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Canon? Non-Canon?


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Phew, I thought it would be one of those topics that have been discussed zillion times but fortunately it's not.


This thread would suit better in SW Discussion, not in General Discussion (about SWTOR). That is why I got a wrong impression.

Edited by PavSalco
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This whole canon debate or discussion or whatever it is has as little to do with the Old Republic time period as the recent issue by Microsoft of Windows 10 have to do with a clay tablet written on in the courts of Nebuchadnezzar. Not every fantasy setting needs a coherent Tolkien-esque timeline going back millions of years.


Placing the Old Republic 4,000 years before 'canon' is an obvious means to present a setting with Star Wars verisimilitude with family names of known characters, planets, races, and technology with the benefit of it having absolutely no effect on the movies, books, and TV shows, they could have just as easily placed it 1000 years after with the same effect.

Edited by Monumenta
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It's not that difficult... The movies, the Clone Wars cartoon, and everything that Disney (and their subsidiaries, like Marvel) has made or approved since buying the property.


That shouldn't require a detailed chart.

Edited by Mithros
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It's not that difficult... The movies, the Clone Wars cartoon, and everything that Disney (and their subsidiaries, like Marvel) has made or approved since buying the property.


That shouldn't require a detailed chart.

You would think...but some people don't seem to quite understand this, which makes the chart beneficial to refer them to.

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Who cares? It has no impact on your game play.
I was gonna jump on you (because what is and isn't canon has been made painfully clear by the story group,) but that's a pretty dang cool graphic. You may continue posting. :cool:


Well my thoughts too, but I've seen a lot get all up in arms over it. lol So just thought I'd share.

HAHA well I had no idea. Just was something that popped up on one of the Pinterest boards I follow. lol


It's not that difficult... The movies, the Clone Wars cartoon, and everything that Disney (and their subsidiaries, like Marvel) has made or approved since buying the property.

That shouldn't require a detailed chart.


I wouldn't know, because I for one do not care. lol It's Star Wars, a fictional creation by one man that people have fan fictioned & went on with. *shrug* It doesn't affect my personal fun of Star Wars the movies or the game.


Oooh...good find Capt!

:p thanks mate.

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It's interesting that ideally as it stands now ( for me personally anyway ) the expanded universe that has it's own continuity ( well at least it did ) and canon so to speak and it is actual far superior in content and story to what is now considered canon. That is both old republic and new republic times as well.


The games/novels etc. for me tell a far better story and are far more interesting than the stuff left on the list that is canon.


One would really hope these new movies lift the game since these canon changes were ideally made solely to accomodate the movies and if the story there ends up sucking they will be left with an inferior canon product ( as it is now ) to what they decided to call "legends" and say isn't canon.


It's almost more of a gamble than some people think KoTFE is. :D

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I've always been fine with spinning the old EU off into a separate "Legends" continuity from the timeline that the new movies will be following - it was the only reasonable choice to make if they wanted to do sequel movies IMO, and of course they should put out books, comics, and games that reference and follow that new timeline.


My only complaint is that, other than SWTOR, they have discontinued all products set in that Legends continuity. While I haven't disliked any of the new Canon works, I still prefer Legends at this point and wish there were more stories being told in that 'universe' as well.

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I've always been fine with spinning the old EU off into a separate "Legends" continuity from the timeline that the new movies will be following - it was the only reasonable choice to make if they wanted to do sequel movies IMO, and of course they should put out books, comics, and games that reference and follow that new timeline.


My only complaint is that, other than SWTOR, they have discontinued all products set in that Legends continuity. While I haven't disliked any of the new Canon works, I still prefer Legends at this point and wish there were more stories being told in that 'universe' as well.


I do agree with this but I do find some irony in them expecting there new product to be the superior product/story etc. and thus moved the existing content to 'legends' when it might tun out the stuff that is now legends and non canon turns out to be the superior content ( it is so far ).


I believe they didn't have to make it all non canon. They could have gone beyond the current EU timeline in terms of the existing characters from the OT and made the cade skywalker stuff legend to do something new. This also leaves them the chance to revisit the EU stories in future prequels.


Also they could have just made the EU books into movies and perhaps changed the canon of events as we know it to condense it somewhat or make it more "action packed". I would be fine with this depending on how they did it.


People could say there would be spoilers etc. and too much risk but seriously ... look at the harry potter series, lord of the rings, the hobbit hell even Titanic, which is the 4th all time highest selling movie ( adjusted for inflation ) - all these movies had spoilers as we already knew what would happen if we read them first and they are cash cows so I don't see why the next movies had to go along a new storyline.


If the new storyline ends up sucking it will be a true shame knowing what they missed out on based on what was already written.

Who knows - if it doesn't get good reviews it will cause the next movies to perform less than expected so we might even see a "legends" movie series down the track heh.

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Side note: had LucasArts/Disney really said that they entire Clone Wars show took place in one year? Just given how much Ahsoka grew up over the course of the series that seems... odd.


The Clone Wars animated episodes took place over 1.5 to 2 years. That was in place well before Disney.


The "new canon graphic timeline" indicates that the Clone Wars as a whole were going on from 22 BBY to 20 BBY. The graphic on the timeline shows a little dotted line to indicate that point. If you look a bit further down on their graphic, "Rebels" uses the exact same dotted line to indicate a multi-year duration.


This pretty much matches the long established timeline (well before Disney) of the Clone Wars taking place over a total of three years.

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The Clone Wars animated episodes took place over 1.5 to 2 years. That was in place well before Disney.


The "new canon graphic timeline" indicates that the Clone Wars as a whole were going on from 22 BBY to 20 BBY. The graphic on the timeline shows a little dotted line to indicate that point. If you look a bit further down on their graphic, "Rebels" uses the exact same dotted line to indicate a multi-year duration.


This pretty much matches the long established timeline (well before Disney) of the Clone Wars taking place over a total of three years.

Gotcha, that makes a lot more sense. Didn't notice the dotted line thing - thanks :D

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