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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wild Space Explorer Pack Preview


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So I'm taking it, all they're doing is releasing separate items from the new expansion to keep us entertained.

Last week was Zakuul knight armor set, this week is their drop ship mount, I honestly wouldn't expect the last explorer pack to be released until late September at the most.

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I'm thinking it probably won't happen today. They're releasing that new Zakuul dropship tomorrow, and I suspect the pack will come at the same time...


...which infuriates me because I've got credits just waiting to tear into a hypercrate! :p


The dropships on the CM now

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Yeh this is really disappointing. This pack has lots of awesome stuff in it and it's really a let down it didn't come out today :(


Well, you know how it works - they put cheaper, less interesting but still attractive stuff (zakuul armor / dropship) hoping for people to impulse buy it and then they put on the main course, the packs, which everyone is after.

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Assuming they are not trying to give all the spotlight for a week to the dropship (as ugly as it is), maybe Bioware discovered an issue with one or more items in the Wild Space pack and are holding it off til later?


Don't EVEN jinx it. I have been waiting 3 weeks for this release patiently

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Well, it's been said it'll be released "sometime in August". That leaves any time between now and next Monday. So, sooner or later, it'll be here.

I believe that expected release is just an assumption on Dulfy's part - usually a new Pack comes out each calendar month. That has never been 100%, and in this case I wouldn't be surprised if they push Wild Space to mid-September to space it out roughly half-way between the last pack (released in late July) and the launch of KotFE (late October), when they'll probably start a new Shipment.

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So, one to three years ago, people were complaining that they release such packs at all.


Now, people are complaining if they don't release the pack on time.


Quite impressive job from BW.

Or, you know, different people may have different opinions on whether they like the Packs?


Don't worry, there are still plenty of CM-haters around today, but on the flip-side even years ago the Packs had plenty of fans (as proven by the fact that they've been so profitable for BW).

Edited by DarthDymond
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Assuming they are not trying to give all the spotlight for a week to the dropship (as ugly as it is), maybe Bioware discovered an issue with one or more items in the Wild Space pack and are holding it off til later?


I doubt it's a spotlight thing - we've got Zakuul stuff coming out every week until the expansion from the looks of previews on dulfy.

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Good catch. I'd prefer it without as well...but honestly, I'm just thrilled there's no ascot on this one.



I hope that they do come out with the Real Havoc Squad Belt soon, I did see a belt just like it somewhere. And I think........... actually i'm pretty sure i have it somewhere on another set of armor.

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  • 4 months later...
Can someone please help me on how to find the wild space expansion pack. I cant find it to save my life.

Individual Packs only remain on the Cartel Market for a limited time, then are "embargoed" (aka taken off the market). After that they may be brought back occasionally, but only for a limited time - usually for around a week at a time.


You can also get items from older, embargoed Packs from the Grand [X] Packs (for Color Crystals, Dyes, Weapons, Toys, Titles, Pets, GSF Cosmetics, Emotes, and Companion Customizations) or the Bronze / Silver / Gold Packs (for Armors, Mounts, and Stronghold Decorations). Those also apparently come back sporadically for a limited time, but are currently available (but only for a few more hours - I believe they've said those will be cycled out again when the Market updates tomorrow).


Whether or not a Pack is currently available on the Cartel Market, you can always check the GTN auction house instead to see if other players are still selling them - some players will hoard up a supply of Packs that they acquired while they were available and sell them later once they've gone off the CM.

Edited by DarthDymond
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If only I would've grabbed a Hypercrate of these 'Wild Space Explorer' packs when they were still made available on the Cartel Market during those two weeks leading-up to 4.0. Not to mention, they were actually selling for a half-way decent price to boot (3800-4000 CC I believe?).


Now, if only Bioware would "re-release" these older packs into the wild yet again, many gamers (myself included) might feel the urge to open-up our wallets and take advantage. While these 'Alliance' packs (since the 4.0 overhaul) have been a gradual improvement, there's no doubt been a lacking and apathetic response from the community towards this recent shipment.


Anyhow, does anyone have a clue when the 'Gold / Silver / Bronze' packs will be disappearing again? I know they were coming back for a limited time only... a week... perhaps two? Whatever I suppose - I'd rather get my hands on those 'Wild Space' packs, or heck, any of the older packs / hypercrates. Needless to say, GTN prices are rather absurd most days.

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Anyhow, does anyone have a clue when the 'Gold / Silver / Bronze' packs will be disappearing again? I know they were coming back for a limited time only... a week... perhaps two? Whatever I suppose - I'd rather get my hands on those 'Wild Space' packs, or heck, any of the older packs / hypercrates. Needless to say, GTN prices are rather absurd most days.

About 12-15 hours left (can't remember off-hand what time the CM updates on Tuesdays).

[...]The BSG packs will remain on the Cartel Market for one week, before being embargoed on Tuesday, January 19th.[...]


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