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Super Serious Starfighter Saturday on The Harbinger, September 12th


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Thanks again for setting this up and getting so many people interested. It was great to see the strong attendance and lots of premades on both sides. I wasn't expecting to be there, but I'm glad I had the chance to fly.


Maybe a long time from now in an update far, far away, the devs might bestow upon us the ability to run a real, bracketed 8 v 8 tournament (or even 12 v 12) where we could directly organize matches.


Despite the technical limitations, SSN is a great showcase of what GSF is all about and the heights it can reach when you have tense, high stakes matches.



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I tried this out. Seems really badly written. The controls are insanely hard to use, and it feels like something designed by a 10 year old on a Commodore 64 the 80's. Should've tested it before blowing money on a ship, but que sera sera. The rest of the game makes up for what I feel is a poor element within it. :) I'm sure though that some people love this section of the game. I'm just not one of those some people.


I would strongly suggest testing this out though before doing what I did and buying a ship to see if you even like it.

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I think we need to put warnings in these topics, which go something like this:


Space will be swarming with aces. If you don't have a lot of experience flying and usually end up at the bottom of kill/medal charts most matches, this organized event is possibly the most brutal environment to learn by trial and error in-but a very good place to ask questions about how the game works.

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Maybe a long time from now in an update far, far away, the devs might bestow upon us the ability to run a real, bracketed 8 v 8 tournament (or even 12 v 12) where we could directly organize matches.


So. Much. This.


I had a good time too, but the matchmaking (as usual) left something to be desired. In /gsf imp side, there was a discussion about how wargames were basically being decided based on which side had the heavier "anchor" - that is, which team ended up with more innocent pugs. I was glad I got to go against Drak's group...not so glad it was largely just me & Georgewhite in those two TDMs (at least, from the SS crew...I think). I mean, I enjoy a challenge, and merely ending with more kills than deaths (in the first of those two games, at least) was a bit of a victory. But it definitely left me wanting a true organized/bracketed event. I think that would be pretty awesome.


Still, echoing Despon again: thanks to Drak for organizing, and it was great to see the level of interest/participation.

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Thanks for organizing this, Drak. We had a few games against other Super Serious teams, but mostly just the wargames. Most of our games against Imps were one-sided stomps, with a couple of exceptions. Still, games are always more interesting when there are a lot of people who know how things work all playing at the same time.


Looking forward to the next one.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Alright I got all of the games uploaded to Youtube today. :)




We got many games where there were 3 premades in the game with one side only have a some Solo players as there extras. We only got 1 game where it was actually 2 premades vs 2 premades.


Some people have suggested Queue syncing to me before for these nights but with the ridiculous amount of participation last night I just don't think it was possible. We also had many smaller groups of solo players combining to form 2 or 3 person groups which was really cool to see.


I have to say for participation this one was the biggest we've ever had. My mumble actually ran out of channels because there were 4 man teams in every single channel. Thank you so much to everyone who came to play last night and I hope everyone had a great time. :)

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