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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any plan to deal with email gold spam?


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I get 2-3 goldseller spams a day per toon in my email. Rather than delete or ignore, I decided to report it as spam so BW can see what is going on. 3 weeks now and all the spam tickets have been ignored.


I sure as hell hope so. These new gold sellers aren't even sending the 1-credit any more...for ONE stinking credit, they'd buy my silence...instead, these new cheap sellers just get reported.


Send me money, and I shut up...send me nothing, you get reported.

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To be fair, I think it was Lord of the Rings Online blocked most of Asia and did largely get rid of all gold sellers for a time.

^^Yep^^ And it worked and still working.. So there must be something there right ?!?!

Edited by Legolose
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We have level 50 Bots running 24/7 on Rishi and Yavin-4 that I'm really beginning to think they are in with the Gold Spammers. Been going on for over a month there. I have ran 5 characters through Rishi and watched them farm the Slicing Nodes in Raiders Cove,
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I always report them as spam, no chances, the bad thing is some people get hacked and their accounts get put on hold for spamming people. Happened to a friend of mine, their gear was stripped and their account banned. They had to go through a lot to get things back, and i helped them get back on their feet. So it isn't just spam they are really messing people up, and of course you know all those spam messages are a scam. Had another fried who did it on another game and they got their account hacked, but it was kinda dumb, because they asked him for his account info to log in and transfer the credits (so he kinda asked to get his account hacked).
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Would not stop them. They will simply adapt and move forward in some other manner.


Honestly.. the nuisance factor of the RMTs is pretty low these days. So clearly Bioware continues to work to remove them. But they continue to adapt and will persist for as long as players purchase their services. To expect zero incidence of RMT spam is unrealistic for any MMO.... except ones that are so unpopular there is little actual business to be had.


I sure wouldn't want to be in the trenches with you.

Seriously though, adapt and move to what exactly? The devs have mostly corralled them to the mail, where do these people go next?

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I sure wouldn't want to be in the trenches with you.

Seriously though, adapt and move to what exactly? The devs have mostly corralled them to the mail, where do these people go next?


I'm not really sure what their next steps would be. But as a long time MMO veteran, I know that they will adapt to whatever the company throws at them. It's true game of Whack-A-Mole for the companies to keep this stuff squelched down to some acceptable level.


Never underestimate the ingenuity of the human mind. If there is an incentive (and for RMTs there clearly is) the clever human will find a way to get to it. :)

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It'd be nice if Bioware would just let us set custom filters for spam, like we can do for our e-mail.


The spammers don't seem particularly adaptive; if I was given access to proper filter tools I could filter out all spam from certain sites for a couple of months at a time before they got around to change it. Then again Bioware is so lax with spam enforcement that the spammers don't actually NEED to adapt. But if spammers had to work around every individual player's filters, and getting filtered for spam did not return feedback to the spammer that they were filtered, they might conclude that the game was too hostile to support ingame spammers (like what happened in EVE Online after CCP beefed up the anti-spam tools to deal with this kind of thing; after that buyers had to go out of game to seek the sellers out pretty much, and credit spam in game practically doesn't exist anymore).


But EAware won't direct or even allow/fund Bioware to implement this QoL feature that is basic to online communication? Hell Bioware could even sit up there with their vaunted metrics to figure out which of the player-driven filters are most effective at blocking spam.


And no, "turn off General chat" is not a solution. For one, sometimes general chat can be entertaining and on some servers it's where pug ops form. And that still doesn't do anything to filter the mail spam.

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actually, as you may or may not be aware, there is already functionality in game to deal with mail credit spammers. here's some quick tips on how to do it:


1. in your inbox, you will find a checkbox next to the offending mail.

2. click it.

3. locate the button at top that says "Delete all checked messages"

4. click it.


you may be amazed to discover that these pesky messages are removed from your inbox.


really they should be devoting more resources towards figuring out how to take an item that is in my inventory and placing it on my character.

Edited by Orsin
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