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Critique my PvE rotation


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What would you do/should be done differently? I've pvp'd on my sorc for well over a year but am just getting into PvE. Gear is mostly 186 with the 2-piece 192 set bonus (no other set bonuses or 192 gear to my knowledge). Fairly high crit though. Doing just shy of 4k dps on the dummy.




here take a look at my rotation and see our differences, also whats your gear distribution


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Basically whatever I could scrap together in one day, heh. Lots of crit and power augments - stuff I had in my inventories, basically. The vast majority is still 186 gear, and for set bonuses I only have the 2-piece 192. Based on your average times, crits, etc. I take it you're stacking alacrity?


Edit: I'm parsing right around 4k (an average of 100-150 dps more than usual) after taking a look at your rotation. It seems that refreshing the dots a second or two early isn't a bad thing, as your rotation focuses more on maintaining uptime on the three heavy hitters (FL, DF, Demolish). The difference between the two rotations would probably be even greater if I had less crit and more power, since my heavy hitters would be hitting even harder and I'd be squeezing more of them into the parse.



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Basically whatever I could scrap together in one day, heh. Lots of crit and power augments - stuff I had in my inventories, basically. The vast majority is still 186 gear, and for set bonuses I only have the 2-piece 192. Based on your average times, crits, etc. I take it you're stacking alacrity?


Edit: I'm parsing right around 4k (an average of 100-150 dps more than usual) after taking a look at your rotation. It seems that refreshing the dots a second or two early isn't a bad thing, as your rotation focuses more on maintaining uptime on the three heavy hitters (FL, DF, Demolish). The difference between the two rotations would probably be even greater if I had less crit and more power, since my heavy hitters would be hitting even harder and I'd be squeezing more of them into the parse.




If i remember correctly i got this parse with around 3.5-4.7% alacrity (gear has since changed so cant remember which) around 120 crit, which for me was about 21%. as far as my rotation, i used the static rotation that does focus on getting more of your heavy hitters out and with good rng refreshing your dots early isn't that much of a penalty. Vierge's rotation seems to prioritize those more as well as maximize dot up time, hers a link to it http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=810934&page=5

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... It seems that refreshing the dots a second or two early isn't a bad thing ...



for your information :rak_01: the dots are ticking every 3 seconds, so if you're refreshing the dots 1-2 seconds before they run out, you will only loose 1 tick. The Rotation i use (this one) got also a nearly perfect uptime with the dots, but i don't loose this 1 tick.


my prio list in my rotation is,


Demolish (only with the 4 stack)

Death Field

Creeping Terror


Force Leech

Lightning Strike (only with the 4 stack & normaly only once between 2 demolish)

Force Lightning

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Interesting! Thanks for the link.


Just as an aside, I'm not one of those PVPers who looks down on PVE. They're both important to becoming a balanced SWTOR player. PVE on a sorc is a very different beast compared to PVP. Rotationally, in PVP I'm used to trying to maximize dot pressure on multiple targets and then lining up my burst on a single target with another DPS for kills. PVE is all about maximizing sustained output. on a single target. They're both two sides to the class, so I think it's important for any serious player to do both. Two very different mindsets and approaches!


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction everyone :)

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