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What happened to original Kotor Companions? Or Kotor Companions period?


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Hey everyone, I'm not sure If i've maybe missed something, but what happened to Bastilla Shan, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, and Jolee Bindo. Including Kotor 2 Companions because I can't seem to find mention of what happened to them after the games.


Bastila - Raised her baby as a single motehr while still a prominent member of the order, soon allowing her personality to be added to the Noetacons for the Jedi Counsilar to find centuries later.


Juhani - Uknown


Zaalbar and Mission - Revan mentions in the book that they started a successful business, though it wasn't said what the business was.


Carth - Lived out his days defending the republic and ''Following Revan's orders'', rumoured to finally die on Tatooine.


T3 - Destroyed by Lord Scourge when facing the Emperor


Jolee - Disappeared.


HK-47 - Reactivated to serve Revan, then Malgus...Then Revan again.

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Hey everyone, I'm not sure If i've maybe missed something, but what happened to Bastilla Shan, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, and Jolee Bindo. Including Kotor 2 Companions because I can't seem to find mention of what happened to them after the games.


Keep in mind that TOR is set more than three hundred years after KOTOR 1/2. Not everyone is remembered.

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Hey everyone, I'm not sure If i've maybe missed something, but what happened to Bastilla Shan, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, and Jolee Bindo. Including Kotor 2 Companions because I can't seem to find mention of what happened to them after the games.




>Bastila Shan

She and Revan married and had a son named Vaner. Apparently she died from old age, since 300 years before TOR are described as peaceful.



Uknown at this pont and most likely won't be


>Zaalbar and Mission Vao

They are mentioned in Drew Karpyshyn's "Revan" novel to have started a business venture together. Zaalbar might actually still be alive due to Wookies' long lifespan, but we don't know for sure


>Carth Onasi

Apparently, he continued to serve as the Admiral of the Republic navy while strenghtening the Republic from withing as he was asked by Revan before the latter ventured into Unknown Regions



Gets destroyed by Emperor Vitiate's Force Lightning in "Revan". Rest in pieces.


>Jolee Bindo

Same as Juhani.


>Canderous Ordo

In the end of Smuggler's Chapter II you bump into the item called "Canderous Ordo's skull". Who knows, perhaps he was killed in battle or a duel sometime after "Revan"




Her death was predicted by Kreia in the end of KotORII.







Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Thanks this helped, but Jolee and Juhani ???


There seems to be nothing about Juhani after the game. And as I said beforem Jolee was repoted to have just dissappeared, with his clothin being sold during Kotor 2


Also, I'm pretty sure Revan and Bastila's son was called Jason, or at least somthing starting with a J. Thoguh it has been a while since I've read the book.


And to correct myself, it was old empy who killed our droid.

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The only two we don't know about are Juhani and Jolee Bindo.


Jolee probably left in the middle of the night one day and retired to another remote location where he could live the rest of his years in peace. Probably on a tropical island, I'm guessing.


Juhani likely got herself killed somehow- Revan was the only person who could help her stay calm and focused, and I suspect without Revan her aggressive tendencies got the best of her.


They didn't say how they died, but Carth probably lived to a ripe old age before passing, and given Canderous Ordo's background (THE Mandalore, plus being even more battle thirsty than average for a Mandalorian), he likely died in battle somewhere.

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The only two we don't know about are Juhani and Jolee Bindo.


Jolee probably left in the middle of the night one day and retired to another remote location where he could live the rest of his years in peace. Probably on a tropical island, I'm guessing.


Juhani likely got herself killed somehow- Revan was the only person who could help her stay calm and focused, and I suspect without Revan her aggressive tendencies got the best of her.


They didn't say how they died, but Carth probably lived to a ripe old age before passing, and given Canderous Ordo's background (THE Mandalore, plus being even more battle thirsty than average for a Mandalorian), he likely died in battle somewhere.


Jolee just disappeared off the radar. Gone. And apparently sold all of his clothes too.

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