beacons"? Tedious is not fun... Tedious is tedious. Which is bad, by the way.


4. More Collector's Edition and Security Key Items

- Why did a whole bunch of us spend the $150 for a vendor who carries 1 set of Light Armor? Even the Security Key vendor has only one set, Light Armor, and the Hourly Fleet Pass. So... everyone other then Inquisitors and Consulars can have rare gear that actually is meant for their class? I say, make a set of each (light, medium and heavy) or make it worthless for everyone. I love the pitch, "IN GAME VENDOR WITH RARE ITEMS!" You totally sold me on the idea, you failed to finish like most pyramid schemes do. Horribly disappointing. Every Collector's Edition of every game I have bought before this, was worth a ton more then this crap. Even WarHammer... yeah, I went there.


5. Allow Rolling and Master Looter to Assign Operation Loot

- Why is dice used for every piece of loot except in Operations? Why does the loot "choose" who get's it? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS?! The whole IDEA of loot in group zones is so all players who contributed can have a chance to get better gear. Allow players to roll for it or give Master Loot the option to decide. STUPID STUPID STUPID. I have played plenty of MMOs and not a single one does this. WHY? Tell me why? What 8th grade programmer came up with this idea? Dice or ML. Geez.


6. Out of Combat Healing and PvP Objectives Should Not Be Interrupted by Damage Over Time

- It is about time this gets changed. It is kinda weird that in every other game, out of combat healing (like "eating" or "fast regen") is not interrupted by Damage Over Time but... this game is different? Uh, why? Seriously? If the mob/player is dead, why can't we fight against the damage? It still takes a few seconds for it to cast. As for PvP Objectives (like Alderaan Turret Monitors or Voidstar Bombs), it is kinda stupid that they are interrupted on EVERY tick. I get if the initial FIRST tick breaks it. That would make sense. Not every tick though. It is kinda easy to just run around and DOT every player on an Objective. It makes DOT specs more effective in PvP. Not to mention, they are the highest damage totals.


7. Instance Imperial Fleet and Republic Fleet

- Smart idea, making one place (one central place) where everyone gathers and not instance it. Lower the threshold or update this. Loading into a zone, I need to be 90% of the times and lagging constantly while I try to make my through is just pointless. Both fleets are an eye sore with 250+ players all hovering over the same NPCs or clogging up the market monitors. Fix this. Launch is over. Instance the most populated zones in the games.

Edited by Downe
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i would like more wardrobe options.. like a custom panel for what your character looks like. and the actual panel of what gear your wearing.


My character right now is a hodge podge of different gear, and i look like a circus clown.



- Add dyes - so at least my armor is the same color.


If a custom panel or a social view is implemented, you can go hog wild with outfits.

More costumes/clothing items can be added to the game.

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OK. I'm a subscriber. I also bought 2 months on a gametime card. After a week I'm wanting to unsubscribe. I want to like it but just feel it isn't Star Wars or anywhere near it. I love action and a deep story thread. My problems that make me want to quit are as such.:


1. Travelling & Pathfinding Need to be better and FASTER. I still haven't got my speeder yet so fast walk is still a pain and slow walk for over 10 levels was a real turn off.


2. Getting stuck unable to complete a quest. Boosters don't help and I found myself often stuck not being able to move the story on because I couldn't kill a mob I was supposed to at my level. This is an MMO but people are not always free or available so I couldn't move on and logged off for days until I found someone eventually to help. Now I'm at another quest where I can't complete without help so I logged off for another few days and played another MMO. It looks like some solo quests expect you to be 3 levels above the quest requirements to complete or beat it. A hell of a lot of boring grinding. When I'm questing and improving and not getting lost or stuck not being able to complete a quest and the story moves on smoothly I enjoy it but stopping and starting ruins the IMMERSION factor.


3. Vendors. I got a security key but at the vendor all I saw were things like dancers shoes. No weapons no exclusive stuff. Besides that I haven't yet found anything much worth buying from a vendor. They're pretty useless except for repairs.


4. Is this Star Wars? Maybe I'm wrong but Star Wars had the Force which you could use to pick up and throw your opponents or objects at them. So far it's just light sabers/guns hack and slash. Very basic and boring after a while. Also Where are the ALIEN RACES? This IS a Star Wars game isn't it? There's just no atmosphere or immersion even with the voice acting .


5. Too simple not enough variety and customisations. All Jedis seem to look alike wearing the same clothes with the same looking companion as I have!! I want to feel unique not like one of a thousand identical clones!! No diversity in races, clothes or even worlds.


Apart from the initial hype it has not recreated the Star Wars Saga faithfully. Where are the alien races here? It's just a mess. All environments look the same.


As I said I could persevere with it if I could solo my quests but I often get stuck not being able to progress because the boss is way above my level and I can't find anyone to help so I log off. A companion is fine if they get you through the solo but if they keep dying too then what's the point? I then have to try and remember or find a place to grind. And if I can't find a place to grind I'm stuck again. I play for continuity not having to stop and start.


I love Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2 and have ordered Mass Effect 3 but the gameplay in SWTOR for me especially where I need to solo is hopeless if I meet a boss. Grinding or finding a place with toons high enough lvl to grind is not always easy. And lack of variety in races makes me feel I'm playing on earth all the time no matter what world I travel to. Lack of variety and customisations is killing it for me. Combat should include using the Force to throw people and objects. Not just a light saber. Oh well maybe someone else will come up with a true Star Wars MMO in the future but this is not it.


You're posting in the wrong thread. Please go to general for non constructive critism posts.

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Nice biased original post. Not regularly updated. Because its obvious why its not needed.


One mile long thread of a bunch of varied topics and combined discussions from both sides of every fence in the yard, is never a good and helpful method to get information across. Bioware made the entire Suggestion Box Forum so each specific idea/suggestion can be made into a single thread to be discussed.


I won't even read through the fifty pages of tangent thoughts in this thread. :rolleyes:


Ok........? Grats.

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I believe this is a PVE game. There are not enough PVP opportunities. What PVP opportunities there are, there are many disincentives. There are only two PVP dailies. That is absurd. It is clear the resources are in PVE. I don't think you understand that every time I play PVP the outcomes are not guaranteed and that is the enticing challenge. PVE can be very easily farmed and once farmed, it become mundane. PVP needs focus, resources and innovation.
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i think some thing needs to be done about the mvp voting system.

players should not be able to leave the warzone untell they have voted.

at least this way the mvp system would get the maximum usage. becuas i have noticed

a lot of people dont vote and just leave the warzone. even if they are just voting for there frinds at least it would be getting used to its maximum


further more pvp healing in terms of medals sucks big time. there needs to more healing medals not just 4 i have seen a DPS sage get 14 medals. why is it a healing sage can only get 4-6 medals

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The auction house needs to be fixed. The sort mechanism does not work, I should be able to selected and item i need from my crating list and have the ah find it. This what WOW has and it worked very well. I am completely amazed that you missed that feature.
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Screw Legendary weapons or gear, gief legendary companions!


Basically this is the idea:


Things to know:

legendary companions cannot be used for grey item selling or for crew skills.

But they can be used in raids or parties (but not pvp. - pve legendaries ofc).


The quest starting item is an extremely rare drop from a raid. This begins an epic quest line that over it's course will alter you to either light or dark side alignement OR neutral, depending on the needs of the legendary companion the quest is for. For example:


Legendary companion: Revan:

You pick up an item that begins the epic journey. This quest line will cost alot of credits and take allong long time to complete, requireing help from guild members etc.


Since Revan is neither Sith nor Jedi, it would be a suitable conclusion that to gain him as an ally, you will need to become a dark jedi or a light sith.


However, this will require other changes to the game or fixes for your character, such as how Revan is percieved in game already (won't say where or what he is involved in for the game for spoiler reasons) but those who know how he plays out will know what i mean. Other parts but less imediate that would need changes would be anything in dialog particularly about the empire that shuns Revan etc especially where you may have no "nice" remark to repsond to said sentance regaring Revan.


Could be fun and cool. Obiously each Legendary Companion would have there own unique abilities too,would add some serious awe to being around them/seeing them/having them :)

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This game is far too buggy to have been released. Everyday i hear guild members pulling their hair out because they got kicked, or there stuck in a wall, or they are falling through the world. Pvp kicking people out, not giving credit where credit is due.. I'm just fed up, this isnt a product a person should have to pay a monthly fee for, this is beta!
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Sorry but I didn’t read ALL of the pages between the first one and here, and I also didn’t read through every suggestion documented in the initial post but I’m SO glad a list like this is being compiled! Here be what I’d like to see added to this already-spectacular game:


PvP Pod racing!! Think Mario Kart but with bigger guns and less banana peels. I definitely agree with a horse-race betting feature for competitive pod racing.


Open-world space combat! Just take the code from “X-Wing Alliance”, change the space ships, and include it in the game. That’d be epic.


An instanced PLANET! Some place where the story writers can let their imaginations run wild. Decisions made by a player can be much more impactful and the plot more deeply involved (similar to Dragon Age or Mass Effect). Groups would need to be picked up at a hub somewhere other than this planet, or perhaps a single major city on it. Players in a group going to the planet will see what the group leader’s decisions have done. There was a class-specific thread in Baldur’s Gate 2 where rangers could become lords of a keep, druids could be leaders of a druid grove, and…I…can’t remember what the other classes got but it was equally epic. I think something like that would be awesome on a planet like this.


Pod racing is more Tatooine prequels related, To stay true to an actual KOTOR type racing, Swoop racing would make much more sense and would be much more accesible as it can be done almost anywere.

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- every chat-tab saves the target-chat in which will be written. So chat-tabs for e.g. guild or group makes more sense, because after switching between tabs there is no need to check and if necessary change the target-chat (old DAoC or EQ2 are great there)

- optional finer chat font. its a pain for me to read this clunky and blurred one

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more hairstyles, cosmetics, faces presets.


player houses, along with a quest, story for your romanceable companion.


animal mounts.


cantina events. unlock special dance emotes. dancing competitions. perfect place to wear your social outfits.


gambling for cantinas , along with other mini games.


level 50 normal mode flashpoints, with epic level 50 gear drops for small groups. even if it takes you to do many runs, to do the set you want. i think would be more fun than grinding dailies constantly. and also will give casual pves a chance to equip their characters.


make crewskills useful . allow us to craft level 50 epic gear.

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I have seen various threads about Pod / speeder racing and after giving some thought feel it would be a great system to implement into the game with many possibilities such as:


Pod racing league: A pod racing league where guilds or individual teams could enter and compete across various tracks on different planets throughout the galaxy.


Craftable racing Pod's: Pod's could be crafted by a guild or team as part of a joint effort to acquire various parts through certain quest lines or from certain achievements.


Pod upgrades: Pod's could be fully customised to improve performance and looks.


Pod racing gambling: A full gambling system could be implemented to allow players to place bets with in game credits on races and events for big money wins or losses


Just a few ideas there to get things started, just wondered what thoughts anyone else had on this been implemented.

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more hairstyles, cosmetics, faces presets.


player houses, along with a quest, story for your romanceable companion.


animal mounts.


cantina events. unlock special dance emotes. dancing competitions. perfect place to wear your social outfits.


gambling for cantinas , along with other mini games.


level 50 normal mode flashpoints, with epic level 50 gear drops for small groups. even if it takes you to do many runs, to do the set you want. i think would be more fun than grinding dailies constantly. and also will give casual pves a chance to equip their characters.


make crewskills useful . allow us to craft level 50 epic gear.


Tbh i think your first request in that list will be coming with the legacy updates. Heard something about new character options, could just be different race/class options but can also be new models/textures :)

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