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KoTFE Gameplay livestream Coverage


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We're not watching it for cartel coins, we're watching it for desperately needed information on the up-coming expansion. Stop being so thirsty. Everytime something happens mmo players are always asking for some sort of currency compensation. If you need cartel coins, feel free to buy them, earn them in game, or refer your friends.
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Like everyone has been saying, the chat spam was insane. Did anyone actually catch the cantina code by chance?


Not at all. I couldn't read anything. People need to seriously COOL IT in the chat. That thing was going so fast. That should be a video on youtube saying "welcome to the internet". That was only TWITCH :eek::eek:


But of course, overly dramatic people will spell the doom now :D

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I saw a message the someone won 450 cc's. Another post said 4 people lost out on cc's cause they didn't click on the follow link.


Some people would have known to follow the stream to win CCs, but with the chat going so fast, noone could read anyhthing.

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Kinda a bummer. Only people with Facebook accounts get free cc's. I don't subscribe to Facebook so nada for me.

You don't need Facebook to have a free Twitch account, do you? It's been ages since I made my Twitch account, but I don't sign in through FB or anything like that.

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