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PSA: The August 18th patch broke things again. Reequip your weapons.


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On most (not all) of my ships, primary and secondary weapons were entirely deselected when I checked in today. I've seen others complaining of the same thing. Double check your loadout every time you log in, because this has a chance to happen each time you log in. It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/DjTxIk9.png


Go into a match like this and you won't have any weapons. Watch for other odd things too, because this isn't the first time they've broken things.


(Apparently Nemarus reported this first, and you can check his thread for more info: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=830390)


Edit: I created a bug report thread. Be sure to post there to let them know we care about this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8392419#post8392419


Edit 2: This can affect more than just weapons. I just logged back in on my main to see that Systems components had been cleared on most of my ships: Warcarrier, Rampart, Skybolt, Flashfire, Spearpoint, Clarion. The Sledgehammer and Novadive were not affected.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Yes. I posted it this morning, with pictures showing what happens in game. The post was the third from the top (ignoring stickies). Now it is fourth from the top :)


Protip: When making a, "Is anyone else?" post, check the posts that have been made that day ;)

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Yes. I posted it this morning, with pictures showing what happens in game. The post was the third from the top (ignoring stickies). Now it is fourth from the top :)


Protip: When making a, "Is anyone else?" post, check the posts that have been made that day ;)


I missed it. My mistake. I made a quick check looking for the words "patch" or "update" since, y'know, that's what caused it, and overlooked it.


But since I can't delete the thread now that I've made it, I've edited the title and the OP to make it more clear what's going on.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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It appears you have to do this each time you log on in on each toon. I re-equipped my components then logged out for supper tried playing to find out my fighter techs forgot to load the cluster missiles!!


I was so angry i flushed them out of the airlock. Do you hear that Bioware!? Your incompetence is costing innocent lives!!

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I haven't seen it happen more than once, but I'll pay attention. Thanks for the heads up.


I posted a bug report thread. The more posts there, the better: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8392419#post8392419


Edit: Confirmed that it has a chance to happen every time you log in. That's a problem.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/DjTxIk9.png

That's a nice hole you have in your wing! :D


But seriously... Good grief. Just checked with Graendahl, and it looks like it's a bit random. For the Sting, Ocula, Rycer, Quell, Jurgoran, Dustmaker, Decimus, Legion, and Razorwire, I was missing Primaries. The rest were fine.


So that's like 70% of all the ships busted when I logged in the first time. Only 2 were broken on Vorfelan (Condor/Spearpoint), and again just the Primaries. Deios was at like 40% busted...


Sigh. I guess that it's possible it got through spot checking, but man, I have to think they didn't really do a lot of testing for GSF at all. These seem like they would be more noticeable than even the 3-dot ninja breaks. :(

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Please post in the bug thread Sriia linked, and make some noise about this.


It's pretty insulting that this level of negligent idiocy keeps creeping into their game patches. Why don't they just have a dev make phonecalls to GSF players to personally tell them "Hey! You're dumb for giving us money!"



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Hey folks,


We are aware of the issue, and the team is actively investigating it. There is no update currently, but it is definitely on their radar.




Well atleast we know they are aware of it, here's hoping for a quick fix!

This was posted in the bug reports thread Sriia put up.


Yesterday had so many people posting in ops and gsf chat that they couldn't shoot. I had to make a paragraph to copy/paste to tell them what was happening.

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I have an additional issue with the GSF queue. The queue pops, I click Enter and......nothing, just back to PVE. This has happened enough times that it's not user error. At first t thought being simultaneously queued for PVP and GSF might be to blame, but I've failed to get in 5 times in a row now tonight.
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