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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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I posted a thread a got redirected here. So here are my three biggest complaints with the game.


1. Launching and Taking Off - Having to launch everytime you get on your ship. Even if you just want to talk to a companion or use your holoterminal. Here is the analogy I used in the other thread.


"Imagine you want a CD out of your car that you left there. So you leave your house, get into your car, start your car, pull out onto the street, get your CD, then pull back into the parking spot, turn off your car, leave your car and go back inside... Does that make even one lick of sense?"


Also the cutscenes dont link up with this either. Several times, at your holoterminal, you ask for permission to take off..... After you have taken off.. Or your told you have landed.... Before you actually land.


When you land how do you do it? You open the hatch door. "OMG He is opening the door! We are still in orbit! LAND LAND LAND LAND!!!"


A "Launch/Land/Dock" button on the bridge would be nice.


2. The Green Glow - My companion heals me and I get the green glow. I then have to relog to get rid of it. Would be ok if it was occasionally. But alot of the time I have to do it 2 or 3 times in an evening.


3. Companion Side Chatter - The comments the companions make during combat and such is driving me bats. I wish we had a slider to turn the sound down on the companions talking. And the droid on the ship..... Well I have zero interest in knowing it painted my ship the same color yet again. Those comments are funny about the first 2 times I heard them. Now they are making me want to throw it in an airlock.



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I'd have to agree with a lot posted in this thread. If this MMO wants to survive, (and I want it to) I would hope

that after fixing performance bugs, they would begin implementing some of these issues.


There are many great ideas, but the big few the way I see it, by reading suggestions in this and other threads are this:


End game crafting:

It is useless when it can be bested by mods and enhancements. If you can't sell your gear end game, where is the economy going?

Many people play MMO's of many genres for the crafting. When they can't find what they want in an MMO, they move on.


And If I had my way with a player based econony, I would charge 10% of the asking price, and If it did not sell, keep all 10%.

If it did sell keep only 5%. That would make all these greedy ones think twice about posting something for an absolute insane




I can live with a sharded city, but when it come to an open expanse, it should be wide open. I should be able to travel from

Point A to the farthest point on the map on my speeder or by walking, not by having to take a taxi outside anchorhead to cross

an exhaustion zone that appears just a few hundred yards wide. Ceratinly there is a better way to keep opposite factioned

characters out of a city.


In SWG we had points of interest on several planets, and even though we explored and knew them all, we never tired of taking noobs

around and showing them those points of interest.



I'm in a guild, and it's just that, a guild. Guilds keep players playing and paying. But what perks even as simple as a guild

bank is there in this MMO?



Much is written on that in this thread, but really, I have a pvp toggle, and because we are keep so segregated through a sharded

MMO, I have yet to see a player of the opposite faction. I havent been in a battleground yet however.



Star Wars Galaxies had tents that you could deploy in the middle of nowhere, just like in real life. Many times I saw bunches

of people camping out chatting, and just chilling, but nonetheless doing that with a subscription.


I want to see this MMO survive, and If this thread is heeded, it will thrive.


Bottom Line: People pay to play, and when they walk, you loose $$

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Just one comment about this whole topic: You don't like it? Get back to WoW...because hardly any of these "community suggestions" don't refer to WoW.....


PS: I agree with the OP on Macros. They should be in the game.


What is wrong with trying to improve a game you otherwise enjoy? Also note that half of the comparisons to WoW are actually to third-party UI addons for WoW, or features that were originally addons that Blizzard eventually incorporated into the default UI.


This game is not perfect, and I don't think any of us expect it to be. Many of us find it far more enjoyable than WoW, even with its flaws. Suggestions are made to improve it, and hopefully make it better over time.


P.S. Love the hypocrisy. Didn't WoW have macros? By your own logic, just go back there...

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Guild mailing list for email. Makes communication and coordination better. Especially after the guild web pages were retired. (Great competitive feature for SWTOR, bring them back!)




Mail please


naming of ship




Similar to the fleet pass, can we get a ship pass? Even if only usable once every 24-48 hours. Having to go across a planet, through an orbital space station just to make a holocom call is annoying.


Movable windows. Due to all the skills I have both sidebars in place, I would like to move windows like inventory, character, etc away from the sidebar to be more central in my screen.

Edited by Cooltrip
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Dear Game Designers and Community,



23. Space combat is dull and repetitive and should be eliminated.

It is a good effort but nobody finds it redeeming and you should contemplate eliminating it entirely and focusing your effort on the rest of the game as there is much to do



34. While I get the point of being clever, the vagueness of getting or losing points with your companion can be more confusing than it is worth

There should just be a highlighter on conversation choices that tells you the potential plus or minus to points with your companion, like there is with the light or dark side



I have to say I disagree with these two. I enjoy the space combat, although I don't bother to do it daily, it is a nice change of pace. Accept it for what it is, a minigame. I wouldn't mind it being expanded, but it certainly shouldn't be scrapped.


As for 34, I already see people make their choices in flashpoints based purely on what the LS/DS indicator shows. They are terrified of even a few DS points (I play Rep side), even if the DS option is clearly the reasonable choice, or far more interesting than the LS choice. When I talk with them, their reasoning never has to do with story, or RP, simply "I don't want my character to have any DS points." Do you have any idea how many times I had to run Esseles before I finally managed to see the cinematic for

those engineers getting airlocked?


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As for 34, I already see people make their choices in flashpoints based purely on what the LS/DS indicator shows.


This is because if you have 1 point of dark side when your going light you can't get the final tier of light side stuff. the max points you can obtain is 10k if you have 1 light side point then your light/dark orientation is 9,999 and will never get any higher only lover if you get more dark side points drawing you closer to neutral. you have to have all 10k on one side or the other to get the last tier relics. so you kinda got to go all light or all dark because any in between you dont really benefit from. Which this needs to be fixed cause it sucks. Dont know who thought of it but should be fired lol.


i didnt know this so i got 50 light side points and 9950 dark thanks and i can never get the last dark tier relic. should make it once you max dark and you make a dark decision it is subtracted from your light side points

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1. Bug fixes, especially the one that kicks me to the character select screen when I try to enter a warzone.


2. Ranked premade pvp in one bracket with extra rewards and pure pug pvp in a separate bracket with less rewards and never the twain shall meet.


3. Better character customization. The hair looks like it was ripped from Global Agenda, and that's not a good thing.


4. LFG


5. Player housing and customization (with various crafting skills to support that).


6. Pet peeve: Add another light side choice on the Sith Sorc quest that starts out The Miracle Worker. The light side choice is to tell a bunch of oppressed and impoverished people to be kind and to forgive. Really? I'm Sith Jesus now? And how is telling the oppressed to suck it up and forgive a light side choice? Sounds like a dark side choice to me. Plus, it just isn't in keeping with my character at all. Add a light side choice to spare non-combatants and treat enemy captives humanely or something. Go all Braveheart with it and leave the humble forgiveness advice for those who aren't living in the gutter.

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Personally I can't pay $15 a month for this. The little EG we have sucks ,rewards are terrible. I just want people to list the improvements they would like to see in order for them to keep subscribing to swtor. Maybe BW will take some of our suggestions so they won't lose most of their subs.




1. Fix the UI It needs to be customizable and scalable.

2. Add more 50 qsts, FP's(5 more would be nice) and atleast 2 more Operations.

3. Either give us a wardrobe feature to customize the look we want or change the EG gear models. Being a lv 50 Shadow in a Fairy princess (raid gear) is unacceptable.

4. We need macros. Idc if its limited to 3 abilities per macro we need some type of macro system in this game.

5. A combat log even if its a built in parser (for instances) that adds up total the dps/hps ect...at the end of every FP and Operations. Similar to DCUO's set up.

6. Make crafting worth leveling. As it is there is no point to craft except biochem. You can fix this by letting crafters make empty mod-able gear sets that players can equip bis mods that drop from Operations to make gear equivalent to what drops in Operations and what you can buy from the epic vendors.



This would be as start in a good direction imo to keep the a player base that is rapidly declining during the free 30 day trial period. I can only imagine how many will be left once the free 30 days is over. This game has great potential BW please don't drop the ball on this one.

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This is because if you have 1 point of dark side when your going light you can't get the final tier of light side stuff. the max points you can obtain is 10k if you have 1 light side point then your light/dark orientation is 9,999 and will never get any higher only lover if you get more dark side points drawing you closer to neutral. you have to have all 10k on one side or the other to get the last tier relics. so you kinda got to go all light or all dark because any in between you dont really benefit from. Which this needs to be fixed cause it sucks. Dont know who thought of it but should be fired lol.


i didnt know this so i got 50 light side points and 9950 dark thanks and i can never get the last dark tier relic. should make it once you max dark and you make a dark decision it is subtracted from your light side points


Most of the ones I've talked to haven't been nearly informed enough about the game and game mechanics for that to be their reasoning. Some didn't even know what it did, just that they were LS, so they had to only make LS choices.


That does seem like a really stupid bug though, in need of fixing. They should really just keep a constant running total of all LS/DS points, and simply not have any tiers past the current max.

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While this is all well and good, why?


Someof the things you suggest are controvesial topics ie combat log


And keep in mind just because 1million people think something needs to be changed doesnt mean it does


Some of these things are very good, some stupidly trivial


I see no real need for this post at all


I appreciated the effort in trying to assist the community but this isnt a good way at all

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Macro's agree i have too many abilities and not enough keys so i'm pushing buttons clicking and scrolling threw my left side bar cause player frames are on top of it (this is where moving ui and scaling comes in handy).


/castsequence reset=combat/10 A,B


maybe while A is on cd it shows ability B and soon as A is off cd it shows A again


/castrandom a, b, c, d


random mounts but make mount speeds scale with your training maybe if not cool still random mounts


/cast [mod:shift,@khem val,exsists][mod:shift,@focus,exsists] bubble;[nomod] bubble


bubble khem val or focus without losing your target


Just take all the macro's that everyone already knows wow, rift, and any others

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While this is all well and good, why?


Someof the things you suggest are controvesial topics ie combat log


And keep in mind just because 1million people think something needs to be changed doesnt mean it does


Some of these things are very good, some stupidly trivial


I see no real need for this post at all


I appreciated the effort in trying to assist the community but this isnt a good way at all


We don't expect them to implement all of the ideas, and those of us keeping this thread alive don't necessarily agree with all of the OPs points. Mods have closed similar threads and directed people here. The OP isn't keeping it updated, unfortunately, but there is still value in keeping it alive.


Why bother? They are suggestions. We hope to inspire ideas in the devs to make changes in certain directions. We can suggest ways we might like target of target to work, and the Devs might come up with a different (possibly better, possibly not) way to implement it, but now they at least know we want it, and it is on the development radar.


If there is something that would improve your gaming experience, do you keep quiet about it and hope that the Devs magically realize you want it and give it to you, or do you suggest it to them, thereby putting it in their minds and one major step closer to reality?

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Personally I can't pay $15 a month for this. The little EG we have sucks ,rewards are terrible. I just want people to list the improvements they would like to see in order for them to keep subscribing to swtor. Maybe BW will take some of our suggestions so they won't lose most of their subs.




This would be as start in a good direction imo to keep the a player base that is rapidly declining during the free 30 day trial period. I can only imagine how many will be left once the free 30 days is over. This game has great potential BW please don't drop the ball on this one.


We can't only list the changes they must make or we quit, because some of us aren't planning to quit any time soon, even if the game stays exactly as it is. Even if they didn't release a single bug fix ever again, I still wouldn't quit until Id played all of the class quests. Since I currently have a 37 and a 34 as my two highest and no others even level 20, I imagine that would take me a minimum of 6-8 months.


MMOs are dynamic, though, so hopefully in that 6-8 month window they will add enough endgame content and fixes to keep me interested.

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We don't expect them to implement all of the ideas, and those of us keeping this thread alive don't necessarily agree with all of the OPs points. Mods have closed similar threads and directed people here. The OP isn't keeping it updated, unfortunately, but there is still value in keeping it alive.


Why bother? They are suggestions. We hope to inspire ideas in the devs to make changes in certain directions. We can suggest ways we might like target of target to work, and the Devs might come up with a different (possibly better, possibly not) way to implement it, but now they at least know we want it, and it is on the development radar.


If there is something that would improve your gaming experience, do you keep quiet about it and hope that the Devs magically realize you want it and give it to you, or do you suggest it to them, thereby putting it in their minds and one major step closer to reality?


Me likes and agrees would be stupid not to suggest something if you want to see it in game how else it gonna get there? relying on your peers to suggest it.

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* Let us add people to our friends list even when they're offline. Right now if you try to add someone who's not online, you're told the player doesn't exist. That's untrue and unhelpful.

* Stop hiding the levels and last locations of offline characters. This makes it harder to know if you're keeping pace with your friends.

* Provide more reasons for people to spend time in cantinas. E.g. why not move all social vendors there?




* Color matching for armor needs to be restored.

* Give us a proper appearance tab; orange items are a good step but take it one further and have items with solely cosmetic functions.

* Let us hide companion head slots.

* Fix clipping problems with Twi'lek lekku and hair for various other races. A lot of the headgear in game doesn't look right.

* Give us more "normal" clothing options for light and medium armor types.




* Give us holochess and pazaak, and let us play with other players in game.


Space missions:


* Lots of improvements are wanted here! Add multiplayer. Add PvP. Add some flight sims without the rails.




* Let armormechs craft dyes / paints for armor.

* Items that can be REd into better versions should indicate this somehow. Are crafters supposed to a) just RE everything endlessly in the hopes that a better version exists, or b) look everything up online? Neither is a great answer. I don't mind that the RNG might screw with my attempts, and I don't care if the odds are low, but I don't want to RE something again and again if there's absolutely no point. Case in point: crafted starship parts. Do advanced versions exist? I've never seen one on the GTN.

* Improve the profit on slicing missions by a tiny bit. Reduce costs for other gathering missions by a tiny bit. Node drops in the world are well balanced now but missions are not.


Ridiculously over-specific:


* Move Aric Jorgan's companion quest on Tatooine. A lvl 38 quest shouldn't be deep inside a lvl 50 enemy area. Yes, I know it's possible to use terrain exploits to get through, but that shouldn't be necessary. ;)

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UI Customization.

-Change colors.

-Movable icons/Ops frames.


LFG system.


Guild Bank.


More GTC options.

-Search for head slot items only, etc.


Ship Interior Customization.

-i.e., drop or place accrued items inside ship, on walls, etc.


Character Customization.

-Change hair color/tattoos/size, etc.

-Allow a wardrobe tab that changes the appearance of each slot without effecting stats.

-Allow color dyes to change/match colors.

-Hide head slot for companions.

-/Sleep animation.


Beast mounts for specific regions.

-Taun Taun's on Hoth.

-Varactyl's on Taris.


Casinos/Gambling on Nar Shaada.


Mini games.


Dual spec.

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The thing that really gets me is trying to break up stacks of items that I've created. It appears there's no way to break out 5 of my 20 stack of something or other in order to trade it.. it's either the whole thing or nothing. that's problematic if I am selling 5 pieces of a metal out of my stack... In the Galactic Market, I also have the same issue. I don't want to sell every piece of material in one sale, I want to break it up into chunks maybe, and price it up a bit because everything else is in bulk pricing... just limits my trading abilities.


+1 to the keeping groups together after Warzones.


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I wouldn't mind a nice, big, "Invite to Party" button on my guild list. Even right-clicking on members on the list doesn't give me the option to invite, but maybe that's a bug?


Ooh, also, it'd be really nice if there were a way to significantly reduce the view distance. I really, really don't care about that Jawa that's halfway across the planet. I'd much rather have the performance increase.

Edited by Drukoziz
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and the GUILD TAB!!! I can't even tell what my ranks mean right now because they can't be put in any sort of order (based on rank position)... can't even tell how many of my guildies are actually online without querying guild chat because the tab only shows part of them... or if I try to order by level, it cycles through about half. We want to create a serious environment in our Guild and it's hard to do so without the ability to organize. viewing all offline eventually gives me a printout of who is in the guild, but I have no way to sort by Operations-ready folks and non... based on rank.


Another issue I have with that is the ability to delegate organizational powers to someone other than the guild master. You should be allowed to 'allow' officers to make changes to the rank system.


+1 for Guild bank/Guild Hall, something that makes someone in your guild want to care about the other guildies, and not just have a cool bracket below their nametag. Guild Calendar?


+1 for Hoods on helms


+1 for damage meter or recount ability


I'd like to also add that in most of the Star Wars series... Rebels and Empire could communicate, even if they weren't best of friends. There ought to be some way to interact/taunt/fraternize with the opponent other than just running into them in a warzone or in a few select quest zones around. Building light side points as Sith should allow you to group with Light side Rebels, and vice-versa with Dark side... I know it's a long shot, but it just doesn't make sense to keep them separated other than to reduce confusion, which should exist anyway since it is based on loyalty.


That being said, there should also be an Empire vs Rebel force loyalty point gauge that does similar things. That would be a very hard thing to develop, but I feel that it would set the game apart from WoW or other games with language barriers between factions.


Space battles should be co-op-able. It is so far the only part of the game that forces you to play solo.

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The thing that really gets me is trying to break up stacks of items that I've created. It appears there's no way to break out 5 of my 20 stack of something or other in order to trade it.


You mean Shift-click? ;)


If you shift-left click, the stack will be split, but you'll also have a chat link to the stack being split. If you shift-right click, you can split the stack without the annoying chat link.

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