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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Saber wielder


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I have both a sorceror and a sage, and I've been thinking how disappointing it is that our saber is really little more than cosmetic. I'd like to see the saber become useful, even if it doesn't necessarily fit into the normal rotation.


I mean, lets face it. It's a Star Wars game, and EVERY Jedi or Sith in Star Wars has been seen using a saber, even if their main offense is the Force (eg. Yoda & Palpatine).


So, I thought I'd bring this up again (I first brought it up way back in the original beta testing), and see if we can come up with some ideas to make the saber skills more useful.


My first thought is to simply increase the damage. It should be about double what it is now. That alone would make it worthwhile without making it preferable to being at range.


A second option would be to have the attacks cause a buff/debuff effect. Using the Double Strike, for instance, might decrease the enemy's accuracy, making it a defensive attack. Using the other strike (the name eludes me) might give the player a buff to defense, also increasing melee survivability, but also ranged deflection.


A third option might be to let the saber attacks regenerate Force, perhaps based on how much damage is done with the attacks.


Of course, any combination of these might work too. As I say, the point here is simply to let us actually have some use for our sabers.


What say you, any other ideas? Remember to try to keep the ideas balanced.

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At one time I was on the "no saber attacks for you" bandwagon but since then my position has slightly changed. I would have to wonder how a ranged class would fare with having to use melee attacks as well. Of course, just because its not in your "end game raid type" rotations, that doesn't mean you can't use melee attacks to do the content with.


Having said that, we DO use the lightsaber. We use it to block attacks, deflect blaster shots, etc. We may not use it to do direct melee type moves, but we do use our lightsaber in combat. Next time in game, go find a low level MOB, send away your companion and start an attack but don't kill it. Watch how we use our lightsaber's then.

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Having Saber attacks regenerate Force is a FANTASTIC Idea... Lets do it!


Really? As long as you don't continually spam abilities outside your spec's main attacks, we don't have force management issues whatsoever.

I like the idea of buffing our current saber attack with some useful utility, but Bioware simply won't listen. A lot of people have been asking for something to do with our lightsaber (aside from just some parry animations) since launch but Bioware has been completely stubborn and unreceptive to the idea.

Edited by RAVM
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Really? As long as you don't continually spam abilities outside your spec's main attacks, we don't have force management issues whatsoever.

I like the idea of buffing our current saber attack with some useful utility, but Bioware simply won't listen. A lot of people have been asking for something to do with our lightsaber (aside from just some parry animations) since launch but Bioware has been completely stubborn and unreceptive to the idea.


What is retaining you from using strike and double strike on a mob ? Aren't they saber attacks ?

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What is retaining you from using strike and double strike on a mob ? Aren't they saber attacks ?


Nothing is stopping us using the attacks, they're just so weak that there are always better attacks to use. I'm just hoping to start some discussion, seeking a way to make them somewhat desirable to use. As it is, there's no reason to use them.

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Nothing is stopping us using the attacks, they're just so weak that there are always better attacks to use. I'm just hoping to start some discussion, seeking a way to make them somewhat desirable to use. As it is, there's no reason to use them.


Maybe because a sage is not a melee dps ? Have you though about that ? If you want to use your saber, maybe you should change class.

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Maybe because a sage is not a melee dps ? Have you though about that ? If you want to use your saber, maybe you should change class.


I'm not suggesting making the sage a melee class. I'm just saying these two skills, the saber skills, are essentially worthless. I'd be willing to bet most sorcerors and sages take them right off their skillbar. I'm only suggesting making them useful in some way.


Why? Because in Star Wars, even the sith and jedi whose focus was using the Force (eg. Yoda & Palpatine) were seen using their sabers, and very skilfully at that.


Is there some reason you don't want sages and sorcerors to have useful saber skills?

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Is there some reason you don't want sages and sorcerors to have useful saber skills?


Yes, because that's a stupid idea. A ranged DPS is supposed to be at range. Why would he/she go melee to hit with his lightsaber then run away once it's done ? You'll probably answer he/she will stay in melee. But, well, that's my point. That would make the sage/sorcerer a melee DPS and not a ranged DPS anymore.

I'm pretty sure, except you, all the sages/sorcerers would be pretty upset to have to be at melee range in order to use their saber strike which would be useful (ie part of the rotation).

And if you intend for those attacks to not be part of the rotation, what's the point ? That's a lot of work for just one person's enjoyement.

Just use it as is if you want to.

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I always thought it would be cool if the sorcerers and sages had an attack where they activated their lightsabers for a precision strike before letting them turn off again. It would certainly look cooler than the sad excuse for blaster bolt deflection going on currently where the alleged masters of the Force apparently prefer to just tank plasma with their faces unless fighting mobs 10 levels beneath their own.
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In my opinion they should give sages 2 new moves in 4.0 one of them being a rotational saber throw and the other being a new cool down maybe it grants like 30% defence for 10 seconds with a minute 30 CD, but when you did defend something there could be a animation that reflects the damage, even if it just deflected it, doesn't have to go to boss or anything, but that's my opinion...
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Yes, because that's a stupid idea. A ranged DPS is supposed to be at range. Why would he/she go melee to hit with his lightsaber then run away once it's done ? You'll probably answer he/she will stay in melee. But, well, that's my point. That would make the sage/sorcerer a melee DPS and not a ranged DPS anymore.

I'm pretty sure, except you, all the sages/sorcerers would be pretty upset to have to be at melee range in order to use their saber strike which would be useful (ie part of the rotation).

And if you intend for those attacks to not be part of the rotation, what's the point ? That's a lot of work for just one person's enjoyement.

Just use it as is if you want to.


I'm not following your reasoning. They're a ranged dps class? Then why can I still use my ranged skills in melee range? I don't generally GO to melee range, but enemies often come to me. Why can't I have a decent saber attack to mix in for those situations? If I move to retreat from the melee attacker, I reduce my dps because my heavy hitters require me to stop moving, which allows the melee foe to get close again.


I can't imagine sages being upset to have to be at melee range to use their saber strikes, since they ALREADY have to be at melee range to use their saber strikes. All I am saying is that at those times when saber attacks would be appropriate, there is currently no reason to use them, there are always better "ranged" attacks to use at melee range than the melee attacks. I just think it would be nice if the saber attacks were allowed to be useful when the sage IS in melee, rather than just using Project or whatnot.


It's just more in keeping with what we see in the movies, and it would add a little variety to the sage's gameplay.

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In my opinion they should give sages 2 new moves in 4.0 one of them being a rotational saber throw and the other being a new cool down maybe it grants like 30% defence for 10 seconds with a minute 30 CD, but when you did defend something there could be a animation that reflects the damage, even if it just deflected it, doesn't have to go to boss or anything, but that's my opinion...


I've often thought the force shields should have been done this way, instead of glowing globes surrounding the character. It would be more like in the movies.


However, it wouldn't be something you could use on others in that case, and we need that ability.

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I like the idea of a Saber Deflect as a self-only damage mitigator. It could be a more visually impressive replacement for the self-only bubble that Sages and Sorcerers get in their 50s. Keep the channeled activation to reflect that the character is focused on defense at that moment, but let it be channeled while moving - either via a Heroic Discipline, or by default. Edited by Allegos
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While the idea of "let's make sabers useful" is quite harmless in vacuum, it will quickly turn into cancer the moment it's implemented. Not to insult anybody, but your random pug teammate is always a dumb***. Those dumb***es already spam overload on cooldown like it's their most powerful AOE. Just imagine what would happen if they get to use lightsabers. Hell, even their current state doesn't stop such people.
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I'm not following your reasoning. They're a ranged dps class? Then why can I still use my ranged skills in melee range? I don't generally GO to melee range, but enemies often come to me. Why can't I have a decent saber attack to mix in for those situations? If I move to retreat from the melee attacker, I reduce my dps because my heavy hitters require me to stop moving, which allows the melee foe to get close again.


I can't imagine sages being upset to have to be at melee range to use their saber strikes, since they ALREADY have to be at melee range to use their saber strikes. All I am saying is that at those times when saber attacks would be appropriate, there is currently no reason to use them, there are always better "ranged" attacks to use at melee range than the melee attacks. I just think it would be nice if the saber attacks were allowed to be useful when the sage IS in melee, rather than just using Project or whatnot.


It's just more in keeping with what we see in the movies, and it would add a little variety to the sage's gameplay.


Well...you obviously play with bad tanks. I'm sorry for you :/

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You obviously don't do any PVP if you're never in melee range.


I pvp a bit with my sage, but as a healer, I don't really care to hit things. And as I said, in a raid environnement, you don't need to use you saber as a sage. Maybe it'd be a nice thing to add for pvpers, but 1st of all, it would be too much of an effort (and since bioware don't even fix what's broken, they probably won't bother) and 2nd, in the spirit of the game, sages are ranged dps and should not be at melee range and so don't need melee attack.

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I don't pvp, but I also don't group much, so my tank is usually Qyzen (or Khem). Either way, I'm not suggesting making the saber attacks PREFERABLE to any other attacks, just AS USEFUL. It might be as simple as a slight damage buff. It might be the addition of some other mechanic, possibly something to improve defenses. I've offered some ideas, and I don't think any of them are extreme or unbalancing.
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I don't pvp, but I also don't group much, so my tank is usually Qyzen (or Khem). Either way, I'm not suggesting making the saber attacks PREFERABLE to any other attacks, just AS USEFUL. It might be as simple as a slight damage buff. It might be the addition of some other mechanic, possibly something to improve defenses. I've offered some ideas, and I don't think any of them are extreme or unbalancing.


BW doesn't even fix what's broken, why would they do that just for your enjoyement ?! And as I stated, sages are ranged dps and should not be in position to use their lightsaber. If it was the case, it would be contradictory to the very concept of ranged dps and thus it's useless to buff the basic lightsaber attack (and as someone who main an infiltration shadow, I can assure you that the 10% miss chance on saber strike really hurts your feeling)

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LoL, if you ranged types want to come and join the hard life of a melee DPS, you're welcome to as far as I'm concerned.


Just be careful what you wish for. After a lifetime spent hiding at the back of the Ops group, are you sure you're up to going face-to-face* with the big bad guys? Not everyone is cut out for it. ;)







*Or more likely face-to-backside if things are going well. Ah, the Eyeless and his big bare buttocks. What a lovely prospect that is.

Edited by PLynkes
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BW doesn't even fix what's broken, why would they do that just for your enjoyement ?! And as I stated, sages are ranged dps and should not be in position to use their lightsaber. If it was the case, it would be contradictory to the very concept of ranged dps and thus it's useless to buff the basic lightsaber attack (and as someone who main an infiltration shadow, I can assure you that the 10% miss chance on saber strike really hurts your feeling)


Low slash wants a word with you.


And all that people want when they speak about a saber attack is using their saber for an attack.


For example sever force could have a single blade lightsaber animation similar low slash one (in fact low slash animation is perfect for sever force as I can't see how hitting someone on the knees will mezz them instead of rooting). All would be happy.

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BW doesn't even fix what's broken, why would they do that just for your enjoyement ?! And as I stated, sages are ranged dps and should not be in position to use their lightsaber. If it was the case, it would be contradictory to the very concept of ranged dps and thus it's useless to buff the basic lightsaber attack (and as someone who main an infiltration shadow, I can assure you that the 10% miss chance on saber strike really hurts your feeling)


See, my concept isn't that my character is a "ranged dps," my concept is that he's a JEDI in a STAR WARS game. In Star Wars, ALL Jedi and Sith we've seen are very capable melee combatants. They ALL use their sabers effectively. I'm not saying Sages shouldn't be doing primarily ranged damage. They should. However, they should also be capable of using their saber when needed, because that's how it is in Star Wars.

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