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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Livestream Wrap-up


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I'm getting it from until about 5 minutes after I posted that, everything I'd ever seen from Bioware was that they will NOT be increasing the cap with the Expansion. Not everyone has seen every single thing said the very second Dulfy posts it or the very second it's said in a livestream or whatever. The fact that others are able to correct me, that's great, but you don't have to be an *** about it.


You're telling me that during the KOTFE information starve which just ended, you weren't checking dulfy.net which is pretty much the primary source of information sanctioned by BW? (Realize I'm not saying BW supports dulfy, but rather that the site stays away from "that information which may not be mentioned on the forums", with the single exception of the tentative conquest schedule).


IDK, man. Seems like a lost opportunity. If I were in that situation (which I was), I'd be looking in the best places to find new information (which I did).



PS: We've known about this livestream for a while, we've known which date it would be on, and Dulfy has posted summary notes for past streams so there's no reason to assume she wouldn't this time as well.


I'm not saying you ought to stay up to date on all relevant SWTOR information by default, but if you are going to make a specific point on a specific topic, you should be up to date on that topic before making said point.

Edited by idnewton
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You're telling me that during the KOTFE information starve which just ended, you weren't checking dulfy.net which is pretty much the primary source of information sanctioned by BW? (Realize I'm not saying BW supports dulfy, but rather that the site stays away from "that information which may not be mentioned on the forums", with the single exception of the tentative conquest schedule).


IDK, man. Seems like a lost opportunity. If I were in that situation (which I was), I'd be looking in the best places to find new information (which I did).



PS: We've known about this livestream for a while, we've known which date it would be on, and Dulfy has posted summary notes for past streams so there's no reason to assume she wouldn't this time as well.


I'm not saying you ought to stay up to date on all relevant SWTOR information by default, but if you are going to make a specific point on a specific topic, you should be up to date on that topic before making said point.


Would you like to charge me a $100 fine for not being 100% up to date on things said that contradict things said previously? I have been trying to avoid spoilers, which is why I have not kept 100% up to date on EVERYTHING, so I missed that one part. Would $1000 be a more appropriate fine? Seriously, you're being an ***

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The FAQ says something different :

15. What if I have already reached the maximum character limit for my server? Will I still be able to create a ‘Start at Level 60’ character?

Yes, as we will be raising the maximum limit to 40 characters per server. Each acquisition of a ‘Start at Level 60’ character will grant an additional free character slot.


40 characters / server sounds real good to me :tran_smile:


I noticed this information today (on the new AHQ). Now we have a definite number rather than the uncertain "40 to 50". Would I have preferred it to be 50 rather than 40? You bet. But I'm not complaining -- this is still GREAT. I, along with most people who were actively following as much as BW had said on the topic prior to KOTFE's character slot increase information, believed that we would be getting only two (raising it to 24. One free 60 and one optional purchasable one.), so as I said, this is still an awesome increase from what I (and others) thought it would be.

Edited by idnewton
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey folks!


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)




So, why can't i customize the new companions as this quote seems to allude to? Anyone?

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