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January 25, 2012


(Medical Xpress) -- Feeling like you’re part of the gang is crucial to the human experience. All people get stressed out when we’re left out. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that a feeling of inclusion can come from something as simple as eye contact from a stranger.


Psychologists already know that humans have to feel connected to each other to be happy. A knitting circle, a church choir, or a friendly neighbor can all feed that need for connection. Eric D. Wesselmann of Purdue University wanted to know just how small a cue could help someone feel connected. He cowrote the study with Florencia D. Cardoso of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in Argentina, Samantha Slater of Ohio University, and Kipling D. Williams of Purdue. “Some of my coauthors have found, for example, that people have reported that they felt bothered sometimes even when a stranger hasn’t acknowledged them,” Wesselmann says. He and his authors came up with an experiment to test that.


The study was carried out with the cooperation of people on campus at Purdue University. A research assistant walked along a well-populated path, picked a subject, and either met that person’s eyes, met their eyes and smiled, or looked in the direction of the person’s eyes, but past them—past an ear, for example, “looking at them as if they were air,” Wesselmann says. When the assistant had passed the person, he or she gave a thumbs-up behind the back to indicate that another experimenter should stop that person. The second experimenter asked, “Within the last minute, how disconnected do you feel from others?”


People who had gotten eye contact from the research assistant, with or without a smile, felt less disconnected than people who had been looked at as if they weren’t there.


“These are people that you don’t know, just walking by you, but them looking at you or giving you the air gaze—looking through you—seemed to have at least momentary effect,” Wesselmann says. Other research has found that even being ostracized by a group you want nothing to do with, like the Ku Klux Klan, can make people feel left out, so it’s not surprising that being pointedly ignored can have the same effect. “What we find so interesting about this is that now we can further speak to the power of human social connection,” Wesselmann says. “It seems to be a very strong phenomenon.”




Point being if we can't even address or look at one another in our haste to get done with the quest, of course we won't be social. Give us the tools to actually let our characters behave in an animated, life-like way and WE will make the game social!

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Spend a reasonable proportion of dev time developing tools and scenarios for roleplayers.


Not everything in life is about combat.


Roleplayers create their own world/game using the environment you as developers provide. They don't complain about endgame because there never is an endgame for them, and if the tools are there to immerse they'll stay as long as the platform is running.


Don't dismiss RP because it is a 'niche'...it is a core constituency of the Star Wars IP!

Edited by Bonedriver
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A re-customization option.. like a "barber shop". Bioware could really do something cool with it, for instance.. a droid could come out and scan your character, then options come up to change your hair, complexion, tattoos etc etc.


I agree with this suggestion! Bioware needs to put a system into the game that allows you to change your character's looks while playing in the game. I'm sure there are a lot of players out there..that would love to be able to give their character's a scar or two after completing certain story missions or even PVP matches. I would just like to be able to have the option to change my character's hair style when ever I feel like it..or change his face features.

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I don't know if this has been brought up yet or not..don't feel like going through every single page to see if some one said it or not lol. But I think a great idea for Swtor's first big game expansion would be one that allows players who are playing as a Jedi to have a story option that allows them to fall to the dark side. And for people who are playing a Sith..a story line option that allows them to turn to the light side. I think that would be an awesome expansion and would really add to the game.
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Improve quest variety: The dialogue is nice to listen to but when the mission starts its identical to every previous mission. They are all "kill x mobs" or "right click on highlighted object". For example, when having to "find a way through the security door" I only had to right click on the door. No key to find, no mini game to hack the door. Heck the mobs on the other side of the door didnt even agro when it opened so I just walked by.


More dynamic boss fights: Once again, the storyline is supposedly better than other MMOs yet the boss fights are mundane. Instead of the environmental factors that make the SW movie fights so epic (molten lava, flying pillars) in SWTOR you stand stationary and spam a dps rotation as your companion keeps you healed sufficiently. Maybe you have to interrupt 2 spells...


World PVP: Planets are currently instanced to keep opposing factions apart and reduce world pvp. Why?

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I started playing as a Sith Juggernaut, and I popped over to Nal Hutta to help my friend who was a Bounty Hunter, but I couldn't watch any of his quest cutscenes because Sith Juggernauts don't have missions there.


That seems silly to me. I should still be able to watch his story if I'm grouped up with him.


Also, since I've hardly progressed in the game and don't know for sure, but why isn't there a HK-50 companion for darkside players? He'd be the best companion in the game!

Edited by Wilhelm_Scream
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Advanced Classes:


The idea about advanced classes is a very well thought. However, there is one thing that could get changed.

That would be the stories.


Lets say you made a Sith Warrior, which you at the respectable level turned into a Marauder. When and if you you feel like making an alt, you maybe want to try a juggernaught.

However, you need to go through the same story once again. So instead of going through the same story again that you just did, why not write a different path to each advanced classes?

That way, it becomes more attractive to have an alt with under the same class, but with a different advanced class.





Seeing as the Star Wars universe consists of many planets, why not take advantage a bit of these planets, more than just a few small zones on each planet?

Perhaps create more zones you can choose between while leveling, so it's not the same areas you always go though, when playing one of your alts.




Adding some events to the game wouldn't hurt. Many other MMOs got timly events in zones, such as attacks on certain cities from the opposing factions, maybe a speeder race. Be a little creative and I'm sure it would become a reality to have events, that players could take part of.




I know this is Star Wars, and that lightsabers are a huge part of the universe, but they're making the game a little boring. I know there's vibroblades etc. as well, but over all, there's not a lot of different weapons to choose from. Mostly you'll end up with a lightsaber anyway, and the only way you really can tell your new lightsaber apart from your old one, is the colour of your blade. You barely see the hilt of it, so you don't notice the difference.




The questing system is refreshing, however it does seem to lack a few things. A little more creativity in the quests would be much welcome, maybe even make some of them timed to add a bit of a challenge to them.

Also point some of them more in the direction of flashpoints, so it becomes more attractive to do these flashpoints, instead of just having to rely on your daily flashpoint quest for that.

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Setting up options configuration profiles would be very nice. First, I hate going in on each different character I have and needing to re-apply all my key-changings and options. At the same time, there are those out there that have family and friends who use the same computer and use different keys and options. allow me to save my changes to my profile and when I use my log in, it loads my profile. I'm sorry but the WASD has no potential and I really don't know why it ever became standard, not to mention spreading keys all over the keyboard where I have to take my hand off the mouse or my home keys to use them. Since, that's the way it's set up, let me make my profile instead of changing all the keys every new character.



I'm a clicker. When targeting it's a bit more precise and, when done appropriately, is much faster than tabbing through opponents (Adds Incoming from behind!). Clicking is buggy, I've noticed. sometimes I click and the game just doesn't recognize that I did it. It's not like I can click 'harder' on my mouse. It's not a piano harder clicking doesn't make it sound louder or make bigger things happen. When I click, what I clicked on needs to happen, or target, or execute (sometimes I have to click on interactive objects in the world a few times to finally get it to interact).


Companions: Clicking

Make them non-clickable. I absolutely hate having to run around the world targeting enemies, trying to loot my kills or interact with objects and my companion constantly getting in the way. The only time a companion should become clickable is when it pops a quest which, so far, only happens in the cantina's so maybe only have them clickable in the cantina. I might even go as far as to give them a selectable fade bar that fades them by a chosen amount, much like the map does when moving.


Companions: Item Comparisons

When I select my companion on my character window and I'm selecting gear for him/her, it would be nice for the item comparison windows to reflect my companions items and not my own.


Galactic Market: Search

I believe this has been mentioned but searching for something on the Galactic Market is one of the most tedious things I've done in the game (besides go through the Jedi Consular questline thus far on my lvl 12). I want to be able to search for a spefic category of a category. What I mean is, using my consular example, I want to be able to look for Armor: Light: Legs: Lvl 10-12 and viola, a list of light leg armor products pop on the screen for my scrutiny. As it is now, I have to sift through all light armor products trying to find legs and then compare them while they are on different pages... which brings me to another option...


Galactic Market: Comparisons

Please allow me to select two or more items and choose a compare option so both or more items I chose stat windows appear for my comparison.


I am really happy that a lot of focus went into story in this game. Just don't lose sight of the other aspects that make a great game, one of which is the way players interact with it. Making the UI and world interaction easy and intuitive is very difficult so don't reinvent the wheel. I hate mentioning another game but do what Blizzard did, they looked at all the other MMO's out before and while they were pouting WoW. That's one of the things that made them MMO kings.


Keep the story focus but work on interactivity from the player.




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1) Give us 6 names to choose from for our companion, I don't think it would require lots of voice acting having to be done or redone.


2) Space missions - Change the location of the tooltip when you mouse over the icon of our ship in the lower left corner during space combat so it does not cover our action bar. It's big and easy to mouse over.


3) Make sortable by grade companion gifts and scavenged metals on the GTN.


4) Add more GTN kiosks, maybe one on every planet space port or entry port. Some should be Hutt Trading Network kiosks instead or if that is out of place then find places HTN kiosks can be put in some other areas on the planets or the HTN will continue to be of very little use and the 50 item limit on the GTN remains the effective limit of the game. A 50 item limit makes me travel back to the fleet every few hours in order to keep my item limit topped off.

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A major issue that I see are huge resources required for each level, a fog/range setting in preferences would greatly increase frame rate on most graphics cards.

The current minimum software requirements, are grossly unrealistic. A computer with 2 gig of ram is still going to be loading heavily from the hard drive reducing the frame rate to a crawl.

Next suggestion is make some way to have the ship droids shut the hell up, the first time is perhaps entertaining, but having that robot constantly prattling on about cushions, diets, escape pods, etc., gets maddeningly annoying very quickly. Maybe have an interaction icon over his head to make listening to his mind numbing minutia optional.

Next would be some indicator of companion gains shown beside conversation choices, currently to get the best options requires repeated escapes out of conversations while trying each option to get the best results.

A mailbox on the ships would be nice too.

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This has probably been mentioned here as I've seen quite a few other threads on the topic, but world PvP on PvP servers. I'm not talking about Ilum. I'm talking about every other planet. I didn't find a contested area till the third planet and there was no PvP there whatsoever. I'm now level 30 on my fourth planet(Tatooine) and I still haven't even seen a member of the opposite faction. I'm not even able to go over to the opposite faction's city to stir up trouble.


People who roll on PvP servers know what to expect, and what they want. I don't see any reason to keep everyone so separated on a PvP server. I expected, and was looking forward to, having to watch my back after level 10 or so, but now I'm 3/5 to the level cap and I can't see any difference from a PvE server = \

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-game needs more ambiance; the worlds are a little too static


I agree to that suggestion. It is as the other played MMORPG ..

It seems that we jump from one little enemy group to another to kill them. There should be more dynamic within the movements of the computer crowd. Mostly they stay at their positions and await their death .... its a little bit stupid.

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Here are a couple suggestions I would like to see implemented into the game:


Please make it so if we disconnect during a Warzone, that we will log back into that Warzone instead of getting automatically kicked.


Would like to see Valor and Experience instantly applied to your character and saved as you kill players in PvP and complete objectives, rather than all being applied at once at the end of the match. See Suggestion 1


Would like a Loop Music option and maybe even the ability to Pick the Star Wars tracks you want to listen to in game. For instance, there is one of the songs that plays on Republic Fleet that I find very relaxing and wouldn't mind being able to loop that while I was on the Fleet. It is always nice to have more options concerning Sound and Video!


Ability to turn off C2-N2s voice on my Ship, so rather than hear him every time I board, I could see Subtitles perhaps?


While I realize this is probably going to be low on the Priority list for patching as stabilizing and bug fixes as well as trying to get more endgame content out is probably much higher... It would be nice if Day and Night cycles were added to planets as well as a very well done dynamic weather system, Skyrim is a good model for weather effects we all enjoy


Please fix the Group Queue system. The following is an example of the flaws:


You join a group with 4 people, the leader goes to group queue. If someone is already queued and forgot, it will queue 3 people but not the 4th. You then need everyone to drop queue, maybe someone isn't paying attention because they already knew they weren't in a queue. Now the cycle repeats itself even further.


To compound the problem, at the end of every Warzone, You are set to "Re-queue for Warzone" by DEFAULT, but on top of that, your group is DISBANDED, therefore if someone isn't paying attention and doesn't unclick the re-queue button before hitting Exit Warzone, they are removed from the group and Queued SOLO.


When the group leader goes to invite, it creates the same problem you had to begin with, one person didn't drop queue but maybe the others did. and so on and so forth.


It is highly annoying. But here is the Solution! When you join a group, if the Group Leader selects "Queue Group" it should override and remove everyone from their Solo queue and put them in a Group Queue. If someone has an issue with this, then don't join groups when you are Queued Solo for PvP.


Warzones should not disband your group at the end, and Re-queue for Warzone should have the Default as "Unselected"

If you want to Re-queue for Warzones Solo, then by all means leave your group and Queue for them solo.


More Windows on the Ships, the Trooper Ship barely even has a window to look out of. Would like to look out at space and beyond. A lot more Ship interior customizing etc, trophies, maybe a jukebox, would be nice to purchase Vendors, Mod Stations, Furniture, who knows. Would also be nice to allow other people on your ship. Make it more of a Home type feel aside from just a vessel.


I imagine a time where a Guild Capital Ship could engage in battle with other Guilds Capital Ships.. but beyond that, the Capital ship has Hangar bays where we could park our Personal ships, and maybe even get in them and go out into space to defend it in a Guild vs Guild battle.

Edited by Tortoises
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Fix how to get pvp gear, its way too insane to grind for an upgrade and also kinda useless to have an unimmobilizing ability you can only use once and for one ability. Pvp is so broken right now it isnt funny. Most of us are the casual player and yet we have to grind an insane amount to get 1 piece of gear whats the fun in that?
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