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Theron, Lana -hundreds of fat children.


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Assuming that Theron Shan and Lana Beniko stop bickering and get together as a coupe, if they had children, what would be the likelihood of their offspring being force sensitive....?


Would it skip the generation (Theron) Or has he a recessive midiclorian count -or whatever it is- stopping him from passing the force to his children?


(And BTW this wasn't datamined- a bloke in a pub told me this was inevitable in the expansion.)


Idle speculation I know, but these two as a couple is a given, IMHO.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Assuming that Theron Shan and Lana Beniko stop bickering and get together as a coupe, if they had children, what would be the likelihood of their offspring being force sensitive....?


Would it skip the generation (Theron) Or has he a recessive midiclorian count -or whatever it is- stopping him from passing the force to his children?


(And BTW this wasn't datamined- a bloke in a pub told me this was inevitable in the expansion.)


Idle speculation I know, but these two as a couple is a given, IMHO.


Nah... They cant be a couple... Nah... Your lieing!!! No... She wouldnt betray me like that! No.... Noooooooo!!!!

(Hes lieing... He has to be... She isnt that type of girl... Yes... Hes lieing...)

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There is no way these two are going to be a couple in the game. They're going to be companions for us, well Lana is, Theron, I'm hoping for.


In fan fiction however, I'd be inclined to think Theron's children with a force user would be force sensitive, likely powerfully so, given his lineage, and that of whoever the mother is.

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I've played through SoR like... 10 times. Maybe more. And I've romanced both Theron AND Lana on multiple characters. While remaining faithful on a few others.


And I never really saw them having any interest in one another at all. Theron seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her after what happened on Rishi. And they're both actively paranoid of the opposite side.


But every one perceives things differently :p

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It is quite possible that any child of Theron's could be Force Sensitive, whether or not he has them with Lana. Look at Bastila and Revan's son, he was not force sensitive either yet several generations later Satele is Grand Master of the Jedi. Now I do not expect Theron and Lana to get together, but if they did the chances of them having a powerful force sensitive children are pretty good.
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I have a slightly... selfish... reason why I hope they hook up.


Y'see here, I'm a big fan of the Revan + Bastila Shan bloodline. And I'd like to personally see it keep going, even if Force Sensitivity isn't a factor any more (Theron managed without it extremely well). And considering that Theron has become the first faction-neutral gender-neutral romance option, the only fair and logical thing is to come to the conclusion that he never had children, since there's a chance he was gay. Homosexual couples cannot conceive children... so that means that Revan and Bastila's legacy ends with him.


On the other hand, if he hooks up with Lana, there's a chance.

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I have a slightly... selfish... reason why I hope they hook up.


Y'see here, I'm a big fan of the Revan + Bastila Shan bloodline. And I'd like to personally see it keep going, even if Force Sensitivity isn't a factor any more (Theron managed without it extremely well). And considering that Theron has become the first faction-neutral gender-neutral romance option, the only fair and logical thing is to come to the conclusion that he never had children, since there's a chance he was gay. Homosexual couples cannot conceive children... so that means that Revan and Bastila's legacy ends with him.


On the other hand, if he hooks up with Lana, there's a chance.


Satele could always have a sibling. Or a cousin. Or is it established that Theron's the last heir of Revan?


Anyway I don't see them hooking up. They're too different. Lana is super ruthless and we've seen what Theron thinks of that. After that whole torture incident I just can't ship them any longer.

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Satele could always have a sibling. Or a cousin. Or is it established that Theron's the last heir of Revan?


Anyway I don't see them hooking up. They're too different. Lana is super ruthless and we've seen what Theron thinks of that. After that whole torture incident I just can't ship them any longer.


I wouldn't say super ruthless. She knew Theron the SiS could handle it, it was more callous than ruthless. Though, she was more than ready to kill the spy in her organization, but that goes for both sides of the party line there. We also wouldn't know which side is really the one running the show, since like KotFE, SOR is pretty much a one person story with a class story thrown in.

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There is no way these two are going to be a couple in the game. They're going to be companions for us, well Lana is, Theron, I'm hoping for.


In fan fiction however, I'd be inclined to think Theron's children with a force user would be force sensitive, likely powerfully so, given his lineage, and that of whoever the mother is.




*cough*Liatrix*Cough*? :D




Go ship on Tumblr, fangirls.


That was rude. Don't be rude.

Edited by Diviciacus
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There is no way these two are going to be a couple in the game. They're going to be companions for us, well Lana is, Theron, I'm hoping for.





that doesn't garentee a stop on them becoming a couple though, I noticed ME3 has Garrus and Tali get together if neither is in a relationship with you

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I have a slightly... selfish... reason why I hope they hook up.


Y'see here, I'm a big fan of the Revan + Bastila Shan bloodline. And I'd like to personally see it keep going, even if Force Sensitivity isn't a factor any more (Theron managed without it extremely well). And considering that Theron has become the first faction-neutral gender-neutral romance option, the only fair and logical thing is to come to the conclusion that he never had children, since there's a chance he was gay. Homosexual couples cannot conceive children... so that means that Revan and Bastila's legacy ends with him.


On the other hand, if he hooks up with Lana, there's a chance.


I would think science could overcome that hurdle.

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that doesn't garentee a stop on them becoming a couple though, I noticed ME3 has Garrus and Tali get together if neither is in a relationship with you


And in TOR, Torian and Mako will hook up if you don't romance one.


I would think science could overcome that hurdle.


Indeed. We can virtually do it on Earth with current technology, and SW medical tech is literally decades if not more beyond our own.

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I would think science could overcome that hurdle.


Or a very basic thing called sex. Or a cup and a syringe (or slightly more advanced in-vitro fertilization). It's not like you have to make those babies with your partner, after all.

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Or a very basic thing called sex. Or a cup and a syringe (or slightly more advanced in-vitro fertilization). It's not like you have to make those babies with your partner, after all.


Well, don't forget, our player character is Theron's (potential) lover. So I guess its your call...


...But in the long run of lore (canon or otherwise), it's much more practical to say Theron and Lana hooked up.


And they don't hate each other. Its all just...tension. They don't want to admit they have feelings for one another.

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I pretty much figured they are destined for each other.


You don't hate each other that much, that quickly, without a lot of sexual tension or love interest at the core.


...they'd be a couple that you toast from across the street, though. I'd expect a lot of clouds with fists swinging to erupt around them. Heck, Jakarro would likely be the only one willing to split the two of them up when they are feuding. He's also probably their kids' nanny/caregiver.

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