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Could you please STOP putting weird turtle like stuff on the back of trooper armors


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If you're talking about the big old boxes like on the back of the Tactical Infantry set, I head-canon role-play those as containing the climate control, air filtration and comms gear, and also the power supply that allows you to wear what amounts to armour-plated NBC suits and run around on Hoth and/or Tatooine without baking or freezing to death.


Back in the 80s, my wife was in the Massachusetts ANG and had experience of wearing real NBC suits in Massachusetts summertime. That weather is pretty unpleasant (98F and 98% humidity is common, for three weeks at a time) in less sealed-up clothing than that, so imagine what Tatooine in an NBC suit must be like... (OK, not 98% humidity, duh.) She had nothing good to say about those suits, by the way.


You don't have to make it up, it is well known in Star Wars Lore that Stormtrooper armor is air conditioned. It also contains food and water and a recycling system. Why it is so useless to basic blasters is another topic. :)

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Yeah, those mini-fridge backpacks are sure iconic :rolleyes:


Wait wait wait, wait just a minute. It's a minifridge? you mean, I could have been keeping a cold beverage in there during OPs runs and FPs?


Stupid republic always keeping secrets. I'm gonna march right into Gen. Garzas office and give her what for!

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Wait wait wait, wait just a minute. It's a minifridge? you mean, I could have been keeping a cold beverage in there during OPs runs and FPs?


Stupid republic always keeping secrets. I'm gonna march right into Gen. Garzas office and give her what for!

Absolutely...there's even a lil freezer section on top for frosting mugs - I found it priceless while completing the Tatooine class quests...didn't really need it on Hoth or Ilum so much though...

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They should really go to town on the Trooper, make a full set of dress, undress and battle dress (armor) outfits. I would so strut around in my republic "greens"


Make the IMPs fill with jealous rage


Not quite sure how it would fill the Imps with jealous rage seeing as only the Republic has a class that wears that style armor. BH wear all sorts of thrown together gear. lol


The only class that would have a set of unique armor would be agents, and theirs was just released a pack ago. (Which looks amazing if you use the Red/Black dye on it!)

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Not quite sure how it would fill the Imps with jealous rage seeing as only the Republic has a class that wears that style armor. BH wear all sorts of thrown together gear. lol


The only class that would have a set of unique armor would be agents, and theirs was just released a pack ago. (Which looks amazing if you use the Red/Black dye on it!)


The grey/black also looks good, as does my white/yellow dyed version. That armor takes most dyes well, I wish they made the other armors like it.

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And while you are at it, could you please remove the unnecessary gray ugly thing on the back of Havoc Squad armor chestpiece?





that's the lunchbox! It's got a built-in cooler unit, that's why it's so big.










EDIT: Aw, rats. Someone beat me to it.

Edited by TikkyLightmaker
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Not quite sure how it would fill the Imps with jealous rage seeing as only the Republic has a class that wears that style armor. BH wear all sorts of thrown together gear. lol


The only class that would have a set of unique armor would be agents, and theirs was just released a pack ago. (Which looks amazing if you use the Red/Black dye on it!)


I am unclear it seems


I mean that pub troopers are the only "regular" army class in the game and by dress "greens" I mean the republic trooper equivalent to USMC dress blues.


I could strut around on Yavin IV scoffing at all the Goths and Hippys :cool:

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You do know this is how BioWare operates right? They take really good armor and they throw hideous wings, ridiculous shoulder pads, butt flaps, camping gear, a thermos or some turtle looking **** on it to ruin the look of it. There are countless examples of this in the game.


The developers of this stuff can't seem to help themselves.

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You do know this is how BioWare operates right? They take really good armor and they throw hideous wings, ridiculous shoulder pads, butt flaps, camping gear, a thermos or some turtle looking **** on it to ruin the look of it. There are countless examples of this in the game.


The developers of this stuff can't seem to help themselves.


You poor thing.

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"Soldier, why have you brought your assault cannon and a full recharge power pack for it into this senate hearing?"


"A soldier should always be prepared, sir!"


"We're in the middle of the Senate building on Coruscant, we're surrounded by armed guards... prepared for what, exactly, soldier?"


"Prepared in case I flip out and go crazy and decide to kill the entire senate, sir. For the Republic, Sir.Um, not that I'm going to, of course. Sir."


"Thank you for that candid, if un-reassuring answer, soldier. By the way, you look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle."


"Sir, yes sir, thank you sir!"


This made me LOL :)

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This made me LOL :)

On a slightly more serious note:


I wondered about the Trooper's visit to Nar Shadda. So Garza tells us the situation there is politically and diplomatically sensitive, and regardless sends the Trooper there on a mission:

* The mission involves what amounts to a sort of revenge issue, possibly - if played that way - coming from someone with anger management issues.

* It also involves a great deal of shooting up the scenery.

* The Trooper arrives into this political/diplomatic minefield / eggshell zone in a small warship.


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On a slightly more serious note:


I wondered about the Trooper's visit to Nar Shadda. So Garza tells us the situation there is politically and diplomatically sensitive, and regardless sends the Trooper there on a mission:

* The mission involves what amounts to a sort of revenge issue, possibly - if played that way - coming from someone with anger management issues.

* It also involves a great deal of shooting up the scenery.

* The Trooper arrives into this political/diplomatic minefield / eggshell zone in a small warship.


Well, frankly


all classes blow up good parts of that moon, and they all arrive in a small warships (except agent/smuggler/hunter, whose ships are pretty common there).


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all classes blow up good parts of that moon, and they all arrive in a small warships (except agent/smuggler/hunter, whose ships are pretty common there).


I don't think the Agent ship is common on Nar Shaddaa. It's an imperial top-notch prototype after all. :p

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