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New to Solo-Ranked, should I continue?


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So I finally gave in last night after seeing all the messages about fleet "queue solo" and "solo ranked popping". I've never done solo ranked once on an alt; however I do have the full 168 gear with augments on my Guardian Tank. So I queue up AND... wait. Yes I waited. Fifteen minute wait pop 1, twenty-two minute wait pop 2, another 15 minute wait pop 3.


My first match was pub v imp. We got wrecked. Embarrassingly rekted. I did everything I should (I think) in the match as a tank. I used guard, leaped, absorbed, etc etc. Our shadow however got torn down within seconds. This is where I got my first taste of the toxicity of solo ranked. Our "healer" went absolutely bat-**** crazy on us. Claimed the first loss was on our shadow after a slew of profanity. In Match two I survived a bit longer (I was second to last to die with our healer being last). The opposing team was on their game. They took down our two dps immediately, then shredded me, then our healer. In that order both games. I got my first loss but once more the healer went off on the two dps and I claiming he did more damage while healing and probably could have protected better. Stats said differently. You know what though? I thought this was only one match. There is no one I will have someone like this in every game. WRONG.


Match Two and Three were against the same Republic Team (I believe they were a group (?) which consisted of dps vanguard, tank vanguard, shadow, and sage healer). In game one we lost with our opponents focusing me first in both matches and getting me down. Our sage dps got even more salty than the healer sage from match one and cussed me up one wall and down another. Keep in mind I tried everything from stuns, interrupts, enraged defense... everything to survive but they simply shredded me apart.


Like I said Match Three was against the same Republic Team as Match two and they had the same strategy. This time a gunslinger started tearing apart our healer in chat for "not keeping us alive" and "costing us the game" against "nubs". When we lost match two this same gunslinger went onto /say and proceeded to trash us to the opposing team.


I realized after this that being 0-3 in my first three ranked matches does suck but its not the end of the world. I need to improve, I admit that. What truly upset me was the conduct of players on my teams in ranked. Yes we've all seen people go off in regs of every tier. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its eye-raising but ranked is something different all together. Its very pointed and very personally aimed at other players. I wanted to see if I could be any good in ranked. My conclusion is no and for this reason: After just three matches I was left with a sour taste I just cant shake. I thought I was prepared for the anger, rage, and contempt of some players in pvp but regs has absolutely nothing on Ranked. I wanted to save some tokens to be able to get at least a small cheap pvp item just so I can say I have it.


After just three ranked matches I can say I feel it is not worth it. I don't have friends in this game which is why I queued solo (groups are out of the question for now for me), I also don't like harassment. Should I try and keep going and playing? Perhaps see what my rating is if I managed to hit 0-10? Or should I say f*** this tier of pvp and just stay in regs?


I guess a more important question is why do people get so bloody angry in Ranked? Is it simply due to ratings? If so why are they queuing solo and not as a group if worried about their rating?

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Heres my take on Solo Ranked , it means eh, BUT if you have like 100+ wins and a **** rating like below 1200 , Maybe its You and not the team. Law of averages. You can't say , I played like 300 games but Im 1k rated because my team is bad. Dude You have played enough games . You probably just suck. Unless you are qued on Harbinger Pubside, Where every baddie congregates.


I have 600+ wins and 1100 games played . My rating is okish .


I've climbed out of the 1100 ******* bracket this season .


On my 2nd mara , less than 10 games played and Im top 50 marauder/sentinel at the time of this post.


Before you que for solo ranked .


Have you?



Know what you are doing.

If you are a DPS , Don't have ADHD .

If you are a tank Know how to guardswap.

If you are a Healer Know how to Kite and LOS.

Keybind Everything.

Use your auxiliary skills at the right time and right situations. (Example , Obfuscate the right targets , Hardstuns , Mezzes , Sorc/Sage Pulls , Etc.)


If you are a Sorc Healer Learn to Vara , Otherwise Pls don't even bother queing.



Some Random'Marauder

Edited by tunnelhottie
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Heres my take on Solo Ranked , it means eh, BUT if you have like 100+ wins and a **** rating like below 1200 , Maybe its You and not the team. Law of averages. You can't say , I played like 300 games but Im 1k rated because my team is bad. Dude You have played enough games . You probably just suck. Unless you are qued on Harbinger Pubside, Where every baddie congregates.


I have 600+ wins and 1100 games played . My rating is okish .


I've climbed out of the 1100 ******* bracket this season .


On my 2nd mara , less than 10 games played and Im top 50 marauder/sentinel at the time of this post.


Before you que for solo ranked .


Have you?



Know what you are doing.

If you are a DPS , Don't have ADHD .

If you are a tank Know how to guardswap.

If you are a Healer Know how to Kite and LOS.

Keybind Everything.

Use your auxiliary skills at the right time and right situations. (Example , Obfuscate the right targets , Hardstuns , Mezzes , Sorc/Sage Pulls , Etc.)


If you are a Sorc Healer Learn to Vara , Otherwise Pls don't even bother queing.



Some Random'Marauder



I guess... Thanks for the reply? "Dude youve played plenty of games..." I have actually only played three games with three different teams. As for your checklist below: no to min/max simply because Im in the process of acquiring dark reaver for my Guardian Tank (farming comms on alts and such), yes to know what I am doing. Guard swap only works when your team stays in range or you can get back into range after a pull, cc, stun for guard to start doing its job. Ive tried keybinding and doesnt work for me. I do better on my tank with clicking / minimal keybinding.


My concern isnt my wins and losses. You can lose a good match and still feel good after the loss. Its the toxicity of the environment. My question, I guess, is why are some people so passionate about ranked that they go off like fireworks on the fourth of july and no not in the fun way.

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In the current meta Unless you are EXCEPTIONAL , Juggernaut/Guardian Tanks are Meh. There is a good reason as of this very moment PT tanks are 2k-2.4k rated and Juggernauts do not break 2k rating.


Powerteches do way more damage with their cleave and deal with tank tunnel slightly better than Juggernauts.


Honestly with the amount of sorcs/sages in que , you are going to get tank tunnelled at least 70% of the time. If you can't deal with that and are not smart about it you will lose.


Keybind . It helps , Your situational awareness will be greatly improved.


Its Solo que , if you **** up or make a mistake , Expect to get **** talked . Its what most people do.


Just judging by your post , I really don't think you have a clue what you are doing , this is just my intuition , I could be wrong , either way im not on Ebon Hawk unless I move my sentinel there so it doesn't affect me. If you play another 20 games and if each time your teammates complains about you , its probably you.

Edited by tunnelhottie
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You used guard, but did you guard swap?




Read above , he claims to do so , the question is whether its on the right target and the speed. Either ways He should probably clean things up and try a few games , if he fails miserably he can practice in regs till hes comfortable.

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Yes. However my opposing team was prepped for that for the most part. I would get pulled and ccd. When i would manage to get free, I would typically guard the person getting focused HOWEVER the moment I was free i already had one or two opponents on me tearing me down. My healers in the three matches couldnt match their dps output. Like i said, i did everything i thought I could. I used my cc, stuns, ect. I used guardswap. However my opponents were on their game. They knew to take down a tank first upon me free of anything.
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Yes. However my opposing team was prepped for that for the most part. I would get pulled and ccd. When i would manage to get free, I would typically guard the person getting focused HOWEVER the moment I was free i already had one or two opponents on me tearing me down. My healers in the three matches couldnt match their dps output. Like i said, i did everything i thought I could. I used my cc, stuns, ect. I used guardswap. However my opponents were on their game. They knew to take down a tank first upon me free of anything.


We can debate about this all night , if you can record 3 matches using shadowplay/fraps/whatever , upload it , I'll do you the favor and watch it . Hopefully people who spec into tank can chime in.


Its rather useless talking about things we can only assume. I'd rather see you action and decide.

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I like how this thread is asking about toxicity in the PvP community, and the only responses so far have been regarding how the OP probably sucks at the game and that's why the experience was bad.




Read the above post . Are you secretly blind mate?


We can only speculate if we don't see him in action.


This thread is not asking about the toxicity in the PvP community it merely addresses it as an issue , the Question is still a newbie asking if he should continue to que ranked.


I've provided an adequate answer.

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Read the above post . Are you secretly blind mate?


We can only speculate if we don't see him in action.


This thread is not asking about the toxicity in the PvP community it merely addresses it as an issue , the Question is still a newbie asking if he should continue to que ranked.


I've provided an adequate answer.


Direct quotes from the OP:


After just three matches I was left with a sour taste I just cant shake. I thought I was prepared for the anger, rage, and contempt of some players in pvp but regs has absolutely nothing on Ranked.


After just three ranked matches I can say I feel it is not worth it. I don't have friends in this game which is why I queued solo (groups are out of the question for now for me), I also don't like harassment.


I guess a more important question is why do people get so bloody angry in Ranked? Is it simply due to ratings? If so why are they queuing solo and not as a group if worried about their rating?


My concern isnt my wins and losses. You can lose a good match and still feel good after the loss. Its the toxicity of the environment. My question, I guess, is why are some people so passionate about ranked that they go off like fireworks on the fourth of july and no not in the fun way.
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Read above , he claims to do so , the question is whether its on the right target and the speed. Either ways He should probably clean things up and try a few games , if he fails miserably he can practice in regs till hes comfortable.


you already show the attitude of whats he's complaining about :o


especially your next one where you ask whether he's secretly blind or so... exactly the attitude op's complaining about. Why not pretend you don't know the other guy, the other one is doing his/her best and try to help improve.... you're only as strong as your weakest link.

Edited by Iryel
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you already show the attitude of whats he's complaining about :o


especially your next one where you ask whether he's secretly blind or so... exactly the attitude op's complaining about. Why not pretend you don't know the other guy, the other one is doing his/her best and try to help improve.... you're only as strong as your weakest link.


People who have ADHD or can't read , lose games , just a fact.


Displaying such skills in a forum setting where a person has all the time in the world to read the previous post before commenting and without looking like a fool is on onus person replying.


Welcome to Solo ranked by the way .


Seriously if you are suprised about people being an *** when you done goofed. Do regs . Solo Ranked is going to be toxic , People will vent their rage on their team . 1k rated players will think they are carrying the team. People will get globalled and leave the game. If you aren't ready for that . Move on.

Edited by tunnelhottie
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Leave it. The people are there totally elitist and at the same time absolutely whiny. The would prefer a rank 100 presuppose and cry at the same time that never comes up a game. From such people we better keep distance. :D
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Leave it. The people are there totally elitist and at the same time absolutely whiny. The would prefer a rank 100 presuppose and cry at the same time that never comes up a game. From such people we better keep distance. :D


To be honest I'd rather face highly rated players , If I lose I lose 7 , If I win I get 15-17.


Lots of sass for someone that hasn't played a single ranked game this season.

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Thats the problem. Instead of saying "i done goofed" its always that ONE SINGLE person who screams at me, the team, or another person about how much we suck and we're the reason they lost (keep in mind the person ranting never admits to having done anything wrong) Why not just explain what we did wrong via op chat, via whisper, ect? Is that too hard? For example. Lets say I fudge up a guard situation (i.e. I switch to wrong target at the wrong time) why not explain something I might have missed instead of ranting, threatening, scolding, ect? Keep in mind its always that one person whom seems so easily set off. Is this part of the reason the ranked doesnt pop frequently? The toxicity and people not wanting to deal with it?


On a side note I apologize im not able to record on my current computer.

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Thats the problem. Instead of saying "i done goofed" its always that ONE SINGLE person who screams at me, the team, or another person about how much we suck and we're the reason they lost (keep in mind the person ranting never admits to having done anything wrong) Why not just explain what we did wrong via op chat, via whisper, ect? Is that too hard? For example. Lets say I fudge up a guard situation (i.e. I switch to wrong target at the wrong time) why not explain something I might have missed instead of ranting, threatening, scolding, ect? Keep in mind its always that one person whom seems so easily set off. Is this part of the reason the ranked doesnt pop frequently? The toxicity and people not wanting to deal with it?


On a side note I apologize im not able to record on my current computer.


Its toxic , Ranked pops for 14-16hrs on harbinger and starts in 6hrs from the time of this post.


Everyone has bad streaks , people get easily mad , want to be competitive . Its the nature of the game.


People take it slightly more seriously then regs . In regs you can run on your merc , get globalled and people will be like , meh whatever.


In ranked , if you get globalled . GG for the most part.


solo ranked is really not a good "store window" of PvP in this game, i advice you to do wz and have more fun.


The only reason I do Solo ranked is


1. I like Arenas


2. Regs are boring , just my opinion. You can run solo on a marauder , if the other team has healers and yours doesn't , you are screwed . Run with a healer , easy mode . ROFLStomp everyone.

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Aiza, if you are tank-tunneled, do not queue for now. Arenas are a very fast-paced, skill intense environment, and a lot of folks played it for years now. Take your time to gear up, augment with fortitude, and wait till the next off-season if you feel you are doing fantastic in regs. Try visiting the servers where the regs are brutal, like the Harbinger.


Learn the names of the best players in the game, and if you could win regs or at least tie when you vs them in regs, and put out comparable numbers in protection... well, then you can play ranked with them.


If you look at your scoreboard in the regs, and you have never seen a higher than average protection, chances are you are not completely aware of your team and the DPS strategy of the opponents. Ask yourself, if you always know who is the strongest DPS on their team from whom they all take focus. Is it your focus target and you follow it with the guard? Do you at all times know where your healer is and if the toon's status. Are you always within 15 m of your guardee? Do you take the guard off when it's useless?


If you have a few friends who are okay losing and you just want to learn or grind out the tokens, try queuing at the same time they do, so you have a chance of playing together. That does not guarantee being placed with your friends, but at least sometimes you will be with people who do not hate you on sight.


All and all, if your experience is not overall positive, I think that's the main indicator that ranked is not for you (yet). Honestly, if you are not off to a good start and you are unsure about what is going wrong, chances are magic's not going to happen. In regs, odd and random things happen, in ranked, well, things happen for a reason.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I've never done solo ranked once on an alt; however I do have the full 168 gear with augments on my Guardian Tank.


How has no one addressed this yet?!

OP to adequately survive long enough you NEED a complete set of Dark Reaver gear (174)! Augment that then min/max it!

After that its trial and error. You will have to eat a bad rating for awhile or whole season getting used to it.

Just ignore the hate. Take the advice if offered & improve. Guides, youtube videos, other guardian/juggernaught tanks advice. Go from that.

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Heres my take on Solo Ranked , it means eh, BUT if you have like 100+ wins and a **** rating like below 1200 , Maybe its You and not the team. Law of averages. You can't say , I played like 300 games but Im 1k rated because my team is bad. Dude You have played enough games . You probably just suck. Unless you are qued on Harbinger Pubside, Where every baddie congregates.


I have 600+ wins and 1100 games played . My rating is okish .


I've climbed out of the 1100 ******* bracket this season .


On my 2nd mara , less than 10 games played and Im top 50 marauder/sentinel at the time of this post.


Before you que for solo ranked .


Have you?



Know what you are doing.

If you are a DPS , Don't have ADHD .

If you are a tank Know how to guardswap.

If you are a Healer Know how to Kite and LOS.

Keybind Everything.

Use your auxiliary skills at the right time and right situations. (Example , Obfuscate the right targets , Hardstuns , Mezzes , Sorc/Sage Pulls , Etc.)


If you are a Sorc Healer Learn to Vara , Otherwise Pls don't even bother queing.



Some Random'Marauder


This is exactly the type of childish attitude that people hate aboit ranked players.

Did you even read op's post? He said he played 3 games and yet you start out your post blabbering about rating and how he is a bad. You dont even get a rating after 3 games.


Ranked really does blow right now if you are a guardian/jugg. I hope 4.0 is more balanced

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I would wait until you get full Min/Max Dark Reaver gear for your chosen class. In previous season it was acceptable to have full Exhumed Augged or Partial Dark Reaver, but now with cheaper Ranked Gear, it's nearly imperitive to have Full Min/Max Augged Dark Reaver gear. My Operative (A pretty good PvP class) has like 950 Rating because A. ******* teammates, and B. Getting eaten by people with more HP and overall damage. Even with Lethality's Self Healing, i'd get eaten by Tactics Vanguards and TK/Balance Sages because of their overall higher damage due to being Min/Maxed Augged DR gear.
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How has no one addressed this yet?!

OP to adequately survive long enough you NEED a complete set of Dark Reaver gear (174)! Augment that then min/max it!

After that its trial and error. You will have to eat a bad rating for awhile or whole season getting used to it.

Just ignore the hate. Take the advice if offered & improve. Guides, youtube videos, other guardian/juggernaught tanks advice. Go from that.


Actually, I was about to and you beat me to it. But I agree with you, I wondered too how it could go a page and nobody commented on it. It jumped right out at me. The gear level of the OP should have been the very first thing somebody who plays rank should have commented on.

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