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Simple Class To Play


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Hi All


I've been a returning player for a while now but want to keep things casual..


So am looking for a PvP class that isn't terribly hard to play effectively and be an asset to a team.


Got exhumed on bodyguard and it just feels awful to heal in PvP. Maybe I need to l2p but it feels terrible.


Anyway, I have an Assassin or BH that I could spec into or re-roll a new char.


I want a simple class to play :)


Thanks for any help.

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Short Answer: It doesn't exist.


Long Answer: PvP requires high situational awareness, high knowledge of every class, and quick fingers. There is not really a class that is "simple" to play in PvP. Some classes are easier than others to play, but there's no "new players can still wreck house with" class in PvP. I think the closest you would get to that is Madness Sorc or Advanced Prototype Powertech. But those classes are still difficult to play in PvP in certain circumstances.

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Easy how?


Easy buttons? I'd say concealment or PT, but they require some situational and movement awareness to do better at.


Easy to do well as far as balance? Sorc. But you do need to learn to kite and LOS


Easy as in not having to run around a lot? Sniper. But you have to know how to position well in the first place and use your DCDs at the right time to survive at all.


Most are easy at something and some take a lot more to master than others but are easy to just be viable in their own way, but just stay away from Merc and Marauder. They can be decent but I'd say they need to use more of their stuff to work. I wouldn't recommend Sin either, for easy. They have a higher ceiling and floor than most.

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Hi All


I've been a returning player for a while now but want to keep things casual..


So am looking for a PvP class that isn't terribly hard to play effectively and be an asset to a team.


Got exhumed on bodyguard and it just feels awful to heal in PvP. Maybe I need to l2p but it feels terrible.


Anyway, I have an Assassin or BH that I could spec into or re-roll a new char.


I want a simple class to play :)


Thanks for any help.


Honestly Healing Sage is easy once you learn to stay alive in pvp, Shadow as a whole has the highest skill floor as its a jack of all trades and master of none. It really take a skilled player to play the class well. Ops and the mirror class is not hard to use either. If you want a truly easy clas JG/SJ is your next bet. It's like easy mode

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I would tell you to go assassin if you want to play ranked. While its not the easiest class in terms of play, it surely is the least likely to be focused, and has the best tools for getting out of focus should you acquire it. Other classes such as Merc, PT, Jug, Sorc, also require alot of skill to be effective and one of the things you will encounter if ranked is focus and you need to be able to deal with it which is easier done on a sin.


If can't handle it people will remember and you will see more of it, and I ensure you its not fun.

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Vengeance Jugg/Vigilance Guardian, Seer/Balance Sage - Corruption/Madness Sorc, Tactics/Advanced Prototype Vanguard/Powertech. They have by far the lowest skill floor in terms of doing at least average, or generally being a team asset. Sage/Sorc + VG/PT are also conveniently very good right now, which helps even more.
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Go with Madness Sorcerer or Balance Sage. You will get kills you have great self heals great cc and mobility if speced no resource issues and can provide team support quickly when needed.


If you want to heal Pick Seer Sage or Corruption Sorcerer very versatile healer and the easiest of the 3 to understand currently their healing strength is overtunned which should make it easier to understand how pvp works and cover mistakes.


For tanking your easiest option will be Shieldtech Powertechs high base levels or armor and shield/absorb, good dcds, easy to apply damage and very very mobile .

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Short Answer: It doesn't exist.


Long Answer: PvP requires high situational awareness, high knowledge of every class, and quick fingers. There is not really a class that is "simple" to play in PvP. Some classes are easier than others to play, but there's no "new players can still wreck house with" class in PvP. I think the closest you would get to that is Madness Sorc or Advanced Prototype Powertech. But those classes are still difficult to play in PvP in certain circumstances.


This guy.

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AP or Shield Tech PT is easy. Sorc dps is not easy! Healing sorc is facerolling, yes, you can literally roll your face on the keyboard and pull out decent healing. But Lightning sorc is not OP at all, midway maybe. Madness sorc is clearly FOTY, it has great pressure dmg, great healing but its not a recommended spec for a newbie. Madness sorc is the best dps in PvP if played well, but that requires skill. I've seen so many braindead FOTM-rerollers who think they will be suddenly immortal if they roll a sorc, then they got wrecked every single time.

On the other hand the 2 PT specs I listed are so straightforward, they just cant be simplified more. You just need to press one button and the shiny buttons will show you which is the next one to press. You need to put effort in doing it WRONG, not right.

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Hi All


I've been a returning player for a while now but want to keep things casual..


So am looking for a PvP class that isn't terribly hard to play effectively and be an asset to a team.


Got exhumed on bodyguard and it just feels awful to heal in PvP. Maybe I need to l2p but it feels terrible.


Anyway, I have an Assassin or BH that I could spec into or re-roll a new char.


I want a simple class to play :)


Thanks for any help.


this is my opinion only but here is my opinion of easiest to hardest classes to play.


1. the easiest class to play is VG / PT whether its DPS or tank its a very forgiving experience. If I just want to enjoy PVP with out any frustration I hop on My VG tank and have some fun.


2. if you want good burst DPS or decent heals a merc / commando is the way to go. it takes some skill to keep mele at a distance but if you have the skill to kite players you can get some nice kill counts in Wz's. assuming you can kite well.


3. another easy class to play is mara knight / jug / sent takes little skill to play and good at countering ranges esp if they cant kite. only downside to the class is all of the slows make mele a painful / frustrating in WZs. if you get frustrated with CC / slows don't play this class.


3. OP / Scoundrel heals or DPS. this is ultra easy as a healer and good for "opening burst dps" but with CC / slows, as a dpser it can be frustrating. if you enjoy healing spam this class.


4. assin / shadow this class has some good "Opening burst dps" and some CC in wzs. as a tank they are really great for damage mitigation. they are hit or miss with some players and are either loved or loathed by those that rolled them.


5. hardest class to play "in my opinion" is sage / sorc. these classes have great burst dps and some utility options. in the hands of a skilled player they can put out some nice numbers. the only downside is they are essentially glass canons. they are mostly all cast dps so kiting and dpsing is chalanging with mele on your tail.


6. next on the challenging side is slinger / sniper. these burst dpsers are great for putting out great numbers but if there is a lot of mele on the opposing side you will be contently heckled slowing the rotations. some players love playing them and some hate the experience.


I hope this helps, this was of course just my opinion. :)

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Juggernauts are pretty derpsmash. Great damage and the best defensive cooldowns.

PTs have great damage but get globalled easy. Assassins take some skill to play but once you get good they can really do some damage. And marauders/snipers are prob the hardest but also provide the best burst in the game. Mercs are simple offensively but even more than Pts have defensive problems. Operatives are like sins, slightly easier offensively but it takes practice to get the cooldowns down, though not that long and can be very lethal. Sorcs are a good all around, simple to play, and a solid burst and dot spec along with fotm heals atm.


So I would recommend sorc or juggernaut.

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