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Everything posted by Dondarion

  1. *Warning rant incoming* I hate to say it but server merges and the community killer cross server LFG tool will not solve this problem. I have re-rolled on a very high pop server in EU and I still have problems getting groups for Heroics. Does not seem to matter what class you play people just don't seem that interested in doing them even though there's usually a minimum of 40 people on planets its a struggle to get enough. I'm not sure if it's that the game has attracted a lot of solo console type players or since I'm in the EU people who don't speak English as main language or at all. The end result is I've had to two man most of the H2's and H4's on all planets, makes the H4's drag a little so I would sooner go with a proper full group. The only solution I see is as a community we have to get over whatever issues we have with grouping, I know a lot don't because they have had more than one or two bad groups. Perhaps help out other players you see shouting even if you have already done the heroic 50 times today. Nothing Bioware can add in the form of a "tool" will solve this problem for good, we the community have to make more of an effort to help our fellow players and join in with the multi-player components of the game. *Rant over* Enjoy the game everyone!
  2. I generally like how crewskills etc work, but I don't see enough people selling mats on GTN if you have picked say slicing instead of scavenging for cybertech. Without another character doing scavenging your pretty stuck. Also times you just want extra mats, here is what I propose. I would like to see the option to place BUY orders on GTN, for example. I want to buy 40 laminoid, I'm willing to pay 100 each. people can then place their laminoid on GTN against that order and get their cash sooner. It would help to create demand for people, so those wanting to make money by selling mats would know what to farm. I think it would help boost the ingame economy a bit. If you like / dislike this idea please post your opinion.
  3. I have to admit just come to this quest myself... thought it was hard cause I was 28, barely scratched her lots going off she's very relentless in her attacks. Interupt stun her etc got her to 50% before I died. Thought I would leave it till latr or respec to tank etc. Considering I was on Tat at 22 fighting mobs 5 level's above me inc strong etc and managing the quests fairly easily thought I knew my class well. But she's making me have second thoughts. I do wonder if anyone has soloed her, or if we just having a buggy bad luck session.
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