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- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.


Why is this still being suggested? They simply will not do it. If you thought this game was empty before, just wait and see what happens if they add these to the game.

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- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.


Why is this still being suggested? They simply will not do it. If you thought this game was empty before, just wait and see what happens if they add these to the game.


They have already stated guild ships are gonna be added eventually along with guild banks, so it WILL happen.

Although I am still wondering why it's being suggested still soley on the basis of the fact it's already been said to be coming

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Please please PLEASE expand the guild system ASAP.


I'd love to see guild symbols implemented into this game. Instead of going with the typical tabard we could just buy moddable sets of armor from the guild vendor which has our guild symbol on it a'la Trooper armor, or on the cape/cloak of other sets, etc etc. Hell, If the engine allows it even give us our guild colors on the armor sets as well.


The shallowness of the guild system is a huge turn off to me and a lot of other players. It's nothing more than a global channel that costs 5000 credits to make. I can give BW the benefit of the doubt with it being release and all, but I really hope they get their act together soon with a proper guild system.

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What i want to see is two things


1) when i have my set keys to be a specific combo I want them locked so my number 1 is always slash 2 is always medpacks 3 is always.... etc


To many times in the middle of battle the mouse accidently clicks one away from the hotkey area or moves it accidently and i have to struggle just to get it back into formation.


2) I want the ability to immidiatly assign a skill to a specific number instead of dragging and very ever so carefully "dropping it" into the slot.


Again to many times does it not work exactly the right way only to dissapear and i have to hunt for it again in the skill menu


1) is already implemented. Go to preferences, User Interface. There is a section about quickbars where you can turn on the left, right, and bottom center bars, and there is also a checkbox to "lock" them, which means a skill can't be moved once in them. Of course, it is also generally recommended that you don't mouse click abilities anyway since it is much slower than using keybinds, but I know some people don't have that option for one reason or another.

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- Some kind of mentor/sidekick system where your buddy can become your level so you can play together even if your friend is higher or lower then yourself.


- Customisation slots where you can place old gear which can define the look of a slot while still getting the stats from the new item.


That's just fake power, your character wouldn't be as strong as your friend's character. I mean it really doesn't seem like a bad idea at first but it's just ludicrous to think you'll magically become stronger just because you group of with someone that strong. A padawan who joins Luke Skywalker for one of his missions wouldn't magically gain his abilities (though no one in this timeline is as strong as Luke, it's just an example).


Also, the stubble under "complexion" option is weak and there aren't enough beard and scruffy hear options. I couldn't find a suitable goatee for one of my darkside characters so I went with this one instead for my knight (darkside, definitely doing artificing and treasure hunting) and bounty hunter:








Wanted longer, scruffier hair for them.

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Class missions should not have Gold Elites at the end of them. They should be regular Elites with a couple of henchmen. Either that or nerf the gold Elites. I've been trying to complete Shadow Fist (kill Gold Elite) for the past half hour, and died about 20 times. I've tried all my companions and used all my CDs etc. So, I can't progress the story line.


It's a real shame. I thought this game was really great, but this is just ridiculous!



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That's just fake power, your character wouldn't be as strong as your friend's character. I mean it really doesn't seem like a bad idea at first but it's just ludicrous to think you'll magically become stronger just because you group of with someone that strong. A padawan who joins Luke Skywalker for one of his missions wouldn't magically gain his abilities (though no one in this timeline is as strong as Luke, it's just an example).


Also, the stubble under "complexion" option is weak and there aren't enough beard and scruffy hear options. I couldn't find a suitable goatee for one of my darkside characters so I went with this one instead for my knight (darkside, definitely doing artificing and treasure hunting) and bounty hunter:








Wanted longer, scruffier hair for them.


I strongly agree on the stubble beards. There is one under complexion which is less "stubble" and more "I have a dark beard and even clean shaven you can see my face darkened where the hair grows."


The beards themselves have two options: "6 months growth and groomed" or "strangely styled grown out beard." There is nothing that suggests you haven't shaved in a week or 2 months.


While we are at it, a few more eye colors would be nice. For humans we have like 3 shades of blue (one might be called grey) and a yellow, but nothing close to real Hazel or what real Green eyes look like.

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I want to pay for this game every month and I might at some point in future. But as of right now i cannot justify such action do to the world feeling less like an MMO and more like a Single Player game. Before i am bombarded i understand that there are many that are applauding Bioware efforts to make this world more friendly to a casual audience. I have no doubt that allot of the success will come from this audience.


However if by just looking at other games that are subscription based i am having a hard time finding that one thing that gravitates me to this game for any long period of time. Understanding that a long period of time is subjective, i will clarify. I could play each race at least once, which there are 8 of them. This would take approximately 3-4 months respectively. I however know that after playing three different characters that that is more my limit. With those three which I have a Level 34,24,11 and my nephew has a level 20 it has taking me about 6 days of play time or about 20 days. I have not rushed and have completed all bonus missions for each world respectively and have not used my spacebar for dialogue.


If i did the math it would take me around another 40 or so days to max each of these characters out. I am a fan of RPG like any other, and do appreciate allot of what has gone into this game with respect to the RPG elements, Dialogue, production value, and customizations. However that is not what i am solely looking for when i decide to start and MMO. Before i am bombarded that this is not an MMO in the traditional since i would ask those to read an interview with the director of this game James Ohlen at eurogamer.com.


In that interview it is clear that SWTOR was always intended to be an MMO that took form the success of previous MMO's. This is where my problem starts. Yes, besides what I already stated in reference to RPG elements this game does live up to a certain portion of what makes an MMO and MMO. It does this in a couple of respects.


The galaxy is very large, and the number of planets are plenty. There is always other online players within the game and more important they exist within the same plain as your character (killing the same enemies, harvesting the same nodes, on the same quests). Flashpoints, Herioc Quests, and Herioc World Bosses all support the MMO model of grouping up and taking down the larger challenges within the game. Warzones and PvP contested areas on many maps, and Raids all support the cause further that SWTOR has the basic fundamentals of what is now normal within an MMO.


So now if your still reading this, you might say well you just listed things that go against your defense and therefore making you're claim obsolete. Under normal circumstances that would be true, but as I have listed early, this game still feels more like a single player experience even after having all the basics of an MMO.


It's not because the things that make up an MMO doesn't exist, it's what SWTOR limits within each of the things that supports my claim.


1.) Large Galaxy (yes it is, but unlike other MMO it is sectioned into pieces that can only be accessed via a loading screen. What makes this worse is that with each loading screen, the number of total players on a giving server is divided up amongst all worlds. Coupled with the fact that the chat function with any giving world is also divided with each loading screen, you are never really able to communicate server wide unless you specifically input such command within the chat function (/who). The Division does not stop there because each world has multiple shards or instances. Where it divides the world into two separate worlds that exist in the same world. This process was used early on to lower the que times many were experiencing at launch. However currently the software doesn't know to revert characters back to shard 1 during lower population times.


Conclusion: Yes the world of SWTOR is as big if not bigger then any other MMO on the market, but with the divisions on top of the division the appearance and function does not have the same feel as other MMO's. Supporting the complaints that the world feels empty, even though the server is Heavy or Full. They aren't empty they are just divided. This gives way to the feeling of a more single player / Co op experience rather then an MMO. MMO's rely on community immersion or overcrowding and is a staple of this genre.)


2. Online players competing with world resources (MMO's rely on community immersion or overcrowding and is a staple of this genre. This overcrowding makes you feel like you are part of the world. It what seperates an MMO from a single player game or Co Op style game. Co Op games do not have you competing with every player online that plays a game. It only has you competing with a small population of any giving players online for that game. SWTOR does fit the definition of an MMO with relation to population, but does it at a frequency far less then any other MMO currently in existence. Reasons for this include what was discussed earlier with the worlds being divided through loading screens, the division in each of those worlds through shards and instances.


Conclusion: These divisions are very similiar to the ones you see in a Co Op game mentioned above. The model SWTOR uses restricts that feeling of overpopulation and does so in a way that seems purposeful or by design. I understand that many consumers are very satisfied with this model as it allows for a more singular experience, rather then a community one. If that is the new model of an MMO then i digress and understand that it will usher in subscription based Co Op and Single Player Games.)


3.) Flashpoints, Herioc quests, Herioc World Bosses, and General grouping of players. (Before i state that SWTOR doesn't do these things well within the MMO world, let me say as a whole this is the one part of the game that feels fleshed out. Flashpoints are a shining example of what works in SWTOR. They are centrally located within the fleet, and other then there still being shards that divide the fleet into sections, finding a group for these Flashpoints are far easier then the rest of the grouping activities within the game. When we start talking about Herioc Quests and those quests that are world specific we run into a problem. Again allot of this stems from the division of each planet as stated above, couple with the fact the the chat function only works within the world and shard that you are in by default. The other is companions and the overall mindset that players have from the beginning stages of the game. Because of the overall feel of the game being a single player experience, with character specific quests and the ability to complete all of these quests with just the aid of a companion, to the fact that all other quests not story related that would require a group seem completely optional. I love this part of the game and am understanding that in some cases should be the new fad when creating an MMO. It adds a different element to the experience. But intentional or not hurts the overall purpose of an MMO that relates to group content. Again before i am bombarded with replies, I understand the need for this and will say the integration adds more than it hurts. However when the bulk of a player time is taking to complete these story driven endeavors, its taking away from the core of an MMO experience.


Conclusion: These story elements are great additions and allow for player's choice, the question is does that support the theory that this game is more of a single player experience rather then an MMO. Take any other RPG that is currently out and ask yourself whats different with that said game compared to SWTOR. An RPG has quests whether or not there called that is besides the point, they are divided into story, character, and optional quests. So the only difference between the two is that SWTOR allows you to group up and do quests together. Granted some RPG allow you to do this, but never to the exact scale or frequency that an MMO does. The problem SWTOR doesn't do this at a scale or frequency that other MMO's do. Maybe because of the division of the world that those quests are on, or mentality, or because there optional, or lastly the reward is not great enough.)


4.) Warzones, Raids, WvW, or any other form PvP (Debatable, but might be the biggest SWTOR doesn't feel like an MMO. Warzones participation is limited to the server in which you play. Does not have an option to pick which Warzone you want to play in. These are all complaints but not real issues. The issues with regards to PvP is the limitation that SWTOR has on the player to interact with other players of an opposing faction. Examples of this is Anchorhead in Tatioone is surrounding by an exhaustion zone which eliminates the possibility of raiding at any time within the game. Another is the worlds of Taris and Balmorra, where they are faction specific leveling zones, much in the same way as the starter areas for any of characters within the game. All three of these worlds have a there own reasons as to why there are issues with them not being PvP oriented or in the case of Tatioone, not PvP friendley. First Tatioone is the first world that both factions visit that they can PvP together. This is huge because before this the only option for PvP was Warzones. Tatioone's model as a whole is great for PvP, however because of the impact that Tatioone has on a player for it being a the first PvP zone it makes everything within that world more important. This fact, reinforces the issue that more so than any other capital in any other world up to that point, Anchorhead and the Sith's capital would be a focal point for raids. I am not dumb in thinking that just by having the exhaustion zone ther,e hasn't fueled that passion further. This leads me to another point on this issue, MMO's are known to have two different kind of servers, PvE and PvP. The distinction between the two is very minute within a grand aspect. However to a player that choice is huge, and one that a player doesn't take lightly. Because on a PvP server players are aware of the danger of being targeted by an opposing faction while questing, resting, or any other aspect of the game. And only ever feel safe when they go to a safe zone, such as the fleet, space dock, ship, or during the initial character starting zone. This is why people play on a PvP server, that want that rush, that feeling there never safe it adds to the experience of the game and is a staple of an MMO. Without it or if you picked a PvE server that experience tends to be more single player like. In regards to SWTOR this feeling of a single player experience is ever more present because of the design and limitation of the game. This limitation can be enforced and proven further because of the design of Taris and Balmorra being class specific and eliminating the possibility of PvP and the experience one would have on a PvP specific server.


Conclusion: The difference between a PvP server and a PvE server with respect to SWTOR as it stands today, are less than any other MMO currently in existence. I understand that the basics of being able to fight with opposing factions within the environment and most worlds and cities on a PvP server still exist, but to assume that not having a PvP zone in what would be a higher level world such as Taris or Balmorra or the fact that the two biggest cities on Tatioone are not able to be raided doesn't lessen the differences between the two servers, would in my mind be wrong and further adds to the cause of a more single player / Co Op experience.)


During this explanation i have not listed a single bug, performance issue, graphics problems, or any other defects SWTOR could have. Everything listed is functioning as designed and intended. I understand that some of what I have addressed is being looked into and in some cases being fixed further down the line. Which gets me to my point, I never said that I wouldn't ever pay for a subscription or that SWTOR doesn't warrant one in the future. I said i wouldn't pay for a subscription at this time because of the things I have listed and the fact that no other single player or Co Op game requires one.


I am asking Bioware/ EA/ Lucas Arts to understand there initial intention for this game during development. This is clearly stated through the interview that was conducted with James Ohlen the game director an i Quote:


"But it is a genre, and we wanted to appeal to fans of that genre - we don't want to turn them away by making something that's radically different. And we wanted to take the lessons that have been developed in that genre over years and years and years and basically refine them, much like other companies do with other genres."


"The expectations on what the game was going to be for a lot of people was kind of different to what we were building. We were building essentially a classic MMO with BioWare storytelling set in the Star Wars universe. And there were a lot of people out there who wanted us to reinvent the universe and come up with a game system that had never been done before. And that was something we weren't doing, so it was going to be disappointing for those people."


Based on those statements, SWTOR should have all the elements that make up a basic MMO at launch. So why are we waiting for some of those elements to be included, waiting for some of those elements to be acknowledged, or even waiting for some of those to be tweaked. Key word within James Ohlen statement was refine, not create, or innovate, it was to refine. That is and was their intention from the onset. So why does SWTOR lack so much of what an MMO consists of to the point that currently it doesn't feel like one. If it isn't an MMO then are we paying a subscription for a single player / Co Op game currently. The game itself or the box or the company all suggest and imply its an MMO, which implies a subscription fee each month.


But if its not or doesn't play like one which they suggest it should be based on the directors vision of what SWTOR is. Why are we having, or will be having to pay a subscription for a single player / Co Op game when its not marketed as one.

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I strongly agree on the stubble beards. There is one under complexion which is less "stubble" and more "I have a dark beard and even clean shaven you can see my face darkened where the hair grows."


The beards themselves have two options: "6 months growth and groomed" or "strangely styled grown out beard." There is nothing that suggests you haven't shaved in a week or 2 months.


While we are at it, a few more eye colors would be nice. For humans we have like 3 shades of blue (one might be called grey) and a yellow, but nothing close to real Hazel or what real Green eyes look like.


personally I thought the "beard options" looked a little to much like "This is not a beard but an unfortunate painted on replica with no realism"


Seemed to me that any facial hair at all looked just like someone was drunk and painted it on

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excellent work voicing the community, you have my thanks.


my idea: mannequins in your personal ships that you can dress up in any gear you might be proud of or simply just like the look of, instead of letting them rot in your cargo hold because you dont want to sell/delete them.


They had these in Dragon Age 2. Same company, just steal and modify the code as needed.


Combine that with someone else's trophy room and you could really personalize a ship. I know I have a tendency to keep old weapons and armor I like the look of. It would be nice to have somewhere to display them.


Edit: I think I was confusing Dragon Age 2 with Skyrim in my mind... I don't use my XBOX too often, and most of my library could be summed up as Bioware games, with Deus Ex and Skyrim tossed in.


Even if they didn't already have it, I still second mannequins and a trophy room on the ship.

Edited by RuQu
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I don't know if it has been mentioned already in these 50+ pages of suggestions, but I would like to give my personal space ship its own name. It's just a small feature, no real impact on the game whatsoever, but it's just a small touch that could make things a bit more fun.
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What would be ideal is if the in game chat function is to be used to chat to people for those who dont use ventrilio or whatever you call it but when you are in a flashpoint with a group if we can have a specific Flashpoint chat section.


I don't want chat bubbles, this is not a cartoon.


A seperate flashpoint tab for chat you can go to everytime your running an FP. If such a thing exists already then my bad i havent noticed it yet


When your in a guild and fifty people speak and then another fifty in general chat its highly difficult in the middle of a battle to keep looking in the core chat area to see if your groupmates are talking before it being over run by random others discussions.


A few wipes have happened because of this due to the fact i pulled aggro and didnt actually see someone in the group say "wait"

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I'd very much like to have way of turning off C2-N2's greetings every time I enter my ship or walk by him too closely. I could do without the attention-starved puppy ravings of thick crew members, overstuffed cushions, happy smells in the ventilation, my respitory health, how efficient he or my ship is, or how happy he is that he wasn't built for combat.
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I'd very much like to have way of turning off C2-N2's greetings every time I enter my ship or walk by him too closely. I could do without the attention-starved puppy ravings of thick crew members, overstuffed cushions, happy smells in the ventilation, my respitory health, how efficient he or my ship is, or how happy he is that he wasn't built for combat.


I second this notion

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I think there needs to be two different games available.


PvP servers allowing macros, add-ons, animation interrupt/faster attacks, dungeon finders, meters, etc.


PvE servers without the above, and no PvP flagging in non-PvP areas.


That way, people can really choose the environment and community they want to play in.

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I have many suggestions:


1. Please don't despawn my companion upon mounting; have them jump on behind, or into a sidecar, or give them their own mount. This will also alleviate the companion-full-heal exploit (immersion breaking).


2. Please allow me to have global key-bindings for my characters.


3. Please look at a better default user interface scaling. You've given most classes 50+ abilities but the right ability bar is partially-covered by the mini-map and quest list. The left bar clashes with the chat box. Both bars are not on by default, either...do you expect most people to shift-scroll through the bottom-bar? Why won't the bottom-bar scroll if the mouse is pointing at it?


4. Please take a closer look at making emotes more intuitive. It's nice that you have them and that they are available from the chat box, but, in practice, it takes more than three seconds to choose and activate one. I never use emotes and I don't role-play but I think some social focus is missing from this game.


5. Please take a closer look at innovating a new chat box with new default settings. Currently, I find most people don't know if I have messaged them because they, frankly, have no idea where my messages are in all the system messages and the doubled-up experience messages. I especially don't like the use of flashing tabs if the tabs aren't visible during play.


6. I really like social points and seeing other class' cut-scenes. I successfully leveled with two other characters and joined a guild over the course of two days. However, I logged on an hour too late and that was it. I am now "out-of-sync" with those two and will basically never level up with them again and I am going to solo the rest of the way to 50 because it was only serendipity to have found two characters to level up with for a span of levels 18-33. There is no current way to facilitate that condition in the game. I'm not specifically asking for LFG or a mentor system. I don't have any answers for that specific idea.


7. Lower the priority of load on demand (LOD) for most everything. It breaks the game to have any micro-stutter at all, especially on a high-end computer. Just accept that SWTOR needs to load characters later or that something needs to be changed in the engine. Maybe grow a pair and ask the competition how to make your game smoother. People on speeders moving towards each might never see each other, that's fine. I don't care.


7a. Fix the huge lag spike when opening the character and inventory windows. I don't know what the heck is going on there, something about clearing the memory every time. I hate it. If I spam "I" and "C", I run at 1 frame per second.


8. Innovate some better nameplates. You took the lazy route and default it to off when everyone and their mother has to turn that on because we gotta know how we /con to everything and that's the only way. Try some "The Sims" diamond-over-the-head or some cyborg overlay and blow our minds. I don't care. Live up to the BioWare name and don't coast on the, "we did the hero/renegade conversation choice system best and before everybody else!" line.


9. Where's the comedy in this game? One reason I like Star Wars and the same reason stands for World of Warcraft, is that there is lots of comic relief and a good dose of not taking everything so seriously (excuse the loose grammar, ha). I'm not talking about the new Star Wars episodes 1-3 sterile stuff, either. People like the original comedy from 1979-1983. Working with restrictions is a good thing. Cleaned-up CGI humor is bull.


9a. In the same vein, I felt very conflicted about making conversation choices with my companion around. In the real world nobody is as rigid in liking/disliking choices. Also, in the real world I can talk/convince people one way or the other and we might fight but often the act of fighting is especially healthy. Having companions influence my choices to have them do crew skills faster feels flat to me. I do it anyway.


10. Dirty up this game! Add film grain like in Mass Effect.

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So that the players who are tired of thier characters features could change it at cost or just because a barbershop would be nice?


For the love of God, no. Not everything has to be about money. EA is funding 15 thousand projects at the same time, it's not that hard adding a barbershop with in-game credits.

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i would really like to be able to use the wonderful customization in this game after i hit lvl 50.


- give us the modification stuff from epic gear to add to the custom gear of our liking instead. for exsample only allow the modifications in the chest to be added to a custom chest.


- or use the commondation here, to buy the modifications instead of the gear.


- or give epic gear a 4th slot, for a custom item of same kind. u get a epic chest and put ur custom chest of ur choice in the 4th slot to make it look that way.


or wht else way seems best.

in all i just dont wanna run a around like a group of clones, and ugly ones at that xP

wanna be able to customize my gear in end game.

Edited by Wrongworld
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