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Now about this whole "Summit" mission thing...


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Quest is yellow for me at level 32, and I was playing an Infiltration shadow at level 30 when I first tried it. Failed about 8 times. Leveled to 31, tried another 4 times. Leveled to 32, respecced to tank class, failed 2 times. I ragequitted pretty hard at the end, and wont be doing this quest for a while. I probably wont even bother playing this damn shadow for a few days either. But that doesn't mean I can't ask for some advice.


Bearing in mind that Master Sidonie Garen totally wrecks my gear each time, is this quest some sort of cruel joke? I know at least one response will say "DUHH, IT WAS EZ FOR ME!", and that's great. How did you succeed at this? My gear is pretty up-to-date, and I use a healing companion (unfortunately, I can't seem to get any guildmates or randoms to assist in the quest either).


Most I ever got her down was probably to 25%, but by then my health was way too low, and my patience finally ended in Alt+F4, and that was after I respecced to tank. And yeah, I was interrupting her heals and avoiding her force quake. Honestly, this is making everything I learned about the class seem trivial, and it's not like I suck at PVP or other PVE or anything, this boss just seems unreasonably difficult, worse than any flashpoint boss I've encountered by far and clearly worse than any player. She will be the first person in my storyline to die when I finally DO defeat her, regardless of me being pretty much "willing doormat" lightside.

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I have to admit just come to this quest myself... thought it was hard cause I was 28, barely scratched her lots going off she's very relentless in her attacks. Interupt stun her etc got her to 50% before I died. Thought I would leave it till latr or respec to tank etc.


Considering I was on Tat at 22 fighting mobs 5 level's above me inc strong etc and managing the quests fairly easily thought I knew my class well. But she's making me have second thoughts.


I do wonder if anyone has soloed her, or if we just having a buggy bad luck session.

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Yea man, you have to use your interrupts. Mind Snap should be your main, but in an emergency force stun works. Also, if you really run out of interrupts and have good timing you can use Force wave and that'll stop her until a proper interrupt comes up.



Alternatively if you're too lazy to do interrupts get someone to come along with you. I did that in the beta.

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She was a bear, I failed three times before I beat her. I used Qyzen to tank her and just interrupted her lots. I was about 30 when I did it. I warn you though, thats cake compared to Attis station... I beat Attis last night by killing a mob then vanishing, killing another mob then running away, then killing the last of that group to complete the objective. There are ALOT of groups at Attis station >.<
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I failed 3times before i finally finished her, as a kinetic shadow I used theran, after the first 2 tries i figured just to tank the chain project and interrupt her forcequake because it seems to hit me no matter how far away i run from the lttle target area. First try fighting normally and interrupting forcequake i got her down to 5% before i died then used a stim to give me a little health boost and it made a huge difference, finished her with ease(btw i finished this when i was level 30)
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Just like most people in this thread, it also took me 3 times to get her down.

I'm lvl 31, fully spec'd into tanking, and it is really not that hard, if you have Theran out with you.


Make sure you pot, use all your skills such as Deflection and Channel the force, SPECIALLY.. Channel the force.

Utilize all of your interrupts, with Force wave, Mind sap, and don't forget Theran's Holiday.

Don't start in stealth, or Theran will be in melee range, and get destroyed by the Earthquake, instead, let him open, and you run in.


PS. I killed her without Channel the Force, because it had another 15min cooldown on it left, so I can't imagine someone with it having trouble, if you do, you clearly aren't utilizing all of your skills.

Not being condescending, just stating the obvious.

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I managed to pull it off on my second try as a level 30 tank with theran healing.



Stun her once before blowing channel the force, interrupt her spells, make sure you keep kinetic barrier up, use your defensive cooldown and medpac early, in case they come off of cooldown later in the fight.


Also you can use holiday to interrupt her spells.



Use relics if you have them as well.

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So after a LOT of struggle with this fight, here's the rotation I developed to beat it. I am a Jedi Sage, healer spec. I used Qyzen to tank her and kept my distance. I casted the usual dps roatation of Project, Disturbance, and Throw in between healing Qyzen. Obviously she hits like a truck. So as she goes through her rotation, you need to interrupt. I started with mind snap, then went to Force Stun, and when those were on cooldown, I used force armor on Qyzen. This pretty much kept it so at least one was up no matter what. She will force lift him though, so either interrupt it or be ready to throw force armor on yourself. She has him lifted with enough time to force quake and project storm you but that's about it. Besides that, it's just a matter of keep Qyzen up and keep at least one interrupt/force armor ready at all times. For me, Qyzen died at the very end, so it became a game of pop all the cooldowns! And spam the dps rotation. Hope this helps. This fight is still a royal pain but it is possible.
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I had a really simple time with this as balance at 31. Kept the dots rolling, didn't stand in fire, interrupted casts and Theran healed. I think I chaneled the force at the end just to be safe.


It's really the first fight though that forces you to use ALL your tools, so I can imagine there was a learning curve for many.


Remember that lesson, you'll need it soon... ;)

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